< Wikipedia:机器人 | 申请
Hello, I'd like to request a flag for my bot, named User:Loveless
- 狀態: 撤銷許可
- Operator : fr:User:Darkoneko
- Automatic or Manually Assisted : Automatic
- Programming Language(s) : python (pywikipedia framework)
- Function Summary : interwikis
- Edit period(s) : continuous (~16H / day)
- Edit rate : random (depend of the parsed pages) but shouldn't excess 1 edit per minute
- Already has a bot flag : on 84 other wikipedias (see fr:User:Loveless#Statut for detail)
- Function Details:
- I uses interwiki.py in autonomous mode for interwiki adding, with the japanese wikipedia article database as origin.
thanks in advance
fr:user:Darkoneko 2008年5月5日 (一) 00:14 (UTC)
寂伏多年,撤銷許可。--J.Wong 2017年6月19日 (一) 11:13 (UTC)