










  • 為支持維基百科創作永久性的自由內容的使命,讓所有用戶在任何媒介中都能無限制地散佈、修改和使用。
  • 為最小化法律風險,限制非自由內容的使用量,採取比美國合理使用法律更嚴格的定義標準。
  • 為促進對非自由內容的審慎使用來支持高質素百科全書的發展。




  1. 無自由等效作品。只有在能達成同樣以百科全書為目的之自由等效作品不存在或無法創作的前提下,才能使用非自由內容。在可能的情況下,非自由內容應被轉化為自由材料,而不應使用合理使用為之辯護;或被更自由的替代作品加以取代,倘若存在質素尚可接受的自由作品。「質素尚可接受」意味着作品的質素應足以達成百科全書目的。(快速測試法:在添加需要理據的非自由內容時,請捫心自問:「這一非自由內容能否被自由內容等效替代?」以及「在根本不使用非自由內容時,只使用文字能否充分傳達條目的主題?」如果至少一項的答案為肯定,那麼該非自由內容就可能不符合這一標準。)
  2. 尊重作品的商機。倘若該使用在某種意義上會取代原始版權媒介所具有的市場作用,則不得使用非自由內容。
  3. 有限使用:
    1. 最少數量的使用。倘若一則非自由內容能夠傳達等效的重大資訊,不得使用多則非自由內容。
    2. 最小限度的使用。倘若部分內容已然足夠,不得使用整部作品。優先使用低解像度/保真度/位元速率,而非高解像度/保真度/位元速率(特別當原作可被用於蓄意的版權侵犯時)。本規則還適用於File:命名空間中的副本。
  4. 事前發表。非自由內容必需已在維基百科以外的地方出版或公開展示。
  5. 內容。非自由內容滿足通用的維基百科內容標準,並且是百科全書式的。
  6. 針對媒體的方針。材料應符合維基百科針對媒體的方針,如檔案應該滿足Wikipedia:檔案使用方針
  7. 至少一篇條目使用。非自由內容須被至少一篇條目使用。
  8. 條目中的意義。只有當其呈現將有助於加深讀者對條目主題的理解,而其缺失將妨礙理解時,非自由內容才能被使用。
  9. 場合的限制。非自由內容只被允許在條目中使用(不包括消歧義頁),並且只能在條目命名空間中使用。(要防止圖像分類顯示縮圖,可添加__NOGALLERY__到分類頁面中;當圖像是討論的主題時,可以透過連結而非內嵌圖像的方式使用。)
  10. 圖像描述頁。圖像或媒體描述頁須包含以下內容:
    1. 材料來源的身份證明,如有可能,還應補充有關作者、出版者與版權持有者的資訊;這有助於他人判斷材料潛在的市場價值。
    2. 版權所有的標籤,其中指出哪條維基百科方針的條款被主張為這一使用的特許條款。
    3. 被主張合理使用該檔案的每篇條目的名稱,並且按照維基百科:合理使用依據指引的解釋,為每一次使用提供單獨、專門的合理使用依據。合理使用依據應以清晰明了的語言闡述,並且與每一次使用確切相關。


  • 如若一個合理使用檔案被多個條目使用,但是只有部分條目具有有效的合理使用理據,那麼應當將該檔案從其他條目內刪除,或補充合適的理據。
  • 如若一個合理使用檔案沒有被任何條目使用(第7條),或缺少版權、來源資訊,且在通知上載者5日後仍不符合,該檔案將被刪除。見相關處理頁面
    • 需要注意的是,認為圖像應當獲得保留的一方,而非認為圖像應當被刪除的一方承擔舉證的責任。











  1. 這一非自由內容能否被自由內容等效替代?
  2. 在根本不使用非自由內容時,只使用有來源支持的文字能否充分傳達條目的主題?





