
使用者:SIA YANG/沙盒




非暴力交流是著重於在對話中滿足各方基本需求的有效策略。[4] 目的是人際關係的和諧,還有在未來的合作中獲取更多的知識。[5]值得注意的概念包括拒絕強制性的話語形式,通過觀察而不是評價來獲取事實,真誠而具體地表達感覺和需求,提出有效且具有同理心的請求。


批判者們通常認為,這種假設方法,僅僅在個人層面具有有效性;大多數的批評言論都涉及到公平和一致性的問題。有些人認為它的模式是自相矛盾的,認為非暴力交流本身帶有一種潛在的強制性(因此是「暴力的」)技術,極有可能被濫用。[7][8] 這種方法需要大量的努力(時間)去學習和應用,並且需要具有一定的教育水平。[6]



馬里昂·利特爾(Marion Little, 2008)認為,NVC模式起源於上世紀60年代末,當時羅森博格正在研究學校和美國南部一些組織中的種族融合問題。[9] 該模式的最早版本(觀察、感覺、需求和面向行動的需求)是馬歇爾·羅森博格在1972年編寫的培訓手冊的一部分。非暴力溝通是以正統的心理學理論為基礎的。非暴力交流的發展高度取決於卡爾·羅傑斯個人中心治療。馬歇爾·羅森博格強調: 1)體驗學習。 2)坦率對待別人的情緒狀態。 3)「以一種能引起他們共鳴的方式」傾聽別人的滿足感。 4)豐富和鼓勵「創意、活躍、敏感、準確、用心聆聽」的經歷。5)觀察「一個人的內心體驗、意識和交流」之間一致性的深層價值。隨後,6)無條件地接受愛或感激,以及類似的更深層次的生動體驗。這些影響了下一節中描述的概念。 [9]

馬歇爾·羅森博格受到埃里希·弗羅姆、喬治·阿爾比以及喬治·A·米勒的影響,在工作中採用了社會聚焦,不再只專注於臨床研究,影響這一轉變的關鍵因素是:(1)個人心理健康取決於一個社區的社會結構(弗羅姆) ,(2) 治療師本身並不能滿足一整個社區的心理需求(阿爾比),還有(3) 如果把心理學自由地傳授給社會,關於人類行為的知識就會增加(米勒)。[9]










  • 觀察: 事實(我們所看到、聽到或觸摸到的東西)與我們對意義和重要性的評價不同。非暴力交流不鼓勵靜態泛化。有人說:「當我們把觀察和評價結合起來時,我們說的話很容易得到別人的批評和抵制。」取而代之的是,我們建議關注於特定時間和背景下的觀察。
  • 感情: 情感或感覺,與思想和故事無關。把他們與思想區分開來 (比如「我覺得我沒有得到公平的待遇。」) ,使用源自口語中用作感情的詞表達我們對自己的看法(例如,「不足」), 我們認為別人如何評價我們(例如,「不重要」),或者我們認為別人對我們做了什麼(例如,「誤解」,"忽略"). 據說,感覺反映了我們的需求是否得到了滿足。識別情感據說能讓我們更容易與他人建立聯繫,而且「通過表達情感讓自己變得脆弱,有助於解決衝突。」
  • 需求: 人類的基本需求, 不同於滿足需求的特定戰略. 它假定「我們所做的一切都是是為了服務於我們的需要。」
  • 請求: 請求與要求的區別在於,請求可以聽到「不行」的回答,而不會觸發嘗試強制解決的問題。如果一個人提出請求並收到「不行」的回答,那麼不建議放棄,在決定如何與一個人繼續進行對話之前要先了什麼原因會阻止對方說「好的」。建議請求使用清晰,積極,具體的行動語言。




