



2023年8月初,阿薩德政權決定大幅削減燃油補貼,導致汽油價格上漲了一倍多 [1],再加上敘利亞的經濟困難不斷升級,在德魯茲人佔多數的城市蘇韋達率先爆發抗議活動。 [2]這些抗議活動的範圍和強度迅速擴大,到8月20日,數千人高呼口號,要求推翻阿薩德政權[3]8月24日,抗議活動蔓延至德拉[4][5][6]

2024年2月28日,一名男子在蘇韋達的抗議活動中被敘利亞武裝部隊開槍打死,蘇韋達的緊張局勢急劇升級, [7]更多的人加入到示威活動中來,抗議者要求聯合國安全理事會第2254號決議得到落實[8]



  1. ^ Abdulrahim, Raja. "Rare Protests in Syria Summon Echoes of Arab Spring." The New York Times, 31 Aug. 2023. [www.nytimes.com/2023/08/31/world/middleeast/syria-protests.html]
  2. ^ Protests in southern Syria as economy worsens. Al-Monitor: Independent, trusted coverage of the Middle East. 17 August 2023 [29 August 2023]. 
  3. ^ Sinjab, Lina. Syria: Protests over growing economic hardship spread in south. BBC News. 24 August 2023 [26 August 2023]. (原始內容存檔於25 August 2023) (英國英語). 
  4. ^ Hundreds protest against government in Syria's Suwayda – North Press, [25 August 2023], (原始內容存檔於25 August 2023) (英語) 
  5. ^ Night anti-government protest erupts in Syria's Daraa, [25 August 2023], (原始內容存檔於25 August 2023) (英語) 
  6. ^ Anti-government protests in #Syria's #Suwayda continue for the 5th day, [25 August 2023], (原始內容存檔於25 August 2023) (英語) 
  7. ^ Syrian man dies of wounds from anti-Assad protest: sources. www.newarab.com. [2024-02-28] (英語). 
  8. ^ Flihan, Rima. "The Uprising in al-Suwayda Syria Presents the World a Moral Test – Again." The Interpreter, Lowy Institute, 4 Oct 2023.
  9. ^ Biloslavo, Fausto. Siria, i drusi: "Meglio Israele di Al Qaida". ilGiornale.it. 2024-12-19 [2024-12-26] (意大利語).