在物理學和數學上,高登─湯普森不等式(Golden–Thompson inequality)是一個由Golden (1965)和Thompson (1965)二氏所證明的不等式,該不等式的定義如下:
貝多蘭‧康斯坦多(Bertram Kostant)在1973年利用康斯坦多凸性定理(Kostant convexity theorem)將此不等式推廣到所有的緊緻李群(compact Lie group)之上。
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- J.E. Cohen, S. Friedland, T. Kato, F. Kelly, Eigenvalue inequalities for products of matrix exponentials, Linear algebra and its applications, Vol. 45, pp. 55–95, 1982. doi:10.1016/0024-3795(82)90211-7
- Golden, Sidney, Lower bounds for the Helmholtz function, Phys. Rev., Series II, 1965, 137: B1127–B1128, doi:10.1103/PhysRev.137.B1127, MR0189691
- Kostant, Bertram, On convexity, the Weyl group and the Iwasawa decomposition, Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série, 1973, 6: 413–455 [2013-12-14], ISSN 0012-9593, MR0364552, (原始內容存檔於2018-02-05)
- D. Petz, A survey of trace inequalities, in Functional Analysis and Operator Theory, 287–298, Banach Center Publications, 30 (Warszawa 1994).
- Thompson, Colin J., Inequality with applications in statistical mechanics, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 1965, 6: 1812–1813, ISSN 0022-2488, doi:10.1063/1.1704727, MR0189688[失效連結]
[編輯]- Tao, T., The Golden–Thompson inequality, 2010 [2013-12-14], (原始內容存檔於2013-12-18)(裏面有附上定理的證明)