





1869年1月1日,伦敦西南铁路公司(L&SWR)开放了邱园站,当时该站是从里奇蒙站到爱迪生路站(现在伦敦地铁区域线的肯辛顿站)的线路上的一个车站。[1] 1870年6月1日至1870年10月31日,西部铁路公司(GWR)曾短暂运营过一条从帕丁顿站至里奇蒙站的线路,该线路经过汉默史密斯及城市铁路(即现在的汉默史密斯及城市线)的轨道,再转入西南铁路公司的轨道并经过邱园站。[2]

On 1 June 1877, the District Railway (DR, now the District line) opened a short extension from its terminus at Hammersmith to connect to the L&SWR tracks east of Template:LUL stations station.[1] The DR then began running trains over the L&SWR tracks to Richmond. On 1 October 1877, the Metropolitan Railway (MR, now the Metropolitan line) restarted the GWR's former service to Richmond via Grove Road station.[2]

The DR's service between Richmond, Hammersmith and central London was more direct than the NLR's route via Template:LUL stations, the L&SWR's or the MR's routes via Grove Road station or the L&SWR's other route from Richmond via Clapham Junction. From 1 January 1894, the GWR began sharing the MR's Richmond service and served Kew Gardens once again,[2] meaning that passengers from Kew Gardens could travel on the services of five operators.

Following the electrification of the DR's own tracks north of Template:LUL stations in 1903, the DR funded the electrification of the tracks through Kew Gardens. The tracks on the Richmond branch were electrified on 1 August 1905.[1] Whilst DR services were operated with electric trains, the L&SWR, NLR, GWR and MR services continued to be steam hauled.

MR services were withdrawn on 31 December 1906 and GWR services were withdrawn on 31 December 1910,[2] leaving operations at Kew Gardens and Gunnersbury to the DR (by then known as the District Railway), the NLR and L&SWR. By 1916, the L&SWR's route through Hammersmith was being out-competed by the District to such a degree that the L&SWR withdrew its service between Richmond and Addison Road on 3 June 1916, leaving the District as the sole operator over that route.[3]

  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 District Line, Dates. Clive's Underground Line Guides. 27 March 2011 [25 July 2011]. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Hammersmith & City Line, Dates. Clive's Underground Line Guides. [4 July 2008]. 
  3. ^ District Line, History. Clive's Underground Line Guides. [4 July 2008].