編程範型 | 多范型:函數式,指令式 |
設計者 | 羅賓·米爾納及愛丁堡大學其他人 |
釋出時間 | 1973年 |
型態系統 | 類型推論,靜態類型,強類型 |
衍生副語言 | |
Standard ML, OCaml | |
啟發語言 | |
ISWIM[1],PAL[2],POP-2[1],GEDANKEN[1] | |
影響語言 | |
Clojure、Coq、Cyclone、C++、Elm[3]、Futhark[4]、F#、F*、Haskell、Idris、Lazy ML[5]、Miranda、Nemerle[6]、OCaml、Opa、Rust、Scala、Standard ML、Ur[7] | |
ML(Meta Language:元語言),是一個函數式、指令式的通用的程式語言,它著稱於使用了多態的Hindley–Milner類型推論[8]。ML能自動的指定多數表達式的類型,不要求顯式的類型標註,而且能夠確保類型安全,已經正式證明了有良好類型的ML程序不會導致運行時間類型錯誤[8]。
[編輯]在1970年代早期,ML由愛丁堡大學的羅賓·米爾納及他人研製出來[1],用於在LCF定理證明器中開發證明策略[9]。LCF的語言是「PPλ」,它是一階邏輯演算與有類型的多態λ演算的結合,以ML作為元語言。ML的語法從ISWIM及其擴展實現PAL得到了啟發[2],LCF ML運行在DEC-10/TOPS-10主機的Stanford LISP 1.6下[10]。
在1980年,Luca Cardelli於愛丁堡大學的VAX/VMS系統上開發了ML編譯器,它被稱為「VAX ML」[11],以區別於LCF版本的「DEC-10 ML」[12]。VAX ML的編譯器和運行時間系統二者,都是用Pascal書寫而建立在「函數抽象機器」(FAM)之上[13]。在1982年,愛丁堡大學的Kevin Mitchell,用VAX ML重寫了VAX ML編譯器,隨即John Scott和Alan Mycroft加入了開發,在又進行一系列重寫改進之後,新的編譯器被稱為「Edinburgh ML」[14]。
在1981年,INRIA的Gérard Huet,將最初的LCF ML適配到Multics系統的Maclisp下,並且增加了編譯器[15]。這個實現被描述於INRIA內部文檔「ML手冊」之中[16],它被開發者自稱為「Le_ML」[17]。劍橋大學的Lawrence Paulson在1985年用它開發了基於Franz Lisp的Cambridge LCF[18],進而劍橋大學的Michael J. C. Gordon又用它開發了基於Common Lisp的HOL88[19]。[a]
在1983年,Robin Milner由兩個動機驅使開始重新設計ML[20]。其一是愛丁堡大學的Rod Burstall及其小組在規定上的工作,具體化為規定語言CLEAR[21],和表達可執行規定的函數式語言HOPE[22]。這項工作與ML有關的是兩方面成果:首先,HOPE擁有優雅的編程特徵,特別是模式匹配[23],和子句式函數定義[24];其次,是使用在接口中的簽名,進行規定的模塊化構造的想法。其二是Luca Cardelli在VAX ML上的工作,通過增加命名記錄和可變類型,擴展了ML中數據類型的品目[25]。
在1984年,貝爾實驗室的David MacQueen提出了對Standard ML的模塊系統的設計[26]。在Standard ML的持續設計期間[27],Edinburgh ML被漸進的修改,充當了Standard ML的近似原型實現[28]。在1986年,普林斯頓大學的Andrew Appel和貝爾實驗室的David MacQueen,以Edinburgh Standard ML作為起步開發環境[29],開始了專注於生成高質量機器代碼的Standard ML of New Jersey的活躍開發[30]。
在1990年,Robin Milner、Mads Tofte和Robert Harper制定的Standard ML的正式規定《The Definition of Standard ML》最終完成[31];在1997年,這個標準規定增補了David MacQueen為作者並進行了修訂[32]。在1989年,Mads Tofte、Nick Rothwell和David N. Turner於愛丁堡大學開始開發ML Kit編譯器,為了強調清晰性而非高效,將標準定義直接轉譯成一組Standard ML模塊;在1992年和1993年期間,主要通過愛丁堡大學的Nick Rothwell和哥本哈根大學計算機科學系(DIKU)的Lars Birkedal的工作[33],ML Kit第一版完成並開源發行[34]。
在1987年,INRIA的Ascánder Suárez,基於巴黎第七大學的Guy Cousineau的「範疇抽象機器」(CAM)[35],利用Le Lisp的運行時間系統重新實現了Le_ML,並正式命名為Caml[15]。在1990年和1991年,INRIA的Xavier Leroy基於用C實現的字節碼解釋器[36],利用Damien Doligez提供的內存管理系統重新實現了Caml,並稱其為Caml Light[37]。在1995年,Xavier Leroy又增加了機器代碼編譯器和高層模塊系統[38],這個版本也稱為「Caml Special Light」。在1996年,INRIA的Didier Rémy和Jérôme Vouillon,向Caml Special Light增加了面向對象特徵[39],從而形成了OCaml[40]。
今天ML家族的兩個主要的方言是Standard ML和OCaml。ML的實力大多被用於語言設計和操作,比如建構編譯器、分析器、定理證明器,但是它作為通用語言也被用於生物信息和財務系統等領域。ML確立了靜態類型函數式編程范型,從而在程式語言歷史上佔有顯要地位,它的思想在影響了眾多的語言,例如Haskell、Nemerle[6]、ATS和Elm[3]。
$ sml
Standard ML of New Jersey v110.79 [built: Mon Apr 22 10:14:55 2024]
後鍵入代碼。例如計算1 + 2 * 3
- 1 + 2 * 3;
val it = 7 : int
- it;
val it = 7 : int
下面是輸出hello, world!的例子代碼,在SML/NJ解釋器下執行它:
- print "Hello, world!\n";
Hello, world!
val it = () : unit
- val _ = print "Hello, world!\n";
Hello, world!
$ echo 'print "Hello, world!\n";' > hello-world.sml
$ mlton hello-world.sml
$ ./hello-world
Hello, world!
$ echo 'print "Hello, world!\n";' > hello-world.sml
$ lunarml compile --nodejs hello-world.sml
$ nodejs hello-world.mjs
Hello, world!
值並且只為其副作用而求值。以下章節介紹採用Standard ML的語法和語義。
fun fac 0 = 1
| fac n = n * fac (n - 1)
,而fac 0
接受一個整數的形式參數並返回一個整數結果,它作為一個整體從而有着「從整數到整數的函數」類型int -> int
。函數及其形式參數的"類型"還可以用類型標註(annotation)來描述,使用E : t
fun fac 0 = 1
| fac (n : int) : int = n * fac (n - 1)
fun fac n = case n
of 0 => 1
| n => n * fac (n - 1)
val rec fac =
fn 0 => 1
| n => n * fac (n - 1)
fun fac n = let
fun loop (0, acc) = acc
| loop (n, acc) = loop (n - 1, n * acc)
loop (n, 1)
fun fac n = let
fun loop (0, acc) = acc
| loop (n, acc) = loop (n - 1, n * acc)
if (n < 0)
then raise Fail "negative argument"
else loop (n, 1)
[編輯]有一些基本類型可以當作是「內建」的,因為它們是在Standard ML標準基本庫中預先定義的,並且語言為它們提供文字表示法,比如34
。Standard ML不隱含的提升整數為浮點數,因此表達式2 + 5.67
字符串,比如"this is a string"
包括上述基本類型的各種類型可以用多種方式組合。一種方式是元組,它是值的有序集合,比如表達式(1, 2)
的類型是int * int
,而("foo", false)
的類型是string * bool
。可以使用#1 ("foo", false)
。元組可以嵌套,(1, 2, 3)
不同於((1, 2), 3)
和(1, (2, 3))
二者。前者的類型是int * int * int
,其他兩個的類型分別是(int * int) * int
和int * (int * int)
組合值的另一種方式是記錄。記錄很像元組,除了它的成員是有名字的而非有次序的,例如{a = 5.0, b = "five"}
有類型{a : real, b : string}
,這同於類型{b : string, a : real}
。可以使用#a {a = 5.0, b = "five"}
Standard ML中的函數隻接受一個值作為參數,而不是參數的一個列表,可以使用上述元組模式匹配來實際上傳遞多個參數。函數還可以返回一個元組。例如:
fun sum (a, b) = a + b
fun average pair = sum pair div 2
infix averaged_with
fun a averaged_with b = average (a, b)
val c = 3 averaged_with 7
fun int_pair (n : int) = (n, n)
這裏第一段創建了兩個類型是int * int -> int
,接着定義它為類型int * int -> int
函數的類型是int -> int * int
fun pair x = (x, x)
的特殊化了的類型,它可以是int -> int * int
、real -> real * real
甚至是(int * real -> string) -> (int * real -> string) * (int * real -> string)
。在Standard ML中,它可以簡單指定為多態類型'a -> 'a * 'a
(讀作「alpha」)是一個類型變量,指示任何可能的類型。在上述定義下,pair 3
和pair "x"
都是有良好定義的,分別產生(3, 3)
和("x", "x")
infix 7 * / div mod
infix 6 + - ^
infixr 5 :: @
infix 4 = <> > >= < <=
infix 3 := o
infix 0 before
它確定兩個值是否相等,有着類型''a * ''a -> bool
例如:3 = 3
、"3" = "3"
、#"3" = #"3"
和true = true
;而3 = 4
,3.0 = 3.0
元組和記錄類型是等式類型,當時且僅當它的每個成員類型是等式類型;例如int * string
、{b : bool, c : char}
是等式類型,而int * real
和{x : real}
type loc = real * real
fun heron (a: loc, b: loc, c: loc) = let
fun dist ((x0, y0), (x1, y1)) = let
val dx = x1 - x0
val dy = y1 - y0
Math.sqrt (dx * dx + dy * dy)
val ab = dist (a, b)
val bc = dist (b, c)
val ac = dist (a, c)
val s = (ab + bc + ac) / 2.0
Math.sqrt (s * (s - ab) * (s - bc) * (s - ac))
[編輯]Standard ML提供了對代數數據類型(ADT)的強力支持。一個ML數據類型可以被當作是元組的不交並(積之和)。數據類型使用datatype
datatype int_or_string
= INT of int
| STRING of string
val i = INT 3
val s = STRING "qq"
val n = NEITHER
val INT j = i
。val 模式 = 表达式
datatype 'a pair
= PAIR of 'a * 'a
這個數據類型聲明建立一個新的類型'a pair
家族,比如int pair
,string pair
datatype int_list
| INT_LIST of int * int_list
datatype 'a list
= nil
| :: of 'a * 'a list
是中綴算符,例如3 :: 4 :: 5 :: nil
是三個整數的列表。列表是ML程序中最常用的數據類型之一,語言還為生成列表提供了特殊表示法[3, 4, 5]
real list
當然不是等式類型。但是沒有int list
不能是等式類型的理由,所以它就是等式類型。注意類型變量不同就是不同的列表類型,比如(nil : int list) = (nil : char list)
是無效的,因為兩個表達式有不同的類型,即使它們有相同的值。但是nil = nil
和(nil : int list) = nil
函數「反轉」一個列表中的元素。它的類型是'a list -> 'a list
,就是說它可以接受其元素有任何類型的列表,並返回相同類型的列表。更準確的說,它返回其元素相較於給定列表是反轉次序的一個新列表,比如將[ "a", "b", "c" ]
映射成[ "c", "b", "a" ]
fun revAppend ([], l) = l
| revAppend (x :: r, l) = revAppend(r, x :: l)
fun rev l = revAppend(l, [])
fun l1 @ l2 = revAppend(rev l1, l2)
[編輯]Standard ML的數據類型可以輕易的定義和用於編程,在很大程度上是由它的模式匹配,還有多數Standard ML實現的模式窮盡性檢查和模式冗餘檢查。
val ((m: int, n: int), (r: real, s: real)) = ((2, 3), (2.0, 3.0))
type hyperlink = {protocol: string, address: string, title: string}
val url : hyperlink =
{title="The Standard ML Basis Library", protocol="https",
val {protocol=port, address=addr, title=name} = url
val x as (fst, snd) = (2, true)
datatype shape
= Circle of loc * real (* 中心和弧度 *)
| Square of loc * real (* 左上角和边长,坐标轴对齐 *)
| Triangle of loc * loc * loc (* 角点 *)
fun area (Circle (_, r)) = 3.14 * r * r
| area (Square (_, s)) = s * s
| area (Triangle (a, b, c)) = heron (a, b, c)
fun area shape = case shape
of Circle (_, r) => 3.14 * r * r
| Square (_, s) => s * s
| Triangle (a, b, c) => heron (a, b, c)
模式窮盡性檢查將確保數據類型的每個情況都已經顧及到。[b] 如果有遺漏,則產生警告。[c] 如果模式存在冗餘,也會導致一個編譯時間警告。[d]
fun applyToBoth f x y = (f x, f y)
fun constantFn k = (fn anything => k)
fun compose (f, g) = (fn x => f (g x))
,是在Standard ML中最常用的Curry化高階函數,它在概念上可定義為:
fun map' _ [] = []
| map' f (x :: xs) = f x :: map f xs
在基本庫中將函數複合定義為多態中綴算符(f o g)
exception Undefined;
fun max [x] = x
| max (x :: xs) = let
val m = max xs
if x > m then x else m
| max [] =
raise Undefined
fun main xs = let
val msg = (Int.toString (max xs))
handle Undefined => "empty list...there is no max!"
