丹属印度 Dansk Ostindien | |||||||||
1620年—1869年 | |||||||||
地位 | |||||||||
首都 | Fort Dansborg | ||||||||
常用语言 | 丹麦语、泰米尔语、印地语、孟加拉语、泰卢固语 | ||||||||
丹麦国王 | |||||||||
• 1620–1648 | 克里斯蒂安四世 | ||||||||
• 1863–1869 | 克里斯蒂安九世 | ||||||||
总督 | |||||||||
• 1620–1621 | Ove Gjedde | ||||||||
• 1673–1682 | Sivert Cortsen Adeler | ||||||||
• 1759–1760 | Christian Frederik Høyer | ||||||||
• 1788–1806 | Peter Anker | ||||||||
• 1825–1829 | Hans de Brinck-Seidelin | ||||||||
• 1841–1845 | Peder Hansen | ||||||||
历史时期 | Colonial period | ||||||||
• 建立 | 1620年 | ||||||||
• 终结 | 1869年 | ||||||||
面积 | |||||||||
1,648.13平方公里 | |||||||||
货币 | Danish Indian Rupee | ||||||||
| |||||||||
今属于 | 印度 |
荷属印度 | 1605–1825 |
丹属印度 | 1620–1869 |
法属印度 | 1668–1954 |
印度之屋 | 1434–1833 |
葡萄牙东印度公司 | 1628–1633 |
英国东印度公司 | 1612–1757 |
东印度公司治下的印度 | 1757–1858 |
英属印度 | 1858–1947 |
英属缅甸 | 1824–1948 |
土邦 | 1721–1949 |
印巴分治 | 1947 |
丹属印度(丹麦语:Dansk Ostindien),是丹麦在印度的殖民地的称呼,是丹麦殖民帝国的一部分。丹麦-挪威联合王国在印度拥有200多年的殖民地,包括现今泰米尔纳德邦的特兰奎巴镇,现今西孟加拉邦的塞兰坡,以及目前的安达曼群岛-尼科巴群岛。丹麦在印度的存在对欧洲主要大国来说意义不大,因为它们既没有军事威胁也没有商业威胁。与其他地方一样,印度的丹麦-挪威企业通常资金不足,无法像英国,荷兰和葡萄牙企业那样主导或垄断贸易路线。
[编辑]荷兰和英国商人在17世纪香料贸易的成功,令丹麦和挪威商人羡慕不已。[1][2]1616年3月17日,丹麦-挪威国王克里斯蒂安四世 (Christian IV) 颁布宪章,成立丹麦东印度公司,垄断丹麦-挪威与亚洲之间的贸易,为期12年。[3]也许是由于丹麦投资者缺乏信心,再过了两年才筹集到足够的资金来资助这次远征。1618年,荷兰商人兼殖民地管理者马切里斯 (Marchelis de Boshouwer) 的到来,才为第一次航行提供了动力。[4][5]马切里斯以康提王国国王 Cenerat Adassin 的使节身份 (或至少声称如此) 抵达,寻求军事协助对抗葡萄牙人,并承诺垄断与该岛的所有贸易。[6][7]
[编辑]第一次远征于1618年在海军上将 Ove Gjedde 的率领下出发,花了两年时间才抵达锡兰,并在途中损失了一半以上的船员。1620年5月抵达锡兰后,他们发现国王不再需要任何外国援助 - 三年前已与葡萄牙人达成和平协议。令海军将军失望的是,康提的国王也不是唯一的国王,甚至不是“这片土地上最尊贵的国王”。[8]
由于未能确认达诺-挪威-锡兰的贸易契约,达诺-挪威人在收到贸易总监Robert Crappe的消息前,曾短暂地占领了Koneswaram庙。[9]
Crappe在主力舰队前一个月搭乘侦察货轮Øresund号出航。Øresund号在开利开尔 (Karaikal) 沿岸袭击了葡萄牙船只,自己被击沉,大部分船员被杀或被俘。两名船员的头颅被放置在海滩上的钉子上,作为对达诺-挪威人的警告。Crappe和13名船员逃出沉船,上岸后被印度人抓获,并被带到Tanjore(现印度泰米尔纳德邦的坦贾武尔)的当地的半独立领主纳亚克 (Nayak) 手中。[10][11]结果,纳亚克对贸易机会很感兴趣,Crappe 与他们谈判了一份条约,授予他们塔兰甘巴迪 Tranquebar (或 Tharangamabadi) 乡村、[12] 建造“石屋” (Dansborg 要塞) 的权利,以及征税的许可。[13]此条约于1620年11月20日签订。[14]
早期 (1621-1639)
[编辑]Rasmussen, Peter Ravn (1996). "Tranquebar: The Danish East India Company 1616–1669". University of Copenhagen
- ^ Bredscdorff, Asta. The Trials and Travels of Willem Leyel: An Account of the Danish East India Company in TRanquebar, 1639–49. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculuanum Press. 2009: 10. ISBN 978-87-635-3023-1.
