第一、文意模糊不清,出現錯譯或誤譯情況。例如「摩理臣認為是次轉會對劍橋聯十分有利,因為他可能約滿自由轉會。」這句完全令人摸不著頭腦,我要看原文才明白在說什麼,參見「Pleased at joining Leicester, Morrison believed his transfer was in the best interests of Cambridge, who could have lost him on a free transfer.」。另一例子,「由於主教練尼格爾·皮爾遜在球員時代司職後衞,因此摩理臣視他為導師」,翻譯後這句不合邏輯,而且也略為扭曲了原文意思,參見「He saw manager Nigel Pearson as his mentor due to his past experience as a defender.」。再一例子,原文為「Happy to fight for a first-team spot in the 2009–10 season,[15] Morrison's squad number was changed from 15 to 4」,卻被譯成「摩理臣的球衣號碼由15號改為4號,並努力爭取入選正選陣容」,此處的翻譯完全錯誤,文意完全被扭曲。另外,「 first choice centre-half」首席/首選中堅,竟被誤譯成「主力後衞」,雖然問題不大但也必須指出。
第二、這篇條目必然是譯自英文版,不過卻有不少漏譯情況,例如「He returned to the first-team line-up in November 2008 after Patrick Kisnorbo was ruled out by injury」是講述他重返一隊的位置的原因,如此重要的事實豈能漏譯? 另一例,原文「On 6 October 2009, Morrison signed a two-year contract extension with Leicester, keeping him at the club until June 2012」,是講述該球員與球會續約,是很重要的一項事實,難以理解為何漏譯。
第三、亦有不少文句不太通順 (但這個並不是主要問題,因此可忽略),例如在一句句子連續使用兩次「並」,見「……並以2-0取勝,並在2009年1月24日對哈特斯菲爾德賽事……」。另一例,「and kept his place thereafter」卻譯成「此後他保住正選位置」,翻譯沒錯但語境有錯,宜改寫修飾。