print (msg ^ "\n")
exception Zero;
fun listProd ns = let
fun p [] = 1
| p (0 :: _) = raise Zero
| p (h :: t) = h * p t
(p ns)
handle Zero => 0
datatype 'a ref = ref of 'a
fun factImperative n = let
val i = ref n and acc = ref 1
while !i > 0 do
(acc := !acc * !i;
i := !i - 1);
可變類型'a ref
構造子調用生成的同一個指針。因此(ref 1) = (ref 1)
和(ref 1.0) = (ref 1.0)
signature ARITH =
eqtype t
val zero : t
val one : t
val fromInt: int -> t
val fromIntPair : int * int -> t
val fromReal : real -> t
val succ : t -> t
val pred : t -> t
val ~ : t -> t
val + : t * t -> t
val - : t * t -> t
val * : t * t -> t
val / : t * t -> t
val == : t * t -> bool
val <> : t * t -> bool
val > : t * t -> bool
val >= : t * t -> bool
val < : t * t -> bool
val <= : t * t -> bool
structure Rational : ARITH =
datatype t = Rat of int * int
val zero = Rat (0, 1)
val one = Rat (1, 1)
fun fromInt n = Rat (n, 1)
fun ineg (a, b) = (~a, b)
fun fromIntPair (num, den) = let
fun reduced_fraction (numerator, denominator) = let
fun gcd (n, 0) = n
| gcd (n, d) = gcd (d, n mod d)
val d = gcd (numerator, denominator)
if d > 1 then (numerator div d, denominator div d)
else (numerator, denominator)
if num < 0 andalso den < 0
then Rat (reduced_fraction (~num, ~den))
else if num < 0
then Rat (ineg (reduced_fraction (~num, den)))
else if den < 0
then Rat (ineg (reduced_fraction (num, ~den)))
else Rat (reduced_fraction (num, den))
val SOME maxInt = Int.maxInt
val minPos = 1.0 / (real maxInt)
fun fromReal r = let
fun convergent (i, f, h_1, k_1, h_2, k_2) =
if i <> 0 andalso ((h_1 > (maxInt - h_2) div i)
orelse (k_1 > (maxInt - k_2) div i))
then (h_1, k_1)
else if f < minPos
then (i * h_1 + h_2, i * k_1 + k_2)
else convergent (trunc (1.0 / f), Real.realMod (1.0 / f),
i * h_1 + h_2, i * k_1 + k_2, h_1, k_1)
if r < 0.0
then Rat (ineg (convergent (trunc (~ r),
Real.realMod (~ r), 1, 0, 0, 1)))
else Rat (convergent (trunc r, Real.realMod r, 1, 0, 0, 1))
fun succ (Rat (a, b)) = fromIntPair (a + b, b)
fun pred (Rat (a, b)) = fromIntPair (a - b, b)
fun add (Rat (a, b), Rat (c, d)) =
if b = d then fromIntPair(a + c, b)
else fromIntPair (a * d + c * b, b * d)
fun sub (Rat (a, b), Rat (c, d)) =
if b = d then fromIntPair(a - c, b)
else fromIntPair (a * d - c * b, b * d)
fun mul (Rat (a, b), Rat (c, d)) = fromIntPair (a * c, b * d)
fun div_ (Rat (a, b), Rat (c, d)) = fromIntPair (a * d, b * c)
fun gt (Rat (a, b), Rat (c, d)) =
if b = d then (a > c) else (a * d) > (b * c)
fun lt (Rat (a, b), Rat (c, d)) =
if b = d then (a < c) else (a * d) < (b * c)
fun neg (Rat (a, b)) = Rat (~a, b)
fun eq (Rat (a, b), Rat (c, d)) = ((b = d) andalso (a = c))
fun ~ a = neg a
fun a + b = add (a, b)
fun a - b = sub (a, b)
fun a * b = mul (a, b)
fun a / b = div_ (a, b)
fun op == (a, b) = eq (a, b)
fun a <> b = not (eq (a, b))
fun a > b = gt (a, b)
fun a >= b = (gt (a, b) orelse eq (a, b))
fun a < b = lt (a, b)
fun a <= b = (lt (a, b) orelse eq (a, b))
- use "./arith.sig";
[opening ./arith.sig]
signature ARITH =
eqtype t
val zero : t
val one : t
val fromInt : int -> t
val fromIntPair : int * int -> t
val fromReal : real -> t
val succ : t -> t
val pred : t -> t
val ~ : t -> t
val + : t * t -> t
val - : t * t -> t
val * : t * t -> t
val / : t * t -> t
val == : t * t -> bool
val <> : t * t -> bool
val > : t * t -> bool
val >= : t * t -> bool
val < : t * t -> bool
val <= : t * t -> bool
val it = () : unit
- use "./rational.sml";
[opening ./rational.sml]
[library $SMLNJ-BASIS/ is stable]
[library $SMLNJ-BASIS/( is stable]
[autoloading done]
structure Rational : ARITH
val it = () : unit
- infix ==;
infix ==
- local open Rational
= in
= val c = let
= val a = fromIntPair(2, 3)
= val b = fromIntPair(4, 6)
= in
= a + b
= end
= end;
val c = Rat (4,3) : Rational.t
- structure R = Rational;
structure R : ARITH
- R.fromReal(3.245);
val it = Rat (649,200) : Rational.t
Standard ML只允許通過簽名函數同實現進行交互,例如不可以直接通過這個代碼中的Rat
,它叫做不透明歸屬,此結構的數據內容對外完全不可見。比如上面用例有結果:val c = Rat (4,3) : Rational.t
,如果改為不透明歸屬則有結果:val c = - : Rational.t
signature MOVINGLIST =
type t
structure Arith : sig
type t end
val size : t -> int
val average : t -> Arith.t
val fromList : Arith.t list -> t
val move : t * Arith.t -> t
val expand : t * Arith.t -> t
val shrink : t -> t
val trunc : t -> t
functor MovingList (S: ARITH) : MOVINGLIST =
type t = S.t list * int * S.t
structure Arith = S
fun size (ml : t) = #2 ml
fun average (ml : t) = #3 ml
fun fromList (l : S.t list) = let
val n = length l
val sum = foldl S.+ l
local open S in
val m = sum / (fromInt n) end
if (null l) then raise Empty
else (l, n, m)
fun move ((l, n, m) : t, new : S.t) = let
val old = List.nth (l, n - 1)
local open S in
val m' = m + (new - old) / (fromInt n) end
(new :: l, n, m')
fun expand ((l, n, m) : t, new : S.t) = let
val n' = n + 1;
local open S in
val m' = m + (new - m) / (fromInt n') end
(new :: l, n', m')
fun shrink ((l, n, m) : t) = let
val old = List.nth (l, n - 1)
val n' = if (n > 2) then n - 1 else 1
local open S in
val m' = m + (m - old) / (fromInt n') end
(l, n', m')
fun trunc ((l, n, m) : t) =
(List.take (l, n), n, m)
- use "./movinglist.sig";
[opening movinglist.sig]
signature MOVINGLIST =
type t
structure Arith : sig type t end
val size : t -> int
val average : t -> Arith.t
val fromList : Arith.t list -> t
val move : t * Arith.t -> t
val expand : t * Arith.t -> t
val shrink : t -> t
val trunc : t -> t
val it = () : unit
- use "./movinglist.sml";
[opening movinglist.sml]
[autoloading done]
functor MovingList(S: sig
eqtype t
val zero : t
val one : t
val fromInt : int -> t
val fromIntPair : int * int -> t
val fromReal : real -> t
val succ : t -> t
val pred : t -> t
val ~ : t -> t
val + : t * t -> t
val - : t * t -> t
val * : t * t -> t
val / : t * t -> t
val == : t * t -> bool
val <> : t * t -> bool
val > : t * t -> bool
val >= : t * t -> bool
val < : t * t -> bool
val <= : t * t -> bool
end) :
type t
structure Arith : <sig>
val size : t -> int
val average : t -> Arith.t
val fromList : Arith.t list -> t
val move : t * Arith.t -> t
val expand : t * Arith.t -> t
val shrink : t -> t
val trunc : t -> t
val it = () : unit
- structure R = Rational;
structure R : ARITH
- structure MLR = MovingList (Rational);
structure MLR : MOVINGLIST
- val d = MLR.fromList [R.fromIntPair (4, 5), R.fromIntPair (2, 3)];
val d = ([Rat (4,5),Rat (2,3)],2,Rat (11,15)) : MLR.t
- val d = MLR.expand (d, R.fromIntPair (5, 6));
val d = ([Rat (5,6),Rat (4,5),Rat (2,3)],3,Rat (23,30)) : MLR.t
- val d = MLR.move (d, R.fromIntPair (7, 8));
val d = ([Rat (7,8),Rat (5,6),Rat (4,5),Rat (2,3)],3,Rat (301,360)) : MLR.t
- val d = MLR.shrink d;
val d = ([Rat (7,8),Rat (5,6),Rat (4,5),Rat (2,3)],2,Rat (41,48)) : MLR.t
- val d = MLR.trunc d;
val d = ([Rat (7,8),Rat (5,6)],2,Rat (41,48)) : MLR.t
結構採用了透明歸屬,有結果如:val d = ([Rat (4,5),Rat (2,3)],2,Rat (11,15)) : MLR.t
。如果它改為不透明歸屬,則對應結果為:val d = ([-,-],2,-) : MLR.t
[編輯]下列例子使用了Standard ML的語法和語義。
[編輯]fun prime n = let
fun isPrime (l, i) = let
fun existsDivisor [] = false
| existsDivisor (x :: xs) =
if (i mod x) = 0 then true
else if (x * x) > i then false
else existsDivisor xs
not (existsDivisor l)
fun iterate (acc, i) =
if i > n then acc
else if isPrime (acc, i)
then iterate (acc @ [i], i + 2)
else iterate (acc, i + 2)
if n < 2 then []
else iterate ([2], 3)
fun prime n = let
fun dropComposite (acc, [], _, _) = rev acc
| dropComposite (acc, l as x :: xs, j, i) =
if j > n then List.revAppend (acc, l)
else if x < j
then dropComposite (x :: acc, xs, j, i)
else if x > j
then dropComposite (acc, l, j + i, i)
else dropComposite (acc, xs, j + i, i)
fun init i = let
fun loop (l, i) =
if i <= 2 then l
else loop (i :: l, i - 2)
loop ([], i - (i + 1) mod 2)
fun iterate (acc, []) = rev acc