In 1616 Danish merchants began to speculate on how they might get a share of some of the huge profits to be made out of the East India trade.
- ^ Olafsson, Jon (1907). "Indledning" [Introduction]. Jon Olafssons oplevelser som Ostindiefarer under Christian IV, medskrevne of ham selv [Jon Olafsson's experiences as an East Indiaman under Christian IV, written by himself] (in Danish). Copenhagen: Glydensalske boghandel, Nordisk forlag. pp. I. "Danmark-Norges Handel og Søfart var under den foretagsomme Christian IV i mægtig Opkomst, og de Efterretninger, der kom Kongen for Øre om de euro- pæiske Expeditioner til Ostindien, — vel ikke mindst gennem de Fortællinger, som de mangfoldige danske og norske Søfolk, der i hollandsk Tjeneste havde deltaget i Sejladsen paa Indien, bragte hjem med sig — bevægede ham til, nu da Krigen med Sverrig var endt, ogsaa at gøre et Forsøg paa at faa et dansk-ostindisk Kompagni oprettet. Flere hollandske Købmænd, der var bosatte i Kjøbenhavn, først og fremmest Roland Crappéstøttede Kongen i disse Bestræbelser. [During the reign of Christian IV, Denmark-Norway's Trade and Shipping was in mighty rise, and the intelligence which came to the King's ear about the European expeditions to the East Indies, not least about the tales which the diverse Danes and Norwegian Seamen, who in Dutch Service had partaken on the voyage to India, moved him to, now that the War with Sweden had ended, also to make an attempt to get a Danish East-Indian Company created. Several Dutch merchants who were residents of Copenhagen, first and foremost Roland Crappe supported the King in these endeavors.]"
- ^ Olafsson, Jon. Indledning [Introduction]. Jon Olafssons oplevelser som Ostindiefarer under Christian IV, medskrevne of ham selv [Jon Olafsson's experiences as an East Indiaman under Christian IV, written by himself]. Copenhagen: Glydensalske boghandel, Nordisk forlag. 1907: I (Danish).
Ved Oktroj af 16. Marts 1616 blev det dansk-ostindiske Handels-Kompagni oprettet med det hollandske Kompagni som Forbillede. [By 16 October 1616, the Danish-East India Trade Company was established with the Dutch Company as a Model.]
- ^ Olafsson, Jon (1907). "Indledning" [Introduction]. Jon Olafssons oplevelser som Ostindiefarer under Christian IV, medskrevne of ham selv [Jon Olafsson's experiences as an East Indiaman under Christian IV, written by himself] (in Danish). Copenhagen: Glydensalske boghandel, Nordisk forlag. pp. II. "Der skulde nu udrustes et Togt til Ostindien, og Kongen fik end mere Blod paa Tanden, da der til Kjø- benhavn ankom en Gesandt fra selve Kejser Ceneradt Adassin paa Ceylon. Gesandten var en Hollænder ved Navn Marcelis Boshonwerj der i flere Aar havde været den ceylonske Kejsers Yndling og Raadgiver i hans mange Stridigheder med Portugiserne. Kejseren havde udnævnt ham til Admiral og Prins af Migomme og nu sendt ham afsted til Europa for at søge Bistand mod Portugiserne. Efter at være bleven afvist i Holland, begav Boshouwer sig til Danmark, hvor han opholdt sig et Aars Tid, og afsluttede en Handels- og Venskabs- Traktat mellem Kejseren af Ceylon og Kongen af Danmark-Norge". ["A voyage to the East Indies was now to be made, and the king got even more blood on his teeth when an envoy from the emperor Ceneradt Adassin himself arrived in Copenhagen. The envoy was a Dutchman by the name of Marcelis Boshonwerj, who for several years had been the favorite adviser of the Ceylonese emperor in his many disputes with the Portuguese. The emperor had appointed him Admiral and Prince of Migomme and now sent him off to Europe to seek assistance against the Portuguese. After being rejected in the Netherlands, Boshouwer went to Denmark, where he stayed for a year, concluding a Treaty of Trade and Friendship between the King of Kandy and the King of Denmark-Norway."]
