![]() | 本頁是以往討論的存檔。請勿編輯本頁。若您想發起新討論或重啟現有討論,請在當前討論頁進行。 |
大家可以多关注,除了找到一些年久失修有破坏未被发现的页面意外,估计是有不少页面可以提删的。提删派可以开始工作起来了,说不定有可能再一次达到百万条目。同时由于共识早已达成,我已经修改Wikipedia:回退功能、Wikipedia:新頁面巡查。--及时雨 留言 2019年4月1日 (一) 12:08 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #358

- Events
- Past: Wikidata meetup during the Wikimedia Summit, March 29th in Berlin (collaborative notes)
- Upcoming: Wikidata workshop for archives in Saint-Etienne, France, on April 3rd and 5th
- Upcoming: Wikidata meetup in Berlin in Wikibär on April 14th
- Upcoming: Where iNaturalist meets Wiki April 16th, in Meise (Belgium)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- WikidataCon 2019 application, program submission and scholarship processes are now open until April 29th
- Structured Data on Commons: You can now test creating depicts statements
- While editing OpenStreetMap from the iD editor, it will now be possible to match map data with Wikidata by typing in names and getting an autocompleted label.
- OpenStreetMap is participating in this year's Google Summer of Code, and quite a few of the project ideas involve Wikidata integration.
- Discussion going on in W3C SPARQL 1.2 Community Group about the improvements in SPARQL language
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: capacity factor, position in Forsyth-Edwards Notation
- External identifiers: Libreflix ID, Kicker.de player ID, Library of Parliament of Canada person ID, RoMEO publisher ID, Federal-State Cooperative System ID, XING company ID, L'Express person ID, Le Figaro tag ID, Le Parisien tag ID, Gamepedia article ID, FSkate.ru skater ID, Salvador Dali Museum ID, Index to American Botanical Literature ID, FaroeSoccer player ID, FaroeSoccer coach ID, Artcurial lot ID, SNISB ID, Tainacan MHN ID, 100 bombardirov person ID, Cini Foundation ID, LinkedIn personal profile ID, ACA author ID, CDEC ID, AWARE ID, JRC Names id, Zomato ID, TV Spielfilm series ID, Fandango theater ID, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam ID, JMdictDB ID, Zagat ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: First attestation, match interval, réédité par, calligrapher, Ordained by, code produit, Wikidata property example for media
- External identifiers: Baden-Württemberg Schutzgebiete-ID, K10plus editions, Utpictura18 ID, Le Vif tag ID, Common Sense Media review ID, Pro-Linux.de DBApp ID, Libregamewiki ID, Democracy Club Election ID, MARGS ID, Kobo author ID, WoRMS source ID, Kobo narrator ID, NGMDb Prod ID, Memórias da Ditadura ID, Placar UOL Eleições ID, AntWiki, MESH Concept ID, MESH Term ID, Desaparecidos Políticos ID
- Query examples:
- Siblings who have won the Israel Prize (source)
- British female engineers, 1919-2019 (source)
- Female scientific illustrators (source)
- French archivists with a picture (source)
- Archive institutions in Switzerland and how much they hold (source)
- Graph of open source research software by field (source)
- Groups of characters in the Marvel universe (source)
- In what type of places are ancient Greek potteries stored? (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Work on a dashboard for external identifiers (phab:T204440)
- Add baserevid to WikibaseLexeme API modules (phab:T217243)
- Add tests for embed.html (phab:T212649)
- Improve features for wikibase vandalism detection model (phab:T194737)
- Improve Property Info cache performance (phab:T218115, phab:T218197)
- Adding nofollow to external identifiers links (phab:T175230)
