


{{Draft article}}{{translating|[[:en:Hastings line]]||time=2022-03-18}}

Hastings line
電氣化方式第三軌供電直流電750 V

黑斯廷斯線(英語:Hastings line)是英格蘭肯特東薩塞克斯郡的一條二級鐵路線,將黑斯廷斯火車站英語Hastings railway station與主要城鎮的唐橋井火車站英語Tunbridge Wells railway station以及倫敦通過唐橋火車站英語Tonbridge railway station七橡樹火車站英語Sevenoaks railway station連接起來。雖然以載客為主,但該鐵路也被用來運送石膏礦。東南鐵路在該線路上運營客運列車,這是他們最繁忙的線路之一。





1844年,東南鐵路(SER)完成了從倫敦肯特郡多佛爾的主線建設,與競爭對手倫敦布萊頓和南海岸鐵路英語London, Brighton and South Coast Railway(LBSC)的雷德希爾(RedHill)分開。從敦布里奇(Tunbridge,現代拼寫為「Tonbridge」[注 1])到皇家唐橋井的單線支線於1844年7月開始修建。唐橋井是一個時尚小鎮,1606年人們在這裡發現了一個含鐵質的泉水。[1]當時,議會尚未批准這條鐵路。[1]1845年4月28日,下議院對允許修建鐵路的議會法案進行了一讀。[2]該法案於7月28日在下議院和上議院完成通過,[3][4][5][6][7]隨後維多利亞女王於7月31日批准了該法案。[8]

負責施工的工程師是彼得·W·巴洛,承包商是霍夫父子。[9]1845年4月,SER決定將分支機構改為雙軌。在距離唐橋44鏈(890米)處有一條410碼長(370米)的隧道,這座隧道以附近的豪宅命名為「薩默希爾隧道(Somerhill Tunnel)」。在距離薩默希爾隧道1英里54鏈(2.70公里)處,需要修建一條270碼(250米)長的高架橋。南區高架橋高40英尺(12米),有26個拱門。因為823碼(753米)長的威爾斯隧道仍在建設中,所以在唐橋井建造了一個臨時車站,距離唐橋4英里7鏈(6.58 km)。這個臨時車站後來變成了貨運站[10]第一列火車由四輛機車和26節車廂組成,於9月19日抵達唐橋井。[11]從唐橋開往薩默希爾隧道的列車在開始攀登之前必須倒車,因為唐橋沒有面對面的交叉口。這一情況一直持續到1857年,耗資5,700英鎊的直連車道建成為止。[12]舊通道一直使用到1913年[13]











Photograph showing Bopeep Junction, with the signalbox at centre right.




湯布里奇和黑斯廷斯之間有八條隧道。 從北到南依次是:

名稱 長度 軌道 描述 照片
薩默希爾[16] 410 yd(375米)[16] 單線 位於唐橋和High Brooms車站之間。[16] 自1986年1月19日起,被縮減為單線。[30] Photograph showing the south portal of Somerhill Tunnel, with a London-bound train about to enter.
威爾斯[16] 823 yd(753米)[16] 複線 位於High Broms和唐橋井站之間。 Photograph showing the south portal of Wells Tunnel.
格羅夫希爾[16] 287 yd(262米)[16] 複線 位於唐橋井和弗蘭特站之間。[16] Photograph showing the north portal of Grove Tunnel.
草莓山[16] 286 yd(262米)[16] 單線 位於唐橋井和弗蘭特站之間。[16] 自1985年4月21日起,被縮減為單線。[30] Photograph showing the north portal of Strawberry Hill tunnel.
瓦德赫斯特[16] 1,205 yd(1,102米)[16] 單線 位於瓦德赫斯特站和石門站之間。[16] 從1985年4月21日起,被縮減為單線。[30] ald=Photograph showing the north portal of Wadhurst Tunnel
芒特菲爾德[16] 526 yd(481米)[16] 單線 位於羅伯茨橋和戰鬥車站之間。[16] 從1975年3月17日起,被縮減為單線。[26] Photograph showing north portal of Mountfield Tunnel.
波皮普[16] 1,318 yd(1,205米)[16] 複線 位於西聖倫納德車站和聖倫納德勇士廣場車站之間。[16] Photograph showing west portal of Bopeep Tunnel.
黑斯廷斯[16] 788 yd(721米)[16] 複線 位於聖倫納德戰士廣場和黑斯廷斯車站之間。[16] Photograph showing the west portal of Hastings Tunnel.