對於非自由標誌或其他設計的向量圖像(即SVG),在標誌本身所具有的版權之上,對該標誌圖案進行向量化是否會產生額外的版權,美國法律在這一方面並不明確。為了避免這種不確定性,編輯者在上載非自由標誌的向量圖像時,應使用該標誌的版權人製作的向量圖像,而不應該使用自行製作或來自第三方網站(如 seeklogo.com 或 Brands of the World)的向量圖像,因為在這些情況下,標誌的向量化可能是在未經標誌的版權人授權的情況下進行的。如果編輯者根據自己的自由圖片進行向量化,應註明圖片的來源,以便確認其自由度,並在自由特許下釋出他們的貢獻(轉換為向量的勞動),以幫助解決上述的模糊性。



很多時候,比如說大多數來自新聞和娛樂行業的非自由內容,滿足這個標準是沒有問題的。 然而,在極少數情況下,非自由內容可能最初是被「泄露」的,且後來從未在版權持有人的特許下發表過,這些內容不能被列入維基百科。






  • 該內容本身就是條目中有來源評論的主題,或者
  • 只有透過包含這種非自由內容,讀者才能辨識出條目中討論主題的對象,風格或行為。


















為達到方針「最小限度使用」的標準,在大多數情況下10萬像素以內的圖片可滿足這一要求。這裏的10萬像素指的是圖片的長、寬像素尺寸的乘積。圖片應當在能表現所敘述事物風格的情況下,選取適當的解像度和長寬比。例如,長寬比為 4:3 的圖片可以 360 × 270 的像素尺寸來呈現(適用於常見的電影、電視節目、電動遊戲截圖)。對於網頁截圖,可先以4:3的長寬比截取第一屏的截圖,再按比例縮小至10萬像素以內,通常對於展示網頁風格和辨識網頁介面已然足夠。若要計算一張圖片應該降低解像度至何種大小,您可以使用下列公式(輔助計算工具):


  • new width為新圖片的寬度,
  • target pixel count為新圖片的總像素數(10萬),
  • original width為原始圖片寬度,
  • original height為原始圖片高度,
  • 表示向下取整數。

在較為罕見的情況下,某些非自由圖片可能需要超出10萬像素的限制(例如用以上公式計算後,圖片的一邊超過1000像素),這種情況下圖片將很可能需要仔細檢查,以驗證圖像需要該級別的解像度。 圖片的上載者或用戶應該確保圖像的合理使用依據充分解釋了超出這一限制的需要,否則可依據方針將該圖片提報存廢討論甚至刪除。

某些圖片在縮小尺寸後可能會遺失一些文字細節。 在這種情況下,必要的文字應在圖像描述頁面上重寫一遍,但應避免大段引用文字導致侵犯版權。如果大圖片中的某些區域需要高解像度以檢視文字或圖像的細節,可裁剪該圖片以更高的解像度顯示關鍵部分,而不是嘗試縮小整個圖像。 如果執行裁剪,圖片上載者或用戶應在圖像描述頁面列出圖像的原始來源,並說明進行了哪些修改。

如果您發現了尺寸可能過大的非自由圖片,您可以上載該圖片的縮小版本,或者在圖像描述頁面使用{{Non-free reduce}}標記該圖片,以便其他用戶或機械人協助處理。




參見:en:Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2008-09-22/Dispatches,這是一份評估非自由圖片可接受性的指南。



以下為維基所接受用作合理使用的例子。注意,此等使用仍需遵守維基的非自由內容使用準則及提供原因和許可。 以下是維基百科已經確定的可以使用非自由媒體的例子的不完全列表。需要注意的是,使用這些媒體仍需要遵守非自由內容使用準則,並需要提供理由和授權資訊。



簡短地引用版權文字來描述論點、輔助說明、印證某概念或觀點,都可能屬於合理使用。 所有情況下,引用文字的句子需使用文內引注列明來源。轉載受版權保護文字時應明確使用引號或引用文本框。任何修改必須清楚註明:省略([……])、插入文字([加入文字])、或是改變重點(加注「着重號為編者所加」或「着重號取自原文」)。 大量引用有版權的文字,會被視為抄襲而禁止。關於引用文字的格式和用法,請參見WP:QUOTE




  1. 當伴隨適當的有來源評論並註明版權持有人時,可以使用音樂剪輯來辨識音樂風格、組合或標誌性的音樂作品。樣本通常不應超過30秒或原曲長度的10%,取二者之較短者。
  2. 在添加適當的來源註釋和來源資訊的前提下,可以使用公眾人物在歷史事件中的演講、演說等口頭內容的剪輯。




