《丟下領航員》(英語:Dropping the Pilot)是約翰·坦尼爾的一幅政治漫畫,於1890年3月29日首次發表在英國雜誌《Punch》上[1]。它描繪了奧托·馮·俾斯麥作為一名海上領航員走下一艘船,旁邊是年輕的皇帝威廉二世。這幅漫畫取材於船可能是受柏拉圖將國家比做船的比喻影響。由於政治分歧,俾斯麥在10天前的3月19日應威廉的要求辭去了帝國總理的職務[2][3]。
這幅漫畫在德國廣為人知,經常出現在歷史教科書和教科書中,標題是《領航員離船》(德語:Der lotse geht von Bord)[5]。
[編輯]- ^ Dropping the Pilot (1890). Wilhelmine Germany and the First World War (1890-1918). German History in Documents and Images (GHDI). [1 March 2014]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-30). "Here, we see a weary Bismarck descending the ladder of the 'ship' Germany, which he had steered for almost 20 years as chancellor. A young Wilhelm II looks on from the deck".
- ^ The Times, London: Times Newspapers Ltd., 19 March 1890.
- ^ The New York Times, New York: The New York Times Company, 19 March 1890.
- ^ Engen, Rodney K. Sir John Tenniel: Alice's White Knight, Aldershot, Hants, England: Scolar Press, 1991, 140–142.
- ^ Dropping the Pilot (1890). Wilhelmine Germany and the First World War (1890-1918). German History in Documents and Images (GHDI). [1 March 2014]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-30). "Here, we see a weary Bismarck descending the ladder of the 'ship' Germany, which he had steered for almost 20 years as chancellor. A young Wilhelm II looks on from the deck".