| iterate (acc, l as x :: xs) =
if x * x > n
then 2 :: List.revAppend (acc, l)
else iterate (x :: acc,
dropComposite ([], xs, x * x, x * 2))
if n < 2 then []
else iterate ([], init n)
這裏基於列表的篩法實現符合埃拉托斯特尼的原初算法[42]。篩法還有基於數組的直觀實現。[h] 下面是其解釋器下命令行運行實例:
- fun printIntList (l: int list) =
= print ((String.concatWith " " (map Int.toString l)) ^ "\n");
val printIntList = fn : int list -> unit
- val _ = printIntList (prime 100);
2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97
- 漢明數的序列開始於數
。 - 要加入序列中的數有下述形式:
2h, 3h, 5h
是序列已有的任意的漢明數。 - 因此,可以生成最初只有一個
,並接着歸併序列2H, 3H, 5H
fun Hamming_number n = let
fun merge (p, q) = let
fun revMerge (acc, p, q) =
if not (null p) andalso not (null q) then
if hd p < hd q
then revMerge ((hd p) :: acc, tl p, q)
else if hd p > hd q
then revMerge ((hd q) :: acc, p, tl q)
else revMerge ((hd p) :: acc, tl p, tl q)
else if null p
then List.revAppend (q, acc)
else List.revAppend (p, acc)
if (null p) then q
else if (null q) then p
else rev (revMerge ([], p, q))
fun mul m x =
if x <= (n div m) then SOME (x * m) else NONE
fun mapPrefix pred l = let
fun mapp ([], acc) = rev acc
| mapp (x :: xs, acc) =
(case (pred x)
of SOME a => mapp (xs, a :: acc)
| NONE => rev acc)
mapp (l, [])
fun mergeWith f (m, i) = merge (f m, i)
fun generate l = let
fun listMul m = mapPrefix (mul m) l
foldl (mergeWith listMul) [] [2, 3, 5]
fun iterate (acc, l) =
if (hd l) > (n div 2) then merge (l, acc)
else iterate (merge (l, acc), generate l)
if n > 0 then iterate ([], [1]) else []
- fun printIntList (l: int list) =
= print ((String.concatWith " " (map Int.toString l)) ^ "\n");
val printIntList = fn : int list -> unit
- val _ = printIntList (Hamming_number 400);
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 15 16 18 20 24 25 27 30 32 36 40 45 48 50 54 60 64 72 75 80 81 90 96 100 108 120 125 128 135 144 150 160 162 180 192 200 216 225 240 243 250 256 270 288 300 320 324 360 375 384 400
fun foldr' f b l = let
fun f2 ([], k) = k b
| f2 (a :: r, k) =
f2 (r, fn x => k (f (a, x)))
f2 (l, fn x => x)
fun map' f l =
foldr' (fn (x, y) => (f x) :: y) [] l
fun sum l =
foldr' (fn (x, y) => (x + y)) 0 l
對於輸入[e1, e2, ..., en]
函數等價於函數複合(fn x => x) o (fn x => e1 + x) o (fn x => e2 + x) o ... o (fn x => en + x)
上得到(e1 + (e2 + (... + (en + 0)...)))
,它被實現為fun l1 @ l2 = revAppend(rev l1, l2)
[編輯]尾遞歸 | 普通遞歸 |
fun insertSort l = let
fun insert pred (ins, l) = let
fun loop (acc, []) =
List.revAppend (acc, [ins])
| loop (acc, l as x :: xs) =
if pred (ins, x)
then List.revAppend (acc, ins :: l)
else loop (x :: acc, xs)
in loop ([], l) end
val rec ge = fn (x, y) => (x >= y)
rev (foldl (insert ge) [] l)
fun insertSort l = let
fun insert pred (ins, []) =
| insert pred (ins, l as x :: xs) =
if pred (ins, x)
then ins :: l
else x :: (insert pred (ins, xs))
val rec ge = fn (x, y) => (x >= y)
rev (foldl (insert ge) [] l)
x 保存在形式參數acc 對應的分配堆中 |
x 保存在調用棧棧幀中
函數可以相應的保持要插入列表為正序,由於fun foldr f b l = foldl f b (rev l)
[編輯]希爾排序算法是對插入排序的改進,保持了自適應性,放棄了穩定性。[m] 下面是希爾排序的實現:
fun shellSort l = let
fun insert pred (ins, l) = let
fun loop (acc, []) =
List.revAppend (acc, [ins])
| loop (acc, l as x :: xs) =
if pred (ins, x)
then List.revAppend (acc, ins :: l)
else loop (x :: acc, xs)
loop ([], l)
val rec lt = fn (x, y) => (x < y)
fun insertSort [] = []
| insertSort [x] = [x]
| insertSort [x, y] =
if (y < x) then [y, x] else [x, y]
| insertSort (x :: y :: z :: xs) = let
val (x, y, z) =
if (y < x) then
if z < y then (z, y, x)
else if z < x then (y, z, x)
else (y, x, z)
if z < x then (z, x, y)
else if z < y then (x, z, y)
else (x, y, z)
foldl (insert lt) [x, y, z] xs
fun group (lol, n) = let
fun dup n = let
fun loop (acc, i) =
if i <= 0 then acc
else loop ([] :: acc, i - 1)
loop ([], n)
fun loop ([], [], accj, lol') =
List.revAppend (accj, lol')
| loop (acci, [], accj, []) =
loop ([], rev acci, [], rev accj)
| loop (acci, [], accj, lol') =
loop ([], rev acci, accj, lol')
| loop (acci, lol, accj, []) =
loop (acci, lol, [], rev accj)
| loop (acci, [] :: ls, accj, lol') =
loop (acci, ls, accj, lol')
| loop (acci, (x :: xs) :: ls, accj, l' :: ls') =
loop (xs :: acci, ls, (x :: l') :: accj, ls')
loop ([], lol, [], dup n)
val (lol, len) = foldl
(fn (x, (l, n)) => ([x] :: l, n + 1)) ([], 0) (rev l)
val incs = [1, 4, 9, 20, 46, 103, 233, 525, 1182, 2660,
5985, 13467, 30301, 68178, 153401, 345152,
776591, 1747331, 3931496, 8845866, 19903198,
44782196, 100759940, 226709866, 510097200]
val gap = let
val v = len * 3 div 4
val thold = if (v = 0) then 1 else v
fun loop (acc, h) =
if (hd h) > thold then acc
else loop ((hd h) :: acc, tl h)
loop ([], incs)
fun sort (h, lol) = map insertSort (group (lol, h))
hd (foldl sort lol gap)
這裏採用的間隔序列是OEIS A108870,即,它是徳田尚之在1992年提出的[48]。這個序列用遞推公式表示為:hk = ⌈h'k⌉
,這裏的h'k = 2.25·h'k-1 + 1
而h'1 = 1
位於序列兩個元素之間,即hk-1 < hk ≤ s < hk+1
,如果hk ≤ ·s
,這裏的n ≤ m
≤ < ·
範圍之內。間隔序列還可以採用OEIS A102549,它是Marcin Ciura在2001年通過實驗得到的[49]。[n]
fun quickSort [] = []
| quickSort [x] = [x]
| quickSort [x, y] =
if x <= y then [x, y] else [y, x]
| quickSort [x, y, z] = let
val (x, y) = if x <= y then (x, y) else (y, x)
val (y, z) = if y <= z then (y, z) else (z, y)
val (x, y) = if x <= y then (x, y) else (y, x)
[x, y, z]
| quickSort (pivot :: xs) = let
fun partition pred l = let
fun loop ([], p, q) = (p, q)
| loop (h :: t, p, q) =
if (pred h)
then loop (t, h :: p, q)
else loop (t, p, h :: q)
loop (l, [], [])
val (le, gt) = partition (fn x => (x <= pivot)) xs
(quickSort le) @ (pivot :: (quickSort gt))
fun quickSort l = let
fun partition pred l = let
fun loop ([], p, q) = (p, q)
| loop (h :: t, p, q) =
if (pred h)
then loop (t, h :: p, q)
else loop (t, p, h :: q)
loop (l, [], [])
fun iterate (acc, []) = acc
| iterate (acc, [] :: xs) = iterate (acc, xs)
| iterate (acc, [x] :: xs) = iterate (x :: acc, xs)
| iterate (acc, [x, y] :: xs) = let
val (x, y) = if x <= y then (x, y) else (y, x)
iterate (x :: y :: acc, xs)
| iterate (acc, [x, y, z] :: xs) = let
val (x, y) = if x <= y then (x, y) else (y, x)
val (x, y, z) =
if y <= z then (x, y, z)
else if x <= z then (x, z, y)
else (z, x, y)
iterate (x :: y :: z :: acc, xs)
| iterate (acc, (pivot :: d) :: xs) = let
val (le, gt) = partition (fn x => (x <= pivot)) d
iterate (acc, gt :: [pivot] :: le :: xs)
iterate ([], [l])
fun mergeSort l = let
fun init (acc, []) = acc
| init (acc, [x]) = [x] :: acc
| init (acc, [x, y]) =
if x <= y then [x, y] :: acc else [y, x] :: acc
| init (acc, x :: y :: z :: xs) = let
val (x, y, z) =
if x <= y then
if y <= z then (x, y, z)
else if x <= z then (x, z, y)
else (z, x, y)
if x <= z then (y, x, z)
else if y <= z then (y, z, x)
else (z, y, x)
init ([x, y, z] :: acc, xs)
fun mergeWith _ (acc, [], []) = acc
| mergeWith _ (acc, p, []) = List.revAppend (p, acc)
| mergeWith _ (acc, [], q) = List.revAppend (q, acc)
| mergeWith cmp (acc, p :: ps, q :: qs) =
if cmp (p, q)
then mergeWith cmp (p :: acc, ps, q :: qs)
else mergeWith cmp (q :: acc, p :: ps, qs)
val mergeRev = mergeWith (fn (x, y) => (x > y))
val revMerge = mergeWith (fn (x, y) => (x < y))
fun iterate ([], _) = []
| iterate ([x], isRev) =
if isRev then rev x else x
| iterate (acc, isRev) = let
val merge = if isRev then mergeRev else revMerge
fun loop (acci, []) = acci
| loop (acci, [x]) = (rev x) :: acci
| loop (acci, x :: y :: xs) =
loop (merge ([], x, y) :: acci, xs)
iterate (loop ([], acc), not isRev)
iterate (init ([], l), false)
考慮輸入列表[x1, ..., xi, a0, ..., a9, xj, ..., xn]
,具有相同的值並且需要保持其下標表示的次序,這裏的xi > a
並且xj < a
整除,則它被分解成子列表的列表[Xm, ..., [xj, a8, a9], [a5, a6, a7], [a2, a3, a4], [a0, a1, xi], ..., X1]
,這裏有m = n div 3
的子列表兩兩歸併,在歸併正序子列表的歸併條件x < y
下,能得到[X1, ..., [xi, a4, ..., a0], [a9, ..., a5, xj], ..., Xk]
