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“天聖壇” 這家廟宇的形成、發展和旺盛,可不僅僅是一家道教廟宇這麼簡單,還經歷了從政治動蕩不安到國家繁榮昌盛的這個歷史過程的同步發展
第一所庙宇设立包公文物展 在新加坡天圣坛是第一所设立包公文物展的庙宇。文物展中展示的物品包括来自中国开封包公祠与安徽合肥的香炉,神主牌,官袍,官帽,尚方宝剑,包公氏谱(24册),书籍,纪念品,包公晚年彩色瓷像,开封府题名碑(仿制品)和复制的三口铡刀等。
Tien Sen Tua Worshipping His Excellency Bao
Tien Sen Tua Temple worships His Excellency Bao as the main deity, which boasts a history of more than 60 years. In the early days, Tien Sen Tua Temple was located at “four and a half milestones” in Hougang village with devotees mainly from the village itself. As time passes by, Tien Sen Tua Temple grew and participated in numerous cultural and charity events. Such participation was to showcase His Excellency Bao’s spirit and to reach out to the needy. Many years later, members registered Tien Sen Tua Temple as a formal community organization. Out of respect to His Excellency Bao, members did not want to address the temple by his name. They sought out advice from a scholar, who suggested “Tian Sheng” for the temple’s name. This was because His Excellency Bao took his examination and qualify as a scholar in the year AD 1027, which was also known as “Ren Zong Tian Sheng” fifth year. It also signifies the peace and prosperity brought by the new government like how it was during the Northern Song Dynasty, “Song Renzong” era. Similarly, it praises His Excellency Bao as the “Saint of Heaven”. The development and success of Tien Sen Tua Temple was not as simple as how it is setting up a temple today. It has undergone transition from the country when it was in a political turmoil, to how prosperous it is today.
Being the First Temple to set up His Excellency Bao’s exhibition centre
Tien Sen Tua Temple is the first temple in Singapore, to have an exhibition centre dedicated to His Excellency Bao. It showcases artefacts like the urn from “Kaifeng” and “Hefei” tablet, official robe, official hat, imperial sword, documented lineage history (24 books), souvenirs, porcelain figurines, a replica of Kaifeng’s title stone, 3 sets of guillotines and many more.
A temple worshipping two deities
Tien Sen Tua Temple developed from a small temple back then, into today’s four storey high grand temple. A unique piece of history of the temple would be that it used to be a temple with 2 different temple names. It was used to be a temple dedicated to the Great Sage during the 1940s. It was because of a dream from His Excellency Bao to a member of the temple which started the worshipping of His Excellency Bao. To preserve its roots, the temple kept the altar for the Great Sage while worshipping His Excellency Bao. Therefore, the temple carried two title boards for quite a period, one for the Great Sage, while the other was His Excellency Bao.
林澤連和天聖壇: Mr Lim Teck Lian and Tien Sen Tua Temple
在林泽連的領導下,天聖壇經歷數大變遷: 1990年,後港4英里半的舊廟址被征用,遷移到楊厝港8英里。 1994年,購置巴耶利峇路地段現址,與賜福宮聯合興建新廟。 1995年,林澤連帶領天聖壇訪問團,前往中國安徽省合肥市,及河南省開封市兩地,參觀包公的史跡與包公祠、包公墓園,與包公研究會的負責人交流,收集文物資料。 1996年4月,新廟落成,林澤連與理事會籌辦晋宮典禮、也主辦系列包公文物展和座談會,參與的嘉賓包括海內外的學者與學術團體。 1999年,包公1000週年誕辰紀念,林澤連率團到中國開封和合肥,出席盛典及參加包公學術研討會。 2004年,天聖壇進行擴建4層樓工程。 2005年,擴建的4層樓廟宇落成,在林澤連的倡導下,3樓辟為包公文物展,是本地首間設立包公歷史文物展的廟宇。曾擔任社會慈善公益,作出巨大的貢獻。過後,因年老健康理由,卸下天聖壇主席職務,改任永久榮譽主席。 2012年5月間,林澤連病逝,享年75歲,他獻身天聖壇半個世紀,策劃天聖壇的發展,貢獻巨大 林澤連是位殷實商人,熱心道教事業,加上交遊廣闊,重信諾,在道教界享有聲譽。林澤連的次子,現任天聖壇主持林東龍說,父親病情惡化時,仍對天聖壇耿耿於懷,要大家同心協力,把廟管理好。據他所知,父親生前曾多次帶領訪問團,到中國安徽省合肥市,及河南省開封市,參觀包公的史跡、墓園、收集文物資料及參與包公學術研討會,對推動包公歷史文化傳承,可說不予餘力。
Mr Lim Teck Lian and Tien Sen Tua Temple
Tien Sen Tua Temple is one of the local temple with a long history. Dating back more than 70 years, it was at first a simple, little temple situated at “four and a half milestones” Hougang village. Today, the temple develops to a majestic four storey building, much to the credit of the late Mr Lim Teck Lian, its former chairman. Without Mr Lim Teck Lian, Tien Sen Tua Temple would not have come this far. In the beginning, it was just a temple with a zinc roof, situated in a village at “four and a half milestones” in Hougang village. In the 1960s the late Mr Lim Teck Lian discussed with members of the temple and formally rename the whole temple to dedicate it to Temple of His Excellency Bao. They had successfully sought the approval of the Great Sage in divinations before changing the title, and subsequently formally registered it as Tien Sen Tua of His Excellency Bao. Such was its origin.
