

Deepak Chopra
出生 (1946-10-22) 1946年10月22日77歲)[1]
配偶Rita Chopra1970年結婚)
兒女馬莉卡英語Mallika Chopra戈森英語Gotham Chopra
親屬桑吉夫·喬普拉英語Sanjiv Chopra(弟)

迪帕克·喬普拉印地語दीपक चोपड़ा,1946年10月22日),印度裔美國籍醫生和作家[3]。喬普拉1946年出生於印度新德里[4],1970年移居美國。他主要撰寫有關靈性和身心醫學的主題,已出版40多本著作。


  1. ^ Chopra & Chopra 2013,第5ff頁.
  2. ^ Encyclopaedia Britannica Almanac 2010. 2010: 42. ISBN 978-1615353293. 
  3. ^ Deepak Chopra. The Huffington Post. [April 25, 2016]. (原始內容存檔於2016-06-22). 
  4. ^ Chamberlain, Adrian. Backstage: A lesson in concentration from Deepak Chopra. Times Colonist. October 10, 2015 [2023-04-18]. (原始內容存檔於2021-02-24). 


  • Butler, J. Thomas. "Ayurveda," in Consumer Health: Making Informed Decisions, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2011, pp. 117–118.
  • Butler, Kurt and Barrett, Stephen (1992). A Consumer's Guide to "Alternative Medicine": A Close Look at Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Faith-healing, and Other Unconventional Treatments. Prometheus Books, pp. 110–116. ISBN 978-0-87975-733-5.
  • Kaeser, Eduard. Science kitsch and pop science: A reconnaissance. Public Understanding of Science. July 2013, 22 (5): 559–69. PMID 23833170. S2CID 206607585. doi:10.1177/0963662513489390. 
  • Kafatos, Menas, Nadeau, Robert. The Conscious Universe: Parts and Wholes in Physical Reality, Springer, 2013.
  • Nacson, Leon. Deepak Chopra: How to Live in a World of Infinite Possibilities. Random House. 1998. ISBN 978-0-09-183673-3. 
  • Scherer, Jochen. "The 'scientific' presentation and legitimation of the teaching of synchronicity in New Age literature", in James R. Lewis, Olav Hammer (eds.), Handbook of Religion and the Authority of Science, Brill Academic Publishers, 2010.