[编辑]国家或地区 | 入境印章或标签 | 出境印章 | 签证 | 注释 | 参考资料 |
阿布哈兹 | |||||
阿尔巴尼亚 | |||||
阿尔及利亚 | |||||
美属萨摩亚 | |||||
安道尔 | [note 1] | ||||
安哥拉 | |||||
安圭拉 | |||||
安提瓜和巴布达 | |||||
阿根廷 | ] | ||||
亚美尼亚 | |||||
阿鲁巴 | |||||
澳大利亚 | |||||
奥地利 | |||||
阿塞拜疆 |
[编辑]国家或地区 | 入境印章或标签 | 出境印章 | 签证 | 注释 | 参考资料 |
巴哈马 | [note 2] | ||||
巴林 | [note 3] | ||||
孟加拉 | [note 4] | ||||
巴巴多斯 | |||||
白俄罗斯 | |||||
比利时 | |||||
伯利兹 | |||||
贝宁 | |||||
百慕大 | [note 5] | ||||
不丹 | |||||
玻利维亚 | |||||
波黑 | |||||
博茨瓦纳 | |||||
巴西 | [note 6] | ||||
英属维尔京群岛 | |||||
汶莱 | |||||
保加利亚 | |||||
布基纳法索 | |||||
布隆迪 |
[编辑]国家或地区 | 入境印章或标签 | 出境印章 | 签证 | 注释 | 参考资料 |
柬埔寨 | |||||
喀麦隆 | |||||
加拿大 | [note 7] | ||||
佛得角 | |||||
荷属加勒比 | |||||
开曼群岛 | |||||
中非 | |||||
乍得 | |||||
智利 | |||||
中国 | |||||
香港 | [note 8] | ||||
澳门 | [note 9] | ||||
台湾 | [note 10] | ||||
哥伦比亚 | [note 11] | ||||
科摩罗 | |||||
刚果民主共和国 | |||||
刚果共和国 | |||||
库克群岛 | |||||
哥斯达黎加 | |||||
象牙海岸 | |||||
克罗地亚 | |||||
古巴 | [note 12] | ||||
库拉索 | |||||
塞浦路斯 | |||||
捷克 |
[编辑]国家或地区 | 入境印章或标签 | 出境印章 | 签证 | 注释 | 参考资料 |
丹麦 | |||||
吉布提 | |||||
多米尼克 | |||||
多米尼加 |
[编辑]国家或地区 | 入境印章或标签 | 出境印章 | 签证 | 注释 | 参考资料 |
东帝汶 | |||||
厄瓜多尔 | |||||
埃及 | |||||
萨尔瓦多 | [note 13] | ||||
赤道几内亚 | |||||
厄立特里亚 | |||||
爱沙尼亚 | |||||
斯威士兰 | |||||
埃塞俄比亚 |
[编辑]国家或地区 | 入境印章或标签 | 出境印章 | 签证 | 注释 | 参考资料 |
福克兰群岛 | |||||
法罗群岛 | |||||
斐济 | [note 14] | ||||
芬兰 | |||||
法国 | |||||
法属圭亚那 | |||||
法属波利尼西亚 |
[编辑]国家或地区 | 入境印章或标签 | 出境印章 | 签证 | 注释 | 参考资料 |
加蓬 | |||||
冈比亚 | |||||
格鲁吉亚 | |||||
德国 | |||||
加纳 | |||||
直布罗陀 | |||||
希腊 | |||||
格陵兰 | [note 15] | ||||
格林纳达 | |||||
瓜德罗普 | |||||
危地马拉 | [note 16] | ||||
几内亚 | |||||
几内亚比绍 | |||||
圭亚那 |
[编辑]国家或地区 | 入境印章或标签 | 出境印章 | 签证 | 注释 | 参考资料 |
海地 | |||||
洪都拉斯 | [note 17] | ||||
匈牙利 |
[编辑]国家或地区 | 入境印章或标签 | 出境印章 | 签证 | 注释 | 参考资料 |
冰岛 | |||||
印度 | [note 18] | ||||
印度尼西亚 | |||||
伊朗 | [note 19] | ||||
伊拉克 | |||||
伊拉克库尔德斯坦 | |||||
爱尔兰 | |||||
以色列 | [note 20] | ||||
意大利 |
[编辑]国家或地区 | 入境印章或标签 | 出境印章 | 签证 | 注释 | 参考资料 |
牙买加 | |||||
日本 | |||||
约旦 |
[编辑]国家或地区 | 入境印章或标签 | 出境印章 | 签证 | 注释 | 参考资料 |
哈萨克斯坦 | |||||
肯尼亚 | |||||
基里巴斯 | |||||
朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 | [note 21] | ||||
大韩民国 | [note 22] | ||||
科索沃 | [note 23] | ||||
科威特 | |||||
吉尔吉斯斯坦 |
[编辑]国家或地区 | 入境印章或标签 | 出境印章 | 签证 | 注释 | 参考资料 |
寮国 | |||||
拉脱维亚 | |||||
黎巴嫩 | |||||
莱索托 | |||||
利比里亚 | |||||
利比亚 | |||||
列支敦士登 | [note 24] | ||||
立陶宛 | |||||
卢森堡 |
[编辑]国家或地区 | 入境印章或标签 | 出境印章 | 签证 | 注释 | 参考资料 |
马达加斯加 | |||||
马拉维 | || || | ||||
马来西亚 | |||||
马尔代夫 | |||||
马里 | |||||
马耳他 | |||||
马绍尔群岛 | |||||
马提尼克 | |||||
毛里塔尼亚 | |||||
