日語中的相槌(日語:相槌 / あいづち IPA:[aizɯ(ꜜ)tɕi] Aizuchi),類似於中文的附和,比喻在對話時聽者所講的客套話,表達關注或理解之意。
- はい(hai),ええ(ee),うん(un):是;依不同場合使用
- そうですね(sō desu ne):沒錯
- たしかに(tashikani):的確
- そうですか(sō desu ka):這樣嗎?
- 本当(hontō),本当に(hontō ni),マジ(maji),(關西腔)本真(honma):真的嗎?
- なるほど(naruhodo):原來如此
- わかった(wakatta):知道了
- そして?(soshite?):然後呢?
- 信じられない(shinjiranenai):真是難以置信
除此之外,重複對方的部分關鍵詞,並以疑問助詞ですか(desu ka)回應亦是相槌的一種。例如:
- 甲:我買了輛新車。(新しい車を買ったんです。)
- 乙:新車嗎?(車ですか?)
[編輯]- ^ Miller, Laura. 1983. Aizuchi: Japanese Listening Behavior. MA Thesis, anthropology, UCLA.
- ^ Nodding, Aizuchi, and Final Particles in Japanese Conversation (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), Volume 39, Issue 7, July 2007, pages 1239–1323, Journal of Pragmatics
- ^ Miller, Laura. 1991.「Verbal listening behavior in conversations between Japanese and Americans.」 In The Pragmatics of Intercultural and International Communication, edited by Jan Blommaert and Jef Verschueren, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 110–130.
- ^ SEIFI, PHILIP. Are you listening to me? The Japanese art of aizuchi. Lingualift (see "[https edulift dot co]"). November 2, 2013. (原始內容存檔於December 23, 2015).
This can cause serious confusion when Westerners and Japanese communicate because it sounds like the Japanese person is saying yes all along and then suddenly saying no, it's difficult, or [...] Japanese body language for, 'No way in hell, sorry.
[編輯]- Boye De Mente (2011). Japan's Cultural Code Words: 233 Key Terms That Explain the Attitudes and Behavior of the Japanese. Rutland, Vermont: Tuttle Publishing.