
蒂姆·麦格罗(英语:Tim McGraw,本名Samuel Timothy Smith,1967年5月1日—),出生于路易斯安那州的德里市,美国著名乡村音乐歌手,作品曾多次登上乡村音乐榜的榜首,出品过六张超白金专辑,唱片总销量超过2500万张。蒂姆·麦格罗是乡村音乐歌手菲丝·希尔(Faith Hill)的丈夫,他的父亲是棒球运动员塔格·麦格罗(Tug McGraw)。蒂姆·麦格罗演唱过的著名歌曲有《Don't Take the Girl》, 《Down on the Farm》, 《I Like It, I Love It》, 《It's Your Love》 (同菲丝·希尔合唱) 和 《Live Like You Were Dying》。
[编辑]蒂姆·麦格罗的母亲是一个叫做贝蒂·特林布尔(Betty Trimble,意大利文名字:née D'Agostino;麦格罗曾因意裔美国人的身份而获奖)的女招待,他的父亲塔格·麦格罗是著名的后援投手,曾在纽约大都会队和费城费城人队效力过
塔格·麦格罗遇见蒂姆的母亲贝蒂时还只是在一个较小的联盟中效力。一开始他们给他们的孩子起名叫塞缪尔·蒂莫西·史密斯(Samuel Timothy Smith)。特林布尔在路易斯安那州门罗市附近的斯达将他养大,蒂姆·麦格罗直到11岁才知道老麦格罗是他的父亲。在少年时期,他一直在当一名歌手还是当一名运动员之间徘徊。
上东北路易斯安那大学时,他最终决定走上歌手道路,并开始在路易斯安那州的俱乐部表演。在大学期间,麦格罗参加了Pi Kappa Alpha兄弟会的Eta Omicron分会(这个分会出身的两个兄弟会成员后来成为了他的个人助理和产品经理,在Pi Kappa Alpha兄弟会2002年的集会上,蒂姆·麦格罗获得了卓越成就奖)
[编辑]1990年他与柯本唱片签约。但一直到1992年他才推出了一首不太重要的单曲《Welcome to the Club》,而且这首歌并没有在榜上取得一个较好的成绩。1993年,他又放出了另外两支单曲《Memory Lane》和《Two Steppin Mind》,这三首歌后都收录在这年推出的同名专辑之中。
第二张专辑《Not a Moment Too Soon》成为了1994年最畅销的乡村音乐专辑。第一支单曲是由约翰·劳德米尔克(John D. Loudermilk)创作的《Indian Outlaw》,这支歌一经推出就在乐评家中引起了相当大的争议,他们认为这首歌将印第安人表现得过于傲慢。一些电台刚开始时拒绝播放这首单曲,但它在周围的一些印第安部落中却非常流行,并成为了纳瓦霍族的小型电台频道KTNN的首选曲目。这些争论刺激了歌曲的销量,使得这首歌成为麦格罗第一支进入乡村音乐十佳的曲目,并且它在流行音乐榜中也进入了前二十。第二支单曲《Don't Take the Girl》作为主打单曲进入了乡村音乐榜的前十。接下来的曲目《Down on the Farm》达到了第二名,《Refried Dreams》进入了前五。整张专辑卖出了500万张,并一直在Billboard 200专辑榜上高踞不下。蒂姆·麦格罗还因这张专辑获得了1994年美国乡村音乐学会的年度最佳专辑和年度最佳男歌手的奖项。
[编辑]- Tim McGraw (1993)
- Not a Moment Too Soon (1994)
- All I Want (1995)
- Everywhere (1997)
- Place in the Sun (1999)
- Greatest Hits (2000)
- Set This Circus Down (2001)
- Tim McGraw and the Dancehall Doctors (2002)
- Live Like You Were Dying (2004)
- Tim McGraw Reflected: Hits Vol. 2 (2006)
- Let It Go (2007)
- Greatest Hits: Limited Edition (2008)
[编辑]年代 | 单曲名称 | 上榜成绩 | 所属专辑 | |
US Hot 100 | US Country | |||
1993 | "Welcome to the Club" | - | #47 | Tim McGraw |
1993 | "Two Steppin Mind" | - | #71 | Tim McGraw |
1993 | "Memory Lane" | - | #60 | Tim McGraw |
1994 | "Indian Outlaw" | #15 | #8 | Not a Moment Too Soon |
1994 | "Don't Take the Girl" | #17 | #1 | Not a Moment Too Soon |
1994 | "Down on the Farm" | - | #2 | Not a Moment Too Soon |
1994 | "Not a Moment Too Soon" | - | #1 | Not a Moment Too Soon |
1995 | "Refried Dreams" | - | #5 | Not a Moment Too Soon |
1995 | "I Like It, I Love It" | #25 | #1 | All I Want |
1995 | "Can't Be Really Gone" | - | #2 | All I Want |