毛里求斯 | |||||
马约特 | |||||
墨西哥 | |||||
密克罗尼西亚联邦 | |||||
摩尔多瓦 | |||||
摩纳哥 | [note 25] | ||||
蒙古国 | |||||
黑山 | |||||
蒙特塞拉特 | [note 26] | ||||
摩洛哥 | |||||
莫桑比克 | |||||
缅甸 |
[编辑]国家或地区 | 入境印章或标签 | 出境印章 | 签证 | 注释 | 参考资料 | |
纳米比亚 | ||||||
瑙鲁 | ||||||
尼泊尔 | ||||||
荷兰 | ||||||
新喀里多尼亚 | ||||||
新西兰 | [note 28] | |||||
尼加拉瓜 | [note 29] | |||||
尼日尔 | ||||||
尼日利亚 | ||||||
纽埃 | None[3][note 30] | |||||
北马其顿 | ||||||
北塞浦路斯 | [note 31] | |||||
挪威 |
[编辑]国家或地区 | 入境印章或标签 | 出境印章 | 签证 | 注释 | 参考资料 |
阿曼 | |||||
巴基斯坦 | |||||
帕劳 | |||||
巴勒斯坦 | |||||
巴拿马 | |||||
巴布亚新几内亚 | |||||
巴拉圭 | |||||
秘鲁 | [note 32] | ||||
菲律宾 | |||||
皮特凯恩群岛 | |||||
波兰 | |||||
葡萄牙 |
[编辑]国家或地区 | 入境印章或标签 | 出境印章 | 签证 | 注释 | 参考资料 |
卡塔尔 | |||||
留尼汪 | |||||
罗马尼亚 | |||||
俄罗斯 | |||||
卢旺达 |
[编辑]国家或地区 | 入境印章或标签 | 出境印章 | 签证 | 注释 | 参考资料 |
阿拉伯撒哈拉民主共和国 | |||||
圣巴泰勒米 | |||||
圣赫勒拿、阿森松和特里斯坦-达库尼亚 | |||||
圣基茨和尼维斯 | |||||
圣卢西亚 | |||||
Saint Martin, Collectivity of | |||||
圣皮埃尔和密克隆 | |||||
圣文森特和格林纳丁斯 | |||||
萨摩亚 | |||||
圣马力诺 | [note 33] | ||||
圣多美和普林西比 | |||||
沙特阿拉伯 | |||||
塞内加尔 | |||||
塞尔维亚 | [note 34] | ||||
塞舌尔 | |||||
塞拉利昂 | |||||
新加坡 | [note 35] | ||||
荷属圣马丁 | |||||
斯洛伐克 | |||||
斯洛文尼亚 | |||||
所罗门群岛 | |||||
索马里 | |||||
索马里兰 | |||||
南非 | [note 36] | ||||
南乔治亚和南桑威奇群岛 | |||||
南奥塞梯 | [note 37] | ||||
南苏丹 | |||||
西班牙 | |||||
斯里兰卡 | |||||
苏丹 | |||||
苏里南 | |||||
瑞典 | |||||
瑞士 | |||||
叙利亚 |
[编辑]国家或地区 | 入境印章或标签 | 出境印章 | 签证 | 注释 | 参考资料 |
塔吉克斯坦 | |||||
坦桑尼亚 | |||||
泰国 | |||||
多哥 | |||||
托克劳 | |||||
汤加 | |||||
德涅斯特河沿岸 | |||||
特立尼达和多巴哥 | |||||
突尼斯 | |||||
土耳其 | |||||
土库曼斯坦 | |||||
特克斯和凯科斯群岛 | |||||
图瓦卢 |
[编辑]国家或地区 | 入境印章或标签 | 出境印章 | 签证 | 注释 | 参考资料 |
乌干达 | |||||
乌克兰 | |||||
阿联酋 | |||||
英国 | [note 38] | ||||
美国 | [note 39] | ||||
乌拉圭 | |||||
乌兹别克斯坦 |
[编辑]国家或地区 | 入境印章或标签 | 出境印章 | 签证 | 注释 | 参考资料 |
瓦努阿图 | |||||
梵蒂冈 | |||||
委内瑞拉 | |||||
越南 |
[编辑]国家或地区 | 入境印章或标签 | 出境印章 | 签证 | 注释 | 参考资料 |
瓦利斯和富图纳 | |||||
也门 | |||||
赞比亚 | |||||
津巴布韦 |
Albania: Former design of an entry stamp (issued in Durrës)
Albania: Former design of an exit stamp (issued at Tirana Airport)
Anguilla: Former entry stamp design
Argentina: old entry stamp issued in 2002
Argentina: Old exit stamp issued in 2002
Argentina: Entry stamp (no longer issued)
Argentina: Exit stamp (no longer issued)
Armenia: Old-style passport stamp (2015)
Australia: Entry stamp (no longer issued)
Australia: Exit stamp (no longer issued)
Australia: Visa grant list
Austria: 1947 entry stamp
Austria: 1947 exit stamp
Austria: 1965 transit visa
Azerbaijan: 2016 entry stamp
Azerbaijan: 2016 exit stamp