  • 唐橋站(英語:Tunbridge
Photograph showing the exterior of Tonbridge station.

唐橋站於1842年5月開放。1845年唐橋井支線開通後,1852年1月更名為唐橋樞紐。[32] 原來的車站位於路橋的東面,而現在的車站位於西面,於1864年開放。.[33] 離開敦布里奇站的火車必須倒車才能到達敦布里奇威爾斯站。這一安排一直持續到1857年,當時修建了一段新的線路,使列車無需倒車就能到達黑斯廷斯。[1] 該車站距離查令十字車站29英里(47.52公里),途經奧爾平[34]

  • 索斯伯勒站(英語:Southborough

索斯伯勒站於1893年3月1日開通。1925年9月21日,為了避免與查塔姆主線上的Southborough站發生混淆,該站改名為High Brooms,此前已改名為Bickley。[35]該車站距離查令十字車站32英里(52.91公里)。[36]

  • 唐橋井(英語:Tunbridge Wells

唐橋井的首個車站是臨時的,位於威爾斯隧道的北部,於1845年9月19日開放,並於1846年11月25日被現在的唐橋井站取代。後來它變成了唐橋井貨運站,後來更名為唐橋井中心貨運站。[37][35]貨運站於1980年關閉,保留了一條側線供工程師使用。[38] 最初的車站距離倫敦橋44.29英里(71.27公里),途經紅山。[37][39][注 2]

車站的建築是意大利風格的。[40] 1911年,A·H·布洛姆菲爾德建造了一座新大樓。1923年7月9日,該站更名為唐橋井中心(Tunbridge Wells Central),前倫敦、布萊頓和南海岸鐵路(LBSC)站更名為唐橋井西(Tunbridge Wells West)。[41][42]1985年7月6日,唐橋井-埃里奇站(Tunbridge Wells–Eridge)鐵路關閉後,[43]該名稱恢復為唐橋井。該車站距離查林十字車站55.36公里。[39]

  • 弗蘭特站(英語:Frant


  • 瓦德赫斯特站(英語:Wadhurst

瓦德赫斯特車站距離查令十字車站39英里23鏈(63.23公里)。[44]車站建築為意大利風格,後來擴建為單開間。這座1893年建造的信號箱[45]於1986年4月20日退役,[46]肯特和東蘇塞克斯鐵路公司英語Kent and East Sussex Railway購買。[47]

  • 威森登車站(英語:Witherenden

威瑟倫登站距離查令十字車站43英里66鏈(70.53公里)。[44]1851年12月更名為提克赫斯特路(Ticehurst Road),1947年6月16日更名為石門(Stonegate)。[48]

  • 艾金漢站(英語:Etchingham


  • 羅伯茨橋站(英語:Robertsbridge


  • 蒙菲爾德停靠站(英語:Mountfield Halt


  • 戰鬥車站(英語:Battle


  • 克勞赫斯特站(英語:Crowhurst


  • 西聖倫納德車站(英語:West St Leonards


  • 聖倫納德勇士廣場站(英語:St Leonards Warrior Square

1851年2月13日,聖萊昂納茲勇士廣場站與黑斯廷斯站和LBSC的聖倫納德西碼頭火車站(St Leonards West Marina railway station)之間的一段新線路開通。[61]這使得LBSC能更好地接近黑斯廷斯。[62][63]該站位於波普隧道和黑斯廷斯隧道之間,[64]距離查令十字車站61英里55鏈(99.28公里)。[39]

  • 黑斯廷斯站(英語:Hastings
Photograph showing the exterior of Hastings station.