- Hide query helper by default in Query Service (phab:T217886)
- More work on wb_terms normalization (Phab board)
- Enable trimming whitespace around Label/Description/Aliases and Schema text (phab:T215761)
- Prevent moving Schemas between namespaces (and generally) (phab:T219313)
- Limit the length of Schema labels, descriptions, aliases, and schema text in the frontend (phab:T218867)
- Add tracking for clicks on the “check entities against this Schema” link (phab:T218899)
- Disallow importing of Schemas from another wiki or XML files to avoid ID conflicts (phab:T218181)
- Make sure RTL text is being handled correctly in the Schema labels, descriptions and aliases table (phab:T219136)
- Add a publish button on mobile termbox: (phab:T218573)
- Building the wbeditentity request to be fired on save request: (phab:T218577)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
- 专题关注与通讯
- 《路标》
- 欧盟新版权法与维基
- 快讯与其他新闻
Bring your idea for Wikimedia in Education to life! Launch of the Wikimedia Education Greenhouse
![]() Are you passionate about open education? Do you have an idea to apply Wikimedia projects to an education initiative but don’t know where to start? Join the the Wikimedia & Education Greenhouse! It is an immersive co-learning experience that lasts 9 months and will equip you with the skills, knowledge and support you need to bring your ideas to life. You can apply as a team or as an individual, by May 12th. Find out more Education Greenhouse. For more information reachout to mguadalupe |
—MediaWiki message delivery(留言) 2019年4月5日 (五) 11:16 (UTC)
【《求闻》北京4月7日讯】维基百科西亚美尼亚语版于2019年4月4日正式由元维基语言委员会批准设立,网址为 hyw.wikipedia.org。此网站当前尚在建设当中,截止发稿时只有3个对公众开放的页面,而且首页已被删除。删除首页的管理员声明“应当先完成从孵育场的导入”,然后再创建首页。
应读者要求,《求闻》新增电报(Telegram)订阅广播频道。欢迎各位前往 https://t.me/Qiuwen 订阅《求闻》,第一时间收取推送!其他订阅渠道正在逐步扩展,敬请读者期待。
订阅《求闻》 · 关于《求闻》 · 往期概览 · 《求闻》编译组经 MediaWiki message delivery 发送于 2019年4月8日 (一) 01:30 (UTC)
Read-only mode for up to 30 minutes on 11 April
2019年4月8日 (一) 10:57 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #359

- Discussions
- Closed request for adminship: Stanglavine (welcome onboard!)
- New request for comments: Countries, subdivisions, and disputed territories
- Closed request for comments: Talk pages consultation 2019
- Events
- Upcoming: Wikidata IRC office hour, April 9th at 16:30 UTC (18:30 in Berlin)
- Upcoming: Wikidata meetup in Berlin, April 14th in Wikibär
- Upcoming: Wikidata meetup in Paris, April 19th
- Upcoming: The Celtic Knot Conference, dedicated to languages on the Wikimedia projects, will take place in Cornwall on July 4-5. Call for submissions is now open
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Using Wikidata’s entities and ontology to measure how much attention content receives, by Conrad Lee on Parse.ly
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- [Breaking change] Empty containers in JSON outputs will be serialized as empty object "{}"
- [Breaking change] A new status of constraint will be enabled, causing some changes in the WikibaseQualityConstraints constraint checking API
- The Wikimedia URL shortener will be launched on 11 April; see Wikidata:URLShortener. It will not be immediately incorporated into the Query Service but the feature is planned.
- The Library of the African Studies Centre in Leiden compiled an experimental web dossier which combines the components of a classical ASCL web dossier with features offered by Wikidata.
