


Mordred or Modred (/ˈmdrɛd/; Welsh: Medraut or Medrawt) is a character who is variously portrayed in the Arthurian legend. The earliest known mention of a possibly historical Medraut is in the Welsh chronicle Annales Cambriae, wherein he and Arthur are ambiguously associated with the Battle of Camlann in a brief entry for the year 537. His figure seemed to have been regarded positively in the early Welsh tradition and may have been related to that of Arthur's son.

莫德雷德(英語:MordredModred,又譯為莫俊德莫卓),是亞瑟王傳說中一位重要的人物,也是其中最知名的叛徒。歷史上的莫德雷德最早可能在《威爾斯年代記英語Annales Cambriae》中出現,這份文獻以一篇簡短的記事模糊不清地提及了公元537年的劍欄之戰中的他與亞瑟王。在早期威爾斯傳統中,莫德雷德似乎有著積極正面的形象,也許還曾和亞瑟之子英語King Arthur's family有某種關係。

As Modredus, Mordred was depicted as Arthur's traitorous nephew and a legitimate son of King Lot in Geoffrey of Monmouth's pseudo-historical work Historia Regum Britanniae which then served as the basis for the following evolution of the legend since the 12th century. Later variants most often characterised him as Arthur's villainous bastard son, born of an incestuous relationship with his half-sister, the Queen of Orkney named either Anna, Orcades or Morgause. The accounts presented in the Historia and most other versions include Mordred's death at Camlann, typically in a final duel during which he manages to mortally wound his slayer Arthur.

蒙茅斯的傑弗里所著的偽歷史書《不列顛諸王史》中,莫德雷德被描寫成亞瑟叛逆的侄子,以及洛特王英語King Lot的合法子嗣。這本書在12世紀成為了亞瑟王傳說後續發展的基礎。後來的諸多文藝作品多把他描繪為亞瑟與姐姐摩高斯亂倫所生的孽子。史書與許多版本的故事體現了他的此番形象,包括令他殞命的劍欄之戰——大多數故事都描寫他死於與亞瑟王的決鬥,亞瑟王亦身負瀕死重傷。

Mordred is usually a brother or half-brother to Gawain; however, his other family relations as well as his relationships with Arthur's wife Guinevere vary greatly. In a popular telling originating from the French chivalric romances of the 13th century, and made prominent today through its inclusion in Le Morte d'Arthur, Mordred is knighted by Arthur and joins the fellowship of the Round Table. In this narrative, he eventually becomes the main actor in Arthur's downfall as he helps his half-brother Agravain to expose Guinevere's and Lancelot's affair and then takes advantage of the resulting war to make himself the high king of Britain.




The name Mordred, found as the Latinised Modredus in Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae, comes from Old Welsh Medraut (comparable to Old Cornish Modred and Old Breton Modrot).[1] It is ultimately derived from Latin Moderātus, meaning "within bounds, observing moderation, moderate".[2][3]




The earliest surviving mention of Mordred (referred to as Medraut) is found in an entry for the year 537 in the chronicle Annales Cambriae (The Annals of Wales), which references his name in an association with the Battle of Camlann.[6]

Gueith Camlann in qua Arthur et Medraut corruerunt.
"The strife of Camlann, in which Arthur and Medraut fell."

最早提及莫德雷德的文獻為《威爾斯年代記英語Annales Cambriae》,在記錄公元537年的劍欄之戰時提及了他的名字。[7]

Gueith Camlann in qua Arthur et Medraut corruerunt.

This brief entry gives no information as to whether Mordred killed or was killed by Arthur, or even if he was fighting against him. As noted by Leslie Alcock, the reader assumes this in the light of later tradition.[8] The Annales themselves were completed between 960 and 970, meaning that (although their authors likely drew from older material[9]) they cannot be considered as a contemporary source having been compiled 400 years after the events they describe.[10]


Meilyr Brydydd, writing at the same time as Geoffrey of Monmouth, mentions Mordred in his lament for the death of Gruffudd ap Cynan (d. 1137). He describes Gruffudd as having eissor Medrawd ("the nature of Medrawd") as to have valour in battle. Similarly, Gwalchmai ap Meilyr praised Madog ap Maredudd, king of Powys (d. 1160) as having Arthur gerdernyd, menwyd Medrawd ("Arthur's strength, the good nature of Medrawd").[14] This would support the idea that early perceptions of Mordred were largely positive.