1996 | "All I Want is a Life" | - | #5 | All I Want |
1996 | "She Never Lets it Go to Her Heart" | - | #1 | All I Want |
1996 | "Maybe We Should Just Sleep On It Tonight" | - | #4 | All I Want |
1997 | "It's Your Love" (同菲丝·希尔合唱) | #7 | #1 | Everywhere |
1997 | "Everywhere" | - | #1 | Everywhere |
1997 | "Just to See You Smile" | - | #1 | Everywhere |
1998 | "One of These Days" | #74 | #2 | Everywhere |
1998 | "Where the Green Grass Grows" | #79 | #1 | Everywhere |
1998 | "For a Little While" | #37 | #2 | Everywhere |
1999 | "Please Remember Me" | #10 | #1 | Place in the Sun |
1999 | "Senorita Margarita" | - | #74 | Place in the Sun |
1999 | "Something Like That" | #28 | #1 | Place in the Sun |
1999 | "The Trouble With Never" | - | #66 | Place in the Sun |
1999 | "My Best Friend" | #29 | #1 | Place in the Sun |
2000 | "Seventeen" | - | #64 | Place in the Sun |
2000 | "Some Things Never Change" | #58 | #7 | Place in the Sun |
2000 | "Let's Make Love" (同菲丝·希尔合唱) | #54 | #6 | Breathe |
2000 | "My Next Thirty Years" | #27 | #1 | Place in the Sun |
2001 | "Grown Men Don't Cry" | #25 | #1 | Set This Circus Down |
2001 | "Angry All the Time" | #38 | #1 | Set This Circus Down |
2001 | "The Cowboy in Me" | #33 | #1 | Set This Circus Down |
2001 | "Bring On The Rain" (ft. Jo Dee Messina) | #36 | #1 | Burn |
2002 | "Telluride" | - | #52 | Set This Circus Down |
2002 | "Unbroken" | #26 | #1 | Set This Circus Down |
2002 | "Red Ragtop"* | #40 | #5 | Tim McGraw and the Dancehall Doctors |
2002 | "Tiny Dancer"* | - | #49 | Tim McGraw and the Dancehall Doctors |
2003 | "She's My Kind of Rain"* | #27 | #2 | Tim McGraw and the Dancehall Doctors |
2003 | "Real Good Man"* | #27 | #1 | Tim McGraw and the Dancehall Doctors |
2004 | "Watch the Wind Blow By"* | #32 | #1 | Tim McGraw and the Dancehall Doctors |
2004 | "Live Like You Were Dying"* | #29 | #1 | Live Like You Were Dying |
2004 | "Back When"* | #30 | #1 | Live Like You Were Dying |
2005 | "Drugs or Jesus"* | #87 | #14 | Live Like You Were Dying |
2005 | "Do You Want Fries With That"* | #59 | #5 | Live Like You Were Dying |
2005 | "My Old Friend"* | #79 | #6 | Live Like You Were Dying |
2006 | "When the Stars Go Blue" | - | #17 | Greatest Hits Vol. 2 |
2006 | "I've Got Friends That Do" | - | - | Greatest Hits Vol. 2 |
* 归功于 蒂姆·麦格罗及Dancehall Doctors