


霍登卡練兵場慘案是1896年5月30日發生於俄羅斯莫斯科霍登卡練兵場英語Khodynka Field的一起人群踩踏事故,事故發生於沙皇尼古拉二世加冕儀式期間,現場共找到1282具屍體,估計有1200至20000人受傷。[1][2]


  1. ^ Ferro, Marc. Nicholas II: Last of the Tsars. 由Pearce, Brian翻譯. Harmondsworth: Viking UK. 1991: 37–38. A total of 1,282 corpses were collected from the scene, and the injured numbered between 9,000 and 20,000, according to different estimates.  Translated from French: Ferro, Marc. Nicholas II. Paris: Payot. 1990. 
  2. ^ Anan'ich, Boris V.; Ganelin, Rafail Sh. Nicholas II. Russian Studies in History. 1995, 34 (3): 72. doi:10.2753/RSH1061-1983340368. resulted in more than 2,600 casualties, including 1,389 deaths