
托馬斯·林賽 (學者)


托馬斯·K·林賽(英語:Thomas K. Lindsay)是一位美國教育家與學者,前夏默学院院長[1]。他曾是美國人文科學基金會(NEH)的代理會長,直至2008年12月卸任為止。他也是NEH基金計畫「我們人民(We the People」的首倡理事,該計畫為探索美國歷史與文化等重要事件與主題的相關研究與其他活動,也闡述美國原則的前瞻知識。林賽是在芝加哥大學取得他的哲學博士學位。其研究大半集中在民主與教育兩者的關聯性。他的論文曾發表在《美国政治科学评论》、《政治学期刊》與《美國政治科學期刊》。

1999年,林賽成為北愛荷華州大學的政治科學教授,並贏得Pi Sigma Alpha/美國政治科學協會「傑出教學獎」。同年,受達拉斯大學提名為研究生院院長與哲學研究學院院長,隨後升格為教務長[2]




2009年1月,托馬斯·林賽正式成為夏默學院的院長,這是一所入學人數只比100位學生多出一點的名著學院[1]。他接下來的任職期間內,由於兩項爭議形成汙點,一是他的謀略手段,二是對學校的長遠計畫[3] 。爭議首次爆發,起因是托馬斯·林賽雇用新進的註冊主任,而這件事處理完後,根據艾伯特· 費爾南德斯教授的說法「內部絲毫沒有經過任何商量」[4]

2010年4月18日,夏默學院校董會進行投票,解除了托馬斯·林賽的院長職務[5][6] 。是經教師及與會人士一致通過不信任投票的不久後,這件事就朝這方向演變[5]。夏默後來發布一則新聞稿,感謝林賽過去對學院健全的財務管理,並解決殘留下來的赤字問題[6][7]


  • "Aristotle's Appraisal of Manly Spirit: Political and Philosophic Implications," American Journal of Political Science, 44 (July 2000): pp. 433–448.
  • "Democracy, Acquisitiveness, and the Private Realm," Political Science Reviewer, 28 (1999):pp. 48–74.
  • "Defending Liberalism?" University of Iowa Law Review, 1997, Vol. 82, No. 3, pp. 943–964.
  • "Unlearning Liberty," Academic Questions, Summer 1997, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 55–62.
  • "Antiquing America," monograph-length essay (23,000 words), Interpretation: A Journal of Political Philosophy, Winter 1996, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 249–295.
  • "Was Aristotle Racist, Sexist, and Anti-Democratic?" The Review of Politics 56:1 (Winter 1994): 127-151.
  • "Religion and the Founder's Intentions," in The American Experiment: Essays on the Theory and Practice of Liberty, ed. Peter Lawler and Robert Schaefer. Savage, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 1994, pp. 119–134.
  • "Liberty, Equality, Power," The American Journal of Political Science 36:3 (August 1992): 743-761.
  • "Aristotle's Qualified Defense of Democracy Through 'Political Mixing,'" The Journal of Politics 54:1 (February 1992): 101-119.
  • "James Madison on Religion and Politics: Rhetoric and Reality," American Political Science Review 85:4 (December 1991): 1321-1337.
  • "The 'God-Like Man' versus the 'Best Laws': Politics and Religion in Aristotle's Politics," The Review of Politics 53:3 (Summer 1991): 488-509.
  • "Reform, Old and New," Research in Urban Policy 2 (1986): 209-215.




  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Inauguration of 13th President of Shimer College. [2009-04-10]. (原始内容存档于2012-12-14). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 SHU enters new academic year with changes in two key administrative posts. The Catholic Advocate. 2004-08-25. (原始内容存档于2011-07-18). 
  3. ^ Don Troop. At a Tiny College, an Epic Battle Over Academic Authority. Chronicle of Higher Education. 2010-02-25 [2010-04-10]. (原始内容存档于2011-06-11). 
  4. ^ Sam Feldman. Big Trouble at Little Shimer. Chicago Weekly. 2010-03-03 [2010-04-10]. (原始内容存档于2010-09-24). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Ron Grossman. Shimer College president fired. Chicago Tribune. 2010-04-19 [2010-04-19]. (原始内容存档于2013-01-02). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Jack Stripling. Old School Shimer. Inside Higher Ed. 2010-04-21 [2011-05-22]. (原始内容存档于2017-01-15). 
  7. ^ Shimer College President Steps Down (PDF). [2010-04-26]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2010-05-24). 

