毛鼻鯰科![]() | |
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科学分类 ![]() | |
界: | 动物界 Animalia |
门: | 脊索动物门 Chordata |
纲: | 辐鳍鱼綱 Actinopteri |
目: | 鲶形目 Siluriformes |
总科: | 甲鯰總科 Loricarioidea |
科: | 毛鼻鯰科 Trichomycteridae Bleeker, 1858 |
屬 | |
見內文 |
- Copionodon elysium de Pinna, Burger & Zanata, 2018[3]
- Copionodon exotatos de Pinna, Abrahão, Reis & Zanata, 2018
- 線紋槳齒鯰 Copionodon lianae Campanario & de Pinna, 2000
- 龍首槳齒鯰 Copionodon orthiocarinatus de Pinna, 1992de Pinna, 1992
- 巴西槳齒鯰 Copionodon pecten de Pinna, 1992
- 巴西鏟鼻鯰 Listrura boticario
- 坎氏鏟鼻鯰 Listrura camposi
- 科斯塔鏟鼻鯰 Listrura costai
- 線翼鏟鼻鯰 Listrura nematopteryx
- 暗黑鏟鼻鯰 Listrura picinguabae
- 南美鏟鼻鯰 Listrura tetraradiata
- 強棘臀斑毛鼻鯰 Pygidianops amphioxus
- 委內瑞拉臀斑毛鼻鯰 Pygidianops cuao
- 艾氏臀斑毛鼻鯰 Pygidianops eigenmanni
- 梅氏臀斑毛鼻鯰 Pygidianops magoi
- 耳絨鼻鯰 Typhlobelus auriculatus
- 委內瑞拉絨鼻鯰 Typhlobelus guacamaya
- 倫氏絨鼻鯰 Typhlobelus lundbergi
- 大絨鼻鯰 Typhlobelus macromycterus
- 特氏絨鼻鯰 Typhlobelus ternetzi
- 阿瑪帕礫毛鼻鯰 Ammoglanis amapaensis
- 巴西礫毛鼻鯰 Ammoglanis diaphanus
- Ammoglanis natgeorum Henschel, Lujan & Baskin, 2020[4]
- Ammoglanis obliquus Henschel, Bragança, Rangel-Pereira & Costa, 2020[5]
- 強壯礫毛鼻鯰 Ammoglanis pulex
- 軟鼻鯰 Malacoglanis gelatinosus
- 巴西小髭鼻鯰 Microcambeva barbata
- Microcambeva bendego de Medeiros, Moreira, de Pinna & Lima, 2020[6]
- 龍狀小髭鼻鯰 Microcambeva draco
- 短小髭鼻鯰 Microcambeva ribeirae
- 肉鼻鯰 Sarcoglanis simplex
- 古氏十字鯰 Stauroglanis gouldingi
- 細柄刺毛鼻鯰 Acanthopoma annectens
- 亞馬遜河毛鼻鯰 Apomatoceros alleni :又稱艾倫氏河毛鼻鯰。
- 委內瑞拉血色乳突鯰 Haemomaster venezuelae
- 澤絲鯰 Henonemus intermedius
- 大眼澤絲鯰 Henonemus macrops
- 斑澤絲鯰 Henonemus punctatus
- 圭亞那澤絲鯰 Henonemus taxistigmus
- 三刺澤絲鯰 Henonemus triacanthopomus
- 安氏同鼻鯰 Homodiaetus anisitsi
- 熱帶同鼻鯰 Homodiaetus banguela
- 巴西同鼻鯰 Homodiaetus graciosa
- 帕氏同鼻鯰 Homodiaetus passareli
- 亞馬遜河大刺毛鼻鯰 Megalocentor echthrus
- 澤生棘蓋鯰 Ochmacanthus alternus
- 蛙口棘蓋鯰 Ochmacanthus batrachostomus
- 圭亞那棘蓋鯰 Ochmacanthus flabelliferus
- 高山棘蓋鯰 Ochmacanthus orinoco
- 萊氏棘蓋鯰 Ochmacanthus reinhardtii
- 小眼鋸頰鯰 Pareiodon microps
- Trichogenes beagle de Pinna, Reis & Britski, 2020[7]
- 密齒鼻鬚鯰 Trichogenes claviger de Pinna, Helmer, Britski & Nunes, 2010[7]
- 長翼鼻鬚鯰 Trichogenes longipinnis Britski & Ortega, 1983[7]
- 馬氏泡鼻鯰 Bullockia maldonadoi (Eigenmann, 1920),基异名:Hatcheria maldonadoi Eigenmann, 1920
- 馬氏沙毛鼻鯰 Eremophilus mutisii Humboldt, 1805
- 馬氏孵器鯰 Hatcheria macraei (Girard, 1855),基异名:Thrichomycterus macraei Girard, 1855
- 哥倫比亞莖鼻鯰 Rhizosomichthys totae (Miles, 1942),基异名:Pygidium totae Miles, 1942
- 扁頭微腺叉牙鯰 Miuroglanis platycephalus Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889
- 叉齒毛鼻鯰 Tridens melanops Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889
- 短擬叉齒毛鼻鯰 Tridensimilis brevis
- 委內瑞拉擬叉齒毛鼻鯰 Tridensimilis venezuelae
- 卡氏小叉齒毛鼻鯰 Tridentopsis cahuali
- 亞馬遜河小叉齒毛鼻鯰 Tridentopsis pearsoni
- 托氏小叉齒毛鼻鯰 Tridentopsis tocantinsi
- 副棘蓋鯰 Paracanthopoma parva
[编辑]Cambeva Katz, Barbosa, Mattos & Costa, 2018
- Cambeva alphabelardense Costa, Feltrin & Katz, 2022
- Cambeva barbosae Costa, Feltrin & Katz, 2021
- Cambeva betabelardense Costa, Feltrin & Katz, 2022
