Template:Infobox organization
類型 | 维基媒体信息框模板[*] |
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{{Infobox organization}}是供组织类条目使用的信息框模板。
{{{native_name}}} | |
[[File:{{{logo}}}|{{{logo_size}}}|alt={{{logo_alt}}}|{{{logo_alt}}}]] {{{logo_caption}}} | |
[[File:{{{image}}}|{{{image_size}}}|alt={{{alt}}}|{{{alt}}}]] {{{caption}}} | |
[[File:{{{map}}}|{{{map_size}}}|alt={{{map_alt}}}|{{{map_alt}}}]] {{{map_caption}}} | |
[[File:{{{map2}}}|{{{map2_size}}}|alt={{{map2_alt}}}|{{{map2_alt}}}]] {{{map2_caption}}} | |
原稱 | {{{formerly}}} / {{{former_name}}} |
簡稱 | {{{abbreviation}}} |
命名缘由 | {{{named_after}}} |
前身机构 | {{{predecessor}}} |
合併自 | {{{merger}}} |
成立時間 | {{{formation}}} |
創始人 | {{{founder}}} / {{{founders}}} |
創始地 | {{{founding_location}}} |
撤销 | {{{dissolved}}} / {{{extinction}}} |
併入 | {{{merged}}} |
后继机构 | {{{successor}}} |
類型 | {{{type}}} |
{{{tax_id}}} / {{{vat_id}}} | |
法律地位 | {{{status}}} |
專業頭銜 | {{{professional_title}}} |
總部 | {{{headquarters}}} |
地址 |
其他地址 |
坐標 | {{{coordinates}}} |
起源 | {{{origins}}} |
產品 | {{{products}}} / {{{product}}} |
服務 | {{{services}}} |
服务地区 | {{{region_served}}} / {{{region}}} / {{{area_served}}} |
方法 | {{{methods}}} / {{{method}}} |
領域 | {{{fields}}} / {{{field}}} |
會員 ({{{_year}}}) | {{{membership}}} |
官方語言 | {{{language}}} / {{{languages}}} |
隸屬 | {{{affiliations}}} |
所有者 | {{{owner}}} / {{{owners}}} |
秘書長 | {{{sec_gen}}} / {{{gen_sec}}} |
{{{leader_title}}} | {{{leader_name}}} |
{{{leader_title2}}} | {{{leader_name2}}} |
{{{leader_title3}}} | {{{leader_name3}}} |
{{{leader_title4}}} | {{{leader_name4}}} |
董事 | {{{board_of_directors}}} |
重要人物 | {{{key_people}}} |
机关刊物 | {{{main_organ}}} / {{{publication}}} |
上級組織 | {{{parent_organization}}} / {{{parent_organisation}}} |
分支機構 | {{{subsidiaries}}} |
脫離 | {{{secessions}}} |
預算({{{_year}}}) | {{{budget}}} |
收入({{{_year}}}) | {{{revenue}}} |
支出({{{_year}}}) | {{{disbursements}}} |
捐款 | {{{endowment}}} |
員工数 ({{{_year}}}) | {{{staff}}} |
志願者数({{{_year}}}) | {{{volunteers}}} |
標語 | {{{motto}}} |
目標 | {{{purpose}}} |
獎項 | {{{awards}}} |
{{{module}}} | |
備註 | {{{remarks}}} |
{{{footnotes}}} |
{{Infobox organization
|name = <!-- 名称,必需 -->
|original_name = <!-- 原始名称,如果该组织名称非中文,而上一个参数写的是中文时,用来补充说明 -->
|image = <!-- 组织标记图片 -->
|image_border = <!-- 另一个图片,用于分隔上一个参数中图片和下面各项参数 -->
|size = <!-- 图片宽度,默认值:200px -->
|border = <!-- 图片边框,yes为有,默认为无 -->
|caption = <!-- 图片标题 -->
|map = <!-- 地图图片 -->
|msize = <!-- 地图宽度,默认值:250px -->
|mcaption = <!-- 地图标题 -->
|abbreviation = <!-- 简称 -->
|motto = <!-- 组织宣言 -->
|formation = <!-- 成立时间 -->
|founder = <!-- 创始人 -->
|extinction = <!-- 解散时间 -->
|type = <!-- 组织类型(如:政府机构,[[非政府组织]],政府间国际组织等) -->
|status = <!-- 地位(如:临时机构,特别机构,协会,基金会,隸屬層級等) -->
|purpose = <!-- 组织目標(如:保护环境,促进贸易等) -->
|headquarters = <!-- 总部地点 -->
|location = <!-- 组织所在地 -->
|region_served = <!-- 服务区域 -->
|membership = <!-- 會員數 -->
|language = <!-- 工作语言 -->
|leader_title = <!-- 领导人职位名称(如:主席,秘书长等) -->
|leader_name = <!-- 领导人姓名 -->
|main_organ = <!-- 主要运行机构(如:董事会,办公室等) -->
|parent_organization = <!-- 上级组织 -->
|affiliations = <!-- 附属或分支组织 -->
|num_staff = <!-- 雇员人数 -->
|num_volunteers = <!-- 志愿者人数 -->
|budget = <!-- 预算 -->
|website = <!-- 网站 -->
|remarks = <!-- 注释 -->
{{Infobox organization
