











「去性別過渡」這一術語在跨性別社群內具有爭議性。根據 Turban 等人的說法,這是因為與「性別過渡」一樣,該詞帶有一種「性別認同依賴於性別肯定醫療」的錯誤含義。[16]此術語已與一些運動聯繫在一起,這些運動通過過度強調後悔和脫離跨性別的風險,旨在限制跨性別者獲得與性別過渡相關的醫療服務。[16][17]




2023 年的一項綜述發現,關於脫離跨性別或後悔的估計範圍為 0-13.1%,醫療照護中斷的比例為 1.9%-29.8%,手術後去性別過渡或後悔的比例為 0-2.4%,激素治療後去性別過渡或後悔的比例為 0-9.8%。[14]2024 年的一項綜述分析了接受青春期抑制劑或跨性別激素治療者的脫離跨性別情況。研究發現,相關研究方法與定義存在差異,時間範圍短、參與者人數少,且未充分考慮患者層面數據與混雜因素。大多數研究以來自專門性別診所的小型群體為主,或僅限於兒科/青少年年齡段。研究主要來自荷蘭美國英國丹麥。該綜述指出,跨性別人群中停止跨性別荷爾蒙治療的點患病率比例為 1.6% - 9.8%,青春期抑制劑中斷的比例為 1–7.6%。此外,綜述提到「目前的文獻顯示,決定去性別過渡的情況似乎較為罕見」,並指出由於認同改變與其他中斷原因(如經濟障礙、副作用、遵循治療不足、社會問題或治療目標達成)相混淆,由認同改變引起的去性別過渡估計可能被高估。[18]

2021 年,一項針對 27 項研究的統合分析得出如下結論:「跨性別患者在接受性別肯定手術後,後悔的比率極低」,經綜合統計,後悔率為 1%,其中跨性別男性手術的後悔率低於 1%,跨性別女性手術的後悔率低於 2%。[19] 2024 年的一項綜述發現,性別肯定手術的綜合後悔率為 1.94%,其中跨性別女性個體的後悔率為 4.0%,跨性別男性個體的後悔率為 0.8%。[20]




跨性別平等國家中心開展了一項針對自我認同為跨性別的個體的調查。[23]依據 2015 年的美國跨性別調查結果,8% 的受訪者聲稱曾進行過去性別過渡的轉變;其中 62% 的人表示隨後又重新進行了性別過渡[24]33% 的人表示因為過於困難而脫離跨性別,31% 因為遭遇歧視,29% 因為找工作困難。其他原因涵蓋來自父母的壓力(約 36%)、來自家庭成員的壓力(26%)、來自配偶的壓力(18%)以及來自僱主的壓力(17%)。[2]

2021 年發表的一項混合方法分析對該調查數據展開了深入研究。結果表明,絕大多數受訪者宣稱脫離跨性別部分主要歸因於外部因素,其中包括來自家庭的壓力、性侵犯以及不支持的學校環境等。另外,一個被頻繁提及的原因是 「對我而言實在太過艱難」。[25]



美國部分州的立法機構已制定或試圖制定法律,對跨性別者獲取醫療照護的途徑予以刑事化或進行限制,迫使無法脫離困境的跨性別者進行 「去性別過渡」 的轉變。[26][27][28][29][30][31]阿肯色州成為美國首個禁止未成年人獲得跨性別醫療的州,截至 2024 年 8 月,此類州的數量已達 26 個。一些州還試圖禁止 26 歲以下人群接受此類醫療,對所有年齡層的獲取途徑加以限制,或者對公共和私人保險的承保範圍進行限制。2024 年,美國全國有 40 個州提出了超過 112 項禁止未成年人接受跨性別醫療的法案。威廉姆斯研究所的一項研究表明,大約有 114,000 名跨性別未成年人生活在禁止其跨性別醫療的州,而大約 240,000 名跨性別未成年人生活在禁止或擬議禁止此類醫療的州。[26]

2024 年 5 月,源自英格蘭國民保健署(NHS)的泄露文件表明,接受未經監管或海外顧問所提供的性別肯定醫療的跨性別青少年,可能被迫在 「醫療去性別過渡」 與接受保護措施的轉介及調查之間進行抉擇。這些文件提議,對大約 6000 名正在 NHS 等待名單上以接受性別肯定醫療的青少年展開面談,並依據卡斯報告的建議,告知他們不可通過缺乏 「適當照護」 的途徑獲取性別肯定醫療。倘若發現他們無視該建議,且醫療提供者認為此種行為使其處於 「更高風險」 之中,則應進行保護措施的轉介。[32][33]