;繼續推演下去,在歸併反序子列表的歸併條件x > y
下,能得到[Xh, ..., [xj, a0, ..., a9, xi], ..., X1]
[編輯]fun heapSort l = let
val h = Array.fromList l
val len = Array.length h
fun get i = Array.sub (h, i)
fun set i v = Array.update (h, i, v)
fun siftdown (i, ins, n) = let
fun sift k = let
val l = k * 2 + 1
val r = l + 1
if (r < n) andalso
(get r) > (get l) then r
else if (l < n) then l
else k
fun loop i = let
val j = sift i
if j = i orelse (get j) <= ins
then set i ins
else (set i (get j); loop j)
loop i
fun heapify () = let
fun loop i =
if i < 0 then ()
else (siftdown (i, get i, len);
loop (i - 1))
loop (len div 2 - 1)
fun generate () = let
fun loop (acc, i) = let
val t = get 0
if i <= 0 then t :: acc
else (siftdown (0, get i, i);
loop (t :: acc, i - 1))
if len = 0 then []
else loop ([], len - 1)
heapify ();
generate ()
fun heapSort l = let
datatype 'a heap
= Nil
| Leaf of 'a
| Node of 'a * int * 'a heap * 'a heap
fun key Nil =
let val SOME a = Int.minInt in a end
| key (Leaf k) = k
| key (Node (k, _, _, _)) = k
fun count Nil = 0
| count (Leaf _) = 1
| count (Node (_, c, _, _)) = c
fun left Nil = Nil
| left (Leaf _) = Nil
| left (Node (_, _, l, _)) = l
fun insert (Nil, x) = Leaf x
| insert (Leaf k, l) =
if l >= k
then Node (l, 2, Leaf k, Nil)
else Node (k, 2, Leaf l, Nil)
| insert (Node (k, _, Leaf l, Nil), r) =
if r >= k
then Node (r, 3, Leaf k, Leaf l)
else if r >= l
then Node (k, 3, Leaf r, Leaf l)
else Node (k, 3, Leaf l, Leaf r)
| insert (Node (k, c, l, r), x) = let
val (k, x) =
if k >= x then (k, x) else (x, k)
if (count l) <= (count r)
then Node (k, c + 1, insert (l, x), r)
else if x >= (key l)
then Node (k, c + 1, insert (r, x), l)
else Node (k, c + 1, l, insert (r, x))
fun extract Nil = Nil
| extract (Leaf _) = Nil
| extract (Node (_, _, l, Nil)) = l
| extract (Node (_, c, l, r)) = let
val k = key l
val n = left l
if n = Nil
then Node (k, c - 1, r, Nil)
else if (key n) >= (key r)
then Node (k, c - 1, extract l, r)
else Node (k, c - 1, r, extract l)
fun heapify () = let
fun loop (acc, []) = acc
| loop (acc, x :: xs) =
loop (insert (acc, x), xs)
loop (Nil, l)
fun generate h = let
fun loop (acc, Nil) = acc
| loop (acc, h) =
loop ((key h) :: acc, extract h)
loop ([], h)
generate (heapify ())
[編輯]fun radixSort l = let
fun distribute (l, d) = let
val t0 = ([], [], [], [], [], [], [], [])
fun loop (t, []) = let
fun join (acc, i) = let
val f = case i
of 1 => (#1 t) | 2 => (#2 t) | 3 => (#3 t)
| 4 => (#4 t) | 5 => (#5 t) | 6 => (#6 t)
| 7 => (#7 t) | 8 => (#8 t) | _ => []
if i <= 0 then acc
else join (List.revAppend (f, acc), i - 1)
join ([], 8)
| loop (t, x :: xs) = let
val (f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7) = t
val t = case ((x div d) mod 8)
of 0 => (x :: f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7)
| 1 => (f0, x :: f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7)
| 2 => (f0, f1, x :: f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7)
| 3 => (f0, f1, f2, x :: f3, f4, f5, f6, f7)
| 4 => (f0, f1, f2, f3, x :: f4, f5, f6, f7)
| 5 => (f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, x :: f5, f6, f7)
| 6 => (f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, x :: f6, f7)
| 7 => (f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, x :: f7)
| _ => t0
loop (t, xs)
loop (t0, l)
val SOME maxInt = Int.maxInt
val max = foldl (fn (x, y) => if x > y then x else y) 0 l
fun iterate (l, d) = let
val l' = distribute (l, d)
if d >= (maxInt div 8 + 1) orelse
((max div d) div 8) = 0 then l'
else iterate (l', d * 8)
iterate (l, 1)
[編輯]編寫排序算法進行測試除了使用簡單的數列,[t] 測試用列表還可以使用線性同餘偽隨機數函數來生成[50]:
fun randList (n, seed) = let
val randx = ref seed
fun lcg () = (randx := (!randx * 421 + 1663) mod 7875; !randx)
(* fun lcg () = (randx := (!randx * 1366 + 150889) mod 714025; !randx) *)
fun iterate (acc, i) =
if i <= 0 then acc
else iterate (lcg () :: acc, i - 1)
iterate ([], n)
exception Err;
datatype ty
= IntTy
| BoolTy
datatype exp
= True
| False
| Int of int
| Not of exp
| Add of exp * exp
| If of exp * exp * exp
fun typeOf (True) = BoolTy
| typeOf (False) = BoolTy
| typeOf (Int _) = IntTy
| typeOf (Not e) =
if typeOf e = BoolTy
then BoolTy
else raise Err
| typeOf (Add (e1, e2)) =
if (typeOf e1 = IntTy) andalso (typeOf e2 = IntTy)
then IntTy
else raise Err
| typeOf (If (e1, e2, e3)) =
if typeOf e1 <> BoolTy
then raise Err
else if typeOf e2 <> typeOf e3 then raise Err
else typeOf e2
fun eval (True) = True
| eval (False) = False
| eval (Int n) = Int n
| eval (Not e) = (case eval e
of True => False
| False => True
| _ => raise Fail "type-checking is broken")
| eval (Add (e1, e2)) = let
val (Int n1) = eval e1
val (Int n2) = eval e2
Int (n1 + n2)
| eval (If (e1, e2, e3)) =
if eval e1 = True
then eval e2
else eval e3
fun exp_repr e = let
val msg = case e
of True => "True"
| False => "False"
| Int n => Int.toString n
| _ => ""
msg ^ "\n"
(* 忽略TypeOf的返回值,它在类型错误时发起Err *)
fun evalPrint e = (ignore (typeOf e); print (exp_repr (eval e)));
,並在命令行下執行sml expr-lang.sml
- val e1 = Add (Int 1, Int 2); (* 正确的类型 *)
val e1 = Add (Int 1,Int 2) : exp
- val _ = evalPrint e1;
- val e2 = Add (Int 1, True); (* 不正确的类型 *)
val e2 = Add (Int 1,True) : exp
- val _ = evalPrint e2;
uncaught exception Err
raised at: expr-lang.sml:25.20-25.23
[編輯]- ^ 基於GNU Common Lisp的Cambridge LCF ML示例:
$ hol88 =============================================================================== HOL88 Version 2.02 (GCL), built on 1/4/24 =============================================================================== #letrec fact n = if n=0 then 1 else n*fact(n-1);; fact = - : (int -> int) #fact 3;; 6 : int #
- ^
fun hasCorners (Circle _) = false | hasCorners _ = true
而不用區分具體是那種情況。 - ^
fun center (Circle (c, _)) = c | center (Square ((x, y), s)) = (x + s / 2.0, y + s / 2.0)
的模式。 編譯器發起模式不詳盡的一個警告,並且如果在運行時間,Triangle
。 - ^
fun f (Circle ((x, y), r)) = x+y | f (Circle _) = 1.0 | f _ = 0.0
- ^
fun map f = let fun m [] = [] | m [a] = [f a] | m [a, b] = [f a, f b] | m [a, b, c] = [f a, f b, f c] | m (a :: b :: c :: d :: r) = f a :: f b :: f c :: f d :: m r in m end
fun foldl f b l = let fun f2 ([], b) = b | f2 (a :: r, b) = f2 (r, f (a, b)) in f2 (l, b) end fun foldr f b l = foldl f b (rev l)
fun filter pred [] = [] | filter pred (a :: rest) = if pred a then a :: (filter pred rest) else (filter pred rest)
- ^
signature ARITH = sig eqtype t val zero : t val one : t val fromInt: int -> t val fromIntPair : int * int -> t val repr : t -> unit val succ : t -> t val pred : t -> t val ~ : t -> t val + : t * t -> t val - : t * t -> t val * : t * t -> t val / : t * t -> t end
