
英格蘭和威爾斯的天主教會(英語:Catholic Church in England and Wales、拉丁語:Ecclesia Catholica in Anglia et Cambria、威爾斯語:Yr Eglwys Gatholig yng Nghymru a Lloegr)是天主教會的一部分,其歷史開始於6世紀時教宗額我略一世通過本篤會派坎特伯雷的奧古斯丁在英格蘭傳教[1]。據2001年英國人口普查,英格蘭和威爾斯有天主教徒約420萬人,佔其人口的8%。1901年時,這一比例是4.8%。1981年時,這一比例是8.7%[2]。
[編輯]- ^ Clifford, Cornelius. "St. Augustine of Canterbury." In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Retrieved 3 April 2019 from New Advent: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/02081a.htm (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館).
- ^ Leyshon, Dr Gareth. Catholic Statistics Priests and Population in England and Wales, 1841 – 2001 (PDF). drgareth.info. August 2004 [27 January 2019]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2022-08-17).
[編輯]- The Catholic Church in England and Wales
- English Catholic History Association (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館)
- The Catholic Record Society
- Directory of Catholic Churches, Schools, Dioceses, Religious Houses, Chaplaincies and Organisations in England and Wales (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館)
- Taking Stock: Catholic Churches
- Who Were the Nuns? (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館)