

時間1300 (Transbaikal) 700 (Mongolia) –300 BC.[1]

石板墓文化(英語:Slab Grave culture),又譯四方墓文化,是出現於蒙古高原外貝加爾的史前人類文化,年代介於晚期青铜时代至早期鐵器時代之間,約為公元前13世紀至前6世紀[2][3]匈奴帝國為石板墓文化的後繼者,之後的突厥人蒙古人民族起源歷史可追溯至這個時代[4][5][6][7]



石板墓文化的名稱,來自於在這個區域中發現的古代墳墓風格。這類型的墳墓,是四方形的箱形墳穴,在邊緣樹立大型石板,圍繞墓地。俄國考古學者波羅斯卡(Gregorii Borovka)將這個類型的古代墳墓稱為石板墓(俄语:плиточная могила,德語:Plattengrab,英語:slab burial)。之後成為這個文化類型的稱呼[8]




  1. ^ Fitzhugh 2009b,第80頁,In Mongolia square burials begin almost exactly when the use of deer stones and khirigsuurs ceases, about cal. 2700 B.P., and continue well into the Scythian period (Honeychurch, personal communication 2008)..
  2. ^ Н.Наваан, Дорнод Монголын хүрлийн үе (Mongolian), N.Navaan, Bronze Age of Eastern Mongolia
  3. ^ Tumen D., "Anthropology of Archaeological Populations from Northeast Asia [1] page 25,27
  4. ^ Vidaković, Nenad. From the Ethnic History of Asia – the Dōnghú, Wūhuán and Xiānbēi Proto-Mongolian Tribes. Migracijske i etničke teme. 30 April 2012, 28 (1): 75–95. ISSN 1333-2546 (克罗地亚语).  "Other types of sources on the history of the Proto-Mongolian tribes are archaeological findings, which associate Mongolian ethnogenesis with slab grave cultures and the Lower Xiàjiādiàn."
  5. ^ Savelyev, Alexander; Jeong, Choongwon. Early nomads of the Eastern Steppe and their tentative connections in the West. Evolutionary Human Sciences. 7 May 2020, 2: E20. ISSN 2513-843X. PMC 7612788可免费查阅. PMID 35663512. doi:10.1017/ehs.2020.18. 
  6. ^ Jeong, Choongwon; Wang, Ke; Wilkin, Shevan; Taylor, William Timothy Treal; Miller, Bryan K.; Bemmann, Jan H.; Stahl, Raphaela; Chiovelli, Chelsea; Knolle, Florian; Ulziibayar, Sodnom; Khatanbaatar, Dorjpurev; Erdenebaatar, Diimaajav; Erdenebat, Ulambayar; Ochir, Ayudai; Ankhsanaa, Ganbold; Vanchigdash, Chuluunkhuu; Ochir, Battuga; Munkhbayar, Chuluunbat; Tumen, Dashzeveg; Kovalev, Alexey; Kradin, Nikolay; Bazarov, Bilikto A.; Miyagashev, Denis A.; Konovalov, Prokopiy B.; Zhambaltarova, Elena; Miller, Alicia Ventresca; Haak, Wolfgang; Schiffels, Stephan; Krause, Johannes; Boivin, Nicole; Erdene, Myagmar; Hendy, Jessica; Warinner, Christina. A Dynamic 6,000-Year Genetic History of Eurasia's Eastern Steppe. Cell. 12 November 2020, 183 (4): 890–904.e29. ISSN 1097-4172. PMC 7664836可免费查阅. PMID 33157037. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2020.10.015可免费查阅. 
  7. ^ Jeong, Choongwon; Wang, Ke; Wilkin, Shevan; Taylor, William Timothy Treal; Miller, Bryan K.; Bemmann, Jan H.; Stahl, Raphaela; Chiovelli, Chelsea; Knolle, Florian; Ulziibayar, Sodnom; Khatanbaatar, Dorjpurev; Erdenebaatar, Diimaajav; Erdenebat, Ulambayar; Ochir, Ayudai; Ankhsanaa, Ganbold. A Dynamic 6,000-Year Genetic History of Eurasia's Eastern Steppe. Cell. November 2020, 183 (4): 890–904.e29. ISSN 0092-8674. PMC 7664836可免费查阅. PMID 33157037. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2020.10.015. 
  8. ^ Bemmann, Jan; Brosseder, Ursula. Bazarov, B. V. , 编. A Long Standing Tradition – Stelae in the Steppes with a Special Focus on the Slab Grave Culture. In: Actual Problems of Archaeology and Ethnology of Central Asia: Materials of the II International Conference. Ulan-Udė: The Buryat Scientific Center SB RA. 2017. ISBN 978-5-7925-0494-3.