- The gender gap tool Delenezh is online again and now hosted by Wikimedia France
- New tool: Related Properties, exploring Wikidata properties by the similarity of their use (see blog post by Envlh)
- Property statistics on Wikiprojects: sum of all paintings, video games
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: stroke order, CHVRS Classification, Classification RCQ, musical quotation or excerpt
- External identifiers: Democracy Club Election ID, Martindale-Hubbell profile, Sumo Reference ID, ETS Designated Institution code, Periscope pscp.tv, BHCL ID, Baden-Württemberg protected area ID, Rxivist author ID, Rxivist preprint ID, Springboks Rugby Player ID, Utpictura18 artwork ID, Le Vif tag ID, Pro-Linux.de DBApp ID, Libregamewiki ID, MARGS ID, theatre-contemporain.net ID, FIS telemark skier ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Arcade system, Audio system, IANA time zone identifier, has sequenced genome, WMF short URL, translated to (language translation)
- External identifiers: OpenEdition books ID, OpenEdition ID, MassBank Accession ID, identyfikator sztuki w e-teatr.pl, identifiant GameFAQs d'un jeu, CIN ID, New York City Neighborhood Tabulation area ID, Alexander Turnbull Library Name ID, Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG cards ID, DCMI metadata term, CroRec ID, Radio Courtoisie program ID, Russia.tv actor profile ID, LNB Coach id, Sachsen Schutzgebiete-ID, Dictionnaire des Vendéens ID, Trainline ID
- Query examples:
- Newest database reports: first names of Italians
- Newest properties:
- Development
- More work on documenting and preparing the announcement for the Wikidata External Landscape dashboard (phab:T204440)
- Improved the documentation of WMDE analytic documents (phab:T219844)
- Set up translatable schema edit summaries using the FormatAutocomments hook (phab:T218893)
- Improved right-to-left support on schema pages (phab:T219298)
- Protected schemas against imports (phab:T218181) and page moves (phab:T219313) and disabled the useless “move” and “create” protections for them (phab:T219980)
- Improved schema edit conflict detection to allow merging of non-conflicting edits (phab:T218300, phab:T219173)
- Improved the Extension:WikibaseSchema documentation on mediawiki.org (phab:T219979)
- Fixed a bug on Lexicographical Data when editing existing grammatical features (phab:T219318)
- Increased musical notation datatype string length limit to 1500 characters (phab:T218767)
- Got ready for the last steps of new constraint level for suggestions (phab:T204439)
- More work on allowing editing of mobile termbox fields (phab:T216987)
- Let term value fields grow with their content (phab:T220185)
- More work on migrating away from wb_terms
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
This Month in GLAM: March 2019
--百無一用是書生 (☎) 2019年4月10日 (三) 03:11 (UTC)
知乎上评价“维基学生会”的帖子中,有人说“创立至今没做过任何贡献,年底有什么学生总会的什么鬼的”,还有人说“可以用来围观中文维基百科的小学生们如何指点江山”。有用户公开评价“我是认为贵会对维基百科的协作根本是没有用的。观乎以往贵会的站内活动纪录,贵会在成立后的一年多就几乎一直在会务上面纠缠,不断把整个组织官僚化、架床叠屋,消耗民气,把会员可以贡献在维基百科的时间白白浪费在没有意义的“会务”之上,真正促进协作的事务少之又少” 。有用户说“[维基学生会]大搞官僚主义,四处招揽成员但无实际贡献”。