Previous Chairman of Taoist Federation (Singapore)
Mr Lim Teck Lian had assumed important appointments of many societies, including the chairman of Taoist Federation (Singapore), the chairman of Tien Sen Tua Temple, the Change of “Chee Yew Huey”, hence contributed greatly to the promotion of Taoism and other social charity activities. Due to the state of his health in the later age, he relinquished the appointment of the chairman of Tien Sen Tua Temple, and assumed the appointment of Honorary Chairman. In May 2012, Mr Lim Teck Lian passed on at the age of 75. He delegated his life to the growth of Tien Sen Tua Temple for half a century, contributing greatly to its development.
A Pragmatic Entrepreneur with Integrity
Mr Lim Teck Lian was a pragmatic entrepreneur who was devoted to the development of Taoism affairs. Coupling with the fact that he was a man of integrity, and has also enjoyed a vast circle of social network, he made a good name in the Taoist fraternity. Mr Tony Lim, the second son of the late Mr Lim Teck Lian, said that in those days when the health condition of the senior Mr Lim deteriorated, he remained concerned with the daily operations of the temple, wishing that it will be properly managed by the management team. Mr Tony Lim said that his late father had led delegations to Hefei City and Kaifeng City of Henan Province several times to pay visits to the historical sites and park cemetery of His Excellency Bao. He also collected cultural relics and participated in seminars, contributing relentlessly to the continuation of cultural heritage of His Excellency Bao.
三壇玄门:林东龙:The Grand Master Tony Lim Of San Tan Xuan Men
道教世家 严父名师
灵根美玉 大道持生
海外交流 学无止境
Grand Master Tony Lim Of San Tan Xuan Men
A Family of Taoist History, a Strict Father and a Reputed Master
Master Tony Lim, who is the current Chief Master of Tien Sen Tua Temple comes from a Taoist family. Build on the foundation he has learn from his late father, he went under the wing of a famous “San Tan” teacher, and successfully mastered the mystical skills of the “San Tan”. With the foundation and knowledge from his late father and teacher, through decades of hard work and perseverance, Master Lim have established “San Tan Xuan Men” in 2010, practicing Taoist rituals officially as “San Tan Xuan Long Fa Tan”.
Up to today, Master Tony Lim have about a hundred students and disciples in Singapore, and the numbers are increasing by the day. He selects his students with stringent requirements, looking at their innate quality, perseverance, and diligence. With his incessant effort in providing training to the disciples, Tien Sen Tua Temple is also known as the Taoist temple in Singapore to have the most number of mediums.
A Superior Innate Quality with High Spiritual Roots, the Grand Knowledge Shall Perpetuate
Master Tony Lim inherits the knowledge in talisman and incantation from his “San Tan” teacher, and ritual knowledge from the previous Chief Master of Tien Sen Tua Temple.
With fine guidance from great teachers, he is a well learn and experience Taoist practitioner with a noble character. He is also sincere, righteous, well-loved and trusted by the devotees, both locally and overseas.
Exchanging Experience with Overseas Counterparts, Learning is Boundless
To promote Taoism and the temple, Master Tony Lim have visited Mainland China, Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Korea, to keep in contact with other Taoist organizations exchange knowledge with each other, to foster the relationship with them. Even up till today, he still maintains contact with them.
Nicknamed the Dragon of His Excellency Bao
As the main deity worship in Tien Sen Tua Temple is His Excellency Bao, and being the chief medium, Master Tony Lim was nicknamed the “Dragon of His Excellency Bao”, the first to enjoy such an alias connected with His Excellency Bao in the local Taoist fraternity.
Even though a nickname is meant to sneer, it is used with utmost respect in this case, as His Excellency is one of the most revered figure in Chinese history. Therefore, a nickname connected with His Excellency Baois in reflection the high integrity of the person being so named.