Azerbaijan: 2023 electronic visa
Bahrain: defunct exit stamp (used until 2021)
Bangladesh: Visa on arrival issued at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport in Dhaka
Belgium: Pre-Schengen passport stamp from Eynatten border crossing, 1986. Border crossing with Germany at Aachen.
Brazil: Old style visa of Brazil in 2013
Bulgarian Transit visa, type used during 1990s.
Bulgaria: Old style entry stamp from 2005
Cambodia: Old style entry stamp
Cambodia: Old style exit stamp
Canada: Old style stamp
Chad Passport stamp confirming that the passport user had registered with the police.
Chile: entry stamp issued in 1971.
Chile: entry stamp issued in 1979 at Pudahuel International Airport.
Chile: old entry stamp issued in 1977 at Pudahuel International Airport.
Chile: exit stamp issued in 2002 at Los Libertadores land border crossing.
China: Entry stamp for visa free transit (Beijing Airport)
China: Short-use stamp (1h) for an in-transit passenger (Guangzhou Airport)
ROC (Taiwan) Entry Permit for Mainland China residents (New Version)
ROC (Taiwan) Entry Permit for Mainland China residents (Old Version)
ROC (Taiwan) multiple Entry Permit for Mainland China residents
ROC (Taiwan) entry permit
ROC (Taiwan) individual Visit Permit issued by PRC (on Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents)
ROC (Taiwan) immigration stamp
Colombia: cancellation stamp issued at El Dorado Airport
Colombia: old style entry stamp issued at El Dorado Airport
Colombia: old style exit stamp issued at El Dorado Airport
Colombia: exit tax stamp issued by the Aeronautica Civil at El Dorado Airport
Costa Rica Old style entry stamp in 2014
Croatia: pre-EU visa and the passport stamp (2000)
Cyprus: pre-EU visa and the passport stamps (1997)
Czech Republic: pre-EU exit stamp (2002)
Czech Republic: pre-EU exit stamp design issued at Prague Airport
Czechoslovakia: 1947 entry stamp
Czechoslovakia: 1947 exit stamp
Czechoslovakia: an exit permission issued by the Czechoslovak government to a Czechoslovak national allowing the individual to leave the country for traveling purposes, 1967
Czechoslovakia: 1987 entry stamp
Czechoslovakia: a railway exit stamp issued in 1988
Czechoslovakia: a visa issued in 1988
Czechoslovakia: 1991 entry stamp
Czechoslovakia: entry and exit visa stamps issued in the era of the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic
Old style entry stamp from Denmark
Dominican Republic: exit passport stamp issued in 2012 at Punta Cana international airport.
