
《第一個聖誕》,又稱《聖誕佳音》(英語:The First Noel、The First Noël或The First Nowell)是一支傳統英格蘭聖誕頌歌,大約出自18世紀,但也可能更早。[1][2] 「Noel」一詞來自法語Noël(即「聖誕節」),而這個法語詞則來自拉丁語「natalis」(即生日)。[3]
現在流行的版本起源自康沃爾郡,最早出現於《古今頌歌集》(《Carols Ancient and Modern》,1823)和吉爾伯特與山迪頌歌集(《Gilbert and Sandys Carols》,1833)中,這兩個集子的作者都是威廉·山迪,並由大衛·吉爾伯特編輯。現在的版本由英國作曲家約翰·斯坦納編輯,分成四個部份收錄於其《新舊頌歌集》(《Carols, New and Old》,1871)中。[2] 此外第一個聖誕的樂譜也有許多變體。
第一個聖誕的一段旋律重複了兩次,並還有一次幾乎一致的旋律,這一點不同於常見的英國民歌。其更早版本可在《新牛津頌歌書》中找到。[4] 此外,後來有許多知名歌手,如艾維斯·普里斯萊、鮑勃·迪倫等都在其專輯中收錄過這首歌。
[編輯]以下的版本來自《新英語讚美詩集》(1986年)(此版本出現在《新舊頌歌集》)、[5][6] 拉爾夫·鄧斯坦的《康沃爾歌集》(《Cornish Songbook》,1929)[7] 和哈欽斯(《Reverend Charles Lewis Hutchins》)的美國版《舊頌歌集和新頌歌集》(《Carols Old and Carols New》,1916)。[8]
《新英語讚美詩集》[6] | 《康沃爾歌集》[7] | 《舊頌歌集和新頌歌集》[8] |
1. The first Nowell the angels did say Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay; |
1. O well, O well, the Angels did say To shepherds there in the fields did lay; |
1. The first Noel, the angels say To Bethlehem's shepherds as they lay. |
2. They lookèd up and saw a star, Shining in the east, beyond them far: |
2. And then there did appear a Star, Whose glory then did shine so far: |
2. The shepherds rose, and saw a star Bright in the East, beyond them far, |
3. And by the light of that same star, Three Wise Men came from country far; |
3. And by the light of that same Star, Three Wise Men came from country far; |
3. Now by the light of this bright star Three wise men came from country far; |
4. This star drew nigh to the north-west; O'er Bethlehem it took its rest; |
4. The Star went before them unto the North West, And seemed o'er the City of Bethlehem to rest, |
4. Then drawing nigh to the northwest, O'er Bethlehem town it took its rest; |
5. Then entered in those Wise Men three, Fell reverently upon their knee, |
5. Then enter'd in these Wise Men three, With reverence fall on their knee, |
6. Then let us all with one accord Sing praises to our heavenly Lord |
6. 'Tween an ox manger and an ass, Our Blest Messiah's place it was; |
- ^ Remembered as the treble part to a carol "Hark, hark the angels sing", according to Annie G. Gilchrist, "Note on the Carol "The First Noel" Journal of the Folk-Song Society 519 (June 1915), pp. 240-242.
- ^ 2.0 2.1 The First Nowell (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館), Hymns and Carols of Christmas.
- ^ Noel. Eytmonline: Online Etymology Dictionary. [29 December 2011]. (原始內容存檔於2013-12-15).
- ^ Keytes and Parrott, New Oxford Book of Carols (《Oxford University Press》, 1992) ISBN 0-19-353323-5.
- ^ Henry Ramsden Bramley and John Stainer, The First Nowell (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館) in Carols New and Old (London: Novello, Ewer & Co., ca 1878)
- ^ 6.0 6.1 New English Hymnal, (Canterbury Press, 1986), No. 36
- ^ 7.0 7.1 Ralph Dunstan, The Cornish Song Book (London: Reid Bros., Ltd., 1929), pp. 126
- ^ 8.0 8.1 Rev. Charles Lewis Hutchins, Carols Old and Carols New (Boston: Parish Choir, 1916), No. 643