1851年2月13日,黑斯廷斯車站與阿什福德的馬什林克線英語Marshlink line一同啟用。[65]1880年,SER對車站進行了重建和擴建,因為當時車站不足以滿足日益增長的季節性交通需求。1930年,火車站由南方鐵路重建。這導致黑斯廷斯的機務段關閉,機車被轉移到聖倫納德。原本由特雷斯建造的車站大樓被拆除,J·R·斯科特建造的新喬治亞州車站大樓也被修建起來。該車站的重建於1931年7月5日完工。[66]該車站於2003年重建,這座建於1931年的建築被拆除,取而代之的是一座新建築。[67]該車站距離查令十字車站62英里33鏈,途徑奧爾平[39]





從1845年起,這條線路由東南鐵路運營。[1]1899年,東南鐵路和倫敦、查塔姆和多佛鐵路建立了聯合工作夥伴關係,即東南和查塔姆鐵路 (SECR)。[68]1923年1月1日,《1921年鐵路法》生效,導致了被分成四大英國鐵路公司[69] SECR 成為南部鐵路公司 (SR)的一部分。[70]1948年1月1日,《1947 年運輸法》生效,[71]南部鐵路公司成為英國鐵路的一部分,前SR線成為南部地區。英國鐵路於1965年1月1日由British Railways更名為British Rail。[72]1986年6月10日,Network SouthEast英語Network SouthEast列車開始運營。[73]1994年1月1日,《1993年鐵路法案》生效,將英國鐵路私有化。客運服務於1996年10月13日由威立雅運輸接管。2003年6月27日,由於財務管理不善,威立雅失去了特許經營權。[74]從2003年11月9日起,戰略鐵路管理局接管了客運列車的運行,使用他們的東南列車運營公司來運營。[75]2006年4月1日,Southeastern英語Southeastern (train operating company)接管了該線路的客運列車運營。[76]2021年10月17日,SE Trains英語Southeastern (train operating company)接管了該路線上的客運列車運營。[77]




Photograph showing a Schools class locomotive hauling a Hastings-bound passenger train. These locomotives were built in the 1930s to the Hastings line loading gauge.

自線路開通以來,客車由四輪車廂組成。[78] 1845年,從唐橋井到倫敦的旅客列車每天有8趟,周日只有一半。[79] 1849年6月23日,皇家火車載着維多利亞女王和阿爾伯特親王前往唐橋井探望太后阿德萊德 。 這列火車由皇家轎車、兩節頭等車廂和一輛制動車組成,在75分鐘內從Bricklayers Arms開往唐橋井。 它由SER的機車主管詹姆斯·庫德沃斯駕駛。 回程耗時70分鐘。[80]皇家火車於1849年12月18日再次訪問該線路,將維多利亞女王和愛麗絲公主伯克郡溫莎運送到唐橋井訪問路易絲公主。這趟經過滑鐵盧的旅程花了100分鐘。 火車由LSWR駐地工程師威廉·雅各布和LSWR負責人埃德加·韋林格駕駛。 在滑鐵盧,火車的駕駛由SER總經理約翰·肖和SER負責人科伯恩先生接管。 回程用時105分鐘。[81]

羅伯茨橋支線開通後,每天有三班火車,周日有兩班。波皮普交界處的延長線開通時,每天增加一列列車。1860年時,每天有7列上行列車和6列下行列車;黑斯廷斯經紅山前往倫敦需要兩個小時[79]。1861年後,卡德沃斯2-2-2英語2-2-2「小郵件」級機車問世[82]。 1876年,Sub-Wealden石膏公司修建了一條1英里(1.61公里)長的線路,從蒙特菲爾德隧道以南的一個連接點到位於蒙特菲爾德大伍德的石膏[83]。截至2007年,這條線路仍在運行[84]。轉向架車廂於1880年投入運營[78]。1890年,冬季列車單程11列,其中5列是快車[Note 6]。每天還有兩列火車在唐橋井和瓦德赫斯特之間運行。到了1910年,每趟列車增加至20列,其中12列是快車,外加兩列瓦德赫斯特列車。周日有四趟列車在運行。第一次世界大戰期間列車運營減少,但到了1922年,周日增加到七次列車。[79]



Under British Railways, classes D1, E1, H, N1, M7, Q, Q1, Std 3 2-6-2T, Std 4 2-6-0 Std 4 2-6-4T and U1 were permitted to work between Tonbridge and Grove junction. Freight trains from Tonbridge West Yard were not permitted to depart until the line was clear as far as Southborough Viaduct.[90] Other classes of locomotive known to have worked over this section of line include C,[91] and E4.[92]


Photograph showing a Hastings Unit at Cannon Street.
Photograph showing a Class 33/2 locomotive. This sub-class were built to the Hastings line loading gauge.