structure Rational : ARITH = struct type t = int * int val zero = (0, 1) val one = (1, 1) val maxInt = (let val SOME a = Int.maxInt in Int.toLarge a end) fun fromInt n = (n, 1) fun neg (a, b) = (~a, b) fun fromLargePair (a, b) = (Int.fromLarge a, Int.fromLarge b) fun fromIntPair (num, den) = let fun reduced_fraction (numerator, denominator) = let fun gcd (n, 0) = n | gcd (n, d) = gcd (d, n mod d) val d = gcd (numerator, denominator) in if d > 1 then (numerator div d, denominator div d) else (numerator, denominator) end in if num < 0 andalso den < 0 then reduced_fraction (~num, ~den) else if num < 0 then neg (reduced_fraction (~num, den)) else if den < 0 then neg (reduced_fraction (num, ~den)) else reduced_fraction (num, den) end fun repr (a, b) = let val m = if (b = 0) then 0 else if (a >= 0) then a div b else ~a div b val n = if (b = 0) then 1 else if (a >= 0) then a mod b else ~a mod b val ms = Int.toString m and ns = Int.toString n and bs = Int.toString b in if n <> 0 andalso m <> 0 andalso a < 0 then print ("~" ^ ms ^ " - " ^ ns ^ "/" ^ bs ^ "\n") else if n <> 0 andalso m <> 0 then print (ms ^ " + " ^ ns ^ "/" ^ bs ^ "\n") else if n <> 0 andalso m = 0 andalso a < 0 then print ("~" ^ ns ^ "/" ^ bs ^ "\n") else if n <> 0 andalso m = 0 then print (ns ^ "/" ^ bs ^ "\n") else if a < 0 then print ("~" ^ ms ^ "\n") else print (ms ^ "\n") end fun convergent (i, n, d, h_1, k_1, h_2, k_2) = if i <> 0 andalso ((h_1 > (maxInt - h_2) div i) orelse (k_1 > (maxInt - k_2) div i)) then (h_1, k_1) else if n = 0 then (i * h_1 + h_2, i * k_1 + k_2) else convergent (d div n, d mod n, n, i * h_1 + h_2, i * k_1 + k_2, h_1, k_1) fun add ((a, b), (c, d)) = let val la = Int.toLarge a and lb = Int.toLarge b val lc = Int.toLarge c and ld = Int.toLarge d val m = la * ld + lb * lc and n = lb * ld in if b = d then fromIntPair (a + c, b) else fromLargePair (convergent (m div n, m mod n, n, 1, 0, 0, 1)) end fun sub ((a, b), (c, d)) = let val la = Int.toLarge a and lb = Int.toLarge b val lc = Int.toLarge c and ld = Int.toLarge d val m = la * ld - lb * lc and n = lb * ld in if b = d then fromIntPair (a - c, b) else if m < 0 then neg (fromLargePair (convergent (~m div n, ~m mod n, n, 1, 0, 0, 1))) else if m > 0 then fromLargePair (convergent (m div n, m mod n, n, 1, 0, 0, 1)) else (0, 1) end fun mul ((a, b), (c, d)) = let val la = Int.toLarge a and lb = Int.toLarge b val lc = Int.toLarge c and ld = Int.toLarge d val m = la * lc and n = lb * ld in fromLargePair (convergent (m div n, m mod n, n, 1, 0, 0, 1)) end fun op + ((a, b), (c, d)) = if a < 0 andalso c < 0 then neg (add ((~a, b), (~c, d))) else if a < 0 then sub ((c, d), (~a, b)) else if c < 0 then sub ((a, b), (~c, d)) else add ((a, b), (c, d)) fun op - ((a, b), (c, d)) = if a < 0 andalso c < 0 then sub ((~c, d), (~a, b)) else if a < 0 then neg (add ((~a, b), (c, d))) else if c < 0 then add ((a, b), (~c, d)) else sub ((a, b), (c, d)) fun op * ((a, b), (c, d)) = if a < 0 andalso c < 0 then mul ((~a, b), (~c, d)) else if a < 0 then neg (mul ((~a, b), (c, d))) else if c < 0 then neg (mul ((a, b), (~c, d))) else mul ((a, b), (c, d)) fun op / ((a, b), (c, d)) = if a < 0 andalso c < 0 then mul ((~a, b), (d, ~c)) else if a < 0 then neg (mul ((~a, b), (d, c))) else if c < 0 then neg (mul ((a, b), (d, ~c))) else mul ((a, b), (d, c)) fun succ a = add (a, one) fun pred a = sub (a, one) fun ~ a = neg a end
- ^ 找出函數的實際實現:
fun find pred [] = NONE | find pred (a :: rest) = if pred a then SOME a else (find pred rest)
fun exists pred = let fun f [] = false | f (h :: t) = pred h orelse f t in f end
- ^
fun prime n = let val sieve = Array.array (n + 1, true); fun markComposite (j, i) = if j > n then () else (Array.update (sieve, j, false); markComposite (j + i, i)) fun iterate i = if i * i > n then () else if Array.sub (sieve, i) then (markComposite (i * i, i); iterate (i + 1)) else iterate (i + 1) fun generate (acc, i) = if i < 2 then acc else if Array.sub (sieve, i) then generate (i :: acc, i - 1) else generate (acc, i - 1) in if n < 2 then [] else (iterate 2; generate ([], n)) end
- ^ 漢明數進一步性質演示代碼:
fun printIntList (l: int list) = print ((String.concatWith " " (map Int.toString l)) ^ "\n"); fun diff (p, q) = let fun revDiff (acc, p, q) = if not (null p) andalso not (null q) then if hd p < hd q then revDiff ((hd p) :: acc, tl p, q) else if hd p > hd q then revDiff (acc, p, tl q) else revDiff (acc, tl p, tl q) else if null q then List.revAppend (p, acc) else acc in if (null p) then [] else if (null q) then p else rev (revDiff ([], p, q)) end; fun Hamming_number n = let fun merge (p, q) = let fun revMerge (acc, p, q) = if not (null p) andalso not (null q) then if hd p < hd q then revMerge ((hd p) :: acc, tl p, q) else if hd p > hd q then revMerge ((hd q) :: acc, p, tl q) else revMerge ((hd p) :: acc, tl p, tl q) else if null p then List.revAppend (q, acc) else List.revAppend (p, acc) in if (null p) then q else if (null q) then p else rev (revMerge ([], p, q)) end fun mergeWith f (m, i) = merge (f m, i) fun mul m x = (x * m) fun generate l = let fun listMul m = map (mul m) l in printIntList (listMul 2); printIntList (diff (listMul 3, listMul 2)); printIntList (diff (listMul 5, merge (listMul 2, listMul 3))); foldl (mergeWith listMul) [] [2, 3, 5] end val count = ref 1; fun iterate (acc, l) = if (hd l) > (n div 2) then merge (l, acc) else (print ("round " ^ (Int.toString (!count)) ^ " for " ^ (Int.toString(length l)) ^ " number(s)\n"); count := !count + 1; iterate (merge (l, acc), generate l)) in if n > 0 then iterate ([], [1]) else [] end;
val l = Hamming_number 400; val h = List.filter (fn x => (x <= 400)) l; val _ = print ((Int.toString (length h)) ^ " numbers from " ^ (Int.toString (length l)) ^ " numbers\n");
- ^ 部份映射函數的實際實現:
fun mapPartial pred l = let fun mapp ([], l) = rev l | mapp (x :: r, l) = (case (pred x) of SOME y => mapp (r, y :: l) | NONE => mapp (r, l) (* end case *)) in mapp (l, []) end
- ^
fun length l = let (* fast add that avoids the overflow test *) val op + = Int.fast_add fun loop (n, []) = n | loop (n, [_]) = n + 1 | loop (n, _ :: _ :: l) = loop (n + 2, l) in loop (0, l) end
- ^ 變體的插入排序算法實現:
fun insertSort l = let fun insert pred (ins, l) = let fun loop (acc, []) = List.revAppend (acc, [ins]) | loop (acc, l as x :: xs) = if pred (ins, x) then List.revAppend (acc, ins :: l) else loop (x :: acc, xs) in loop ([], l) end val rec lt = fn (x, y) => (x < y) in foldl (insert lt) [] l end
- ^ 下面是希爾排序算法的原型實現,當輸入列表趨於正序的時候,
函數再將它們合成為一個列表:fun shellSort l = let fun insert pred (ins, l) = let fun loop (acc, []) = List.revAppend (acc, [ins]) | loop (acc, l as x :: xs) = if pred (ins, x) then List.revAppend (acc, ins :: l) else loop (x :: acc, xs) in loop ([], l) end val rec lt = fn (x, y) => (x < y) fun insertSort l = foldl (insert lt) [] l fun scatter (l, n) = let fun dup n = let fun loop (acc, i) = if i <= 0 then acc else loop ([] :: acc, i - 1) in loop ([], n) end fun loop ([], acc, lol) = List.revAppend (acc, lol) | loop (l, acc, []) = loop (l, [], rev acc) | loop (x :: xs, acc, l :: ls) = loop (xs, (x :: l) :: acc, ls) in loop (l, [], dup n) end fun gather lol = let fun loop ([], [], l) = rev l | loop (acc, [], l) = loop ([], rev acc, l) | loop (acc, [] :: ls, l) = loop (acc, ls, l) | loop (acc, (x :: xs) :: ls, l) = loop (xs :: acc, ls, x :: l) in loop ([], lol, []) end val gap = let fun loop (acc, i) = let val h = (i * 5 - 1) div 11 in if i < 5 then rev (1 :: acc) else loop (h :: acc, h) end in loop ([], length l) end fun sort (h, l) = gather (map insertSort (scatter (l, h))) in foldl sort l gap end
- ^ 希爾排序還可以採用Ciura提出的間隔序列:
val incs = [1750, 701, 301, 132, 57, 23, 10, 4, 1] val gap = let fun loop (acc, i) = let val h = (i * 4 - 1) div 9 fun iter incs = if i >= (hd incs) * 4 div 3 then incs else iter (tl incs) in if i <= ((hd incs) * 3) then List.revAppend (acc, iter incs) else loop (h :: acc, h) end in if len = 0 then [1] else loop ([], len) end
- ^
fun partition pred l = let fun loop ([], trueList, falseList) = (rev trueList, rev falseList) | loop (h :: t, trueList, falseList) = if pred h then loop (t, h :: trueList, falseList) else loop (t, trueList, h :: falseList) in loop (l, [], []) end
- ^
fun mergeSort l = let fun sort ([], _) = [] | sort ([x], _) = [x] | sort ([x, y], _) = if x <= y then [x, y] else [y, x] | sort ([x, y, z], _) = if x <= y then if y <= z then [x, y, z] else if x <= z then [x, z, y] else [z, x, y] else if x <= z then [y, x, z] else if y <= z then [y, z, x] else [z, y, x] | sort (l, n) = let val m = n div 2 fun split (l, acc, i) = if i = 0 then (rev acc, l) else split (tl l, (hd l) :: acc, i - 1) fun merge (p, q) = let fun revMerge (acc, p, q) = if not (null p) andalso not (null q) then if (hd p) <= (hd q) then revMerge ((hd p) :: acc, tl p, q) else revMerge ((hd q) :: acc, p, tl q) else if null p then List.revAppend (q, acc) else List.revAppend (p, acc) in rev (revMerge ([], p, q)) end val (ls, rs) = split (l, [], m) in merge (sort (ls, m), sort (rs, n - m)) end in sort (l, length l) end
