葉蟎科![]() | |
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二斑葉蟎 Tetranychus urticae | |
科學分類 ![]() | |
界: | 動物界 Animalia |
門: | 節肢動物門 Arthropoda |
綱: | 蛛形綱 Arachnida |
目: | 絨蟎目 Trombidiformes |
科: | 葉蟎科 Tetranychidae Donnadieu, 1875 |
亞科與族 | |
Bryobinae Berlese
Tetranychinae Berlese
炎熱和乾燥的環境經常都與葉蟎數量增加有關連。在最佳條件(約80 °F或27 °C)之下,二斑葉蟎可以在短短的三天內孵化,在五天內達至性成熟。 一個雌蟲產卵可達每天20顆,所以在其2週〜4週的生命裏,合共可產下數百顆蟲卵。 這加快了的繁殖率,讓葉蟎科種群可以迅速適應抵禦殺蟲劑,使化學防治方法在長久使用會變得無效[6]。
產雄孤雌生殖現像[7](Arrhenotoky,一種孤雌生殖的特例)現像在葉蟎科物種亦有出現,就好像膜翅目物種或一些介殼蟲那樣:雌性物種的染色體是二倍體,而雄性物種的卻是單倍體[8]。 當交配時,雌性會避免令一些卵子受精,以產生雄性物種。受精卵只會產生二倍體的雌性;而未交配及未受精的雌性物種仍然可以產卵,使產下的全部都是單倍體的雄性。
[編輯]二斑葉蟎(Tetranychus urticae)是本科物種中最為知名的,除了其世界性分佈[9]之外,牠們還會對很多不同種類的植物攻擊,包括有一般昆蟲討厭的辣椒、番茄、馬鈴薯、豆類、玉米、大麻、草莓等[6]。其他在經濟上影響比較重要的害蟲有蘋果全爪蟎(Panonychus ulmi)和柑桔全爪蟎(Panonychus citri)。
- 苔蟎族(Bryobini Reck)
- Neoschizonobiella Tseng
- Sinobryobia Ma et al.
- Marainobia Meyer
- 苔蟎屬 Bryobia Koch
- Toronobia Meyer
- Pseudobryobia McGregor
- Strunkobia Livshitz & Mitrofanov
- Mezranobia Athias-Henriot
- Eremobryobia Strunkova & Mitrofanov
- Bryobiella Tuttle & Baker
- Hemibryobia Tuttle & Baker
- Hystrichonychini Pritchard & Baker
- Bryocopsis Meyer
- Tetranychopsis Canestrini
- Notonychus Davis
- 長苔蟎屬 Dolichonobia Meyer
- Monoceronychus McGregor
- Mesobryobia Wainstein
- Hystrichonychus McGregor
- Parapetrobia Meyer & Rykev
- Peltanobia Meyer
- Tauriobia Livshitz & Mitrofanov
- 單頭蟎屬 Aplonobia Womersley, 1940
- Paraplonobia Wainstein
- Beerella Wainstein
- Magdalena Baker & Tuttle
- Porcupinychus Anwarullah
- Afronobia Meyer
- Petrobiini Reck
- Neotrichobia Tuttle & Baker
- Schizonobiella Beer & Lang
- Schizonobia Womersley
- Dasyobia Strunkova
- Lindquistiella Mitrofanov
- Edella Meyer
- 岩蟎屬 Petrobia Murray
- 葉蟎亞科(Tetranychinae Berlese)
- 廣葉蟎族 Eurytetranychini Reck
- Atetranychus Tuttle et al.
- Synonychus Miller
- 廣葉蟎屬 Eurytetranychus Oudemans, 1931
- Eurytetranychoides Reck
- 始葉蟎屬 Eutetranychus Banks
- Meyernychus Mitrofanov
- 缺爪蟎屬 Aponychus Rimando, 1966
- Paraponychus Gonzalez & Flechtmann
- 華葉蟎屬 Sinotetranychus Ma & Yuan, 1960
- Anatetranychus Womersley
- Duplanychus Meyer
- Tenuipalpoidini Pritchard & Baker
- Eonychus Gutierrez
- Crotonella Tuttle et al.
- Tenuipalpoides Reck & Bagdasarian
- Tenuipalponychus Channabasavanna & Lakkundi
- 葉蟎族 Tetranychini Reck, 1950
- Brevinychus Meyer
- Sonotetranychus Tuttle et al.
- 合爪蟎屬 Mixonychus Meyer & Ryke
- Evertella Meyer
- 全爪蟎屬 Panonychus Yokoyama
- Allonychus Pritchard & Baker
- 裂爪蟎屬 Schizotetranychus Trägårdh
- Yunonychus Ma & Gao
- Yezonychus Ehara
- Neotetranychus Trägårdh
- 刺爪蟎屬 Acanthonychus Wang, 1982
- Mononychellus Wainstein
- 寬葉蟎屬 Platytetranychus Oudemans, 1931
- 始葉蟎屬 Eotetranychus Oudemans
- Palmanychus Baker & Tuttle
- Atrichoproctus Flechtmann
- Xinella Ma & Wang
- Oligonychus Berlese
- Hellenychus Gutierrez
- 葉蟎屬 Tetranychus Dufour
- 雙葉蟎屬 Amphitetranychus Oudemans[11]
寄蟎總目中氣門目(Mesostigmata)的捕植蟎科(Phytoseiidae)物種,特別是智利小植綏蟎(Phytoseiulus persimilis)[12]會捕食葉蟎的成蟲及其卵與中間的各個生長階段[6]。這些以捕食性蟎每日最多可捕食五隻葉蟎,又或20顆蟲卵[6]。
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被忽略 (幫助);|issue=
被忽略 (幫助) - ^ H. R. Bolland, Jean Gutierrez & Carlos H. W. Flechtmann. Introduction. World Catalogue of the Spider Mite Family (Acari: Tetranychidae). Brill Publishers. 1997: 1–3 [2016-01-18]. ISBN 978-90-04-11087-8. (原始內容存檔於2015-04-27).
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- ^ D. A. Raworth, D. R. Gillespie, M. Roy & H. M. A. Thistlewood. Tetranychus urticae Koch, twospotted spider mite (Acari: Tetranychidae). Peter G. Mason & John Theodore Huber (編). Biological Control Programmes in Canada, 1981–2000. CAB International. 2002: 259–265 [2016-01-18]. ISBN 978-0-85199-527-4. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-07).
- ^ H. R. Bolland, Jean Gutierrez & Carlos H. W. Flechtmann. Key to the genera of the world. World Catalogue of the Spider Mite Family (Acari: Tetranychidae). Brill Publishers. 1997: 5–11. ISBN 978-90-04-11087-8.
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[編輯]- Spider Mites Web: a comprehensive database for the Tetranychidae,. Spider Mites taxonomy, host-plants and distribution. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA). [2016-01-18]. (原始內容存檔於2009-11-20).
- Bryobia praetiosa, clover mite. Featured Creatures. University of Florida / Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. [2016-01-18]. (原始內容存檔於2012-10-30).
- Oligonychus ilicis, southern red mite. Featured Creatures. University of Florida / Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. [2016-01-18]. (原始內容存檔於2012-10-30).
- Spider mite's secrets revealed (新聞稿). Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia. November 24, 2011 [November 24, 2011]. (原始內容存檔於2015-09-24).