| name = <!-- defaults to {{PAGENAME}}, if not provided -->
| full_name =
| native_name = <!-- organization's name in its local language -->
| native_name_lang = <!-- required ISO 639-1 code of the above native language -->
| logo =
| logo_size =
| logo_alt =
| logo_caption =
| image =
| image_size =
| alt = <!-- see [[WP:ALT]] -->
| caption =
| map = <!-- map image -->
| map_size = <!-- defaults to 250px -->
| map_alt =
| map_caption =
| map2 = <!-- 2nd map image, if required -->
| map2_size =
| map2_alt =
| map2_caption =
| abbreviation =
| nickname =
| pronounce =
| pronounce ref =
| pronounce comment =
| pronounce 2 =
| named_after =
| motto =
| predecessor =
| merged = <!-- any other organization(s) which it was merged into -->
| successor =
| formation = <!-- or |established = --><!-- use {{start date and age|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
| founder = <!-- or |founders = -->
| founding_location =
| dissolved = <!-- or |defunct = --><!-- use {{end date and age|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
| merger = <!-- other organizations (if any) merged with, to constitute the new organization -->
| type = <!-- e.g., [[Nonprofit organization|Nonprofit]], [[Non-governmental organization|NGO]], etc. -->
| tax_id = <!-- or |vat_id = (for European organizations) -->
| registration_id = <!-- for non-profits -->
| status = <!-- legal status or description (company, charity, foundation, etc.) -->
| purpose = <!-- or |focus = --><!-- humanitarian, activism, peacekeeping, etc. -->
| professional_title = <!-- for professional associations -->
| headquarters =
| location_city =
| location_country =
| location_city2 =
| location_country2 =
| addnl_location_city =
| addnl_location_country =
| addnl_location_city2 =
| addnl_location_country2 =
| coordinates = <!-- {{coord|LAT|LON|display=inline,title}} -->
| origins =
| region_served = <!-- or |area_served = or |region = -->
| products = <!-- or |product = -->
| services =
| methods = <!-- or |method = -->
| fields = <!-- or |field = -->
| membership = <!-- number of members -->
| membership_year = <!-- year to which membership numbers/data apply -->
| language = <!-- or |languages = --><!-- any official language or languages used -->
| owner = <!-- or |owners = -->
| sec_gen = <!-- or |gen_sec for General Secretary -->
| leader_title = <!-- defaults to "Leader" -->
| leader_name =
| leader_title2 =
| leader_name2 =
| leader_title3 =
| leader_name3 =
| leader_title4 =
| leader_name4 =
| board_of_directors =
| key_people =
| main_organ = <!-- or |publication = --><!-- organization's principal body (assembly, committee, board, etc.) or publication -->
| parent_organization = <!-- or |parent_organisation = -->
| subsidiaries =
| secessions =
| affiliations =
| budget =
| budget_year =
| revenue =
| revenue_year =
| disbursements =
| expenses =
| expenses_year =
| endowment =
| endowment_year =
| funding = <!-- source of funding e.g. for "think tanks" -->
| staff =
| staff_year =
| volunteers =
| volunteers_year =
| students =
| students_year =
| awards =
| website = <!-- {{URL|example.com}} -->
| remarks =
| formerly = <!-- or |former_name = -->
| footnotes =
| bodystyle =