- 感觉快变成维基日报的社论了……——路过围观的Sakamotosan | 避免做作,免敬 2019年4月5日 (五) 08:31 (UTC)
- 訴諸人身。--john doe 120@霍格華茲膜法學院時間魔法 2019年4月5日 (五) 08:55 (UTC)
- 建議將此話題移動到恶俗维基。--john doe 120@霍格華茲膜法學院時間魔法 2019年4月6日 (六) 13:20 (UTC)
- 总的来说,虽然这文章有些偏激且具攻击性,但反映的一些问题还是存在的……我一直觉得很多维基组织没起到什么实际作用,所以我都退了……
--相信友谊就是魔法的CuSO4❤ 2019年4月11日 (四) 11:44 (UTC)

【《求闻》上海4月12日讯】 2019年4月10日,事件视界望远镜团队(Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration,下简称EHT团队)向世界宣布,该团队利用位于东半球的多个射电望远镜,成功拍摄了位于M87中心的特大质量黑洞,公布了黑洞的“照片”,并在开放获取杂志《天体物理学杂志快报》(The Astrophysical Journal Letters)发表了与之相关的六篇论文,以CC BY 3.0许可协议授权。
随后,视觉中国网站将相关高清图片放在自己的网站上,打上该网站的标志后,以“编辑照片”的名义对新闻机构进行销售,并宣告“版权所有”,随即引发争议。在照片正式发布时,笔者第一时间向欧洲南方天文台(European Southern Observatory,下简称ESO)咨询其网站所公布黑洞照片之版权状况,ESO数据管理和业务司负责人Fernando Comerón明确回复,虽然该高清黑洞照片版权归属于EHT团队,但也采用和ESO网站相同的CC BY 4.0国际许可协议授权;而欧洲南方天文台也明确答复了《每日经济新闻》的记者,这张图片的版权归属于EHT团队,而ESO正是EHT的成员之一。
应读者要求,《求闻》新增电报(Telegram)订阅广播频道。欢迎各位前往 https://t.me/Qiuwen 订阅《求闻》,第一时间收取推送!其他订阅渠道正在逐步扩展,敬请读者期待。
订阅《求闻》 · 关于《求闻》 · 往期概览 · 《求闻》编译组经 MediaWiki message delivery 发送于 2019年4月12日 (五) 10:40 (UTC)
Wikimedia Foundation Medium-Term Plan feedback request
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-16
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! Kitniyot (Hebrew: קִטְנִיּוֹת, qitniyyot) is a Hebrew word meaning legumes. During the Passover holiday, however, the word kitniyot takes on a broader meaning to include grains and seeds such as rice, corn, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, soybeans, peas, and lentils, in addition to legumes. According to Orthodox Ashkenazi and some Sephardic customs, Kitniyot may not be eaten during Passover. Although Reform and Conservative Ashkenazi Judaism currently allow for the consumption of Kitniyot during Passover, long-standing tradition in these and other communities is to abstain from their consumption. According to Torat Eretz Yisrael and Minhagei Eretz Yisrael, any Jew worldwide, regardless of origin, and despite the practice of their forefathers, may eat kitniyot on Passover, for it is a practice rejected as an unnecessary precaution by Halachic authorities as early as the time of its emergence. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
Wikidata weekly summary #360

- Discussions
- New request for comments: Non-free content
- Events
- Past: Wikidata IRC office hour, on April 9th (read the log)
- Upcoming: Wikidata meetup in Paris, April 19th
- Upcoming: Wikidata Lab XIV, April 25th in São Paulo, Brazil
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- New tool: qwikidata, a Python package to process Wikidata entities and dumps
- New dashboard: visualisations of external identifiers on Wikidata
- Several Wikidata-related projects will be funded by WMF Project Grants
- The page Wikidata:Wikimania 2019 is here to help you coordinating with other people regarding your submissions for Wikimania 2019. The opening of submissions is planned for late April.