  1. Cover art: Cover art from various items, for visual identification only in the context of critical commentary of that item (not for identification without critical commentary).[1]
  2. Team and corporate logos: For identification. See Wikipedia:Logos.
  3. Stamps and currency: For identification of the stamp or currency, not the subjects depicted on it.
  4. Other promotional material: Posters, programs, billboards, ads. For critical commentary.
  5. Video screenshots: For critical commentary and discussion of the work in question (i.e., films, television programs, and music videos).
  6. Screenshots from software products: For critical commentary. See Wikipedia:Software screenshots.
  7. Paintings and other works of visual art: For critical commentary, including images illustrative of a particular technique or school.
  8. Images with iconic status or historical importance:
    • Iconic or historical images that are themselves the subject of sourced commentary in the article are generally appropriate.
    • Iconic and historical images which are not subject of commentary themselves but significantly aid in illustrating historical events may be used if they meet all aspects of the non-free content criteria, particularly no free alternatives, respect for commercial opportunity, and contextual significance. Note that in the case the image is from a press agency and is not itself the subject of critical commentary, it is assumed automatically to fail the second test of "respect for commercial opportunity".
  9. Images that are themselves subject of commentary.
  10. Pictures of deceased persons, in articles about that person, provided that ever obtaining a free close substitute is not reasonably likely. Note that in the case the image is from a press agency and is not itself the subject of critical commentary it is assumed automatically to fail "respect for commercial opportunity".



The following is a non-exhaustive list of examples where non-free content may not be used outside of the noted exceptions.


  1. Unattributed pieces of text from a copyrighted source.
  2. Excessively long copyrighted excerpts.
  3. All copyrighted text poses legal problems when making spoken word audio files from Wikipedia articles, and should be avoided in such files, because the resulting audio file cannot be licensed under the GFDL.
  4. A complete or partial recreation of "Top 100" or similar lists where the list has been selected in a creative manner. Articles on individual elements from such lists can discuss their inclusion in these lists. Complete lists based on factual data, such as List of highest-grossing films, are appropriate to include.[2] Lists that have acceptable free licensing (as with AFI 100 Years... series) may be reproduced in their entirety as long as proper citations and sourcing are included.


  1. An excessive number of short audio clips in a single article. A small number may be appropriate if each is accompanied by commentary in the accompanying text.
  2. A long audio excerpt, to illustrate a stylistic feature of a contemporary band; see above for acceptable limits.
  3. A short video excerpt from a contemporary film, without sourced commentary in the accompanying text.

The use of non-free media (whether images, audio or video clips) in galleries, discographies, and navigational and user-interface elements generally fails the test for significance (criterion #8).



  1. 仍然在世的人物、活躍的團體和仍然存在的建築物的圖片,條件是自由版權替代圖片(通常被認為是可能的)能夠和非自由圖像具有相同的百科全書目的。這包括非自由宣傳圖片。
  2. 唱片封面作為唱片目錄的一部分,如上所述。
  3. 從唱片封面上剪裁的玫瑰,用來說明條目中的玫瑰。
  4. 從地圖集中掃描或描繪的地圖,用來說明所示的區域。如果地圖本身是條目中的重要評論對象,則使用可能是合適的:例如,有爭議的領土地圖,如果在條目中討論了爭議。
  5. 主題恰好是戰爭的圖像,用於說明一篇關於戰爭的條目。如果圖像本身是條目中適當的評論對象,使用可能是合適的:例如,那些本身已經獲得關注並成為標誌性圖像的,如果條目中對該圖像進行了討論。
  6. 在條目段落中使用圖片,如果該圖片有自己的條目(在這種情況下,可以描述該圖片並提供指向該圖片條目的連結)。
  7. 來自新聞社或圖片社(例如美聯社、Corbis或蓋帝圖像)的圖片,除非該圖片本身是條目中有引用評論的主題。
  8. A Barry Bonds baseball card, to illustrate the article on Barry Bonds. The use may be appropriate to illustrate a passage on the card itself; see the Billy Ripken article.
  9. A magazine or book cover, to illustrate the article on the person whose photograph is on the cover. However, if the cover itself is the subject of sourced discussion in the article, it may be appropriate if placed inline next to the commentary. Similarly, a photo of a copyrighted statue (assuming there is no freedom of panorama in the country where the statue was when the photo was taken) can only be used to discuss the statue itself, not the subject of it.
  10. An image with an unknown or unverifiable origin. This does not apply to historical images, where sometimes only secondary sources are known, as the ultimate source of some historical images may never be known with certainty.
  11. A chart or graph. These can almost always be recreated from the original data.
  12. A commercial photograph reproduced in high enough resolution to potentially undermine the ability of the copyright holder to profit from the work.
  13. Board or card game artwork and photos where the game itself is shown more than de minimis; such images can nearly always be replaced by a free de minimis photograph of the game's layout while it is being played. Exceptions are made for parts of a board or card games that have received critical commentary.
  14. A logo of a perennial event (or of its sponsoring company), used to illustrate an article about a specific instance of that event. If each instance has its own logo, such specific logos remain acceptable.
  15. An image of a newspaper article or other publication that contains long legible sections of copyrighted text. If the text is important as a source or quotation, it should be worked into the Wikipedia article in textual form, with a citation to the newspaper article.
  16. A publicity image of a commercial product released by its manufacturer, if the product has already been sold or displayed to the public in such a way that free photographs of it could be taken.
  17. 當子實體沒有自己的品牌標識時,使用其所屬實體的標識徽標作為辨識。但如果子實體擁有自己的專屬徽標,則可以使用。




