在理论物理学中,AdS/CMT对偶(英語:AdS/CMT correspondence),全称反德西特/凝聚体理论对偶(英語:Anti-de Sitter/condensed matter theory correspondence)是指通过利用AdS/CFT对偶将弦理论应用到凝聚体理论中。
[编辑]尽管许多物理学家开始使用弦论的方法来研究凝聚体物理学,一些这个领域的理论家对AdS/CFT对偶是否能为建立现实世界中系统的模型提供有效工具。在给《今日物理》(Physics Today)的一封信中,诺贝尔物理学奖获得者菲利普·安德森写道:[3]
“ | 凝聚体理论中的AdS/CFT方法是一个非常宽泛的话题,我们可以关注最初的引导者“CFT”——共形场论。凝聚体问题总体上既不是相对论性的也不是共形的。在临近量子临界点时,时间和空间可能发生缩放,但是尽管这样我们还是有更好的坐标系,通常是晶格。有一些证据表明奇异金属左侧的其他线性T相与他们的推测可能相符,但是这种情况下凝聚体问题又是由实验事实超定的。[4] | ” |
[编辑]- ^ Merali 2011, p.303
- ^ Sachdev 2013, p.51
- ^ Anderson, Philip. Strange connections to strange metals. Physics Today. [14 August 2013]. (原始内容存档于2013-08-15).
- ^ As a very general problem with the AdS/CFT approach in condensed-matter theory, we can point to those telltale initials "CFT"—conformal field theory. Condensed-matter problems are, in general, neither relativistic nor conformal. Near a quantum critical point, both time and space may be scaling, but even there we still have a preferred coordinate system and, usually, a lattice. There is some evidence of other linear-T phases to the left of the strange metal about which they are welcome to speculate, but again in this case the condensed-matter problem is overdetermined by experimental facts.
[编辑]- Merali, Zeeya. Collaborative physics: string theory finds a bench mate. Nature. 2011, 478 (7369): 302–304. Bibcode:2011Natur.478..302M. PMID 22012369. doi:10.1038/478302a.
- Sachdev, Subir. Strange and stringy. Scientific American. 2013, 308 (44): 44. Bibcode:2012SciAm.308a..44S. doi:10.1038/scientificamerican0113-44.
- Sachdev, Subir. Condensed matter and AdS/CFT. 2010. arXiv:1002.2947