


法拉盛醫療中心(也稱為法拉盛醫院[1]是紐約市最古老的醫院之一。 [2]醫院在1999年和紐約-長老會醫院合併,之後又與MediSys Health Network合併。該醫院目前還隸屬於紐約理工學院骨科醫學院,為該學院骨科醫學學生提供臨床支持。 [3]


醫院成立於1884年, [4] 1951年醫院第5,000名嬰兒誕生。 [5]


法拉盛醫院是一家志願醫院,其醫生及護工在2012年初受到財務困難的嚴重影響[6] ,2011年,該院被列為紐約市六家「情況危急」的醫院之一,當時它屬於MediSys 醫療網絡的一部分。 [7]


  1. ^ Accord at Flushing Hospital. The New York Times. December 5, 1979. 
  2. ^ Steven Lee Myers. Takeover of Flushing Hospital Leads to a Review. The New York Times. May 13, 1993. 
  3. ^ Clinical Education Institutions | College of Osteopathic Medicine | New York Tech. www.nyit.edu. [2021-09-26]. 
  4. ^ Flushing Hospital Plans Modernization. The New York Times. November 23, 1975. 
  5. ^ GIFTS WAIT BIRTH OF BABY NO. 5,000; Business Man Near Flushing Hospital Ready to Shower Infant Upon Arrival. The New York Times. May 3, 1951. 
  6. ^ Nurses at Flushing Hospital Medical Center vote to strike if a deal isn't struck. New York Daily News. January 23, 2012. if progress isn't made in restoring their health and pension benefits. 
  7. ^ Six city hosps in critical condition. The New York Post. September 5, 2011.