梅勒·布萊迪英語梅勒·布莱迪在寫給格溫內斯格魯夫英語Gruffudd ap Cynan的輓歌中提及了莫德雷德。他描述格魯夫道,他擁有eissor Medrawd——意為和莫德雷德相同的天性——這使得他在戰鬥中十分英勇。與之相似地,戈士麥英語Gwalchmai ap Meilyr曾稱讚波伊斯之王瑪多戈英語Madog ap Maredudd,稱他擁有Arthur gerdernyd, menwyd Medrawd——意為亞瑟的力量與莫德雷德的優良品性。[15]可見,莫德雷德在早期傳統與文獻中或許真的有一個正面的形象。

However, Mordred's later characterisation as the king's villainous son has a precedent in the figure of Amr or Amhar, a son of Arthur's known from only two references. The more important of these, found in an appendix to the 9th-century chronicle Historia Brittonum (The History of the Britons), describes his marvelous grave beside the Herefordshire spring where he had been slain by his own father in some unchronicled tragedy.[16][17] What connection exists between the stories of Amr and Mordred, if there is one, has never been satisfactorily explained.


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Loomis, Roger Sherman. Celtic Myth and Arthurian Romance. Chicago Review Press. 2005. ISBN 9781613732106 (英語). 
  2. ^ Harbeck, James. Why Is the Mor in Voldemort (and Mordor and Dr. Moreau) So Evil-Sounding?. Slate. Lubbock, Texas: The Slate Group. March 21, 2014 [May 27, 2019]. 
  3. ^ Lewis, Charlton T. An Elementary Latin Dictionary. Woodstock, Georgia: American Book Company. 2013: 511 [1890]. ISBN 978-1614274933. 
  4. ^ Harbeck, James. Why Is the Mor in Voldemort (and Mordor and Dr. Moreau) So Evil-Sounding?. Slate. Lubbock, Texas: The Slate Group. March 21, 2014 [May 27, 2019]. 
  5. ^ Lewis, Charlton T. An Elementary Latin Dictionary. Woodstock, Georgia: American Book Company. 2013: 511 [1890]. ISBN 978-1614274933. 
  6. ^ Arthurian References in the 'Annales Cambriae'. Camelot Project at the University of Rochester. 由Lupack, Alan翻譯. Rochester, New York: University of Rochester. 2002 [1 December 2006]. 
  7. ^ Arthurian References in the 'Annales Cambriae'. Camelot Project at the University of Rochester. 由Lupack, Alan翻譯. Rochester, New York: University of Rochester. 2002 [1 December 2006]. 
  8. ^ Alcock, Leslie. Arthur's Britain: History and Archaeology A.D. 367–634. New York City: Penguin Publishing. 1970: 88. ISBN 978-0140213966. 
  9. ^ Ashe, Geoffrey. Annales Cambriae. The New Arthurian Encyclopedia. London, England: Routledge. 1991: 8–9. ISBN 978-1138147133. 
  10. ^ Green, Thomas. Concepts of Arthur. Chalford, England: Tempus Publishing. 2007: 27. ISBN 978-0752444611. 
  11. ^ Alcock, Leslie. Arthur's Britain: History and Archaeology A.D. 367–634. New York City: Penguin Publishing. 1970: 88. ISBN 978-0140213966. 
  12. ^ Ashe, Geoffrey. Annales Cambriae. The New Arthurian Encyclopedia. London, England: Routledge. 1991: 8–9. ISBN 978-1138147133. 
  13. ^ Green, Thomas. Concepts of Arthur. Chalford, England: Tempus Publishing. 2007: 27. ISBN 978-0752444611. 
  14. ^ Padel, Oliver James. Arthur in Medieval Welsh Literature. Cardiff, Wales: University of Wales Press. May 15, 2013. ISBN 9781783165698 (英語). 
  15. ^ Padel, Oliver James. Arthur in Medieval Welsh Literature. Cardiff, Wales: University of Wales Press. May 15, 2013. ISBN 9781783165698 (英語). 
  16. ^ Nennius. Historia Brittonum ("From the 'History of the Britons"). The Camelot Project at the University of Rochester. 由Lupack, Alan翻譯. Rochester, New York: University of Rochester. [1 December 2006]. 
  17. ^ The Arthurian Handbook, p. 15; p. 277.