

职业历史学家 考古学家

威廉·卡姆登(英语:William Camden,1551年5月2日—1623年11月9日),文艺复兴时期英格兰古物学家英语Antiquarian历史学家。他著有一部全部概括不列颠古代风俗制度的著作,以及一部反映伊丽莎白一世统治时期的编年史[1]


  1. ^ Sandra Sider.(2007). Handbook to Life in Renaissance Europe.Oxford University Press,USA.ISBN 9780195330847.


  • Adams, Simon (2002): Leicester and the Court: Essays in Elizabethan Politics Manchester UP ISBN 0-7190-5325-0
  • Boon, G.C. Camden and the Britannia'. Archaeologia Cambrensis. 1987, 136: 1–19. 
  • Collinson, Patrick. One of us? William Camden and the making of history. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. 6th ser. 1998, 8: 139–63. 
  • Copley, Gordon J. (1977): "Introduction" in Camden's Britannia: Surrey and Sussex. London: Hutchinson & Co.
  • DeMolen, R.L. The Library of William Camden. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. 1984, 128: 326–409. 
  • Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911 ed., s.v. "Camden, William"
  • Hepple, Leslie W. Sir Robert Cotton, Camden’s Britannia, and the early history of Roman Wall studies. Archaeologia Aeliana. 5th ser. 1999, 27: 1–19. 
  • Herendeen, Wyman H. William Camden: a life in context. Woodbridge. 2007. 
  • Jones, H. Stuart (1943): "The Foundation and History of the Camden Chair", Oxoniensa, viii, ix p. 175. Available online.
  • Kenyon, John (1983): The History Men: The Historical Profession in England since the Renaissance Weidenfeld & Nicolson ISBN 0-297-78254-1
  • Kunst, Christiane (1995). "William Camden’s Britannia: history and historiography", in M.H. Crawford and C.R. Ligota (eds), Ancient History and the Antiquarian: essays in memory of Arnaldo Momigliano, Warburg Institute Colloquia 2: London, pp. 117–31
  • Levy, F.J. The Making of Camden’s Britannia'. Bibliothèque d’humanisme et Renaissance. 1964, 26: 70–97. 
  • Levy, F.J. Tudor Historical Thought. San Marino: Huntington Library. 1967. 
  • Parry, Graham. The Trophies of Time: English antiquarians of the seventeenth century. Oxford. 1995. 
  • Piggott, Stuart. Ruins in a Landscape: essays in antiquarianism. Edinburgh. 1976. , pp. 33–53, "William Camden and the Britannia"
  • Richardson, R.C. William Camden and the Re-Discovery of England. Transactions of the Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society. 2004, 78: 108–23.  Available online.页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  • Rockett, William. The Structural Plan of Camden’s Britannia'. Sixteenth Century Journal. 1995, 26: 829–41. 
  • Trevor-Roper, H.R. Queen Elizabeth's First Historian: William Camden and the beginnings of English "civil history". London. 1971. 
  • Withers, Charles W. J. "A Vision of Scotland: Joan Blaeu and the Atlas novus".
  • Woolf, D.R. The Idea of History in Early Stuart England. Toronto. 1990. 