  • 自我同理心: 同情地與我們內心發生的事情聯繫。這可能包括,在沒有責備的情況下,關心我們自己的想法和判斷,關心我們自己的感覺,最重要的是,與是否影響我們自己的需求聯繫起來。
  • 用同理心接受他人:在非暴力交流中,涉及「與對方內心深處的東西以及能讓他們的生活變得美好的東西聯繫起來……」這不是為了理解別人的大腦,我們只是在心理上理解另一個人說的話……移情連接是一種對內心的理解,在這種理解中,我們看到他人的美麗,他人神聖的能量,他們身上鮮活的生命……這並不意味著我們必須和另一個人有同樣的感覺。當我們因為別人難過而難過時,這就是同情。這並不意味著我們有相同的感受;這僅僅意味著我們和另一個人在一起……如果你在精神上試圖理解對方,你就不用出現在他們身邊。」同理心包括「清空頭腦,全身心地傾聽。」非暴力交流建議無論對方如何表達自己,我們都要專注於傾聽潛在的觀察、感覺、需求和要求。有人建議,反映別人所說的話的釋義,突出他們信息中隱含的非語言表達成分,比如你猜測他們可能要表達的感覺和需求,這是很有用的。
  • 誠實的表達:在非暴力交流中,這可能包括對觀察、感覺、需要和請求的表達。如果對話的上下文很清楚,可以省略觀察。如果已經存在足夠的聯繫,那麼感覺也可能會被忽略,或者在語境中命名一種不太可能形成聯繫的感覺。據說,除了說出一種感覺,還要說出一種需要,使人們不太可能覺得你是在讓他們對你的感覺負責。類似地,有人說,在提出需求的同時提出一個請求,人們就不太可能推斷出一個模糊的需求來滿足你的需要。這些部分被認為是協同工作。根據非暴力交流培訓師鮑勃·溫特沃斯的說法,「觀察設置背景,感覺支撐聯繫和走出我們的頭腦,需要支撐聯繫和確定什麼才是重要的,請求闡明你可能喜歡什麼樣的回應。將這些因素結合起來使用,可以最大限度地減少人們迷失的可能性,因為他們可能會切斷對你想從他們那裡得到什麼和為什麼想要的猜測。」













正如特蕾莎·拉蒂尼所說:「羅森伯格認為非暴力交流從根本上來說,是一種精神上的修行。」[19] 羅森伯格描述了他的精神生活對非暴力交流發展和實踐的影響:







馬里昂利特爾研究了與非暴力交流相關的理論框架。菲謝爾、安瑞和派特在20世紀80年代的哈佛談判項目中開發的基於利益的衝突解決、談判和調解模型似乎與非暴力交流有一些概念上的重疊,儘管兩種模型都沒有引用對方。[9]:31–35 利特爾認為,基於概念上的相似性,如果沒有任何證據能證明他們有直接關係的話,戈登有效關係模型(1970)可以作為非暴力交流和基於利益的談判的先驅。[9]:35–41 和羅森博格一樣,戈登也曾與卡爾·羅傑斯共事過,所以模型的相似性可能反映了他們彼此共同影響著對方。[9]:35







非暴力交流已被應用於很多組織和商業環境[34][35]中,以及養育[36][37][38]、教育[39][40][41][42] 、調解[43]、心理治療[44] 、醫療保健[45]、解決飲食問題[46]、司法[47][48][49]、被作為一本兒童讀物的基本根據[50]等其他環境中。




一些研究人員試圖對非暴力交流的批評和弱點進行徹底的評估,並評估了其應用中的重大挑戰。[12][52][53][54] 這些問題涵蓋了從實踐到理論的一系列潛在問題,包括研究參與者和研究人員收集的關注。
















非暴力交流中心認證培訓師是通過在非暴力交流中心裡對非暴力交流過程逐步理解後來教授非暴力交流的人。[63]非暴力交流中心也提供由認證培訓師提供的培訓[64]一些非暴力交流培訓是由一些組織贊助的培訓師提供的,這些組織被認為與馬歇爾·羅森博格創立的非暴力交流中心結盟,但沒有正式關係。[65][66] 其中一些培訓是通過非暴力交流中心公布的。[67] 大量的非暴力交流組織在世界各地如雨後春筍般湧現,許多都有區域性的焦點。[68][69]




