科普特語 | |
ϯⲙⲉⲑⲣⲉⲙⲛ̀ⲭⲏⲙⲓ / ⲧⲙⲛ̄ⲧⲣⲙ̄ⲛ̄ⲕⲏⲙⲉ timethremənkhēmi / tməntrəmənkēme 「埃及人民的語言」 | |
母語國家和地區 | 埃及 |
滅亡 | 大約於16世紀在日常生活中消失;現在仍然是科普特正教的儀式語言 |
語系 | |
文字 | 科普特字母 |
語言代碼 | |
ISO 639-2 | cop |
ISO 639-3 | cop |
瀕危程度 | |
聯合國教科文組織認定的瀕危語言[1] 滅絕(UNESCO) |

科普特語(Coptic language),是晚期階段的古埃及語,形成於紀元前。紀元伊始,人們開始借鑑希臘字母,創制出了科普特語的子音字母;又照古埃及文的世俗體文字,創制出了母音字母,由此設計完成了一套科普特語字母。公元3世紀,出現大量用科普特語謄抄的希臘文獻,尤其是基督教經文。迦克墩公會議後,亞歷山大學派反對確立耶穌「一位二性」的信經,與羅馬天主教分道揚鑣,出現了科普特教派。科普特語言文字在科普特教派的信徒的使用中得到繼承發揚。科普特語曾在埃及各地廣泛使用,但後來逐漸被埃及阿拉伯語取代。現在,科普特語只在埃及科普特人的教會中使用。
[編輯]前元音 | 央元音 | 後元音 | |
閉元音 | iː | uː | |
半閉元音 | eː e | oː o | |
中元音 | ə | ||
開元音 | a | ɑ |
[編輯]雙唇音 | 唇齒音 | 齒齦音 | 齦後音 | 硬齶音 | 軟齶音 | 咽音 | 聲門音 | |
鼻音 | m | n | ||||||
塞音 | p b | t d | c ɟ | k ɡ | ʔ | |||
塞擦音 | (t͡ʃ d͡ʒ) | |||||||
擦音 | f | s z | ʃ | x | ʕ ħ | h | ||
近音 | w | j | ||||||
顫音 | r | |||||||
邊音 | l |
[編輯]科普特語有主語-動詞-賓語詞序,但當有正確的前置詞在主語之前時可以是動詞-主語-賓語詞序。數、性、時態和語氣都用來自新埃及語的前綴指示。更早期的埃及語階段通過後綴來完成。一些後綴屈折的痕跡存留於科普特語中,主要用來指示不可轉讓所有關係和用在一些動詞中,比較中古埃及語形式 *satāpafa「he chooses」(在象形文中寫為 stp.f)與科普特語 f.sotp ϥⲥⲱⲧⲡ̅「he chooses」。
[編輯]- Emmel, Stephen. 1992. "Languages (Coptic)". In The Anchor Bible Dictionary, edited by David Noel Freedman. Vol. 4 of 6 vols. New York: Doubleday. 180–188.
- Gessman, A. M. The Birth of the Coptic Script. University of South Florida Language Quarterly 14. 1976, 2–3.
- Gignac, Francis Thomas. 1991. "Old Coptic". In The Coptic Encyclopedia, edited by Aziz Suryal Atiya. Vol. 8 of 8 vols. New York and Toronto: Macmillian Publishing Company and Collier Macmillian Canada. 169—188.
- Rodolphe Kasser. 1991. "Dialects". In The Coptic Encyclopedia, edited by Aziz Suryal Atiya. Vol. 8 of 8 vols. New York and Toronto: Macmillian Publishing Company and Collier Macmillian Canada. 87—96.
- Wolfgang Kosack Lehrbuch des Koptischen.Teil I:Koptische Grammatik.Teil II:Koptische Lesestücke, Graz 1974.
- Loprieno, Antonio. 1995. Ancient Egyptian: A Linguistic Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Hans Jakob Polotsky. 1971. "Coptic". In Afroasiatic: A Survey, edited by Carleton Taylor Hodge. (Jana Linguarum: Series Practica; 163). 's Gravenhage and Paris: Mouton. 67–79.
[編輯]- Henry Tattam, A compendious grammar of the Egyptian language as contained in the Coptic, Sahidic, and Bashmuric Dialects (London 1863) (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)
- Marius Chaîne. 1933. Éléments de grammaire dialectale copte: bohairique, sahidique, achmimique, fayoumique. Paris: Paul Geuthner.
- Eberle, Andrea, & Regine Schulz. 2004. Koptisch - Ein Leitfaden durch das Saïdische. LINCOM Languages of the World/Materials 07. Munich: LINCOM Europa.
- Lambdin, Thomas Oden. 1983. Introduction to Sahidic Coptic. Macon: Mercer University Press.