- ^ 堆排序算法的數組實現中,堆建造函數
函數的數組來完成,它將新節點自堆底向上插入到合適的位置,而不對途徑節點左右子樹頂點進行比較:fun siftup i = let val ins = get i fun loop i = let val j = (i - 1) div 2 in if i <= 0 orelse (get j) >= ins then set i ins else (set i (get j); loop j) end in loop i end fun heapify () = let fun loop i = if i > (len - 1) then () else (siftup i; loop (i + 1)) in loop 1 end
- ^ 在堆排序算法的二叉樹實現中,樹插入和提取函數也可以寫為等價的尾遞歸形式代碼:
exception Err; fun revLink ([], t) = t | revLink (Nil :: xs, t) = revLink (xs, t) | revLink ((Leaf k) :: xs, t) = revLink (xs, Node (k, (count t) + 1, t, Nil)) | revLink (Node (k, c, Nil, r) :: xs, t) = revLink (xs, Node (k, c, t, r)) | revLink (Node (k, c, l, Nil) :: xs, t) = revLink (xs, Node (k, c, l, t)) | revLink (_ :: xs, t) = raise Err fun insert (t, x) = let fun loop (acc, Nil, x) = revLink (acc, Leaf x) | loop (acc, Leaf k, l) = if l >= k then revLink (acc, Node (l, 2, Leaf k, Nil)) else revLink (acc, Node (k, 2, Leaf l, Nil)) | loop (acc, Node (k, _, Leaf l, Nil), r) = if r >= k then revLink (acc, Node (r, 3, Leaf k, Leaf l)) else if r >= l then revLink (acc, Node (k, 3, Leaf r, Leaf l)) else revLink (acc, Node (k, 3, Leaf l, Leaf r)) | loop (acc, Node (k, c, l, r), x) = let val (k, x) = if k >= x then (k, x) else (x, k) in if (count l) <= (count r) then loop (Node (k, c + 1, Nil, r) :: acc, l, x) else if x >= (key l) then loop (Node (k, c + 1, Nil, l) :: acc, r, x) else loop (Node (k, c + 1, l, Nil) :: acc, r, x) end in loop ([], t, x) end fun extract t = let fun loop (acc, Nil) = revLink (acc, Nil) | loop (acc, Leaf _) = revLink (acc, Nil) | loop (acc, Node (_, _, l, Nil)) = revLink (acc, l) | loop (acc, Node (_, c, l, r)) = let val k = key l val n = left l in if n = Nil then revLink (acc, Node (k, c - 1, r, Nil)) else if (key n) >= (key r) then loop (Node (k, c - 1, Nil, r) :: acc, l) else loop (Node (k, c - 1, r, Nil) :: acc, l) end in loop ([], t) end
- ^ 堆排序算法的二叉樹實現中,堆建造函數也可以主要採用
函數來完成,這裏不需要在節點中保存關於樹狀態的統計信息:fun heapSort l = let datatype 'a heap = Nil | Node of 'a * 'a heap * 'a heap fun key Nil = let val SOME a = Int.minInt in a end | key (Node (k, _, _)) = k fun left Nil = Nil | left (Node (_, l, _)) = l fun right Nil = Nil | right (Node (_, _, r)) = r fun leaf k = Node (k, Nil, Nil) fun sift (l, r) = if l <> Nil andalso r <> Nil then if (key l) >= (key r) then l else r else if l <> Nil then l else if r <> Nil then r else Nil fun siftdown (x, l, r) = let val superior = sift (l, r) in if superior = Nil then Node (x, Nil, Nil) else if x >= (key superior) then Node (x, l, r) else if superior = l then Node (key l, siftdown (x, left l, right l), r) else Node (key r, l, siftdown (x, left r, right r)) end fun insert (Nil, x) = Node (x, Nil, Nil) | insert (Node (k, l, r), x) = let val superior = sift (l, r) in if x >= k andalso superior = l then Node (x, l, insert (r, k)) else if x >= k then Node (x, insert (l, k), r) else if superior = l then Node (k, l, insert (r, x)) else Node (k, insert (l, x), r) end fun extract Nil = Nil | extract (Node (_, l, r)) = let val superior = sift (l, r) in if superior = Nil then Nil else if superior = l then Node (key l, extract l, r) else Node (key r, l, extract r) end fun join (l, r) = extract (Node (key Nil, l, r)) fun heapify () = let fun init (hs, ls, [], _) = (hs, ls) | init (hs, ls, x :: xs, flag) = if flag then init ((leaf x) :: hs, ls, xs, false) else init (hs, x :: ls, xs, true) val (hs, ls) = init ([], [], l, true) fun loop ([], [], []) = Nil | loop ([], [h], []) = h | loop ([], [], x :: xs) = loop ([], [leaf x], xs) | loop ([], [h], x :: xs) = loop ([], [insert (h, x)], xs) | loop (acc, [], l) = loop ([], acc, l) | loop (acc, [h], l) = loop ([], h :: acc, l) | loop (acc, l :: r :: hs, []) = loop (join (l, r) :: acc, hs, []) | loop (acc, l :: r :: hs, x :: xs) = loop (siftdown (x, l, r) :: acc, hs, xs) in loop ([], hs, ls) end fun generate h = let fun loop (acc, Nil) = acc | loop (acc, h) = loop ((key h) :: acc, extract h) in loop ([], h) end in generate (heapify ()) end
函數來完成:fun heapify () = let exception Err; fun split () = let val (rs, ts) = let fun loop (acci, accj, [], i, n) = if i = n then (List.revAppend (accj, acci), []) else (acci, accj) | loop (acci, accj, x :: xs, i, n) = if i = n then loop (List.revAppend (accj, acci), [x], xs, i + 1, n * 2 + 1) else loop (acci, x :: accj, xs, i + 1, n) in loop ([], [], l, 0, 1) end fun loop (hs, ls, [], _) = (hs, ls, ts) | loop (hs, ls, x :: xs, flag) = if flag then loop (x :: hs, ls, xs, false) else loop (hs, x :: ls, xs, true) in loop ([], [], rs, true) end fun init () = let val (hs, ls, ts) = split () fun loop (acc, [], []) = (acc, ls) | loop (acc, [], ts) = (acc, List.revAppend (ts, ls)) | loop (acc, k :: hs, []) = loop ((leaf k) :: acc, hs, []) | loop (acc, k :: hs, [x]) = let val (k, x) = if k >= x then (k, x) else (x, k) in loop (Node (k, leaf x, Nil) :: acc, hs, []) end | loop (acc, k :: hs, l :: r :: rs) = let val (k, l, r) = if k >= l then if l >= r then (k, l, r) else if k >= r then (k, r, l) else (r, k, l) else if k >= r then (l, k, r) else if l >= r then (l, r, k) else (r, l, k) in loop (Node (k, leaf l, leaf r) :: acc, hs, rs) end in loop ([], hs, ts) end val (hs, ls) = init () fun loop ([], [], []) = Nil | loop ([], [h], []) = h | loop ([], [], _) = raise Err | loop ([], [h], _) = raise Err | loop (acc, [], l) = loop ([], acc, l) | loop (acc, [h], l) = loop ([], h :: acc, l) | loop (acc, l :: r :: hs, []) = raise Err | loop (acc, l :: r :: hs, x :: xs) = loop (siftdown (x, l, r) :: acc, hs, xs) in loop ([], hs, ls) end
- ^ 排序算法的簡單測試代碼:
fun printIntList (l: int list) = print ((String.concatWith " " (map Int.toString l)) ^ "\n") fun shuffle (l, n) = let fun split (l, acc, i) = if i = 0 then (acc, l) else split (tl l, (hd l) :: acc, i - 1) fun zip (acc, p, q, flag) = if null p then List.revAppend (q, acc) else if null q then List.revAppend (p, acc) else if flag then zip ((hd p) :: acc, tl p, q, false) else zip ((hd q) :: acc, p, tl q, true) val (p, q) = split (l, [], n div 2) in if (null l) then tl [0] else zip ([], p, q, true) end fun testsort f n = let fun loop (acc, i) = if (i <= 0) then acc else loop (i :: acc, i - 1) val sl = shuffle (loop ([], n), n) val ssl = shuffle (sl, n) in print ("source list is: "); printIntList ssl; print ("result list is: "); printIntList (f ssl) end
[編輯]- Standard ML和它的實現:
- SML/NJ,由普林斯頓大學和貝爾實驗室聯合開發的實現,它具有工具ML-Lex、ML-Yacc和並發編程擴展Concurrent ML。
- MLton,嚴格遵循標準定義的強力的全程序優化編譯器[51],它具有工具MLLex、MLYacc和MLNLFFIGen。
- HaMLet,是一個SML解釋器[52],由Andreas Rossberg在馬克斯·普朗克軟件系統研究所(MPI-SWS)編寫,意圖成為精確且無障礙的標準定義參考實現。
- LunarML,產生Lua/JavaScript代碼的Standard ML編譯器[41]。
- OCaml,由法國國家信息與自動化研究所(INRIA)維護,是一個「工業強度」的ML方言[53],演化自最初用來實現Coq定理證明器的Caml[17]。
- Alice,由薩爾蘭大學設計的Alice ML,是基於Standard ML的函數式程式語言,擴展了對並發、分佈式和約束式編程的豐富支持[54]。
- ATS,由波士頓大學的Hongwei Xi和卡內基·梅隆大學的Frank Pfenning提出的Dependent ML發展而來,它向ML擴展了依賴類型。
- F#,由微軟研究院(MSR)開發,是一個基於OCaml的一個以.NET為目標的程式語言。
- F*,由MSR和INRIA主導開發,是一個基於ML的依賴類型函數式程式語言。
- Futhark,由哥本哈根大學計算機科學系(DIKU)開發,是屬於ML家族的一個函數式、數據並行、陣列程式語言[4]。
- Ur,由麻省理工學院的Adam Chlipala開發,是語法基於Standard ML的專門用於web開發的一個函數式程式語言[7]。
- CM-Lex和CM-Yacc,由卡內基·梅隆大學的Karl Crary開發,是用於Standard ML、OCaml和Haskell的詞法分析器和語法解析器[55]。
- Alpaca,是一個受ML啟發的運行在Erlang虛擬機上的函數式程式語言[56]。
[編輯]- Robin Milner, Mads Tofte, Robert Harper. The Definition of Standard ML (PDF). MIT Press. 1990 [2021-03-01]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2021-01-14).