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  3. ^ 蓋茨, 鮑勃; 蓋爾, 簡; 瑞, 簡. 行为苦恼:概念与策略. 拜勒瑞·町戴爾. 2000. 
  4. ^ 印巴·凱斯坦, 米奇·凱斯坦, 非暴力交流的主要假設和意圖
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  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 洪卡德利亞, 卡梅·曼波爾. 非暴力沟通模式的应用对共情发展的影响是什么? (PDF). 心理治療研究理學碩士. 2013.11 [2014.5.16]. 
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  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 小馬里昂 (2008) 全心全意:培養同理心發展和解決衝突的能力。 防止暴力的策略 網際網路檔案館存檔,存檔日期2014-11-02.. MA Thesis, Dispute Resolution, Victoria, B.C., Canada: University of Victoria, 286.
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  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 12.2 Juncadella, Carme Mampel. 非暴力沟通模式的应用对共情发展的影响是什么?概览 (PDF). MSC in Psychotherapy Studies. October 2013 [16 May 2014]. 
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  14. ^ Nash, A.L. (2007) 德高研究所個案研究: 非暴力溝通訓練對解決衝突效果的說明 網際網路檔案館存檔,存檔日期2015-09-23.. MS Sociology. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia: pp.40
  15. ^ 注意NVC的起源. Northwest Compassionate Communication. [22 Sep 2017]. 
  16. ^ Bowers, Richard; Moffett, Nelle. Empathy in Conflict Intervention: The Key to Successful NVC Mediation. Harmony World Publishing. 2012. ISBN 978-1-4776-1460-0. 
  17. ^ Connor, J. M.; Wentworth, R. Training in Collaborative Communication in an Organizational Context: Assessment of Impact. Psychologists for Social Responsibility 30th Anniversary Conference. Washington DC. 12–14 July 2012 [21 Sep 2017]. 
  18. ^ Suarez, Alejandra; Dug Y. Lee; Christopher Rowe; Alex Anthony Gomez; Elise Murowchick; Patricia L. Linn. Freedom Project: Nonviolent Communication and Mindfulness Training in Prison. SAGE Open. 11 February 2014, 4 (2014 4): 10. doi:10.1177/2158244013516154可免費查閱. 
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 Latini, Theresa. Nonviolent Communication: A Humanizing Ecclesial and Educational Practice (PDF). Journal of Education & Christian Belief (Kuyer's Institute for Christian Teaching and Learning). 2009, 13 (1): 19–31 [January 19, 2011]. CiteSeerX可免費查閱. S2CID 142887493. doi:10.1177/205699710901300104. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於July 8, 2011). 
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 Spiritual Basis of Nonviolent Communication: A Question and Answer Session with Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D. Center for Nonviolent Communication. [Dec 1, 2011]. 
  21. ^ Prieto, Jaime L. Jr. The Joy of Compassionate Connecting: The Way of Christ through Nonviolent Communication. CreateSpace. 2010: 298. ISBN 978-1-4515-1425-4. 
  22. ^ Rohlfs, Allan. Beyond anger and blame: How to achieve constructive conflict. The Christian Century. Nov 14, 2012, 129 (23) [16 May 2014]. 
  23. ^ van Deusen Hunsinger, Deborah. Practicing Koinonia (PDF). Theology Today. October 2009, 66 (3): 346–367 [16 October 2011]. S2CID 220982415. doi:10.1177/004057360906600306. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於4 April 2012). 
  24. ^ Latini, Theresa F. Nonviolent Communication and the Image of God. Perspectives: A Journal of Reformed Thought. May 2007 [Nov 8, 2011]. 
  25. ^ Shantigarbha. NVC in the FWBO: Heart-to-Heart Communication. FWBO & TBMSG News. May 8, 2008. 
  26. ^ Little, Jason. Buddhism and Nonviolent Communication. Shambhala Times. January 31, 2009 [March 14, 2010]. (原始內容存檔於June 25, 2016). 
  27. ^ Lasater, Judith Hanson; Lasater, Ike K. What We Say Matters: Practicing Nonviolent Communication. Rodmell Press. 2009: 192. ISBN 978-1-930485-24-2. 
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  30. ^ Havva Kök, "Nonviolent Communication in Political Conflicts" 網際網路檔案館存檔,存檔日期2012-04-25., USAK Yearbook of International Politics and Law, Volume 2, (2009). pp. 349–362
  31. ^ Burton, John 1990b. Conflict: Basic Human Needs. New York: St. Martins Press.
  32. ^ Lasley, Martha (2005) Difficult Conversations: Authentic Communication Leads to Greater Understanding and Teamwork. Group Facilitation: A Research and Applications Journal, Number 7
  33. ^ Stanfield, R. Brian (編). The Art of Focused Conversation: 100 Ways to Access Group Wisdom in the Workplace (ICA series). New Society Publishers. 2000: 240. ISBN 978-0-86571-416-8. 
  34. ^ Miyashiro, Marie R. The Empathy Factor: Your Competitive Advantage for Personal, Team, and Business Success. Puddledancer Press. 2011: 256. ISBN 978-1-892005-25-0. 