Old style entry stamp from Ecuador from 2015
Old style exit stamp from Ecuador from 2016
Egypt: Stamp for visa-free entry to the Sinai resorts
France: visa issued in 1969
France: visa issued in 1987
France: visa issued in 1993
Georgia: old-style passport stamp (2019)
Germany: Visa specimen, type 1924
Germany: former design of German visa
Gibraltar: Old-style entry stamp of Gibraltar
Greenland: old-style passport stamp (2002)
Guatemala: Old-style departure stamp of Guatemala
Honduras: Old-style entry stamp of Honduras
Honduras: Old-style exit stamp of Honduras
Hong Kong: entry passport stamp issued in 2006.
Hong Kong: exit passport stamp issued in 2006.
Hong Kong individual Visit Permit issued by PRC (on Chinese Two-way Permit for Hong Kong and Macau)
Hong Kong visa for residents of the People's Republic of China living overseas
Hong Kong visa for residents of the Republic of China
Entry slip for Hong Kong issued upon entry as of March 2013
Hong Kong Visit Permit for other purpose with a stay period of 14 days and single entry issued by PRC (on Chinese Two-way Permit for Hong Kong and Macau)
Hungary: visa with border stamps, issued in 1989
Hungary: old style exit stamp from 2000
Hungary stamp from 2003 before joining EU
India: e-Visa issued at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport in Mumbai
India: Domestic Immigration stamp permitting entry into the Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Indonesia: Old Style Indonesia visa
Iran: old style entry stamp
Iran: old style exit stamp
Iraq: old style exit stamp
Ireland: old style stamp
Ireland: immigration stamp issued at Dublin Airport
Ireland: Entry stamp issued to a British passport holder (note the "BR", by request, in the corner)
Israel: Entry paper at Ben Gurion Airport
Israel: Exit paper at Ben Gurion Airport
Italy: 1993 visa
Jamaica: old style stamp
Korea (South): entry stamp (issued in some airports and ports - not Incheon)
Korea (South): exit stamp (issued in some airports and ports)
Libya: visa issued in 1930, during the period of Italian colonialism
Macau: individual Visit Permit issued by PRC (on Chinese Two-way Permit for Hong Kong and Macau)
Macau: former exit stamp
Malaysia: Old description in entry stamp of Malaysia
Malaysia: Sabah entry stamp from other regions of Malaysia
Malta: old style passport stamp from 1999
Mexico: Old style entry stamp of Mexico
Moldova: old style entry stamp from 2005
Moldova: old style exit stamp
Old style passport stamps from Nazi Germany and Romania, issued in a Hungarian passport in 1940
Nagorno Karabakh: old style visa
Nepal: visa on arrival, issued for free, granted to nationals of certain states
Netherlands: pre-Schengen visa, issued in 1988
Nicaragua: old style stamp
Norfolk Island old stamp used before Australia abolished its self-governing status in 2016
Northern Cyprus: visa on a sheet of paper, 2005
Northern Cyprus: entry and exit stamps, 2015
Old style entry stamp from Panama from 2015
Old style exit stamp from Panama
Peru: old exit stamp issued in 2014.
Peru: old entry stamp issued in 2017 at Puno land border crossing.
