
使用者:Yining Chen/IBM 7090

IBM 7090控制台

IBM 7090IBM 709英語IBM 709大型計算機的第二代電晶體計算機版本。設計目的是用於「大規模的科學與技術應用」。IBM 7090是IBM 700/7000 系列英語IBM 700/7000 series科學計算機的第四名成員。1959年12月,IBM 7090首次被安裝。[1] 在1960年,一套系統的售價通常為$2,900,000(相當於2023年的$19818701 ),租金為$63,500每月(相當於2020年的$434,000)。

IBM 7090使用36位英語36-bit系統,且帶有一個32,768的地址空間(15位地址)。它以2.18 μs的基本儲存器周期運行, 且使用了來自IBM 7030英語IBM 7030(Stretch)項目的IBM 7302英語IBM 7302磁芯記憶體技術.

IBM 7090的處理速度約為100 FLOPS[2]比IBM 709快6倍,且租金較IBM709低一半。[3]作為IBM 7090的升級版,IBM 7094較IBM 7090的運行速度快兩倍。在1969年7月14日,IBM 7090與IBM 7094都停止了銷售,但其作業系統在這之後的十年中依然可以使用。[4][5]

IBM 7090使用了50,000多個鍺合金電晶體英語alloy-junction transistor和(更快的)鍺擴散節[6] 擴散基極電晶體英語drift-field transistor[7]


IBM 7090 operator's console at the NASA 艾姆斯研究中心 in 1961, with two banks of IBM 729 magnetic tape drives. The card reader is in front of the man and woman at right.

The 7090 series features a data channel architecture for input and output, a forerunner of modern 直接記憶體存取 I/O. Up to eight data channels can be attached, with up to ten IBM 729英語IBM 729 tape drives attached to each channel. The data channels have their own very limited set of operations called commands. These are used with tape (and later, disk) storage as well as card units and printers, and offered high performance for the time. Printing and 打孔卡 I/O, however, employed the same modified unit record equipment英語unit record equipment introduced with the 704 and was slow. It became common to use a less expensive IBM 1401英語IBM 1401 computer to read cards onto 磁帶 for transfer to the 7090/94. Output would be written onto tape and transferred to the 1401 for printing or card punching using its much faster peripherals, notably the IBM 1403英語IBM 1403 line printer.

Later IBM introduced the 7094/7044 Direct Coupled System; the 7044 handled 假脫機 between its fast 1400-series peripherals and 1301 or 1302 disk files, and used data channel to data channel communication as the 7094's interface to spooled data, with the 7094 primarily performing computations. There is also a 7090/7040 DCS.



The 7090 and 7094 machines were quite successful for their time, and had a wide variety of software provided for them by IBM. In addition, there was a very active user community within the user organization, SHARE英語SHARE (computing).

IBSYS英語IBM 7090/94 IBSYS is a "heavy duty" production operating system with numerous subsystem and language support options, among them Fortran, COBOL, SORT/MERGE, the MAP assembler, and others.

FMS, the Fortran Monitor System英語Fortran Monitor System, was a more lightweight but still very effective system optimized for batch FORTRAN and assembler programming. The assembler provided, FAP, (FORTRAN Assembly Program英語IBM 700/7000 series), was somewhat less complete than MAP, but provided excellent capabilities for the era. FMS also incorporated a considerably enhanced derivative of the FORTRAN compiler originally written for the 704 by Backus and his team.

Notable applications

Dual 7090s at NASA during 水星計劃.


  • A 7090/1401 installation is featured in the motion picture 奇愛博士, with the 1403 printer英語IBM 1403 playing a pivotal role in the plot
  • An IBM 7090 is featured in the 2016 American biographical film 隱藏人物.
  • IBM 7094 specs are visible scrolling on a screen in the 1997 film 黑洞表面.




  1. ^ 7090 Data Processing System,IBM 表明「the first 7090 was installed in December, 1959」。
  2. ^ Bailey, David. Performance of future high-end computers. ResearchGate: 4. n.d. [April 16, 2022]. 
  3. ^ Pugh, Emerson W.; Johnson, Lyle R.; Palmer, John H. IBM's 360 and early 370 systems需要免費註冊. MIT Press. 1991: 36. ISBN 0-262-16123-0. 
  4. ^ 7090 Data Processing System. IBM. n.d. [April 16, 2022]. 
  5. ^ 7094 Data Processing System. IBM. n.d. [April 16, 2022]. 
  6. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為diffused的參考文獻提供內容
  7. ^ 7090 Data Processing System
  8. ^ Singh, Jai P.; Morgan, Robert P. Educational Computer Utilization and Computer Communications (PDF) (報告). St. Louis, MO: Washington University: 13. October 1971 [March 8, 2022]. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Grant No. Y/NGL-26-008-054. Much of the early development in the time-sharing field took place on university campuses.8 Notable examples are the CTSS (Compatible Time-Sharing System) at MIT, which was the first general purpose time-sharing system... 
  9. ^ IBM 7094 Hardware Modifications for CTSS (RPQs). 麻省理工學院. n.d. [March 29, 2022]. 
  10. ^ The IBM 7094 and CTSS Also contains links to many original CTSS documents
  11. ^ Crisman, P.A. (編). The Compatible Time-Sharing System, A Programmer's Guide (PDF). The M.I.T Computation Center. December 31, 1969 [March 10, 2022]. 
  12. ^ Omaggio All. 
  13. ^ Riley, Christopher; Campbell, Dallas. The maths that made Voyager possible. 英國廣播公司新聞. 23 October 2012. 
  14. ^ Morton, Peter. Fire Across the Desert: Woomera and the Anglo-Australian Joint Project 1946-1980. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service. 1989. ISBN 0644475005. 
  15. ^ Morton, Peter. Fire across the Desert : Woomera and the Anglo-Australian Joint Project 1946-1980 (PDF Digitised 2017). Canberra: AGPS Press. 1989. ISBN 0-6481804-0-9. 
  16. ^ Shanks, D.; Wrench Jr., J. W. Calculation of π to 100,000 decimals. Mathematics of Computation (American Mathematical Society). 1962, 16 (77): 76–99. JSTOR 2003813. doi:10.2307/2003813. .
  17. ^ Mercer, R. J. Trace. Aerospace Orbit Determination Program. Defense Technical Information Center. 1964. 
  18. ^ Mathews, T. Jay. Operation Match. The Harvard Crimson. November 3, 1965 [July 22, 2020]. 
  19. ^ Roger N. Shepard. Circularity in Judgements of Relative Pitch (PDF). Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. December 1964, 36 (12): 2346–53. Bibcode:1964ASAJ...36.2346S. doi:10.1121/1.1919362. 




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