法蘭西斯科·赫南德茲·德·哥多華 | |
逝世 | 1517年 |
職業 | 航海家和探險家 |
法蘭西斯科·赫南德茲·德·哥多華(西班牙語:Francisco Hernández de Córdoba,?—1517年)是一名歐洲文藝復興時期的航海家。[1]他曾參加征服古巴的探險活動,後指揮繼續深入猶加敦地區,成為首位與馬雅人建立聯繫的歐洲人。[2]他獵捕美洲當地的居民為奴隸。[3]
1517年3月4日一些當地人打和平的手勢和帶友好態度滑獨木船靠近德·哥多華的船。由於雙方都不懂對方的話,對話非常困難。據沒有確證的報道這次西班牙人和馬雅人的第一次聚會也是猶加敦半島名稱的來源。據說西班牙人問這個地方叫什麼名字,馬雅人回答說:「Yuk ak katán」(或者「Ma』 k u’uyik a t』àani』」),意思是:「我不懂你的話。」
1517年3月20日他們看到另一個村落。這一天西班牙人慶祝拉撒路節,因此他們稱這個村為拉撒路。後來西班牙人在這裡建立自己的居民點時他們把這裡命名為坎佩切,這個名字來源於馬雅名字「Kann Peech"(蛇蟎)。
[編輯]一場持續多日的風暴使得德·哥多華的艦隊在10天內只向南航行了約60千米。在一條小河(錢波通河)入海口的小灣他們再次登陸。他們登陸的地方相當於今天的錢波通,這個名字來自過去的馬雅名稱Chakán Putum。
[編輯]- ^ Cormack 1997:England
- ^ Sandra Sider.(2007). Handbook to Life in Renaissance Europe.Oxford University Press,USA.ISBN 9780195330847.
- ^ Buisseret 1992:political applications
[編輯]- 托里比奧·德貝納文特·莫托里尼亞, Colección Crónicas de América. Dastin, Madrid, 2000, ISBN 84-492-0217-5. At the end of chapter VIII of the third chapter is the reference to the etymologies of Catoche and Yucatán. It is possible that Motolinía was among the first to promulgate the legend about "I don't understand you".
- 艾爾南·科特斯, Cartas de relación de la conquista de México. Colección Austral, Espasa-Calpe, 5ª ed., Madrid, 1970. The letter signed by the justicia y regimiento of Veracruz should be added to the letters of Cortés substituting for the lost first letter. It begins (after an introduction in accord with protocol) by mentioning the expedition described in this article.
- 伯納爾·迪亞斯·戴卡斯提略. Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva España. Colección Austral, Espasa-Calpe, 3ª ed., Madrid 1975. Chapters I-VII. This is the primary reference, given the length at which it discusses the expedition and the fact of its author having participated in the preparation of the expedition.
- Kirkpatrick, Frederick Alex. Los conquistadores españoles, 3ª edición, February 2004, ISBN 84-321-3242-X. Only a few lines about the discovery of Yucatán, at the beginning of Chapter V, in this classic (the original English-language edition was in 1934) about the conquistadors.
- Landa, Fray Diego de, Relación de las cosas de Yucatán. Colección Crónicas de América, Dastin, Madrid, 2002, ISBN 84-492-0227-2. In the first chapters (the original was not separated into chapters, that was done by modern editors) it deals with the etymology of Yucatán and Hernández's expedition, which the author believes started as an expedition to gather slaves for the mines.
- The Relación de las cosas de Yucatán (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) is also available online (in Spanish) as a PDF file on the web site of the European Association of Mayanists (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館).
- Madariaga, Salvador de, Hernán Cortés. Grandes biografías. Planeta de Agostini, Madrid, 1995, ISBN 84-395-3817-0 In Chapter VII, Madariaga makes a poetic elegy to the young conquistadors, to whose desire for adventure and disdain for leisure ("to occupy ourselves") he attributes the occasion of the voyage. He accuses only Velázquez of slaving, and believes that the governor had to surrender to the arguments of the rest of the expeditionaries.
- Miralles, Juan, Hernán Cortés, inventor de México. Tiempo de memoria, Tusquets, 4ª ed., Barcelona, 2002. ISBN 84-8310-758-9. In Chapter 1, "el trampolín antillano" ("The Antillean Trampoline"), he briefly describes Hernández's voyage. He writes about the contradiction between a slaving expedition and the presence of Alaminos on of the veedor, and the possibility that Alaminos had unrevealed information about Yucatán, that he had received from Columbus.
- 威廉·普雷斯科特, Historia de la Conquista de México. Papeles del tiempo, Antonio Machado Libros, Madrid, 2004 ISBN 84-7774-237-5. In the first chapter of book II, Prescott briefly narrates the expedition. He gives it as certain that slaving was the object of the expedition, and also discusses the etymology of Yucatán.
- Prescott, William H. Book II, Chapter I. The Conquest of Mexico. 1843 [2013-01-01]. (原始內容存檔於2012-07-16).; online English edition
- Díaz del Castillo, Bernal. The Conquest of New Spain. J. M. Cohen, trans. and abridged 7th reprint. London: Penguin Classics. 1963 (orig. ca.1568).
[編輯]- Discovery of Yucatán, on the Mexican web site redescolar. (西班牙文)
- Discovery of Yucatán, on México desconocido. (西班牙文)