Special narrow bodied diesel electric multiple units were introduced in 1957–58 to replace steam traction. British Rail Class 201 (6S), 202 (6L) and 203 (6B) (the "Hastings Diesels") took over working the route. These units were constructed of narrow rolling stock. They were delivered in six-car formations (the 6Bs including a buffet car) and two units were often operated in multiple to form twelve-car trains.[79] In latter years some of the units were reduced to five,[93] and later still, to four cars.[94]

The 6S units were intended to be introduced into service in June 1957. On 5 April a fire at Cannon Street signal box disabled all signalling equipment there. As a result, locomotive-hauled trains were banned from the station. A temporary signal box was commissioned on 5 May and the 6S units were introduced on peak services the next day. Two units coupled together formed the 06:58 and 07:26 Hastings–Cannon Street services in the morning, and the 17:18 and 18:03 Cannon Street–Hastings services in the evening. From 17 June the 6S and 6L units were working services throughout the day. The 6B units entered service between May and August 1958.[95]

The Hastings Diesels had almost completely replaced steam by June 1958.[96] With the introduction of the Hastings Diesels, an hourly service was provided. This split at Tunbridge Wells, with the front portion running fast to Crowhurst and the rear portion stopping at all stations. The service ran every two hours on Sundays.[79] The Hastings Diesels also worked services on the Bexhill West branch line until closure on 14 June 1964.[58] On 22 December 1958, 6L unit 1017 collided with 6B unit 1035 at Tunbridge Wells Central.[97][98]

In 1962, twelve Class 33/2 diesel locomotives, were also built with narrow bodies for the Hastings line. These enabled the last steam workings, overnight newspaper trains, to be withdrawn from the Hastings line.[99] Nineteen British Rail Class 207 (3D) diesel electric multiple units were built in 1962.[99] They operated over the Tonbridge–Grove Junction section of the line as part of a Tonbridge–Eastbourne (later Tonbridge–Eridge) service.[100][101] In 1963, Frant, Stonegate, Wadhurst and Mountfield Halt were proposed to be closed under the Beeching Axe.[102] One special working took place on 3 April 1966 when one of the ex-Great Western Railway diesel railcars, W20W, was worked between Tonbridge and Robertsbridge as an out of gauge load. The railcar had been purchased by the Kent and East Sussex Railway for £415 including delivery to Robertsbridge. After trying to "wriggle out" of the deal, British Rail eventually found a solution. The vehicle was ballasted so that it leant away from the tunnel walls by some 3英寸(80公釐) and was worked to Robertsbridge at a maximum of 20英里每小時(32公里每小時).[103] From 1977, there were two trains an hour, one fast and one slow. In May 1980,[79] the buffet cars were withdrawn from the 6B units, which were recoded as 5L, but retaining the Class 203 designation.[93] The fast trains were withdrawn in January 1981, with trains now stopping at all stations.[79]


Photograph showing an "Electrostar" electric multiple unit at Tonbrige.