Poland: visa issued in 1990
Poland: old style exit stamp from 2002
Romania: transit visa issued in 1994
Romania: old style entry stamp from 2004
Rwanda: old style entry stamp from 2008
Saudi Arabia: old style entry stamp
Saudi Arabia: exit stamp in King Khalid International Airport, Riyadh
Singapore: entry stamp issued in 2006.
Singapore: stamp issued in 2006
Slovakia: old style exit stamp from 2001
South Africa: Current style entry stamp only from Cape Town INT Airport. This style is also current for road entry.
South Africa: old style exit stamp from Cape Town INT Airport. OR Thambo INT Airport (Formerly JHB INT Airport) used this style since 1994-2006. This style is still current for road travel.
Sweden: visa issued in 1987
Sweden: old style exit stamp from 2007
Switzerland: visa issued in 1931
Tanzania:Old style visa of Tanzania
Thailand Old style visa of Thailand
Thailand Old style entry stamp
Thailand Old style exit stamp
Tunisia"': old style entry stamp
"Tunisia': old style exit stamp
Turkey old style entry stamp
Turkey: old style exit stamp
Turkey: stamp issued in passport for temporary import of a vehicle
United Kingdom stamp
United Kingdom exit stamp from 1989
United Kingdom visitor visa issued prior to UK leaving the EU
FR Yugoslavia exit visa from 2002
El Salvador: Old-style airport entry stamp from 2007.
See also
[编辑]- ^ Due to its landlocked condition, Andorra does not issue a separate passport stamp. However one is available upon request at the border.
- ^ The Bahamas does not issue exit stamps.
- ^ Bahrain does not issue exit stamps. Furthermore, no entry stamps are issued at the border with Saudi Arabia.
- ^ If visa on arrival is granted and stamped in the passport, no separate entry stamp is issued.
- ^ Bermuda abolished visas as of 2014 but still requires a multiple-entry visa from Canada, UK, or USA for some nationalities.
- ^ Though stamps are issued upon both arrival and departure, there are only minor differences. The first 3 numbers after the date are assigned to the various points of entry and exit. The next number indicates entry or exit, '1' for entry, '2' for exit. The four digit number along the right edge is the Federal Police agent that made the stamp.
- ^ Canada does not issue exit stamps. On Canada's border with the United States, stamps are issued only if requested.
- ^ As a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China, travelers entering Hong Kong will receive a different stamp than those entering mainland China. A Visa is issued to foreign passport holders only. An entry permit issued to mainland Chinese passport holders who apply in overseas or Macau but not in mainland China.
- ^ A Visa is issued to foreign passport holders only. An entry permit issued to mainland Chinese passport holders who apply in overseas or Hong Kong but not in mainland China. In mainland China, Chinese citizens must obtain a Two-way Permit with the endorsement for entering Macau.
- ^ Mainland Chinese residents who reside in Mainland China or overseas must apply an entry permit in advance. This kind of entry permit is different to the Taiwanese Visa (See Taiwan Entry Permit for Mainland China citizens in Gallery). Hong Kong permanent residents who hold a HKSAR passport and/or British National (Overseas) passport, and Macau permanent residents who hold a Macao Special Administrative Region passport may apply an entry permit online before entering Taiwan or apply one in major Taiwan's international airports for a fee while arriving. The National without household registration must apply an entry permit in order to enter Taiwan even when they have a Republic of China passport. Other aliens may apply a regular visa if they have to.
- ^ Colombia uses an identical stamp for both entry and exit. Entry or exit is recorded by a marking the field I (for entry) or E (for exit) with a pen.
- ^ Tourist card, which is not a visa, is always required for foreign citizens and nationals to obtain before entering Cuba, even when visa is required too.
- ^ El Salvador does not issue any stamps if coming from Honduras/Nicaragua/Guatemala due to C4-group regulations.
- ^ Fiji no longer issues exit stamps
- ^ As flights have ceased from Greenland to countries outside the Schengen Area (with which Greenland maintains an open border), Greenland no longer issues passport stamps. Some souvenir shops, such as the one at Kulusuk Airport, provide the same entry and exit stamps for free.
- ^ Guatemala uses many different stamps with various Mayan glyphs. But there is no difference in design between entry or exit stamps. Entry or exit is marked separately by border officials.
- ^ Honduras now places passports in a printer and prints the stamp rather than using a physical inked stamp.