2023 年 3 月 12 日,一名名為 Eden Knight 的沙特阿拉伯跨性別女性在被強迫「脫離跨性別」後自殺身亡。Knight 在遺書中寫道,她的父母僱用了一家美國私人情報公司和一名沙烏地律師,將她重新安置並強迫她在社會和醫療層面進行「去性別過渡」。由於她依賴該律師提供食物和住所,並擔心對方會向美國移民當局舉報她,Knight 表示,她最終回到了沙特阿拉伯的父母身邊。儘管她秘密地持續進行女性化激素替代療法,然而在兩次被發現後,她選擇終結了自己的生命。[38][39][40][41]


  1. ^ Davies, Skye; McIntyre, Stephen; Rypma, Craig. Detransition rates in a national UK Gender Identity Clinic (PDF). 3rd Biennial EPATH Conference: Inside Matters, On Law, Ethics and Religion. EPATH. April 2019: 118 [May 27, 2021]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於May 21, 2021). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Boslaugh, Sarah. Transgender Health Issues. ABC-CLIO. August 3, 2018: 43–44 [June 15, 2021]. ISBN 978-1-4408-5888-8. (原始內容存檔於June 20, 2022) (英語). 
  3. ^ Robinson, Max. Detransition: Beyond Before And After. Spinifex Press. : 1-50. 
  4. ^ Pray Away (Documentary). [7 June 2024] (English). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Alfonseca, Kiara. Former 'detransitioner' fights anti-transgender movement she once backed. ABC News. November 23, 2022. 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 MacKinnon, Kinnon Ross; Expósito-Campos, Pablo; Gould, W. Ariel. Detransition needs further understanding, not controversy. BMJ. 2023-06-14, 381: e073584. ISSN 1756-1833. PMC 10265220可免費查閱. PMID 37315956. doi:10.1136/bmj-2022-073584可免費查閱 (英語). 
  7. ^ Hall, Mitchell & Sachdeva 2021,"Rates of detransitioning are unknown, with estimates ranging from less than 1% to 8%.".
  8. ^ * "There is a paucity of literature." Danker et al. 2018
    • "We urgently need systematic data on this point in order to inform best practice clinical care." Zucker 2019
  9. ^ "[R]esearch in this field is extremely controversial." Danker et al. 2018
  10. ^ Expósito-Campos, Pablo. A Typology of Gender Detransition and Its Implications for Healthcare Providers. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy. 10 January 2021, 47 (3): 270–280. PMID 33427094. S2CID 231575978. doi:10.1080/0092623X.2020.1869126可免費查閱. hdl:10810/51393可免費查閱. The absence of systematic research around detransition has given rise to inconsistencies in its conceptual use and application, adding to the unclarity and confusion. 
  11. ^ Shute 2017; BBC 2017; Borreli 2017; Stein 2009; Veissière 2018
  12. ^ Falk, Misha. Health Liberation Now! is challenging the way anti-trans groups weaponize detransition narratives. Xtra. August 4, 2022 [September 13, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於August 4, 2022). 
  13. ^ Fenway Health 2010; Human Rights Campaign n.d.
  14. ^ 14.00 14.01 14.02 14.03 14.04 14.05 14.06 14.07 14.08 14.09 Expósito-Campos, Pablo; Salaberria, Karmele; Pérez-Fernández, José Ignacio; Gómez-Gil, Esther. Gender detransition: A critical review of the literature. Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría. 2023-05-01, 51 (3). (原始內容存檔於2025-01-02) (英語). 
  15. ^ Karrington, Baer. Defining Desistance: Exploring Desistance in Transgender and Gender Expansive Youth Through Systematic Literature Review. Transgender Health. 2022-06-01, 7 (3): 189–212. ISSN 2688-4887. PMC 9829142可免費查閱. doi:10.1089/trgh.2020.0129. (原始內容存檔於2025-01-02) (英語). 
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 Turban, Jack L.; Loo, Stephanie S.; Almazan, Anthony N.; Keuroghlian, Alex S. Factors Leading to "Detransition" Among Transgender and Gender Diverse People in the United States: A Mixed-Methods Analysis. LGBT Health. June 1, 2021, 8 (4): 273–280. ISSN 2325-8292. PMC 8213007可免費查閱. PMID 33794108. doi:10.1089/lgbt.2020.0437. 
  17. ^ Knox, Liam. Media’s 'detransition' narrative is fueling misconceptions, trans advocates say. 2019-12-19 [2025-01-07] (英語). 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 18.2 Feigerlova, Eva. Prevalence of detransition in persons seeking gender-affirming hormonal treatments: a systematic review. The Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2024-12-27: qdae186. ISSN 1743-6095. doi:10.1093/jsxmed/qdae186. 