On 28 October 1983, it was announced that the Hastings line was to be electrified. Reasons that decided the issue included a commitment by British Rail to eliminate asbestos from all stock in service by 1988 and the increasing cost of maintaining the then ageing Hastings Diesels. The scheme was to cost £23,925,000. Electrification was finally completed in 1986, the line was electrified using 750 V DC third rail using standard rolling stock, and the expedient of singling the track through the narrow tunnels. The tunnels either side of Tunbridge Wells Central station were not singled because the fact that the south portal of Wells Tunnel and north portal of Grove Hill Tunnel were at the ends of the platforms meant it was impossible to install pointwork without reducing the length of platform available. A speed restriction was imposed through Wells Tunnel. Parliamentary powers were sought in 1979 to bore a second Grove Hill Tunnel, but there was much opposition from local residents. This, and the high cost, caused the proposal to be abandoned. The track in Grove Hill Tunnel was relaid on a concrete base, allowing alignment to be precisely controlled.[104]

The line was declared to conform to the standard C1 loading gauge on 14 March. The first passenger carrying train comprising C1 stock to use the line was a railtour on 15 March hauled by 50 025 Invincible. It was organised by the Southern Electric Group and ran from Paddington to Folkestone Harbour. A preview service of electric trains ran on 27 April 1986 and the full timetabled service commenced on 12 May 1986.[46] The next day, a wrong-side failure occurred involving three signals between Tonbridge and Hastings. Contractors had made errors in the wiring of the signal heads.[105] With the inauguration of electric services, a half-hourly service was operated, with trains departing from Charing Cross at 15 and 45 minutes past the hour. Those departing at xx:15 called at Waterloo East, Sevenoaks, Tonbridge, High Brooms, Tunbridge Wells, Wadhurst, Battle, St Leonards Warrior Square and Hastings, taking 84 minutes. Those departing at xx:45 called at Waterloo East, London Bridge, Orpington, Sevenoaks, Hildenborough, Tonbridge and then all stations to Hastings, taking 99 minutes.[106] The Royal Train visited the line on 6 May, conveying Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother. It was stabled at Wadhurst whilst she ate lunch. The train was hauled by a Class 73 diesel-electric locomotive.[107] Upon electrification, services were operated by 4CEP,[30] 4CIG and 4VEP electric multiple units.[108]

Class 508 electric multiple units also operated services on the line from the Redhill direction as far as Tunbridge Wells.[109] When these units were withdrawn in the mid-2000s, they were replaced by Class 375 Electrostar,[110] Class 465 Networker and Class 466 Networker units.[111]

Train services on the line are provided by SE Trains, and are mostly operated by Class 375 Electrostar,[110] or occasionally Class 465/466 Networker units.[111] The line still sees a freight service to and from British Gypsum's sidings at Mountfield.[84]




  • 1852年10月4日,一列客運列車在石門火車站英語Stonegate railway station艾金漢火車站英語Etchingham railway station之間出軌,當時車隊被洪水淹沒並沖走。兩名機組人員都受傷。[112]
  • 1856年6月21日,一列客運列車在唐橋井和唐橋口之間出軌,導致司機死亡,消防員和一名乘客受傷。[113]
  • 1859年10月25日,聖倫納德和貝克斯希爾火車站之間近230米的軌道被沖走,影響了黑斯廷斯線運營。[114]
  • 1866年9月30日,一列火車的側滑部分由於側滑防護裝置的一個錯誤而未能在唐橋站停下來,這列火車原本要開往黑斯廷斯。它撞上了火車站以東240米處的一列空車。40名乘客中有11人受傷。[115]
  • 1892年2月22日,一輛SER列車在黑斯廷斯被一列LBSC客運列車撞上。旅客列車越過了危險信號。兩輛列車均有損壞。[116]
  • 1896年8月29日,查令十字車站開往黑斯廷斯的火車頭在艾金漢附近出軌,當時它與平交道上的牽引發動機和脫粒機相撞。[117]
  • 1912年4月29日,216號SECR F1級機車在一列空車上工作時,由於鍋爐缺水,唐橋井附近的燃燒箱頂部發生故障。兩名機組人員都因蒸汽泄漏後從移動的機車上跳下而嚴重受傷。[118]
  • 1930年1月6日,一列從黑斯廷斯開往倫敦的客運列車的尾部車廂被瓦德赫斯特隧道附近的山體滑坡部分掩埋。隨後列車被分開,列車前部繼續開往唐橋井,比預計時間晚了100分鐘到達。[119]
  • 1958年12月23日,6L 1017號機組與6B 1035號機組在唐橋井相撞。18人受傷,其中3人入院。[97][98]
  • 2010年11月8日,由英國鐵路375型電聯車運營的一列客運列車未能在石門站停車,原因是該列車的打磨設備出現維修失誤。列車越過了車站2英里36英里(3.94公里)。事件發生後,東南列車將重新裝填沙斗的時間間隔從7天縮短為5天。[120]該公司被罰款65000英鎊,並被責令支付22589英鎊的費用。[121]
  • 2013年12月23日,瓦德赫斯特發生山體滑坡,這是截至2014年2月的一系列山體滑坡中的首次,導致瓦德赫斯特和聖倫納德勇士廣場之間的線路三次關閉,後又重新開放,修復後採取了限速措施。關閉期間,火車服務被公共汽車取代。[122][123][124][125][126]在這段時間,東南列車因客戶服務不佳而受到黑斯廷斯和拉伊議員安伯·拉德的批評。[127]同年3月2日,瓦德赫斯特和羅伯茨橋之間的路段重新開放,[128]3月31日恢復全面服務。[129]