- ^ Larsen, Kay. Guvernører, Residenter, Kommandanter og Chefer samt enkele andre fremtraedende personer i de tidligere Danske Tropekolonier [Governors, Residents, Commanders and Managers as well as some other significant persons in the former Danish Tropical Colonies] (PDF). Copenhagen: Arthur Jensens Forlag. 1940: 15. OCLC 1629536 (Danish).
Efter Kontrakten med Kejseren skulde Danmark have Monopol paa Ceylonhandelen i 12 Aar [According to the contract with the king, Denmark was to have a monopoly on the Ceylon trade for 12 years]
- ^ Subrahmanyam, Sanjay. The Coromandel Trade of the Danish East India Company, 1618–1649. Scandinavian Economic History Review. 1989, 37 (1): 43–44. doi:10.1080/03585522.1989.10408131 .
- ^ Olafsson, Jon (1907). "Indledning" [Introduction]. Jon Olafssons oplevelser som Ostindiefarer under Christian IV, medskrevne of ham selv [Jon Olafsson's experiences as an East Indiaman under Christian IV, written by himself] (in Danish). Copenhagen: Glydensalske boghandel, Nordisk forlag. pp. II. "Senere viste det sig jo rigtignok, at han havde handlet vel meget paa egen Haand, og den nævnte Traktat fik ingen Betydning. [Later it turned out that he had acted very much on his own, and the said treaty had no significance.]"
- ^ Esther Fihl (2009). "Shipwrecked on the Coromandel:cThe first Indo–Danish contact, 1620". Review of Development and Change 14 (1&2): 19–40
- ^ Barner Jensen, U. "Danish East India. Trade coins and the coins of Tranquebar, 1620–1845", pp. 11–12; Holden Furber "Imperi rivali nei mercati d'oriente, 1600–1800", note n° 66, p. 326: "Senarat of Kandy sent to Trincomalee 60 Sinhala men in order to help the Danes in the construction of their fort. During their permanence in Trincomalee, the Danesh coined also some "Larins", on which were recorded the words 'Don Erich Grubbe', of these coins, today do not remain trace, if not in the diary of Ove Giedde."
- ^ Datta, Rangan. Tranquebar — A piece of Denmark on the coast of the Bay of Bengal. The Telegraph. My Kolkata. 15 June 2022 [12 October 2023].
- ^ Foster, William. Introduction. The English Factories in India (1618–1621) 1. Oxford, United Kingdom: Clarendon Press. 1906: xlv [26 May 2022].
- ^ Larsen, Kay. Volume 1 of Dansk-Ostindiske Koloniers historie: Trankebar. Jørgensen. 1907: 167–169.
- ^ Bredsdorff, Asta. The Trials and Travels of Willem Leyel: An Account of the Danish East India Company in Tranquebar, 1639–48. Museum Tusculanum Press. 2009: 13. ISBN 978-87-635-3023-1.
- ^ Laursen, L. 1620. 19. Nov. (Tanjore). Traktat mellem Admiral Ove Gjedde paa Kong Christian IVs Vegne og Kongen af Tanjore. [1620. 19. Nov. (Tanjore). Treaty between Admiral Ove Gjedde on behalf of King Christian IV and the King of Tanjore.]. Traites du Danemark et de la Norvege. Danmark-Norges Traktater 1523—1750 Med dertil horende aktstykker: Tredie Bind (1589–1625) [Treaties of Denmark-Norway (1523–1750) with Associated Acts- Volume 3 (1589–1625)] 3. Copenhagen: L. Laursen, Calsberg Foundation. 1916: 360–366 [26 March 2022] (Danish).
- ^ Of the 18 ships that departed from Denmark between 1622 and 1637, only seven returned. Kay Larsen: Trankebar, op.cit., p.30-31.
- ^ Brdsgaard, Kjeld Erik. China and Denmark: Relations Since 1674. NIAS Press. 2001: 9–11. ISBN 978-87-87062-71-8.