  35. ^ Lasater, Ike; Julie Stiles. Words That Work In Business: A Practical Guide to Effective Communication in the Workplace. Puddledancer Press. 2010: 160. ISBN 978-1-892005-01-4. 
  36. ^ Hart, Sura; Victoria Kindle Hodson. Respectful Parents, Respectful Kids: 7 Keys to Turn Family Conflict into Cooperation. Puddledancer Press. 2006: 208. ISBN 1-892005-22-0. 
  37. ^ Kashtan, Inbal. Parenting From Your Heart: Sharing the Gifts of Compassion, Connection, and Choice有限度免費查閱,超限則需付費訂閱. Puddledancer Press. 2004: 48. ISBN 1-892005-08-5. 
  38. ^ Rosenberg, Marshall B. Raising Children Compassionately: Parenting the Nonviolent Communication Way. Puddledancer Press. 2004: 48. ISBN 1-892005-09-3. 
  39. ^ Hart, Sura; Victoria Kindle Hodson. The No-Fault Classroom: Tools to Resolve Conflict & Foster Relationship Intelligence. Puddledancer Press. 2008: 240. ISBN 978-1-892005-18-2. 
  40. ^ Cadden, Catherine Ann. Peaceable Revolution Through Education. Baba Tree. 2009: 160. ISBN 978-0-9825578-0-8. 
  41. ^ Hart, Sura; Victoria Kindle Hodson. The Compassionate Classroom: Relationship Based Teaching and Learning. Puddledancer Press. 2004: 208. ISBN 1-892005-06-9. 
  42. ^ Rosenberg, Marshall B.; Riane Eisler. Life-Enriching Education: Nonviolent Communication Helps Schools Improve Performance, Reduce Conflict, and Enhance Relationships. Puddledancer Press. 2003: 192. ISBN 1-892005-05-0. 
  43. ^ Larsson, Liv. A Helping Hand, Mediation with Nonviolent Communication. Friare Liv Konsult. 2011: 258. ISBN 978-91-976672-7-2. 
  44. ^ Open Hearted Therapy: A Year-long Program for Therapists. NVC Academy. [Nov 30, 2011]. 
  45. ^ Sears, Melanie. Humanizing Health Care: Creating Cultures of Compassion With Nonviolent Communication. Puddledancer Press. 2010: 112. ISBN 978-1-892005-26-7. 
  46. ^ Haskvitz, Sylvia. Eat by Choice, Not by Habit: Practical Skills for Creating a Healthy Relationship with Your Body and Food需要免費註冊. Puddledancer Press. 2005: 128. ISBN 1-892005-20-4. 
  47. ^ BayNVC Restorative Justice Project. [2011-09-21]. (原始內容存檔於2012-03-31). 
  48. ^ Oregon Prison Project Teaches Empathy, A Key in Lowering Recidivism. [2011-09-21]. (原始內容存檔於2012-04-02). 
  49. ^ Freedom Project Seattle. [23 April 2016]. 
  50. ^ Allen, J.P.; Marci Winters. Giraffe Juice: The Magic of Making Life Wonderful. www.GiraffeJuice.com. 2011: 142 [Sep 22, 2011]. ISBN 978-0-615-26393-9. 
  51. ^ Rosenberg, Marshall. Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Compassion. Encinitas, CA: Puddledancer Press. 2001: 212. 
  52. ^ Altmann, Tobias. Evaluation der Gewaltfreien Kommunikation in Quer- und Längsschnittdaten (PDF) (學位論文). University of Leipzig, Institut für Psychologie II. 2010 [16 May 2014]. 
  53. ^ 53.0 53.1 Bitschnau, Karoline. Die Sprache der Giraffen. Wie die Gewaltfreie Kommunikation Ihr Leben verändern kann. Paderborn (Junfermann). 2008. 
  54. ^ 54.0 54.1 Oboth, Monika. Inspiration und Herausforderung.. Spektrum der Mediation. 2007, 28: 9–11. 
  55. ^ 55.0 55.1 55.2 Flack, Chapman. The subtle violence of nonviolent language.. CrossCurrents. September 2006, 56 (3) [January 19, 2011]. ISSN 0011-1953. 
  56. ^ Nonviolent Communication can be emotionally violent. Real Social Skills. [2019-11-25] (美國英語). 
  57. ^ Kashtan, Miki. Does Nonviolent Communication Work. Psychology Today. 2012-12-07 [2019-11-18]. 
  58. ^ Gorsevski, Ellen. Peaceful Persuasion: The Geopolitics of Nonviolent Rhetoric有限度免費查閱,超限則需付費訂閱. State University of New York Press. 2004: 166, 227–228. 
  59. ^ Endorsements of Nonviolent Communication. PuddleDancer Press. [Nov 30, 2011]. 
  60. ^ Hartenstein, Sven. ANVC (Almost Nonviolent Communication). [21 April 2013]. 
  61. ^ MacCracken, Harry. Satya Nadella Rewrites Microsoft's Code. Fast Company. 18 Sep 2017 [25 Sep 2017]. 
  62. ^ Guidelines for sharing NVC, cnvc.org
  63. ^ Certification, cnvc.org
  64. ^ Nonviolent Communication International Intensive Training, cnvc.org
  65. ^ Organizations. nvcworld.com. NVC World. [October 6, 2016]. 
  66. ^ Organization of the NVC Movement, capitalnvc.net
  67. ^ Training Schedule, cnvc.org
  68. ^ International Organisations. nvcworld.com. 2011 [October 19, 2011]. 
  69. ^ Find nvc organizations. cnvc.org. 2011 [October 19, 2011]. (原始內容存檔於September 22, 2014). 

