开发者 | Microsoft Corporation |
运作状态 | 目前正在开发中 |
支持平台 | IA-32, x86-64, ARM |
内核类别 | 微内核 (Language-based) |
Midori是一个由微软与微软研究院正在联合开发的托管代码操作系统的代号。It has been reported[1][2] to be a possible commercial implementation of the Singularity operating system, a research project started in 2003 to build a highly-dependable operating system in which the kernel, device drivers, and applications are all written in managed code。其专为并发性设计,可同时在多个节点分布运行同一个程序[3]。[4]。微软已经制定出数条可能的从Windows到Midori的迁移路径[5]。
开发代号“Midori”最早是出现在PPT讲稿《CHESS:并发软件的一个系统化测试工具》(CHESS: A systematic testing tool for concurrent software)中。[6]
A new reference to Midori was found in a presentation shown during the OOPSLA 2012 conference in October 2012.[7]
[编辑]- ^ Mary-Jo Foley. Goodbye, XP. Hello, Midori. ZDNet. 2008-06-30 [2008-07-22] (英语).
- ^ Marius Oiaga. Life After Windows - Microsoft Midori Operating System. Softpedia. 2008-06-30 [2008-07-22] (英语).
- ^ David Worthington. Microsoft's plans for post-Windows OS revealed. SD Times. 2008-07-29 (英语).
- ^ David Worthington. Microsoft's Midori to sandbox apps for increased security. SD Times. 2008-08-05 (英语).
- ^ David Worthington. Microsoft maps out migration from Windows. SD Times. 2008-07-31 (英语).
- ^ Madanlal Musuvathi; Shaz Qadeer; Thomas Ball. CHESS: A systematic testing tool for concurrent software. Microsoft. November 2007 [2008-07-22] (英语).
- ^ Mary Jo Foley. Microsoft's Midori operating-system skunkworks project soldiers on. ZDnet's All About Microsoft. [2012-11-08] (英语).
[编辑]- Microsoft's plans for post-Windows OS revealed SD Times' David Worthington on Midori
- SD Times' David Worthington on the migration away from Windows
- SD Times' David Worthington on Midori security
- Technologizer report by David Worthington on Windows Mobile's life cycle
- Microsoft sees end of Windows era, BBC News
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