- Reminder: you can apply to participate to the WikidataCon 2019 before April 29th
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: first attested from, Wikidata property example for media, musical motif
- External identifiers: French public service directory ID, Placar UOL Eleições ID, Memórias da Ditadura ID, Desaparecidos Políticos ID, OpenEdition book ID, OpenEdition Books author ID, WoRMS source ID, e-teatr.pl play ID, MESH Term ID, EUNIS ID for habitats, Motorsports Hall of Fame of America ID, Alexander Turnbull Library Name ID, IANA timezone ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Recognition, recognized by, not recognized by, jurisdiction status, job title, military unit size, business partner, microarchitecture, Video system, Mesh Qualifier ID, cache l1-l2-l3, text features, Software development model, Dimore Storiche Italiane ID, SIUSA ID, FTP server
- External identifiers: Shanghai Library person ID, Shanghai Library place ID, IMTL.org id, CNV-SP ID, MyNeta.info political party ID, GruCultura ID, CEMDP ID, identifiant Projet de recherche en littérature de langue bretonne, SportSport.ba player ID, SportSport.ba club ID, SportSport.ba news ID, Heritage Gazetteer of Libya, FoodOn ID, Finnish Trade Register ID
- Query examples:
- Gender balance of art prizes and Gender balance of literary awards (source)
- Images used on more than one item about a person (source)
- Map of public libraries in Wales coloured by county (source)
- Artworks by street artist Invader in Versailles (source)
- American Sign Language signs for the letters of the English alphabet
- French Sign Language signs for the letters of the French alphabet
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Added Sámi monolingual language codes
(Kemi) andsjt
(Ter), thanks to Jon Harald Søby (phab:T217521) - Moving forward with enabling constraints suggestions for everyone and remove beta feature (phab:T220609)
- Fixing an issue with displaying mapframes for geocoordinate on client (phab:T220122)
- Make it impossible to set the same content in the same language for label and description (phab:T212869)
- Catch Exceptions where the entity can not be serialized due to being too big (phab:T217741)
- Fix the order of value suggestions based on constraint (phab:T220587)
- Add links on entity suggestions from constraint definitions (phab:T207363)
- Increase musical notation datatype string length limit to 1500 characters (phab:T218767)
- More work on making the new mobile termbox editable (phab:T216987)
- More work on migrating away from wb_terms
- Added Sámi monolingual language codes
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!

应读者要求,《求闻》新增电报(Telegram)订阅广播频道。欢迎各位前往 https://t.me/Qiuwen 订阅《求闻》,第一时间收取推送!其他订阅渠道正在逐步扩展,敬请读者期待。
订阅《求闻》 · 关于《求闻》 · 往期概览 · 《求闻》编译组经 MediaWiki message delivery 发送于 2019年4月16日 (二) 18:00 (UTC)
《求闻》通讯:柏林维基媒体峰会(Wikimedia Summit)结束

【《求闻》北京4月11日讯】2019年的柏林维基媒体峰会(Wikimedia Summit)自当地时间3月29日开始,至4月2日结束,计5天。
【基金会网站2月13日文章】(作者 德国分会成员、项目助理、国际关系人员安娜·雷斯)
带着新起的名字和专注于战略的目标,维基媒体峰会(前称Wikimedia Conference)下月就将举办。来自维基媒体各个地方自治体、维基媒体基金会和各类委员会的200名与会者将在3月29日至31日齐聚柏林讨论维基媒体运动的未来。最后敲定的日程将在未来几周发布,但我们等不及来给大家分享个大概了。
【《求闻》编译组柏林3月29日电】当地时间29日(星期五)上午10时,本届维基媒体峰会(Wikimedia Summit)主题为“重新连接”(Reconnecting)的开幕式在德国柏林举办,标志着五日维基媒体峰会的开始。德国维基媒体协会国际关系顾问妮科尔·埃贝尔,活动团队成员达妮埃拉·根特纳,执行董事亚伯拉罕·塔雷维纳德,活动协调人员安娜·莱娜·席勒;德国分会成员、本届峰会组织者科尔内留斯·基贝尔卡、维基媒体基金会执行董事凯瑟琳·马赫,德国记者、政治家、德国社会民主党党员米歇尔-贾斯明·明特费林与会并发表讲话。
应读者要求,《求闻》新增电报(Telegram)订阅广播频道。欢迎各位前往 https://t.me/Qiuwen 订阅《求闻》,第一时间收取推送!其他订阅渠道正在逐步扩展,敬请读者期待。
订阅《求闻》 · 关于《求闻》 · 往期概览 · 《求闻》编译组经 MediaWiki message delivery 发送于 2019年4月15日 (一) 06:45 (UTC)
- 又夹带私货了--百無一用是書生 (☎) 2019年4月16日 (二) 02:44 (UTC)
- 「所謂」這個詞是否有貶義?--john doe 120@霍格華茲膜法學院時間魔法 2019年4月17日 (三) 11:42 (UTC)
【《求闻》北京4月7日讯】历时两个月的中文维基导游2019年“编辑松”于3月31日圆满落幕。这次“编辑松”中,大陆编辑梦蝶葬花的作品《圣赫勒拿》、Rowingbohe的作品《玉环》《台州路桥机场》以及台湾编辑Yuriy kosygin的作品《客家浪漫大道》被评为“指南”级作品,并将于年内在中文维基导游首页上展示。
根据记录“编辑松”评比情况的“Fountain”平台汇报,中文方面总共有24人参与,贡献了70篇条目,其中贡献最多的Super Wang贡献了16篇条目;乌尔都语方面仅有13人参与,但总共贡献了170篇条目,其中贡献最多的Tahir mq一人即贡献53篇条目,其数量相当于中文方面全部贡献条目的四分之三,而Super Wang如果放在乌尔都语方面的总榜中,仅能排到第四位。
