
以神之名 (教會拉丁語:Deus vult)是與天意有關的基督教座右銘。 [1][2]1096年的第一次十字軍東征期間,一群天主教徒高呼戰鬥口號「以神之名」,這也是該座右銘首次被人提及。 [a] [1]
[編輯]1947年,加拿大天主教教長喬治·弗萊希夫在評價第三次十字軍東征的文章標題使用了「Deus Non Vult」(上帝不會輕饒)這一表述[3]。2005年韓國電視劇《第五共和國》主題曲亦以《Deus Non Vult》為題。
[編輯]- ^ 1.0 1.1 Molloy, Michael. The Christian Experience: An Introduction to Christianity. 布魯姆斯伯里出版社. 6 April 2017. ISBN 978-1-4725-8285-0 (英語).
In Europe, Christians were convinced that God wanted them to bring the whole region back into the originally Christian fold. Their motto was Deus vult (God wills it).
- ^ Definition of Deus Vult. 梅里厄姆-韋伯斯特. [2022-06-28]. (原始內容存檔於2022-07-17) (英語).
- ^ Flahiff, George B. Deus Non Vult: A Critic of the Third Crusade. Mediaeval Studies. 1947, (9): 162–188. ISSN 0076-5872. doi:10.1484/J.MS.2.306566.
[編輯]- ^ Manuscripts of Gesta Francorum variously have Deus le volt, Deus lo vult, as well as the "corrected" forms Deus hoc vult and Deus vult. Hagenmeyer (1890) cites Barth: "Barbaro-latina vulgi exclamatio vel et tessera est. Videri autem hinc potest, tum idiotismum Francicum propiorem adhuc fuisse latine matrici".