1941年12月11日,即日本偷袭珍珠港和美国对日宣战四天后,德国和意大利同时对美国宣战(德语:Kriegserklärung Deutschlands und Italiens an die Vereinigten Staaten),德国方面表示宣战是为了回应美国的一系列挑衅和借口,美国在珍珠港被偷袭后决意介入战争。那天晚些时候,美国对德国和意大利宣战。
The Government of the United States having violated in the most flagrant manner and in ever increasing measure all rules of neutrality in favor of the adversaries of Germany and having continually been guilty of the most severe provocations toward Germany ever since the outbreak of the European war, provoked by the British declaration of war against Germany on September 3, 1939, has finally resorted to open military acts of aggression.
On September 11, 1941, the President of the United States publicly declared that he had ordered the American Navy and Air Force to shoot on sight at any German war vessel. In his speech of October 27, 1941, he once more expressly affirmed that this order was in force. Acting under this order, vessels of the American Navy, since early September 1941, have systematically attacked German naval forces. Thus, American destroyers, as for instance the Greer, the Kearney and the Reuben James, have opened fire on German submarines according to plan. The Secretary of the American Navy, Mr. Knox, himself confirmed that American destroyers attacked German submarines.
Furthermore, the naval forces of the United States, under order of their Government and contrary to international law have treated and seized German merchant vessels on the high seas as enemy ships.
The German Government therefore establishes the following facts:
Although Germany on her part has strictly adhered to the rules of international law in her relations with the United States during every period of the present war, the Government of the United States from initial violations of neutrality has finally proceeded to open acts of war against Germany. The Government of the United States has thereby virtually created a state of war.
The German Government, consequently, discontinues diplomatic relations with the United States of America and declares that under these circumstances brought about by President Roosevelt Germany too, as from today, considers herself as being in a state of war with the United States of America.
Accept, Mr. Charge d'Affaires, the expression of my high consideration.
December 11, 1941.
[编辑]- ^ Bullock, Alan (1992) Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives. New York: Knopf. pp.766-67
- ^ Bullock, Alan (1962) Hitler: A Study in Tyranny London: Penguin. pp.661-64. ISBN 0-14-013564-2
- ^ Kershaw (2007), pp.444-446
- ^ Fest, Joachim C. (1975) Hitler New York: Vintage. pp.655-57 ISBN 0-394-72023-7
- ^ Burleigh, Michael (2000) The Third Reich: A New History New York: Hill and Wang. pp.731-732 ISBN 9780809093250
- ^ Galbraith, John Kenneth, interviewed by Gitta Sereny (1995) Albert Speer: His Battle with the Truth New York, Knopf. p.267-8. ISBN 0-394-52915-4
- ^ Bullock, Alan (1962) Hitler: A Study in Tyranny London: Penguin. pp.661-64. ISBN 0-14-013564-2
- ^ Vgl. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. Der Zweite Weltkrieg. (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)