应读者要求,《求闻》新增电报(Telegram)订阅广播频道。欢迎各位前往 https://t.me/Qiuwen 订阅《求闻》,第一时间收取推送!其他订阅渠道正在逐步扩展,敬请读者期待。
退订本邮件 · 关于《求闻》 · 往期概览 · 《求闻》编译组经 MediaWiki message delivery 发送于 2019年4月18日 (四) 15:39 (UTC)
This Month in Education: April 2019
This Month in Education Volume 8 • Issue 4 • April 2019 Contents • Headlines • Subscribe In This Issue |
Wikidata weekly summary #361

- Events
- Past: Editathon Where iNaturalist meets Wiki, on April 16th in Meise, Belgium
- Upcoming: Wikidata meetup in Argentina, April 25th
- Upcoming; Wikidata workshop in Pardubice, Czech Republic
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Association of Research Libraries White Paper on Wikidata: Opportunities and Recommendations
- Open-sourcing PyTorch-BigGraph for faster embeddings of extremely large graphs and the example of Wikidata, on AI Facebook blog
- OpenTapioca: Lightweight Entity Linking for Wikidata (paper by Antonin Delpeuch)
- Update on the Factgrid project with Wikibase and GND by Olaf Simons
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Plenty of documentation pages have been translated into Spanish: Wikidata in one page, Query Service in one page, a new data model example based on Marie Curie, and the flyer "Wikidata for developers". Thanks a lot to Mlemusrojas and the Wikidata group in Argentina!
- Depicts statements were due to arrive on Commons on April 23rd
- The Wikimedia URL Shortener is live and now included in the Query Service to create short links to queries or direct results (announcement)
- Reminder: the application phase for the WikidataCon is open until April 29th: if you want to attend to the conference, don't forget to participate!
- Wikidata Sign Languages Browser
- You can help by training ORES, the machine learning system, to better judge if edits are good or bad. We need another 7000 edits judged
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: number of sentences, Football Money League rank
- External identifiers: National Wrestling Hall of Fame wrestler ID, MassBank Accession ID, CNV-SP ID, GruCultura ID, CEMDP ID, NGMDb Prod ID, MESH Concept ID, PRELIB organization ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: supported metadata, expansion, CatholicSaints.info ID, Musixmatch track ID, transfer speed, KeyWiki page ID, художник-мультипликатор, Number of polling stations, music video
- External identifiers: The Atlas of African Frogs, Ming Qing Archive authority ID, Kinosozvezdie biography ID, RGALI ID, Referee.ru person ID, NSW Capital Conviction ID, Australian War Memorial ID, Flora of Australia (new) ID, Drobné památky ID, Identifiant IndieDB for video game, Whitney Museum of American Art ID, Archaeology Data Service person ID, CanLII ID, Justia Patents assignee ID, interwiki, Identifiant Mod DB for video game, OBIS ID, Alvin, FemBio ID
- Query examples:
- All deaths in Game of Thrones (source)
- Wikidata knows of at least 5263 buildings started before Notre Dame de Paris (query based on this discussion)
- Timeline for the History of Telecommunications (source)
- Graph of London Tube stations that are on at least three lines (source)
- Map of churches in Sri Lanka (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Improved the external identifiers landscape (phab:T204440)
- Prepare process and announcement for the wb_terms migration to come
- Allow configuring WDQS UI without changes to files under version control (phab:T194179)
- Configure suggestion constraint level on Beta (phab:T221107)
- Graduate suggestions based on constraints beta feature out of beta features (phab:T209879)
- Editing of labels and descriptions on mobile (phab:T216987)
- Editing aliases on mobile (phab:T218690)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-18
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! ![]() Jaflong is a hill station and tourist destination in the Division of Sylhet, Bangladesh. It is located in Gowainghat Upazila of Sylhet District and situated at the border between Bangladesh and the Indian state of Meghalaya, overshadowed by subtropical mountains and rainforests. Jaflong is known for its stone collections and is home of the Khasi tribe (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
