

坐标62°40′00″N 141°50′00″W / 62.6666667°N 141.8333333°W / 62.6666667; -141.8333333[1]
Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge
铁特林野生动物保护区 Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge位置图
铁特林野生动物保护区 Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge位置图
Map of Alaska, United States
位置 美国阿拉斯加州
最近城市 美国阿拉斯加州诺斯韦 /
坐标62°40′00″N 141°50′00″W / 62.6666667°N 141.8333333°W / 62.6666667; -141.8333333[1]
网站Telin NWR

铁特林野生动物保护区(英语:Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge),是由阿拉斯加山脉的雪山山脉包围的森林湿地苔原湖泊山脉冰川组成的一座美国国家野生动物保护区塔纳诺河英语Tanana River上游流域被称为“铁特林通道”,铁特林通道是往返加拿大、下游第48段及中南美洲的鸟类的主要迁徙路线。其中有许多鸟中会在避难所繁殖筑巢。其他候鸟则会经过该地,到阿拉斯加州的其他地方进行繁殖和筑巢。包括鸭、鹅、天鹅、鹤、猛禽和鸣鸟在内的候鸟会从4月开始陆续抵达山谷,一直持续到6月初结束。在铁特林共约有116个物种。在铁特林短暂的夏季中,较长的日光时间与温和的气温加速了植物、昆虫和其他无脊椎动物的生长,为筑巢的鸟类提供了丰富的食物来源。

Tetlin Refuge also supports a variety of large mammals. Dall sheep dot the higher slopes while Alaskan moose feed upon the tender new growth that springs up in the wake of frequent lightning caused fires. Wolf packs, turkey vulture, Canadian lynx, tundra swan, red fox, peregrine falcon, coyote, beaver, golden eagle, marten, six species of owls, snowshoe hare, osprey, trumpeter swan, muskrat, bald eagle, river otter, grizzly bears and black bears and members of three different caribou herds range over the refuge.

Two of the six known humpback whitefish spawning areas in the Yukon River drainage are located within the refuge. Along with caribou and moose, these fish are important subsistence resources for area residents. Arctic grayling, northern pike and burbot are also found in the refuge's many streams and lakes.

The refuge has a surface area of 700,058英亩(2,833.03平方千米),[2] and is one of the larger (currently #18) National Wildlife Refuges in the United States, although, perhaps surprisingly, also the second-smallest of the sixteen in Alaska.







 本条目引用的公有领域材料来自United States Fish and Wildlife Service的网站或文档。

Template:Protected Areas of Alaska Template:National Wildlife Refuges of the United States