- Robin Milner, Mads Tofte, Robert Harper, David MacQueen. The Definition of Standard ML, Revised (PDF). MIT Press. 1997 [2021-03-01]. ISBN 0-262-63181-4. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2022-03-09).
- Robin Milner, Mads Tofte. Commentary on Standard ML. MIT Press. 1991 [2021-08-31]. ISBN 978-0-262-63137-2. (原始內容存檔於2021-08-31).
- Emden R. Gansner, John H. Reppy. The Standard ML Basis Library (PDF). Cambridge University Press. 2004 [2021-09-17]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2022-01-29).
- Mads Tofte. Four Lectures on Standard ML (PDF). University of Edinburgh. 1989 [2021-09-04]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2022-01-28). Code examples in lectures. [2021-09-11]. 原始內容存檔於2016-04-02.
- Mads Tofte. Essentials of Standard ML Modules. DIKU. 1996 [2021-09-04]. (原始內容存檔於2021-09-04). The SML code (uuencoded compressed tar). [2021-09-18]. 原始內容存檔於2005-03-07.
- Mads Tofte. Tips for Computer Scientists on Standard ML (Revised) (PDF). ITU. 2009 [2021-09-04]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2021-11-27). Examples. [2022-01-03]. 原始內容存檔於2017-09-15.
- Robert Harper. Programming in Standard ML (PDF). Carnegie Mellon University. 2011 [2021-02-27]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2020-02-15). Examples. [2021-09-12]. (原始內容存檔於2021-09-12).
- Michael J. C. Gordon. Introduction to Functional Programming. Cambridge University. 1996 [2021-09-11]. (原始內容存檔於2021-04-11). Lecture notes. [2021-09-11]. (原始內容存檔於2006-06-23).
- Lawrence Paulson. ML for the Working Programmer, 2nd Edition. Cambridge University Press. 1996 [2021-08-31]. ISBN 0-521-56543-X. (原始內容存檔於2022-02-24). Sample programs. [2021-09-12]. (原始內容存檔於2022-01-19).
- David MacQueen. Should ML be Object-Oriented? (PDF). 2002 [2021-09-10]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2021-10-29).
- David MacQueen, Robert Harper, John Reppy. The History of Standard ML. 2020 [2021-08-31]. (原始內容存檔於2021-12-01).
- Andrew W. Appel. Compiling with Continuations. Cambridge University Press. 1992 [2022-01-03]. (原始內容存檔於2022-01-03).
- Andrew W. Appel. Modern Compiler Implementation in ML. Cambridge University Press. 1998 [2022-01-12]. (原始內容存檔於2022-01-12). Tiger compiler modules for programming exercises. [2021-09-12]. (原始內容存檔於2022-05-06).
- Jeffrey D. Ullman. Elements of ML Programming, ML97 Edition. Prentice-Hall. 1998 [2021-12-30]. ISBN 0-13-790387-1. (原始內容存檔於2022-03-12). Programs from the text. [2022-01-01]. (原始內容存檔於2022-02-14).
- Anthony L. Shipman. Unix System Programming with Standard ML (PDF). 2001 [2021-09-01]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2021-01-21).
[編輯]- ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Michael J. Gordon, Arthur J. Milner, Christopher P. Wadsworth. Edinburgh LCF: A Mechanised Logic of Computation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 78. Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, USA. 1979 [2021-12-28]. (原始內容存檔於2021-12-28).
ML is a general purpose programming language. It is derived in different aspects from ISWIM, POP2 and GEDANKEN, and contains perhaps two new features. First, it has an escape and escape trapping mechanism, well-adapted to programming strategies which may be (in fact usually are) inapplicable to certain goals. Second, it has a polymorphic type discipline which combines the flexibility of programming in a typeless language with the security of compile-time type checking (as in other languages, you may also define your own types, which may be abstract and/or recursive); this is what ensures that a well-typed program cannot perform faulty proofs.
Michael J. C. Gordon. From LCF to HOL: a short history. 1996 [2021-02-27]. (原始內容存檔於2016-09-05).Around 1973 Milner moved to Edinburgh University and established a project to build a successor to Stanford LCF, which was subsequently dubbed Edinburgh LCF. He initially hired Lockwood Morris and Malcolm Newey (both recent PhD graduates from Stanford) as research assistants. …… Milner, ably assisted by Morris and Newey, designed the programming language ML (an abbreviation for 「Meta Language」). …… In 1975, Morris and Newey took up faculty positions at Syracuse University and the Australian National University, respectively, and were replaced by Chris Wadsworth and myself. The design and implementation of ML and Edinburgh LCF was finalised and the book 「Edinburgh LCF」 was written and published. In 1978, the first LCF project finished, Chris Wadsworth went off trekking in the Andes (returning to a permanent position at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory) and I remained at Edinburgh supported by a postdoctoral fellowship and with a new research interest: hardware verification.
- ^ 2.0 2.1 M. Gordon, R. Milner, L. Morris, M. Newey, C. Wadsworth. A Metalanguage for Interactive Proof in LCF (PDF). 1978 [2021-08-31]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2021-05-06).
ML is a higher-order functional programming language in the tradition of ISWIM, PAL, POP2 and GEDANKEN, but differs principally in its handling of failure and, more so, of types.
- ^ 3.0 3.1 Bruce A. Tate, Fred Daoud, Ian Dees, Jack Moffitt. 3. Elm. Seven More Languages in Seven Weeks (PDF) Book version: P1.0-November 2014. The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC. 2014: 97, 101 [2021-09-04]. ISBN 978-1-941222-15-7. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2021-03-15).
On page 101, Elm creator Evan Czaplicki says: 'I tend to say "Elm is an ML-family language" to get at the shared heritage of all these languages.' ["these languages" is referring to Haskell, OCaml, SML, and F#.]
- ^ 4.0 4.1 Troels Henriksen, Niels G. W. Serup, Martin Elsman, Fritz Henglein, Cosmin Oancea. Futhark: Purely Functional GPU-Programming with Nested Parallelism and In-Place Array Updates (PDF). Proceedings of the 38th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation. PLDI 2017. ACM. 2017 [2021-09-04]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2020-09-20).
- ^ Lennart Augustsson, Thomas Johnsson. The Chalmers Lazy-ML Compiler. 1989 [2021-09-17]. (原始內容存檔於2021-09-17).
- ^ 6.0 6.1 Programming language for "special forces" of developers., Russian Software Development Network: Nemerle Project Team, [January 24, 2021], (原始內容存檔於2021-05-04)
- ^ 7.0 7.1 Adam Chlipala. Ur/Web: A Simple Model for Programming the Web (PDF). MIT / Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). January 2015 [2021-09-04]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2022-01-16).
- ^ 8.0 8.1 Robin Milner. A theory of type polymorphism in programming. (PDF). 1978 [2021-09-01]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2020-11-01). Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 17(3):348–375.
- ^ Robin Milner. How ML Evolved (PDF). Polymorphism—The ML/LCF/Hope Newsletter,Vol. 1, No. 1. 1982 [2021-09-09]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2022-01-28).
- ^ The original Edinburgh LCF. 1977 [2021-10-10]. (原始內容存檔於2021-10-10).
- ^ Luca Cardelli. ML under VMS (PDF). 1982 [2021-09-04]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2021-11-06).
- ^ Luca Cardelli. Differences between VAX and DEC-10 ML (PDF). 1982 [2021-09-04]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2021-11-06).
- ^ Luca Cardelli. The Functional Abstract Machine. 1983 [2021-09-04]. (原始內容存檔於2021-09-04). Bell Labs Technical Report TR-107.
Luca Cardelli. Compiling a functional language. 1984 [2021-09-03]. (原始內容存檔於2021-09-03). In Proceedings of the 1984 ACM Symposium on LISP and Functional Programming, pages 208–217, New York, NY, USA. ACM. - ^ Kevin Mitchell, Alan Mycroft. The Edinburgh Standard ML Compiler (PDF). 1985 [2021-09-10]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2022-01-29).
- ^ 15.0 15.1 Guy Cousineau, Gérard Huet. The CAML primer Version 2.6.1. 1990 [2021-09-02]. (原始內容存檔於2022-05-04). RT-0122, INRIA. pp.78.
Pierre Weis, Maria Virginia Aponte, Alain Laville, Michel Mauny, Ascander Suarez. The CAML reference manual Version 2.6.1. 1990 [2021-09-02]. (原始內容存檔於2022-04-06). [Research Report] RT-0121, INRIA. pp.491. - ^ G. Cousineau, M. Gordon, G. Huet, R. Milner, L. C. Paulson, C. Wadsworth. The ML Handbook, Version 6.2. Internal document. Project Formel, INRIA. July 1985.
Christoph Kreitz, Vincent Rahli. Introduction to Classic ML (PDF). 2011 [2021-09-09]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2022-01-29).This handbook is a revised edition of Section 2 of 『Edinburgh LCF』, by M. Gordon, R. Milner, and C. Wadsworth, published in 1979 as Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science no 78. ……The language is somewhere in between the original ML from LCF and standard ML, since Guy Cousineau added the constructors and call by patterns. This is a LISP based implementation, compatible for Maclisp on Multics, Franzlisp on VAX under Unix, Zetalisp on Symbolics 3600, and Le Lisp on 68000, VAX, Multics, Perkin-Elmer, etc... Video interfaces have been implemented by Philippe Le Chenadec on Multics, and by Maurice Migeon on Symbolics 3600. The ML system is maintained and distributed jointly by INRIA and the University of Cambridge.
- ^ 17.0 17.1 A History of Caml. [2021-08-31]. (原始內容存檔於2022-04-13).