【《求闻》北京4月18日讯】自今年3月25日起,“工具打造台”(Toolforge,前称Tool labs)的技术缺陷导致多个机器人无法正常运作,其中包括在中文维基百科承担大量任务的Liangent-bot和KasparBot等。
2018年,“工具打造台”的所有服务器都运行于Ubuntu 14.04 LTS系统上。按照维基百科的说法,该系统即将于2019年4月停止服务。虽然运营Ubuntu操作系统的公司Canonical表示将提供扩展安全服务,但这一服务需要额外付费,且获得的扩展服务仅限安全方面的更新,而不会再更新新功能。
应读者要求,《求闻》新增电报(Telegram)订阅广播频道。欢迎各位前往 https://t.me/Qiuwen 订阅《求闻》,第一时间收取推送!其他订阅渠道正在逐步扩展,敬请读者期待。
退订本邮件 · 关于《求闻》 · 往期概览 · 《求闻》编译组经 MediaWiki message delivery 发送于 2019年4月29日 (一) 02:39 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #362

- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: BRPever
- Events
- Past: WikiNusantara 2019, the first Wikimedia Indonesia conference was successfully held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, on Apr 27-28, 2019. The conference included two Wikidata talks:
- Wikidata I: Intro to Wikidata by Raisha Abdillah from WMID
- Wikidata II: Advancements for Wikidata by Adila Krisnadhi, Ph.D. and Dr. Fariz Darari from Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia
- Upcoming: Wikidata meetup in London on May 2nd
- Upcoming: Ghent University Wikidata and Wikibase Workshop, 3 - 5 July 2019
- Past: WikiNusantara 2019, the first Wikimedia Indonesia conference was successfully held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, on Apr 27-28, 2019. The conference included two Wikidata talks:
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Breaking change - Important for Wikidata tools maintainers: wb_terms table to be dropped at the end of May
- The ability to add structured depicts (P180) statements to file pages is live on Commons.
- Suggestions based on the on-of constraints are now enabled for all users
- New tool: Wikimedia Related Projects provides statistics about Wikimedia projects and the relations between them, using the number of sitelinks they have in common
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: approach angle, departure angle, Løøv classification, linear reference, data transfer speed
- External identifiers: Japan Search name ID, Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG cards ID, Saxony protected area ID, Referee.ru person ID, Shanghai Library person ID, Shanghai Library place ID, FrogMAP ID, Ming Qing Archive ID, De Agostini ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: specifying descriptor, SciGraph IDs, era name, moved by, seconded by, debated by, Commons quality assessment, National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities code, OBO Gazetteer ID
- External identifiers: FemBio ID, BlackPast.org ID, CineChile filmmaker ID, grwar.ru person ID, Whitney Museum of American Art artwork ID, Arabic Ontology ID
- Query examples:
- A map of the Rio de Janeiro light rail network
- Nigerian women with Wikipedia article and pictures (source)
- Map of places of residence for accused witches with a layer for occupations (source)
- Map of Wikidata items that are dedicated to, named after or depict etc, St George. (source)
- Partigiani color-coded by year of death (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Displaying mapframes for geocoordinate on client requires preprocessing by the user (phab:T220122)
- Fixing cursor jumping to next field and overlapping of menus (phab:T172937)
- Wikidata a focus issue on grammatical features field (phab:T218229)
- Add language codes rm-rumgr, rm-sursilv, rm-surmiran, rm-sutsilv, rm-vallader, rm-puter for Lexemes (phab:T210293)
- Align RTL languages in glosses to right (phab:T203081)
- Add new monolingual codes: qya + sjn, el-cy, syc, abq, hbo) (phab:)
- Fix a bug with NewLexeme suggester menu (phab:T199409)
- Created a dedicated Phab board to help tool builders with the changes on wb_terms
- More internal work to get the first version of mobile termbox ready for deployment
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Growth team updates #7
Welcome to the seventh newsletter from the Growth team!