  1. 應優先使用展示列表中多個元素的圖片,例如電視節目的演員陣容相片或拼貼畫,而非單獨的圖片。這樣的圖片應由版權持有人提供,或直接從受版權保護的作品中掃描/捕捉,而不是由用戶直接從多個非自由的圖片建立(因為「使用範圍」是由非自由「圖片」的數量和解像度決定的,而不是「檔案」的數量)。
  2. 在條目正文中詳細討論的圖片,例如對藝術風格或作品中有爭議要素的討論,比起僅提供要素的視覺辨識圖片更為可取。
  3. 提供對條目中其他元素的代表性視覺參考的圖片,例如科幻電視節目中外星種族的外貌,優於為每個討論元素提供圖片。
  4. 如果條目中的元素的另一非自由圖片在維基百科的其他地方被使用,優先引用其其他用途,而不是在列表中重複使用,包括新的、獨立的非自由圖片。如果重複使用非自由圖片,請注意為新的用途提供獨立的非自由使用理由。
  5. 對於涉及真人演員的媒體,如果該演員在其條目上存在合適的自由圖片(符合Wikipedia:生者傳記及以上規定)且演員和角色在外貌上幾乎沒有區別,請不要提供演員在其角色中的圖片。然而,如果由於年齡、化妝和服裝而存在顯著差異,那麼在需要時,可能適當包括一個非自由圖片以展示演員在該媒體中的角色。
  6. 除非有上述情況,僅用於在文章中視覺辨識元素的圖片應儘量少使用。考慮將這類用途限制在主要角色和元素上,或者那些不能輕鬆用文字描述的情況,以編輯共識為準。




在包含非自由內容的分類中,MediaWiki的 __NOGALLERY__ 代碼應該被用來關閉內容的顯示,同時仍然列出檔案名稱。

出於類似的原因,用戶創作的包含非自由圖像的拼接畫也應被阻止。在NFCC#3a的範圍內,這樣的拼貼被視為基於構成拼貼的每個非自由圖片而產生的多個非自由圖片。如果確定使用拼貼是合適的,每個貢獻的非自由項都應該有其來源的描述(例如en:File:Versions of the Doctor.jpg)。由用於建立拼貼的圖片的版權持有人建立的拼貼被視為單個非自由項,而不是獨立的項。



Exemptions from non-free content policy are made for the use of non-free content on certain administrative, non-article space pages as necessary to creating or managing the encyclopedia, specifically for those that are used to manage questionable non-free content. Those pages that are exempt are listed in Category:Wikipedia non-free content criteria exemptions.[3]






只有在符合本方針的限制的情況下,才允許使用非自由材料,這一點從2005年5月起就已經明確了[4]。為維基百科提供伺服器和軟件支持的維基媒體基金會既定使命是「讓全世界的人們在自由特許下或在公有領域內收集和開發教育內容,並有效地在全球範圍內傳播。」(to empower and engage people around the world to collect and develop educational content under a free license or in the public domain, and to disseminate it effectively and globally.)落到實處則體現在所有非自由內容必須滿足上述方針指引,以及我們的方針要求刪除不合規的內容。對世界寬厚,有時也意味着對自己苛刻。請理解,這些規則不是武斷的,它們是我們的核心使命。











Certain works have no copyright at all. Most material published in the United States before 1923, work published before 1978 without a copyright notice, with an expired copyright term, or produced by the U.S. federal government is public domain, i.e., has no copyright. Some such as photos and scans of 2-dimensional objects and other "slavish reproductions", short text phrases, typographic logos, and product designs, do not have a sufficient degree of creativity apart from their functional aspects to have a copyright.