  1. ^ 「Tonbridge」的現代拼寫直到1870年才被正式採用。[130]
  2. ^ 這是唐橋井中央貨物站作為客運站期間的線路。唐橋和奧爾平頓之間的線路於1868年5月1日才開通。[131]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Beecroft 1986,第7頁.
  2. ^ Hansard website
  3. ^ Hansard website
  4. ^ Hansard website
  5. ^ Hansard website
  6. ^ Hansard website
  7. ^ Hansard website
  8. ^ Domestic News. The Standard (3799) (London). 2 August 1845: 5. 
  9. ^ Kent Rail. [2022-03-19]. 
  10. ^ Tunbridge Wells Central Goods. [2022-03-19]. 
  11. ^ Jewell 1984,第91頁.
  12. ^ South Eastern Railway. Daily News (3209) (London). 29 August 1856. 
  13. ^ Mitchell & Smith 1987,Illustration 7.
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 14.2 Hastings. [2022-03-19]. 
  15. ^ Country News. The Illustrated London News (239) (London). 28 November 1846. 
  16. ^ 16.00 16.01 16.02 16.03 16.04 16.05 16.06 16.07 16.08 16.09 16.10 16.11 16.12 16.13 16.14 16.15 16.16 16.17 16.18 16.19 16.20 16.21 16.22 16.23 16.24 16.25 16.26 16.27 16.28 Beecroft 1986,第8頁.
  17. ^ Beecroft 1986,第7–8頁.
  18. ^ Railway Intelligence. The Morning Chronicle (26553) (London). 2 February 1852. 
  19. ^ Railway Intelligence. The Times (20745) (London). 10 March 1850. col D, p. 3. 
  20. ^ Railway Intelligence. The Morning Chronicle (26443) (London). 15 September 1851. 
  21. ^ Railway Intelligence. The Morning Chronicle (26447) (London). 19 September 1851. 
  22. ^ 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 Jewell 1984,第11頁.
  23. ^ 23.0 23.1 23.2 Beecroft 1986,第10頁.
  24. ^ 24.0 24.1 Mitchell & Smith 1987,The tunnels.
  25. ^ Railway Intelligence. The Standard (12183) (London). 28 August 1863. 
  26. ^ 26.0 26.1 26.2 Beecroft 1986,第58頁.
  27. ^ Moody 1979,第117頁.
  28. ^ Tunbridge Wells Central Goods. [2022-03-19]. 
  29. ^ Jewell 1984,第2頁.
  30. ^ 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 Beecroft 1986,第73頁.
  31. ^ Jewell 1984,第107–08頁.
  32. ^ Mitchell & Smith 1987,Illustration 1.
  33. ^ Neve 1933,第126 (facing)頁.
  34. ^ South Eastern & Chatham Railway Committee. Signalling Record Society. [14 April 2014]. 
  35. ^ 35.0 35.1 Jewell 1984,第92頁.
  36. ^ RailRef. [2022-03-19]. 
  37. ^ 37.0 37.1 Tunbridge Wells Central Goods. Kentrail.org. [30 March 2014]. 
  38. ^ Mitchell & Smith 1987,Illustration 17.
  39. ^ 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 39.4 39.5 39.6 39.7 39.8 RailRef ref-se.php#041. 
  40. ^ Jewell 1984,第95頁.
  41. ^ Tunbridge Wells Central. Kentrail.org. [30 March 2014]. 
  42. ^ Mitchell & Smith 1987,Illustration 21.
  43. ^ Disused stations:Tunbridge Wells West. Disused-stations.org. [30 March 2014]. 
  44. ^ 44.0 44.1 44.2 44.3 "South Eastern & Chatham Railway Committee". Signalling Record Society. [2022-03-19]. 