The Formel team became interested in the ML language in 1980-81. ……Gérard Huet decided to make the ML implementation compatible with various Lisp compilers (MacLisp, FranzLisp, LeLisp, ZetaLisp). This work involved Guy Cousineau and Larry Paulson. ……Guy Cousineau also added algebraic data types and pattern-matching, following ideas from Robin Milner ……. At some point, this implementation was called Le_ML, a name that did not survive. It was used by Larry Paulson to develop Cambridge LCF and by Mike Gordon for the first version of HOL ……. ……
Our main reason for developing Caml was to use it for sofware development inside Formel. Indeed, it was used for developing the Coq system ……. We were reluctant to adopt a standard that could later prevent us from adapting the language to our programming needs. ……We did incorporate into Caml most of the improvements brought by Standard ML over Edinburgh ML. ……The first implementation of Caml appeared in 1987 and was further developed until 1992. It was created mainly by Ascander Suarez. ……
In 1990 and 1991, Xavier Leroy designed a completely new implementation of Caml, based on a bytecode interpreter written in C. Damien Doligez provided an excellent memory management system. ……In 1995, Xavier Leroy released Caml Special Light, which improved over Caml Light in several ways. In 1995, Xavier Leroy released Caml Special Light, which improved over Caml Light in several ways. First, an optimizing native-code compiler was added to the bytecode compiler. ……Second, Caml Special Light offered a high-level module system, designed by Xavier Leroy and inspired by the module system of Standard ML. ……Didier Rémy, later joined by Jérôme Vouillon, designed an elegant and highly expressive type system for objects and classes. This design was integrated and implemented within Caml Special Light, leading to the Objective Caml language and implementation, first released in 1996 and renamed to OCaml in 2011. - ^ Lawrence C. Paulson. The theorem prover Cambridge LCF. coded in Franz Lisp. 1989 [2021-10-10]. (原始內容存檔於2021-10-10).
Michael J. C. Gordon. From LCF to HOL: a short history. 1996 [2021-02-27]. (原始內容存檔於2016-09-05).In 1981, I moved to a permanent position as Lecturer at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory. ……Larry Paulson, recently graduated with a PhD from Stanford, was hired at Cambridge ……. About this time, and in parallel, G ́erard Huet ported the Edinburgh LCF code to Lelisp and MacLisp. Paulson and Huet then established a collaboration and did a lot of joint development of LCF by sending each other magnetic tapes in the post. …… Edinburgh LCF ran interpretively, but during Paulson and Huet’s collaboration an ML compiler was implemented that provided a speedup by a factor of about twenty. …… The resulting new LCF system was named 「Cambridge LCF」 and completed around 1985. Paulson did little work on it after that. Mikael Hedlund (of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory) then ported Cambridge LCF to Standard ML (using a new implementation of ML that he created). The resulting Standard ML based version of Cambridge LCF is documented …… in Paulson’s 1987 book Logic and Computation.
- ^ HOL88, source code.
Michael J. C. Gordon. From LCF to HOL: a short history. 1996 [2021-02-27]. (原始內容存檔於2016-09-05).Whilst Paulson was designing and implementing Cambridge LCF, I was mainly concerned with hardware verification. …… The first version of the HOL system was created by modifying the Cambridge LCF parser and pretty-printer to support higher order logic concrete syntax. …… The core HOL system became stable in about 1988. A new release that consolidated various changes and enhancements called HOL88 was issued then. We were fortunate to receive support from DSTO Australia to document HOL and from Hewlett Packard to port it from Franz Lisp to Common Lisp (a job very ably done by John Carroll). …… In the late 1980’s Graham Birtwistle of the University of Calgary started a project to reimplement HOL in Standard ML. The work was done by Konrad Slind, under Birtwistle’s direction and with the collaboration of the HOL group at Cambridge. The resulting system, called HOL90, was first released around 1990. …… Recently John Harrison and Konrad Slind have entirely reworked the design of HOL ……. …… This new version of HOL is called 「HOL Light」. It is implemented in Caml Light and runs on modest platforms (e.g. standard PCs). It is faster than the Lisp-based HOL88, but a bit slower than HOL90 running in modern implementations of Standard ML.
- ^ Robin Milner. A Proposal for Standard ML (PDF). 1983 [2021-09-02]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2021-11-06).
- ^ R. M. Burstall, J. A. Goguen. The semantics of CLEAR, a specification language. 1977 [2021-09-03]. (原始內容存檔於2021-09-03).
Donald Sannella. Semantics, Implementation and Pragmatics of Clear, a Program Specification Language. 1982 [2021-09-06]. (原始內容存檔於2021-09-06). - ^ Rod Burstall, D.B. MacQueen, D.T. Sannella. Hope: An Experimental Applicative Language (PDF). 1980 [2021-09-03]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2022-01-28). Conference Record of the 1980 LISP Conference, Stanford University, pp. 136-143.
- ^ R.M. Burstall. Proving properties of programs by structural induction (PDF). 1968 [2021-09-13]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2022-01-28).
- ^ R.M. Burstall, J. Darlington. A transformation system for developing recursive programs. Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery: 24(1):44–67. 1977 [2021-09-13]. (原始內容存檔於2020-01-28).
- ^ Luca Cardelli. ML under Unix (PDF). 1983 [2021-09-10]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2022-01-28).
Luca Cardelli. ML under Unix, Pose 4 (PDF). 1984 [2021-09-04]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2022-01-28). - ^ David MacQueen. Modules for Standard ML. LFP '84 Proceedings of the 1984 ACM Symposium on LISP and functional programming. August 1984: 198–207 [2021-06-23]. (原始內容存檔於2021-05-02).
- ^ *Robin Milner. The Standard ML Core Language (PDF). July 1984 [2021-09-05]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2021-11-06).
- Robin Milner. The Standard ML Core Language (PDF). October 1984 [2021-09-05]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2021-11-06).
- Robin Milner. The Standard ML Core Language (Revised) (PDF). 1985 [2021-09-05]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2021-11-06).
- Robert Harper, David B. MacQueen, Robin Milner. Standard ML. Technical Report ECS-LFCS-86-2 (PDF). 1986 [2021-09-04]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2022-01-28). LFCS, Department of Computer Science, University of Edinburgh.
- Robin Milner. Changes to the Standard ML Core language. Technical Report ECS-LFCS-87-33 (PDF). 1987 [2021-09-04]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2021-09-04). LFCS, Department of Computer Science, University of Edinburgh.
- Robert Harper, Robin Milner, Mads Tofte. The Semantics of Standard ML, Version 1. Technical Report ECS-LFCS-87-36 (PDF). 1987 [2021-09-04]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2022-01-28). LFCS, Department of Computer Science, University of Edinburgh.
- Robert Harper, Robin Milner, Mads Tofte. The Definition of Standard ML, Version 2. Technical Report ECS-LFCS-88-62 (PDF). 1988 [2021-09-04]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2022-01-28). LFCS, Department of Computer Science, University of Edinburgh.
- Robert Harper, Robin Milner, Mads Tofte. The Definition of Standard ML, Version 3. Technical Report ECS-LFCS-89-81 (PDF). 1989 [2021-09-04]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2022-01-28). LFCS, Department of Computer Science, University of Edinburgh.
- ^ Edinburgh ML (Core Language) (SML '90), Version 4.1.02. 1991 [2021-09-13]. (原始內容存檔於2021-09-13).
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Standard ML of New Jersey, Version 0.93. 1993 [2021-09-14]. (原始內容存檔於2022-03-28). - ^ Robin Milner, Mads Tofte, Robert Harper. The Definition of Standard ML (PDF). The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA. 1990 [2021-03-01]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2021-01-14).
- ^ Robin Milner, Mads Tofte, Robert Harper, David MacQueen. The Definition of Standard ML (Revised) (PDF). The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA. 1997 [2021-03-01]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2022-03-09).
- ^ Lars Birkedal, Nick Rothwell, Mads Tofte, David N. Turner. The ML Kit, Version 1. 1993 [2021-09-13]. (原始內容存檔於2021-09-13).
- ^ The release of the ML Kit Version 1. 1993 [2021-09-13]. (原始內容存檔於2021-09-13).
- ^ G. Cousineau, P.-L. Curien, M. Mauny. The categorical abstract machine. 1985 [2021-09-04]. (原始內容存檔於2021-09-03). LNCS, 201, Functional programming languages computer architecture, pp.~50-64.
Michel Mauny, Ascánder Suárez. Implementing functional languages in the Categorical Abstract Machine (PDF). 1986 [2021-09-04]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2022-01-28). LFP '86: Proceedings of the 1986 ACM conference on LISP and functional programming, Pages 266–278. - ^ Xavier Leroy. The ZINC experiment : an economical implementation of the ML language. 1990 [2021-09-06]. (原始內容存檔於2022-04-06). RT-0117, INRIA.
- ^ Xavier Leroy. The Caml Light system Release 0.74, documentation and user's guide. 1997 [2021-09-02]. (原始內容存檔於2022-03-08).
- ^ Xavier Leroy. Manifest types, modules, and separate compilation (PDF). Principles of Programming Languages. 1994 [2021-09-07]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2021-10-22).
- ^ Didier Rémy. Type inference for records in a natural extension of ML. Research Report RR-1431, INRIA. 1991 [2021-09-10]. (原始內容存檔於2022-04-06).
Didier Rémy, Jérôme Vouillon. Objective ML: a simple object-oriented extension of ML (PDF). 1997 [2021-09-06]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2022-01-21).
Didier Rémy, Jérôme Vouillon. Objective ML: An effective object-oriented extension to ML (PDF). 1998 [2021-09-06]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2022-01-20). - ^ Xavier Leroy. The Objective Caml system release 1.07, Documentation and user's manual. 1997 [2021-09-02]. (原始內容存檔於2022-01-23).
- ^ 41.0 41.1 LunarML — The Standard ML compiler that produces Lua/JavaScript. [2024-02-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-25).
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- ^ Edsger W. Dijkstra, 17. An exercise attributed to R. W. Hamming, A Discipline of Programming, Prentice-Hall: 129–134, 1976, ISBN 978-0132158718
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It is always possible, ……to perform any calculation in this way: rather than reducing to its value, it reduces to an application of a continuation to its value (cf. [Fischer]). That is, in this continuation-passing programming style, a function always "returns" its result by "sending" it to another function.
- ^ CS312. Continuations. Cornell University. 2006 [2021-10-11]. (原始內容存檔於2021-10-28).
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- ^ Stephen Weeks. Whole-Program Compilation in MLton (PDF). Workshop on ML. 2006 [2021-09-17]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2022-01-24).
- ^ HaMLet. [2021-09-04]. (原始內容存檔於2016-10-14).
- ^ "OCaml is an industrial strength programming language supporting functional, imperative and object-oriented styles" (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館). Retrieved on January 2, 2018.
- ^ Alice. [2021-09-04]. (原始內容存檔於2022-03-23).
- ^ Karl Crary. CM-Lex and CM-Yacc. Carnegie Mellon University. 2017 [2021-09-17]. (原始內容存檔於2022-01-20).
- ^ Alpaca programming language community. [2021-10-14]. (原始內容存檔於2021-12-10).
[編輯]- Andreas Rossberg. Standard ML and Objective Caml, Side by Side. 2011 [2021-08-31]. (原始內容存檔於2021-12-30).
- Adam Chlipala. Comparing Objective Caml and Standard ML. 2020 [2021-08-31]. (原始內容存檔於2021-12-16).
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