Copyright law only governs creative expressions that are "fixed in a tangible medium of expression," not the ideas or information behind the works. It is legal to reformulate ideas based on written texts, or create images or recordings inspired by others, as long as there is no copying (see plagiarism for how much reformulation is necessary).

If material does have a copyright, it may only be copied or distributed under a license (permission) from the copyright holder, or under the doctrine of fair use. If there is a valid license, the user must stay within the scope of the license (which may include limitations on amount of use, geographic or business territory, time period, nature of use, etc.). Fair use, by contrast, is a limited right to use copyrighted works without permission, highly dependent on the specific circumstances of the work and the use in question. It is a doctrine incorporated as a clause in United States copyright code, arising out of a concern that strict application of copyright law would limit criticism, commentary, scholarship, and other important free speech rights. A comparable concept of fair dealing exists in some other countries, where standards may vary.

Anything published 1923 or later in other countries and still copyrighted there, is typically also copyrighted in the United States. See Wikipedia:Non-U.S. copyrights.[7][需要解釋]



Never use materials that infringe the copyrights of others. This could create legal liabilities and seriously hurt the project.

Uploading an image file, audio or video file, or text quotation into Wikipedia, and adding that file to a project page, both raise copyright concerns. Editors who do either must make sure their contributions are legal. If there is any doubt as to legality, ask others for help, try to find a free equivalent, or use your own words to make the same point. Also, consider asking the copyright holder to release the work under an appropriate Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported License (CC-BY-SA) or a CC-BY-SA-compatible license (dual-licensing under a GFDL license is also possible). See Wikipedia:Boilerplate request for permission for a sample form letter.

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  1. ^ NFCI#1 relates to the use of cover art within articles whose main subject is the work associated with the cover. Within such articles, the cover art implicitly satisfies the "contextual significance" NFCC criterion (NFCC#8) by virtue of the marketing, branding, and identification information that the cover conveys. The same rationale does not usually apply when the work is described in other articles, such as articles about the author or musician; in such articles, the NFCC criteria typically require that the cover art itself be significantly discussed within the article. For historical information, see RfC Jan 2011, RfC Sep 2012, and RfC Dec 2012.
  2. ^ The Wikimedia Foundation's associate counsel advised in March 2011 that while the courts have not firmly established precedence on the matter, polls are likely to be protectable as well because the parameters of the survey are chosen by those who conduct the polls and the selection of respondents indicates "at least some creativity." She recommended using polls in accordance with fair use principles, reminding that "Merely republishing them without any commentary or transformation is not fair use." She also recommends that the use of even uncopyrightable lists be considered with regards to licensing agreements that may "bind the user/reader from republishing the list/survey results without permission", noting that "Absent a license agreement, you may still run afoul of state unfair competition and/or misappropriation laws if you take a substantial portion of the list or survey results."
  3. ^ Due to software limitations, TimedText pages for non-free video files will automatically include the video file, and as such, pages in the TimedText namespace are presumed to be exempted from NFCC#9.
  4. ^ 吉米·威爾士於2005年5月19日的聲明
  5. ^ 美國版權局1961年的一項研究發現,在所有登記的版權中,只有不到15%的版權得到了更新。對於書籍,這個數字更低:7%。來源:Barbara Ringer, "Study No. 31: Renewal of Copyright" (1960) "Study No. 31: Renewal of Copyright" (1960), reprinted in Library of Congress Copyright Office. Copyright law revision: Studies prepared for the Subcommittee on Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Eighty-sixth Congress, first [-second] session. (Washington: U. S. Govt. Print. Off, 1961), p. 220. ... 調查美國已出版作品的版權和續展狀況的有用資源:Samuel Demas and Jennie L. Brogdon, "Determining Copyright Status for Preservation and Access: Defining Reasonable Effort," Library Resources and Technical Services 41:4 (October, 1997): 323-334." , Hirtle, Peter (2007) Copyright Term and the Public Domain in the United States footnote 7.在1923年至1963年期間首次出版的全部美國材料中,更新版權的比例要低得多,因為大部分已出版的材料根本就沒有註冊過。
  6. ^ 要了解如何查詢版權登記和續期,請參見:How to Investigate the Copyright Status of a Work, Stanford's Copyright Renewal DatabaseProject Gutenberg,以及 Iinformation about The Catalog of Copyright Entries
  7. ^ Non-US copyrights apply in the US under the URAA.