- Layton, Bentley. 2000. A Coptic Grammar (Sahidic Dialect): With a Chrestomathy and Glossary. (Porta linguarum orientalium; N.S., 20). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
- Layton, Bentley. 2007. Coptic in 20 Lessons: Introduction to Sahidic Coptic with Exercises and Vocabularies. Peeters Publishers, ISBN 90-429-1810-1.
- Mallon, Alexis. 1956. Grammaire copte: bibliographie, chrestomathie et vocabulaire. 4th edition. Beyrouth.
- Mattar, Nabil. 1990. A Study in Bohairic Coptic. Pasadena: Hope Publishing House.
- Hans Jakob Polotsky. 1987. Grundlagen des koptischen Satzbaus. American Studies in Papyrology 28. Decatur, Ga.: Scholars Press.
- Shisha-Halevy, Ariel. 1988. Coptic Grammatical Chrestomathy: a course for academic and private study. Orientalia lovaniensia analecta 30. Leuven: Peeters.
- Shisha-Halevy, Ariel. 1986. Coptic Grammatical Categories: Structural Studies in the Syntax of Shenoutean Sahidic. Analecta Orientalia 53. Roma: Pontificium Institutum Biblicum. ISBN 88-7653-255-2.
- Shisha-Halevy, Ariel. 2007. Topics in Coptic Syntax: Structural Studies in the Bohairic Dialect. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 160. Leuven - Paris - Dudley, MA: Peeters. ISBN 978-90-429-1875-7.
- Till, Walter C. 1994. Koptische Dialektgrammatik. Berlin: Walter De Gruyter.
- Jozef Vergote. 1973–1983. Grammaire copte. Leuven: Peeters.
- Younan, Sameh. 2005. So, you want to learn Coptic? A guide to Bohairic Grammar (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館). Sydney: St.Mary, St.Bakhomious and St.Shenouda Coptic Orthodox Church.
[編輯]- Černý, Jaroslav. 1976. Coptic Etymological Dictionary. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Wolfgang Kosack: Lehrbuch des Koptischen.Teil I:Koptische Grammatik.Teil II:Koptische Lesestücke, Graz 1974.
- Wolfgang Kosack: Koptisches Handlexikon des Bohairischen. Koptisch - Deutsch - Arabisch. Verlag Christoph Brunner, Basel 2013, ISBN 978-3-9524018-9-7.
- Westendorf, Wolfhart. 1965/1977. Koptisches Handwörterbuch. Heidelberg: Carl Winter.
- Vycichl, Werner. 1983. Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue copte. Leuven: Éditions Peeters.
- Westendorf, Wolfhart. 1965/1977. Koptisches Handwörterbuch. Heidelberg: Carl Winter.
[編輯]- Depuydt, Leo. 1993. "On Coptic Sounds." Orientalia 62 (new series): 338–375.
- Loprieno, Antonio. 1997. "Egyptian and Coptic Phonology". In Phonologies of Asia and Africa (Including the Caucasus), edited by Alan S. Kaye. Vol. 1 of 2 vols. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns. 431–460.
- Peust, Carsten. 1999. Egyptian Phonology: An Introduction to the Phonology of a Dead Language[永久失效連結]. (Monographien zur ägyptischen Sprache; 2). Göttingen: Peust & Gutschmidt.
[編輯]- Kammerer, Winifred (compiler), A Coptic Bibliography, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1950. (Reprint New York: Kraus Reprint Co., 1969)
- Wolfgang Kosack: Der koptische Heiligenkalender. Deutsch - Koptisch - Arabisch nach den besten Quellen neu bearbeitet und vollständig herausgegeben mit Index Sanctorum koptischer Heiliger, Index der Namen auf Koptisch, Koptische Patriarchenliste, Geografische Liste. Christoph Brunner, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-9524018-4-2.
- Wolfgang Kosack: Schenute von Atripe De judicio finale. Papyruskodex 63000.IV im Museo Egizio di Torino. Einleitung, Textbearbeitung und Übersetzung herausgegeben von Wolfgang Kosack. Christoph Brunner, Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-3-9524018-5-9.
[編輯]- By Alin Suciu, a blog on Coptic literature and manuscripts (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)
- France-copte.net By Mikhail David, French coptic site.
- Copticsounds – a resource for the study of Coptic phonology (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)
- http://sites.google.com/site/pisakho/Home (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館): Coptic language internet links (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) and bibliography (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)
- Coptica.ch (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) Online library of Coptic texts at University of Geneva (site text in French)
- New Athena Unicode font; includes the new Coptic range
- Online Coptic tutorial (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)
- A comprehensive Coptic language resource (Remenkimi)
- Coptic block in the Unicode 4.1 standard (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)
- Heike Behlmer, Selected Bibliography on the Coptic Language (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)
- Coptic texts and manuscripts at Leiden University Library
- Ifao N Copte (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) – A professional Coptic font for researchers.
- a set of Coptic fonts
- GNU FreeFont (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)—FreeSerif face includes a Coptic range.