The Growth team's objective is to work on software changes that help retain new contributors in mid-size Wikimedia projects.
Newcomer homepage release this week

Like the other Growth team features, this will be deployed in a controlled experiment, in which half of newcomers will have access to their homepage and half will not. Users with the feature will be able to access it by clicking their username at the top of their browser, and it will only be available on desktop -- not mobile. Experienced users who want to see their homepage will be able to turn it on in their preferences.
Wikis receiving the newcomer homepage can expect these things:
- Additional questions will come to the help desk from the "help module" on the homepage.
- Mentors who have signed up for the "mentorship module" will start to receive questions on their user talk pages.
- More users may create and edit user pages through the "start module".

Recent and future homepage development
The most important piece developed for the homepage over the last month is the "start module", which gives newcomers clear actions to take when they are new: add/confirm their email, go through a tutorial, start their user page. We learned about the need for this module from user tests last month. The next priorities for the newcomer homepage are:
- Mobile design: to work well in mobile browsers, the homepage needs a separate design and engineering. See the accompanying mockups for potential mobile designs.
- Features for discovery: only about 15% - 30% of newcomers will discover their homepage by clicking their username at the top of their browser. We are going to be designing additional ways for newcomers to find out about it.
- Additional modules: the initial version contains some of the simpler modules. Potential upcoming modules include task recommendations and a feed of activity on the wiki.
Other updates
- Help panel leading indicators: our team published data on the help panel's initial performance. The evaluation exposes some areas for improvement, but we think the help panel's behavior so far is healthy and that it is not having a negative impact on the wikis. We will be publishing additional data, making plans, and asking for community thoughts around the future of the help panel over the course of the next two weeks. If you are interested in trying out the help panel on your wiki, please let us know on our team's talk page.
- Long term plans: the team had a week of planning meetings, in which we talked about some longer-term ideas for Growth work. Some of the top ideas are: to extend the newcomer homepage to help user's build their identity through a user profile, and to revisit the "engagement emails" project that the team put on hold. Over the next month, we will be asking for community conversation around how the team can spend our time in the next fiscal year, that starts in July.
Growth team's newsletter prepared by the Growth team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
2019年4月29日 (一) 16:19 (UTC)
The Signpost: 30 April 2019

- News and notes: An Action Packed April
- In the media: Is Wikipedia just another social media site?
- Discussion report: English Wikipedia community's conclusions on talk pages
- Featured content: Anguish, accolades, animals, and art
- Arbitration report: An Active Arbitration Committee
- Traffic report: Mötley Crüe, Notre-Dame, a black hole, and Bonnie and Clyde
- Technology report: A new special page, and other news
- Gallery: Notre-Dame de Paris burns
- News from the WMF: Can machine learning uncover Wikipedia’s missing “citation needed” tags?
- Recent research: Female scholars underrepresented; whitepaper on Wikidata and libraries; undo patterns reveal editor hierarchy
- From the archives: Portals revisited