全球文化與和平協會 (GACP) 與其他下列團體被日本與韓國媒體指責是由韓國人鄭明析爭議性宗教攝理教的門面掩護組織。組織的目的主要是通過大學校園來傳教與招募新生[1]。該組織所有成員並非全都是攝理教教友,許多情況下成員甚至不清楚該團體與攝理教有關。
- International Cultural Exchange (ICE) (國際文化交流)
- Korean International Cultural Society (KICS) (韓國國際文化社)
- Bright Smile Movement (BSM) (大微笑運動)
- Sky Soccer (天的足球)
- Peace Model (PM) (和平模特兒)
- Peace Model Korea (PMK) (韓國和平模特兒)
- World Peace Model (世界和平模特兒)
- Peace Model USA (PMUSA) (美國和平模特兒)
- International Organization of Culture and Art (IOCA) (國際文化與藝術組織)
- IOCA modeling (國際文化與藝術組織模特兒)
- Providence Vision Project (PVP) (攝理遠見計畫)
- Youth Developer Group (YDG) (青年發展團體)
- International Culture Interchange Association (ICIA) (國際文化交流協會)
- VIA 3
- United Culture and Arts Network (UCAN) (聯合文化與藝術網路)
- Hidden Manna Seekers (隱密嗎哪的追尋者)
- Lifeway Academy(明講堂)
- Association of Youth, Sustainability and Leadership Development(AYSLD)(青年永續領導力發展協會)
[編輯]「 | 該教派用來增加信眾的手段不是什麼新花招。在大學校園裡面,該教派招攬者先用體育或文化活動圈子的外表來接近學生。在已經跟學生們建立接近的個人關係後,這些成員才顯露出他們的真正的宗教身分,進而灌輸教義。而最喜歡的目標則是那些認真,卻又與家庭和學校疏遠,但又想改變自己的青年。[2] | 」 |
——日本《朝日新聞》2006年8月19日社論《Another problem cult(又一個問題邪教)》 |
對照日本和韓國媒體所報導前信徒所稱,全球文化與和平協會的網站張貼出總裁鄭明析的一份聲明,說『全球文化與和平協會是建立在所有種族、信仰、與文化的人們可以合一與和諧地在一起地信念』[6] 其他組織團體也陳述類似的關於團體自身的聲明,然而常常卻完全不顯示與攝理教或鄭明析的關連。
相關於韓國國際文化社(KICS)與大微笑運動(BSM)的報導分別地在《首爾時報(The Seoul Times)》和《台北時報(Taipei Times)》分別被報導過[7][8]。針對在《首爾時報》上所刊登的韓國國際文化社(KICS)的報導,《首爾時報》也刊出一封標題為《Your Paper Has Been Used by the JMS Cult(你的報紙已經被攝理邪教利用了)》的讀者投書,文中讀者 Peter Daley 說韓國國際文化社(KICS)『是許多門面掩護團體之一,他們的目的在為鄭明析製造免稅收入以及為該邪教吸收信眾』[9]。
[編輯]- Apologetics Index - GACP(頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)
- Freedom of Mind Center
- (韓語) EXODUS - South Korean non-governmental organisation against Jung's religion, formed by former followers of Jung.
[編輯]- ^ 1.0 1.1 Asahi Shimbun editorial: Another problem cult. [2006-12-19]. (原始內容存檔於2014-10-06).
- ^ 原文:『The gimmicks the sect uses to increase its membership are nothing new. At university campuses, the sect's recruiters first approach students under the guise of a sports or cultural circle. After building close personal relationships with these students, the members reveal the religious nature of their group and start indoctrinating them. The favorite targets are serious-minded young people who feel alienated from their families and schools and wish to change their lives.』
- ^ 原文:『approach students pretending they represent Bible societies, sports groups or campus dancing clubs』
- ^ 4.0 4.1 Asahi Shimbun: Cult aimed at elite in 50 universities. [2007-01-19]. (原始內容存檔於2013-12-27).
- ^ 原文:『fraudulent activity, as they conceal the group's identity in luring members』
- ^ 原文:『GACP was founded upon the idea that people of all races, creeds and cultures can come together in unity and harmony.』。GACP founder's statement. [2007-01-19].[永久失效連結]
- ^ The Seoul Times: Foreigners Head to Boot Camp near DMZ. [2007-01-19]. (原始內容存檔於2007-09-28).
- ^ The Taipei Times: Smiling a serious business in South Korea. [2007-01-19]. (原始內容存檔於2007-05-16).
- ^ 原文:"is one of many front groups whose only purpose is to generate tax free income to Jung and to bring followers to his cult."。Peter Daley's letter to the editor. [2007-01-19]. (原始內容存檔於2007-09-28).