- ^ India uses various styles of entry and exit stamps. Entry stamps are blue, exit stamps are red.
- ^ Since 2016, foreign passports are not being stamped while entering or leaving Iran.[1]
- ^ Since 15 January 2013, Israel no longer stamps foreign passports at Ben Gurion Airport, giving passengers a card instead that reads: "Since January 2013 a pilot scheme has been introduced whereby visitors are given an entry card instead of an entry stamp on arrival. You should keep this card with your passport until you leave. This is evidence of your legal entry into Israel and may be required, particularly at any crossing points into the Occupied Palestinian Territories." Passports are still (截至2017年6月22日[update]) stamped at Erez when travelling into and out of Gaza. Also, passports are still stamped (截至2017年6月22日[update]) at the Jordan Valley/Sheikh Hussein and Yitzhak Rabin/Arava land borders with Jordan.
- ^ The visa stamps and top visa pictured are normally issued for business or official visitors only. Most tourists are issued a tourist card, pictured in blue, that is not contained within a passport and is surrendered upon departure.
- ^ No entry stamp but the sticker shown is applied to the passport on arrival. Exit stamp on request
- ^ Passports containing stamps from Kosovo will have them "annulled" upon entry to Serbia. The entry stamp shown was annulled.
- ^ Liechtenstein follows the same entry rules as Switzerland and a passport stamp is not required. However for a nominal fee one is available at the Tourist Center. Liechtenstein does not issue tourist visas, therefore tourists have to apply for a visa of a different member of the Schengen Area.
- ^ Because of its relationship with France and the policy of open borders, Monaco does not issue a separate passport stamp. However a free one is available upon request at the town hall. As of 2020, the Monaco tourist office no longer stamps official passports due to the possibility of invalidating them as official documents. Instead, they offer a souvenir passport, which they stamp instead.[2]
- ^ Montserrat government currently only issues e-visas.
- ^ This stamp is issued for Australian citizens (if requested), under the Trans-Tasman Travel Arrangement.
- ^ New Zealand does not issue exit stamps. New Zealand does not issue entry stamps for NZ/Australian citizens and Australian Permanent Residence (who receive NZ residence visa on arrival) even on request.
- ^ Nicaragua does not issue any exit stamps on exit to Honduras/El Salvador/Guatemala due to C4-group regulations.
- ^ All visitors to Niue are given a 30-day visa on arrival (marked by the entry stamp).
- ^ North Cyprus at the land border with the Republic of Cyprus are available upon request only at the Ledra Street Pedestrian crossing, stamps are regularly issued at the ferry terminals of Kyrenia and Famagusta and at Ercan airport.
- ^ Peru currently does not issue passports stamps upon entry or exit at airports, only at land borders. Stamps issued at seaports, as well as stamps issued at airports other than Jorge Chavez International Airport are unknown.
- ^ Due to its landlocked condition, San Marino visa policy follows the Italian one. San Marino does not issue regular passport stamps, and only issues souvenir stamps upon request at the visitors centre.
- ^ Serbian passports are stamped on exit only, while foreign passports are stamped on entry and exit (until 2018, foreign passports were stamped on entry only).
- ^ Effective October 21, 2021 Singapore no longer stamps passports on entry or exit.
- ^ 1) This style was formerly used for all forms of entry, but is now used only for entry by road. 2)New style airport entry stamp. A similar style will likely soon replace road entry stamps. 3) Transit stamp. No exit stamp is issued for transit visas.
- ^ South Ossetia does not stamp passports, this stamp was provided to the traveler after asking their Ministry of Immigration for the stamp.
- ^ The United Kingdom has not been issuing exit stamps since 1998 when paper-based embarkation (‘exit’) controls for passengers were ended.[4]
- ^ The United States does not issue exit stamps.
[编辑]- ^ Foreign tourists' passports not to be stamped in Iran. 18 August 2018.
- ^ The Principality of Monaco Souvenir Passport. Visit Monaco. 14 February 2020 [10 May 2022].
- ^ Information | Niue. [2018-10-04]. (原始内容存档于2015-07-17).
- ^ Research briefings (PDF). [2017-01-08]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2019-04-09).