


理性跟风(英語:Rational herding),在经济学金融学中是指金融市场参与者依据其他人或市场代理人的行为做出判断,而不是参考整体金融市场状况或市场交易状况做出判断。[1][2]





  1. ^ International economic policy review, Volume 2 by International Monetary Fund 2001 ISBN 1-58906-030-X page 100
  2. ^ Andrea Devenow and Ivo Welch Rational herding in financial economics in European Economic Review Volume 40, Issues 3-5, April 1996, Pages 603-615
  3. ^ Fung, Hung-Gay; Tse, Yiuman. International Financial Markets. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing. 2013: 159. ISBN 9781781903117. 
  4. ^ Fung, Hung-Gay; Tse, Yiuman. International Financial Markets. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing. 2013: 159. ISBN 9781781903117. 
  5. ^ Handbook of Behavioral Finance edited by Brian Bruce 2010 ISBN 1-84844-651-9 page 103
  6. ^ Baker, H. Kent; Nofsinger, John R. Behavioral Finance: Investors, Corporations, and Markets需要免费注册. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. 2010: 459. ISBN 9780470499115 (英语). 
  7. ^ International economic policy review, Volume 2 by International Monetary Fund 2001 ISBN 1-58906-030-X page 100
  8. ^ Menkhoff, Lukas; Tolksdorf, Norbert. Financial Market Drift: Decoupling of the Financial Sector from the Real Economy?. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 2001: 165. ISBN 3540411658.