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  • Remnants of hurricane ARB 02 over Yemen
  • 5月9日,臺灣漁船「廣大興28號」在巴士海峽臺菲重疊經濟海域遭菲律賓公務船攻擊,造成1名船員死亡。
  • 5月9日,臺灣漁船「廣大興28號」在巴士海峽臺菲重疊經濟海域遭菲律賓公務船攻擊,造成1名船員死亡。
  • 5月8日,世界貿易組織表示將由羅伯托·阿澤維多擔任下一屆世界貿易組織總幹事。
  • United Nations flag

On this day

  • 1597Imjin War: About 12 Korean ships commanded by admiral Yi Sun-sin defeated a large Japanese invasion fleet of at least 300 at the Battle of Myeongnyang in the Myeongnyang Strait.
  • 1944 World War II: In one of the largest naval battles in modern history, Allied forces defeated the Imperial Japanese Navy at the Battle of Leyte Gulf in the seas surrounding the Philippine island of Leyte.
  • 1881 The Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, one of the most famous gunfights in the history of the American Old West, took place in Tombstone, Arizona between the faction of Wyatt Earp and Ike Clanton's gang.
  • 2001 President George W. Bush signed the USA PATRIOT Act into law, significantly expanding the authority of U.S. law enforcement agencies in fighting terrorism at home and abroad.
  • 2002 About 40 Chechen rebels and 130 hostages died when Russian forces stormed a theater building in Moscow to end a four-day hostage siege.


羅伯特·F·甘迺迪遇刺案事發於1968年6月5日凌晨0點15分,羅伯特·F·甘迺迪在美國加利福尼亞州洛杉磯的大使酒店中被人槍殺。當時他剛剛贏得了加利福尼亞州和南達科他州初選而有望獲得民主黨的美國總統候選人的提名。26個小時後,他在撒瑪利亞好人醫院逝世,享年42歲。24歲的巴勒斯坦/約旦籍移民索罕·索罕被認定謀殺罪名成立而被判處終身監禁。羅伯特的屍體在紐約的聖巴特里爵主教座堂停留了兩天以供紀念的人們前來瞻仰後,於6月8日下葬在阿林頓國家公墓距他哥哥不遠處。他的死促使美國特勤局開始對總統候選人提供保護。直至2013年4月,羅伯特·F·甘迺迪仍然是史上繼1935年9月10日被刺殺的休伊·皮爾斯·朗以來首位被刺殺的聯邦參議員。由於5年前他的哥哥也慘遭刺殺,因此催生了大量相關的陰謀理論。 (Read more...)

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AMiBA, a Cosmic Microwave Background experiment located in Hawaii, during construction in June 2006

Did you know

  • AMiBA (pictured) is a radio telescope on Mauna Loa in Hawaii that is being used to observe the cosmic microwave background and the Sunyaev–Zel'dovich effect in clusters of galaxies
  • Although the official government death toll of the 1997 Ardabil earthquake was given as 965 deaths, rescue workers at the scene claimed it was as much as three times higher
  • Tang Dynasty general Li Na was, at one point, reduced to tears when he was under siege by another general, Liu Qia
  • Four of the candidates for either Governor or Lt. Governor in the 2008 American Samoa gubernatorial elections have ancestral ties to the Manu'a Islands
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