


"Conidiobolus firmipilleus" on surface of agar petri dish
科学分类 编辑
界: 真菌界 Fungi
门: 虫霉门 Entomophthoromycota
Humber (2013)

虫霉门学名:Entomophthoromycota)是真菌界的一个,此类真菌过去属于接合菌门,2007年Hibbett将其归为一个亚门[1],2012年Humber将其提升至一独立的门,其下有蛙粪霉纲英语Basidiobolomycetes新接霉纲(Neozygitomycetes)与虫霉纲(Entomophthoromycetes)等三个[2],包含约250种虫生腐生真菌[3]。2018年Tedersoo英语Leho Tedersoo将蛙粪霉纲独立为一个门(蛙粪霉门),定义虫霉门仅包含新接霉纲与虫霉纲[4]



虫霉门 Entomophthoromycota Humber 2012 [Entomophthoromycotina Humber 2007]

新接霉纲 Neozygitomycetes Humber 2012
新接霉目法语Neozygitales Neozygitales Humber 2012
新接霉科 Neozygitaceae Ben Ze’ev, Kenneth & Uziel 1987
Apterivorax瑞典语Apterivorax Keller 2005
新接霉属瑞典语Neozygitales Neozygites Witlaczil 1885
虫霉纲 Entomophthoromycetes Humber 2012 [Entomomycetidae Cavalier-Smith 1998 em. 2012]
虫霉目 Entomophthorales Winter 1880 [Ancylistales Schröter]
新月霉科 Ancylistaceae Schröter 1893
新月霉属 Ancyclistes Pfitzer 1872
耳霉属 Conidiobolus Brefeld 1884 emend. Humber 1989
缓步霉属瑞典语Macrobiotophthora Macrobiotophthora Reukauf 1912 emend. Tucker 1981
蕨霉科法语Completoriaceae Completoriaceae Humber 1989
蕨霉属瑞典语Completoria Completoria Lohde 1874
虫霉科 Entomophthoraceae Nowakowski 1877 [Empusaceaae]
虫疫霉亚科 Erynioideae Keller 2005 [Massosporoideae Keller 2005]
虫疫霉属 Erynia (Nowakowski ex Batko 1966) Remaud. & Hennebert 1980.emend. Humber 1989
Eryniopsis Humber 1984(部分)
虫瘴霉属 Furia (Batko 1966) Humber 2005
Orthomyces Steinkraus, Humber & Oliver 1988
虫疠霉属英语Pandora (fungus) Pandora Humber 2005
斯魏霉属瑞典语Strongwellsea Strongwellsea Batko & Weiser 1965 emend. Humber 1976
虫瘟霉属 Zoophthora Batko 1964 emend. Ben-Ze’ev & Kenneth 2005
虫霉亚科 Entomophthoroideae Keller 2005
巴科霉属瑞典语Batkoa Batkoa Humber 2005
噬虫霉属英语Entomophaga (fungus) Entomophaga Batko 1964 emend. Humber 1989
虫霉属 Entomophthora Fresenius 1856
Eryniopsis Humber 1984(部分)
团孢霉属 Massospora Peck 1879 emend. Soper 1974
顶裂霉科 Meristacraceae Humber 1989
顶裂霉属 Meristacrum Drechsler 1940 emend. Tucker & Humber 1981
Tabanomyces Couch et al.


  1. ^ Hibbett DS, Binder M, Bischoff JF, et al. A higher-level phylogenetic classification of the Fungi. Mycol. Res. May 2007, 111 (Pt 5): 509–47. PMID 17572334. doi:10.1016/j.mycres.2007.03.004. 
  2. ^ Humber RA. Entomophthoromycota: A new phylum and reclassification for entomophthoroid fungi. Mycotaxon. 2012, 120: 477–492. doi:10.5248/120.477.  开放获取
  3. ^ Gryganskyi AP, Humber RA, Smith ME, Hodge K, Huang B, Voigt K, Vilgalys R. Phylogenetic lineages in Entomophthoromycota. Persoonia. 2013, 30: 94–105. PMC 3734969可免费查阅. PMID 24027349. doi:10.3767/003158513X666330.  开放获取
  4. ^ Tedersoo, Leho; Sanchez-Ramırez, Santiago; Koljalg, Urmas; Bahram, Mohammad; Doring, Markus; Schigel, Dmitry; May, Tom; Ryberg, Martin; Abarenkov, Kessy. High-level classification of the Fungi and a tool for evolutionary ecological analyses. Fungal Diversity. 2018-02-22, 90 (1): 135–159 [2018-07-17]. doi:10.1007/s13225-018-0401-0. (原始内容存档于2018-07-07).