  45. ^ 45.0 45.1 Jewell 1984,第107頁.
  46. ^ 46.0 46.1 Beecroft 1986,第74頁.
  47. ^ Northiam. Kentrail.org. [30 March 2014]. 
  48. ^ Butt 1995,第229, 252頁.
  49. ^ Jewell 1984,第111頁.
  50. ^ Garrett 1987,第9頁.
  51. ^ Garrett 1987,第12頁.
  52. ^ Garrett 1987,第54頁.
  53. ^ Rose 1984.
  54. ^ Kidner 1985,第52頁.
  55. ^ 55.0 55.1 Jewell 1984,第124頁.
  56. ^ Mitchell & Smith 1987,Illustration 91.
  57. ^ Jewell 1984,第133頁.
  58. ^ 58.0 58.1 Beecroft 1986,第47頁.
  59. ^ Station opens. Hastings: Hastings Chronicle. [2014-03-31]. (原始內容存檔於11 July 2011). 
  60. ^ Jewell 1984,第136頁.
  61. ^ Butt 1995,第204頁.
  62. ^ Hastings [page 1]. Kent Rail. [31 March 2014]. 
  63. ^ A Brief History of the Ashford–Hastings Line. [2022-03-20]. 
  64. ^ Beecroft 1986,第9頁.
  65. ^ Toynbee, Mark. A Brief History of the Ashford–Hastings Line.. Marsh Link Action Group. [31 March 2014]. 
  66. ^ Hastings [page 2]. Kent Rail. [31 March 2014]. 
  67. ^ Hastings [page 4]. Kent Rail. [31 March 2014]. 
  68. ^ Nock 1961,第124–26頁.
  69. ^ Glover 2001,第15頁.
  70. ^ Glover 2001,第24頁.
  71. ^ Glover 2001,第68頁.
  72. ^ Moody 1979,第162頁.
  73. ^ History of Network SouthEast. Michael Rodgers. [30 April 2015]. 
  74. ^ Train firm loses franchise. BBC News Online. 27 June 2003 [30 April 2015]. 
  75. ^ Rail authority takes on franchise. BBC News Online. 8 November 2003 [30 April 2015]. 
  76. ^ Rail firm announces more trains. BBC News Online. 5 September 2006 [30 April 2015]. 
  77. ^ Southeastern train services taken over by government. BBC News. 17 October 2021 [17 October 2021]. 
  78. ^ 78.0 78.1 Jewell 1984,第12頁.
  79. ^ 79.0 79.1 79.2 79.3 79.4 79.5 79.6 79.7 79.8 Mitchell & Smith 1987,Passenger services.
  80. ^ Visit of Her Majesty and His Royal Highness Prince Albert to the Queen Dowager, at Tunbridge Wells. The Morning Chronicle (24859) (London). 25 June 1849. 
  81. ^ Visit of the Queen to Dorden near Tunbridge Wells. The Morning Post (32597) (London). 19 December 1876. 
  82. ^ Jewell 1984,第21頁.
  83. ^ Mitchell & Smith 1987,Illustrations 69-71.
  84. ^ 84.0 84.1 GBRf route map. gbrailfreight.com. GBRf. [13 October 2015]. 
  85. ^ Jewell 1984,第16頁.
  86. ^ Nock 1987,第161頁.
  87. ^ Bradley 1976,第61, 74, 78頁.
  88. ^ Derry 2004,第20–21頁.
  89. ^ Bradley 1976,第92-93頁.
  90. ^ Sectional appendix 1960,第133–34頁.
  91. ^ Mitchell & Smith 1987,Illustration 27.
  92. ^ Feaver 1992,第19頁.
  93. ^ 93.0 93.1 Beecroft 1986,第64頁.
  94. ^ Beecroft 1986,第86頁.
  95. ^ Beecroft 1986,第38–40頁.
  96. ^ Beecroft 1986,第40頁.
  97. ^ 97.0 97.1 Beecroft 1986,第55頁.
  98. ^ 98.0 98.1 Driver's Escape in Train Crash. The Times (54341) (London). 23 December 1958. col D, p. 6. 
  99. ^ 99.0 99.1 Beecroft 1986,第45頁.
  100. ^ Beecroft 1986,第46頁.