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 Bustos, Valeria P.; Bustos, Samyd S.; Mascaro, Andres; Del Corral, Gabriel; Forte, Antonio J.; Ciudad, Pedro; Kim, Esther A.; Langstein, Howard N.; Manrique, Oscar J. Regret after Gender-affirmation Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Prevalence. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open. March 19, 2021, 9 (3): e3477. ISSN 2169-7574. PMC 8099405可免費查閱. PMID 33968550. doi:10.1097/GOX.0000000000003477 (英語). 
  20. ^ Ren, Thomas; Galenchik-Chan, Andre; Erlichman, Zachary; Krajewski, Aleksandra. Prevalence of Regret in Gender-Affirming Surgery: A Systematic Review. Annals of Plastic Surgery. 2024, 92 (5): 597–602. ISSN 1536-3708. doi:10.1097/SAP.0000000000003895 (英語). 
  21. ^ Americo 2018; Kanner 2018
  22. ^ Witten 2015
  23. ^ The Report of the 2015 US Transgender Survey (PDF). December 17, 2016. 
  24. ^ Boslaugh 2018,第43頁; James et al. 2016,第111, 292–294頁
  25. ^ Turban, Jack L.; Loo, Stephanie S.; Almazan, Anthony N.; Keuroghlian, Alex S. Factors Leading to "Detransition" Among Transgender and Gender Diverse People in the United States: A Mixed-Methods Analysis. LGBT Health. May 2021, 8 (4): 273–280. ISSN 2325-8306. PMC 8213007可免費查閱. PMID 33794108. doi:10.1089/lgbt.2020.0437. "Because the USTS only surveyed currently TGD-identified people, our study does not offer insights into reasons for detransition in previously TGD-identified people who currently identify as cisgender." "The vast majority of participants reported detransition due at least in part to external factors, such as pressure from family, nonaffirming school environments, and sexual assault." "It was just too hard for me" is shown in table 2. 
  26. ^ 26.0 26.1 Attacks on Gender-Affirming and Transgender Health Care. American College of Physicians. 2024-08-06 [2025-01-02] (英語). 
  27. ^ Norton, Tom. Fact Check: Has Tennessee passed bill to make trans youth "detransition"?. NewsWeek. 2023-02-28 [2025-01-02] (英語). 
  28. ^ Greig, James. The real-life cost of America’s war on trans healthcare. Dazed Digital. 2023-04-03 [2025-01-02] (英語). 
  29. ^ Norton, Tom. How Chase Strangio Became the Face of the Legal Battle for Trans Rights. June 1, 2022 [2025-01-02] (英語). 
  30. ^ Smith, Serena. Alabama will now force trans youth to detransition. Dazed Digital. 2022-04-08 [2025-01-02] (英語). 
  31. ^ Levin, Bess. Oklahoma Bill Would Ban Gender-Affirming Care for People Under 26, Could Force Some to Detransition. Vanity Fair. 2023-01-05 [2025-01-02] (美國英語). 
  32. ^ Perry, Sophie. Trans children could be 'forced to detransition' under leaked NHS England plans. PinkNews. 2024-05-06 [2025-01-02] (美國英語). 
  33. ^ Wareham, Jamie. NHS England to tell some transgender children to medically detransition or face safeguarding referrals. 2024-05-04 [2025-01-02] (英語). 
  34. ^ Prisoners, Doctors, and the Battle Over Trans Medical Care. Wired. 
  35. ^ Sontag, Deborah. Ashley Diamond, Transgender inmate, Is Out of Prison But Far From Free. NYT. September 24, 2015. 
  36. ^ A Missouri bill to ban gender-affirming care for kids expanded to include adults in prison. NPR (local). 
  37. ^ Owen, Greg. Trans inmate forced to detransition as prison doctors try to inject her with testosterone. 2023-11-13 [2025-01-02] (英語). 
  38. ^ Crimmins, Tricia. Eden Knight, Trans Twitter presence, says she was forced to detransition in viral suicide note. The Daily Dot. March 14, 2023 [March 14, 2023]. 
  39. ^ Grieg, James. A young trans woman has committed suicide after a forced detransition. Dazed. March 14, 2023 [March 14, 2023]. 
  40. ^ Dodds, Io. Saudi Arabian trans woman feared dead after family 'forced her to detransition'. The Independent. March 14, 2023 [March 14, 2023]. 
  41. ^ Zoledziowski, Anya; Marchman, Tim. A Young Saudi Trans Woman Is Believed Dead After Being Lured From the US and Forced to Detransition. Vice. March 16, 2023 [March 16, 2023]. (原始內容存檔於March 16, 2023).