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四极离子阱是一种使用交变电场来束缚带电粒子的离子阱,也称无线射频 (RF)阱或者保罗离子阱, 为了纪念发明者沃尔夫冈·保罗。 沃尔夫冈·保罗发明了这种装置[1][2]并分享此成果,因此而获得了1989年的诺贝尔物理学奖。[3]它一般用于质谱仪的一个组件或俘获离子量子计算机。
[编辑]四极场中离子被施加了一个回复力使得它们回到阱的中心,场中的离子的运动由马丢函数(Mathieu equation)[4]给出。对于离子阱中带电离子,可列出以下方程:
其中 代表x, y, z 坐标, 是一个无量纲的参数,由给出,并且 和 也是无量纲的限制参数。参数 是施加在环形电极上的电场频率。应用链式法则,我们可以得出:
- .
- .
由牛顿运动学方程可知,以上的方程代表了施加在离子上的力。该方程可应用Floquet定理解得或用多尺度分析(multiple scale analysis)的标准计算方法得出。[5]粒子动力学和保罗离子阱的带电粒子的时间平均密度也可以通过有质动力的概念得到。
其中, 是四极势,由以下给出:
其中是外加电位, , , 和 是权重,还有 是尺寸参数常数。为了满足拉普拉斯条件,可由以下给出:
对于一个离子阱, 和 对于一个四极杆质量分析器, 并且有 。
转换5式到圆柱坐标,即 , ,和 应用勾股定理 给出以下:

其中 and 是外加频率,单位是赫兹。
将7式带入5式, 得:
此外还有 ,
离子的捕获可以从和空间稳定区域的角度来理解。图中阴影区域的边界是两个方向上的稳定边界(也称为带边界)。 两个区域的重叠域是陷阱域。 为了计算这些边界和类似的图表,请参阅Müller-Kirsten[6]。
[编辑]组合射频阱是四极离子阱和彭宁离子阱的组合[7]。 四极离子阱的主要瓶颈之一是它只能限制单个带电物品或具有相似质量的多个物品。 但在某些应用中,如反氢生产,重要的是限制两种质量差异很大的带电粒子。 为了实现该目的,在四极离子阱的轴向上添加均匀的磁场。
[编辑]- ^ Paul W., Steinwedel H. (1953). "Ein neues Massenspektrometer ohne Magnetfeld". RZeitschrift für Naturforschung A 8 (7): 448-450
- ^ DE 944900 "Verfahren zur Trennung bzw. zum getrennten Nachweis von Ionen verschiedener spezifischer Ladung", W. Paul and H. Steinwedel, filed on December 24, 1953, priority December 23, 1953
- ^ Wolfgang Paul. Electromagnetic traps for charged and neutral particles. Rev. Mod. Phys.: 531–540. doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.62.531.
- ^ March, Raymond E. An Introduction to Quadrupole Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry. Journal of Mass Spectrometry. 1997, 32 (4): 351–369. ISSN 1076-5174. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1096-9888(199704)32:4<351::AID-JMS512>3.0.CO;2-Y.
- ^ N. W. McLachlan, Theory and Applications of Mathieu Functions (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1947), p. 20
- ^ H.J.W. Müller-Kirsten, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics: Schrödinger Equation and Path Integral, 2nd ed., World Scientific (2012), Chapter 17 on Periodic Potentials, ISBN 978-981-4397-73-5.
- ^ J. Walz; S. B. Ross; C. Zimmermann; L. Ricci; M. Prevedelli; T. W. Hansch. Confinement of electrons and ions in a combined trap with the potential for antihydrogen production. Hyperfine Interactions. 1996, 100: 133. Bibcode:1996HyInt.100..133W. doi:10.1007/BF02059938.
[编辑]- W. Paul Electromagnetic Traps for Charged and Neutral Particles Taken from Proceedings of the International School of Physics <<Enrico Fermi>> Course CXVIII “Laser Manipulation of Atoms and Ions”, (North Holland, New York, 1992) p. 497-517
- R.I. Thompson, T.J. Harmon, and M.G. Ball, The rotating-saddle trap: a mechanical analogy to RF-electric-quadrupole ion trapping? (Canadian Journal of Physics, 2002: 80 12) p. 1433–1448
- M. Welling, H.A. Schuessler, R.I. Thompson, H. Walther Ion/Molecule Reactions, Mass Spectrometry and Optical Spectroscopy in a Linear Ion Trap (International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes, 1998: 172) p. 95-114.
- G. Werth. Charged Particle Traps: Physics and Techniques of Charged Particle Field Confinement (Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics). Berlin: Springer. 2005. ISBN 3-540-22043-7. OCLC 231588573.
- John Gillaspy. Trapping Highly Charged Ions: Fundamentals and Applications. Commack, N.Y: Nova Science Publishers. 2001. ISBN 1-56072-725-X. OCLC 42009394.
- Todd, John F. J.; March, Raymond E. Quadrupole Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry , 2nd Edition. New York: Wiley-Interscience. 2005. ISBN 0-471-48888-7. OCLC 56413336.
- Todd, John F. J.; March, Raymond E. Practical aspects of ion trap mass spectrometry - Volume I: Fundamentals of Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry. Boca Raton: CRC Press. 1995. ISBN 0-8493-4452-2. OCLC 32346425.
- Todd, John F. J.; March, Raymond E. Practical aspects of ion trap mass spectrometry: Ion Trap Instrumentation, Vol. 2. Boca Raton: CRC Press. 1995. ISBN 0-8493-8253-X. OCLC 32346425.
- Todd, John F. J.; March, Raymond E. Practical aspects of ion trap mass spectrometry, Vol. 3. Boca Raton: CRC Press. 1995. ISBN 0-8493-8251-3. OCLC 32346425.
- Hughes, Richard M.; March, Raymond E.; Todd, John F. J. Quadrupole storage mass spectrometry. New York: Wiley. 1989. ISBN 0-471-85794-7. OCLC 18290778.
- K. Shah and H. Ramachandran, Analytic, nonlinearly exact solutions for an rf confined plasma, Phys. Plasmas 15, 062303 (2008), https://archive.today/20130223075038/http://link.aip.org/link/?PHPAEN/15/062303/1
- Pradip K. Ghosh, Ion Traps, International Series of Monographs in Physics, Oxford University Press (1995), http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/Physics/AtomicMolecularOpticalphysics/?view=usa&ci=9780198539957(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
[编辑]- DE 944900 "Verfahren zur Trennung bzw. zum getrennten Nachweis von Ionen verschiedener spezifischer Ladung", W. Paul and H. Steinwedel, filed on December 24, 1953, priority December 23, 1953
- GB 773689 "Improved arrangements for separating or separately detecting charged particles of different specific charges", W. Paul, claims priority of a German application filed on December 23, 1953
- US 2939952 "Apparatus for separating charged particles of different specific charges", W. Paul and H. Steinwedel, claims priority of a German application filed on December 23, 1953