  101. ^ Mitchell & Smith 1986,Illustration 111.
  102. ^ Beecroft 1986,Illustration 48.
  103. ^ Judge 1986,第197, 200頁.
  104. ^ Beecroft 1986,第66–69頁.
  105. ^ Hidden 1989,第201頁.
  106. ^ Glover 2001,第119頁.
  107. ^ Mitchell & Smith 1987,Illustration 46.
  108. ^ Glover 2001,第118–19頁.
  109. ^ robd8. SouthEastern 508. Flickr. 9 May 2008 [22 September 2014]. 
  110. ^ 110.0 110.1 Oast House Archive. Train out of High Brooms railway station. Geograph. 26 June 2011 [22 September 2014]. 
  111. ^ 111.0 111.1 N Chadwick. Train at Tunbridge Wells Station. Geograph. 26 June 2011 [22 September 2014]. 
  112. ^ Accident on the South-Eastern Railway. The Times (21240) (London). 7 October 1852. col C, p. 9. 
  113. ^ Fatal Railway Accident. The Times (22401) (London). 23 June 1856. col B, p. 7. 
  114. ^ Destructive Storm. Loss of the Royal Charter with 459 lives. The Bury and Norwich Post, and Suffolk Herald (4036) (Bury St. Edmunds). 1 November 1859. 
  115. ^ Board of Trade. South Eastern Railway (PDF). Railways Archive. 10 October 1866 [2 May 2015]. 
  116. ^ Railway Accident at Hastings. The Times (33568) (London). 23 February 1892. col B, p. 10. 
  117. ^ Traction Engines and Level Crossings. The Times (34990) (London). 8 September 1896. col B, p. 5. 
  118. ^ Board of Trade. South Eastern and Chatham Railway (PDF). Railways Archive. 12 October 1912 [2 May 2015]. 
  119. ^ Landslip on Train. The Times (45404) (London). 7 January 1930. p. 14. 
  120. ^ Station overrun at Stonegate, East Sussex. (PDF). Rail Accident Investigation Branch. 8 November 2010 [23 April 2010]. 
  121. ^ Southeastern fined £65,000 for 'out-of-control train'. BBC News Online. 6 July 2012 [30 April 2015]. 
  122. ^ London-Hastings rail passengers face more disruption after landslip. BBC News Online. 8 January 2014 [27 March 2014]. 
  123. ^ Landslips in East Sussex disrupt Southeastern trains. BBC News Online. 31 January 2014 [27 March 2014]. 
  124. ^ Southeastern cuts trains after more East Sussex landslips. BBC News Online. 3 February 2014 [27 March 2014]. 
  125. ^ Flooding and landslips affect travel across the South East. BBC News Online. 10 February 2014 [1 April 2014]. 
  126. ^ Closed railway line to reopen 'the last week of February'. Hastings: The Hastings & St. Leonards Observer. 8 February 2014 [27 March 2014]. 
  127. ^ Southeastern criticised after rail line reopening delay. BBC News Online. 5 March 2014 [1 April 2014]. 
  128. ^ Hastings line closed 'until further notice'. BBC News Online. 5 March 2014 [1 April 2014]. 
  129. ^ Hastings landslip line reopens after three months. BBC News Online. [31 March 2014]. 
  130. ^ Chapman 1995,第6頁.
  131. ^ Kidner 1977,第14頁.