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US Navy sailors effectively hauling in a mooring line (2010)

團隊效率 (也稱為團隊效力) is the capacity a team has to accomplish the goals or objectives administered by an authorized personnel or the organization.[1] A team is a collection of individuals who are interdependent in their tasks, share responsibility for outcomes, and view themselves as a unit embedded in an institutional or organizational system which operates within the established boundaries of that system.[2] Teams and groups have established a synonymous relationship within the confines of processes and research relating to their effectiveness[3] (i.e. group cohesiveness, teamwork) while still maintaining their independence as two separate units, as groups and their members are independent of each other's role, skill, knowledge or purpose versus teams and their members, who are interdependent upon each other's role, skill, knowledge and purpose.

There are six different team effectiveness models including Rubin, Plovnick, and Fry's GRPI model,[4] the Katzenbach and Smith model,[5] the T7 model,[6] the LaFasto and Larson model,[7] the Hackman model[8] and the Lencioni model.[9]



The evaluation of how effective a team is, is achieved with the aid of a variety of components derived from research and theories that help in creating a description of the multifaceted nature of team effectiveness. According to Hackman (1987),[10] team effectiveness can be defined in terms of three criteria:

  1. Output – The final outputs produced by the team must meet or exceed the standards set by key constituents within the organization
  2. Social Processes – The internal social processes operating as the team interacts should enhance, or at least maintain, the group's ability to work together in the future
  3. Learning – The experience of working in the team environment should act to satisfy rather than aggravate the personal needs of team members[11]
US Navy Outrigger Paddling team rowing with cohesion, efficacy and without group conflict (2007)

In order for these criteria to be assessed appropriately, an evaluation of team effectiveness should be conducted, which involves both a measure of the teams』 final task performance as well as criteria with which to assess intragroup process. The three major intragroup process constructs examined are intra-group conflict, team cohesion, and team-efficacy. Intra-group conflict is an integral part of the process a team undergoes and the effectiveness of the unit that was formed. Previous research has differentiated two components of intra-group conflict:

  • Relationship conflict – This is the interpersonal incompatibilities between team members such as annoyance and animosity
  • Task conflict – This occurs when members convey divergent ideas and opinions about specific aspects related to task accomplishment

Team cohesion is viewed as 『『a general indicator of synergistic group interaction—or process』』.[12] Furthermore, cohesion has been linked to greater coordination during team-tasks as well as improved satisfaction, productivity, and group interactions.[13] Team efficacy refers to team members』 perceptions of task-specific team competence. This construct is thought to create a sense of confidence within the team that enables the group to persevere when faced with hardship.[14] According to Hackman (2002),[15] there are also 5 conditions that research has shown to optimize the effectiveness of the team:

  1. Real Team – Stability in the group membership over time
  2. Compelling Direction – A clear purpose that relies on end goals
  3. Enabling Structure – The groups dynamic must be producing good, not bad
  4. Social Support – The group must have a system to collaborate properly
  5. Coaching – Opportunities for a coach to give help[16]

The Aristotle project, a multi-year initiative by Google Inc. aimed at defining the characteristics of an ideal team in the workplace, has found somewhat similar conditions for group effectiveness. They found that by far, most important factor is psychological safety. The other key factors in productivity are dependability, structure and clarity, personal meaning, and each team member feeling like they have an impact.[17]

Work teams


Work teams (also referred to as production and service teams) are continuing work units responsible for producing goods or providing services for the organization.[18] Their membership is typically stable, usually full-time, and well-defined.[19] These teams are traditionally directed by a supervisor who mandates what work is done, who does it, and in what manner is it executed. Work teams are effectively used in manufacturing sectors such as mining and apparel and service based sectors such as accounting which utilize audit teams.[20]

Self-managed work teams


Self-managed work teams (also referred to as autonomous work groups) allow their members to make a greater contribution at work and constitute a significant competitive advantage for the organization.[21] These work teams determine how they will accomplish the objectives they are mandated to achieve and decide what route they will take to complete the current assignment.[22] Self-managed work teams are granted the responsibility of planning, scheduling, organizing, directing, controlling and evaluating their own work process. They also select their own members and evaluate the members' performance. Self-managed work teams have been favored for their effectiveness over traditionally managed teams due their ability to enhance productivity, costs, customer service, quality, and safety.[23][24] Self-managed work teams do not always have positive results, however. These teams can be expensive to start, have the potential for the greatest conflict, and are often difficult to monitor the progress of.[25] The move to self-managed work teams at Levi Strauss & Co. in the 1990s pitted highly skilled and efficient workers against their slower counterparts, who the faster workers did not feel were sufficiently contributing to the team.[26]

Parallel teams

Parallel team solving a problem (2013)

Parallel teams (also referred to as advice and involvement teams) pull together people from different work units or jobs to perform functions that the regular organization is not equipped to perform well. These teams are given limited authority and can only make recommendations to individuals higher in the organizational hierarchy.[27] Parallel teams are used for solving problems and activities that are in need of revision or improvement.[28] Examples of parallel teams are quality circles, task forces, quality improvement teams, employee involvement groups. The effectiveness of parallel teams is proven by the continuation of their usage and expansion throughout organizations due to their ability to improve quality and increase employee involvement.[29][30]

Project teams


Project teams (also referred to as development teams) produce new products and services for an organization or institution on a one-time or limited basis, of which the copyrights of that new product or service will belong to the establishment that it was made for once it is completed. The task of these teams may vary from just improving a current project, concept or plan to creating an entirely new projects with very few limitations. Projects teams rely on their members being knowledgeable and well versed in many disciplines and functions, as this allows them to complete the task effectively.[31] Once a project is completed, the team either disbands and are individually moved to other special functions or moves on to other projects and tasks that they as a unit can accomplish or develop. A common example of project teams are cross-functional teams.[32] A project team's effectiveness is associated with the speed with which they are able to create and develop new products and services which reduces time spent on individual projects.[33]

Management teams


Management teams (also referred to as action and negotiation teams) are responsible for the coordination and direction of a division within an institution or organization during various assigned projects and functional, operational and/or strategic tasks and initiatives.[34] Management teams are responsible for the total performance of the division they oversee with regards to day-to-day operations, delegation of tasks and the supervision of employees.[35] The authority of these teams are based on the members position on the company's or institution's organizational chart. These management teams are constructed of managers from different divisions (e.g. Vice President of Marketing, Assistant Director of Operations).[36][37] An example of management teams are executive management teams, which consists of members at the top of the organization's hierarchy, such as chief executive officer, board of directors, board of trustees, etc., who establish the strategic initiatives that a company will undertake over a long term period (~ 3–5 years).[38] Management teams have been effective by using their expertise to aid companies in adjusting to the current landscape of a global economy, which helps them compete with their rivals in their respective markets, produce unique initiatives that sets them apart from their rivals and empower the employees who are responsible for the success of the organization or institution.[39][40]

See also



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