


強姦色情強姦題材色情作品(英語:Rape pornography),是色情作品的一種,這類作品主要涉及對強姦行為的描述:或是模擬強姦,即成年人在性同意的情況下假裝強姦;或是實際進行強姦。其中,實際強姦的受害者可能是在被脅迫的情況下假裝同意,這樣製作出來的色情作品就像是模擬強姦或是非強姦題材的色情作品。一些主流電影中存在模擬強姦的場景,如強姦和復仇題材的電影英語Rape and revenge[1]。 關於模擬強姦類型作品的合法性,世界各地有著不同的法律規定。

















  • Bridges, Ana J. Chapter 7: Pornography and Sexual Assault. O'Donohue, Yvonne; William T., Paul A. (編). Handbook of Sexual Assault and Sexual Assault Prevention. Routledge. October 2019: 129–149. ISBN 978-3030236441. 
  • Diamond, Milton. Pornography, public acceptance and sex related crime: A review. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. October 2009, 32 (5): 304–314. PMID 19665229. doi:10.1016/j.ijlp.2009.06.004.  Abstract.
  • Diamond, Milton & Uchiyama, Ayako. Pornography, Rape and Sex Crimes in Japan. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. 1999, 22 (1): 1–22. PMID 10086287. doi:10.1016/s0160-2527(98)00035-1.  Abstract.
  • Makin, David A.; Morczek, Amber L. The dark side of internet searches: a macro level assessment of rape culture. International Journal of Cyber Criminology. June 2015, 9 (1): 1–23.  Abstract.
  • Makin, David A. & Morczek, Amber L. X Views and Counting: Interest in Rape-Oriented Pornography as Gendered Microaggression. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. February 2015, 25 (3): 244–257.  Abstract.
  • Malamuth, Neal M. Pornography and Sexual Aggression. Elsevier Science. 2014. ISBN 9781483295794. 
  • Mowlabocus, Sharif & Wood, Rachel. Introduction: audiences and consumers of porn. Porn Studies. September 2015, 2 (3): 118–122. doi:10.1080/23268743.2015.1056465可免費查閱.  Abstract.
  • Palermo, Alisia M. & Dadgardoust, Laleh. Examining the role of pornography and rape supportive cognitions in lone and multiple perpetrator rape proclivity. Journal of Sexual Aggression. May 2019, 31 (12): 2131–2155.  Abstract.
  • Purcell, Natalie. Violence and the Pornographic Imaginary: The Politics of Sex, Gender, and Aggression in Hardcore Pornography. Routledge. 2012. ISBN 9780415523127. 




  1. ^ Simpson, Clare. 10 Controversial Films With Scenes Of Explicit Sexual Violence. WhatCulture. November 15, 2013 [April 30, 2014]. (原始內容存檔於May 2, 2014). 
  2. ^ Craig Timberg. How violent porn site operators disappear behind Internet privacy protections. The Washington Post. 6 December 2013 [18 December 2013]. 
  3. ^ AV出演被害防止・救済法. 維基文庫. 
  4. ^ German Criminal Code. Gesetze-im-internet.de. [2012-02-20]. 
  5. ^ Hargrove, Dorian; Payton, Mari; Jones, Tom. Uncovering A San Diego Porn Scheme: Deception, Humiliation Follow Online Ads. NBC 7 San Diego. February 8, 2019 [March 21, 2020]. 
  6. ^ Hargrove, Dorian. San Diego's porn studios. San Diego Reader. January 4, 2017 [March 20, 2020]. 
  7. ^ Turner, Gustavo. Here's What You Need to Know About the GirlsDoPorn Case. XBIZ. October 17, 2019 [May 2, 2020]. 
  8. ^ Lee, Timothy B. GirlsDoPorn, on trial for fraud, still isn't leveling with new models. Ars Technica. October 3, 2019 [March 21, 2020]. 
  9. ^ 南韓N號房性剝削少女事件主犯判囚40年.