- Cambeva botuvera Costa, Feltrin & Katz, 2021
- Cambeva cauim Reis, Ferrer & da Graca, 2021
- Cambeva diffusa E., M.Costa, Feltrin & Katz, 2021
- Cambeva duplimaculata E., M.Costa, Feltrin & Katz, 2021
- Cambeva flavopicta Costa, Feltrin & Katz, 2020[8]
- Cambeva gamabelardense [9]
- Cambeva grisea E., M.Costa, Feltrin & Katz, 2021
- Cambeva guareiensis Katz & Costa, 2020
- Cambeva horacioi Reis, Frota, Fabrin & Graça, 2019
- Cambeva imaruhy E., M.Costa, Feltrin & Katz, 2021
- Cambeva longipalata E., M.Costa, Feltrin & Katz, 2021
- Cambeva notabilis E., M.Costa, Feltrin & Katz, 2021
- Cambeva orbitofrontalis E., M.Costa, Feltrin & Katz, 2021
- Cambeva panthera E., M.Costa, Feltrin & Katz, 2021
- Cambeva pascuali (Ochoa, Silva, Costa e Silva, Oliveira & Datovo, 2017)
- Cambeva pericoh E., M.Costa, Feltrin & Katz, 2021
- Cambeva urubici E., M.Costa, Feltrin & Katz, 2021
- Cambeva ytororo (Terán, Ferrer, Benitez, Alonso, Aguilera & Mirande, 2017)
Rhinotridens 屬
[编辑]- Rhinotridens chromocaudatus Datovo, Ochoa, Vita, Presti, Ohara & de Pinna, 2023[10]
[编辑]- ^ Family Trichomycteridae (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆),FishBase (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆),2014-11-4 查阅。
- ^ Trichomycteridae. GBIF. [2023-05-22]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-04).
- ^ Mario de Pinna, Rafael Burger and Angela Maria Zanata. 2018. A New Species of Copionodon lacking a free orbital rim (Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae). Neotrop. ichthyol. 16(2); DOI: 10.1590/1982-0224-20170146
- ^ Elisabeth Henschel, Nathan K. Lujan and Jonathan N. Baskin. 2020. Ammoglanis natgeorum, A New Miniature Pencil Catfish (Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae) from the lower Atabapo River, Amazonas, Venezuela. Journal of Fish Biology. DOI: 10.1111/jfb.14515
- ^ Elisabeth Henschel, Pedro H. N. Bragança, Filipe Rangel-Pereira and Wilson J. E. M. Costa. 2020. A New Psammophilic Species of the Ccatfish Genus Ammoglanis (Siluriformes, Trichomycteridae) from the Amazon River Basin, northern Brazil. Zoosystematics and Evolution. 96(1): 67-72. DOI: 10.3897/zse.96.48952
- ^ Lucas Silva de Medeiros, Cristiano Rangel Moreira, Mario de Pinna and Sergio M. Q. Lima. 2020. A New Catfish Species of Microcambeva Costa & Bockmann 1994 (Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae) from A Coastal Basin in Rio de Janeiro State, southeastern Brazil. Zootaxa. 4895(1); 111–123. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4895.1.6
- ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 Mário de Pinna, Vinícius Reis and Heraldo Britski. 2020. A New Species of Trichogenes (Siluriformes, Trichomycteridae), with A Discussion on the Homologies of the Anterior Orbital Bones in Trichomycterids and Other Loricarioids. American Museum Novitates. 3951; 1-27. DOI: doi.org/10.1206/3951.1
- ^ Wilson J. E. M. Costa, Caio R. M. Feltrin and Axel M. Katz. 2020. A New Species from subtropical Brazil and Evidence of Multiple Pelvic Fin Losses in Catfishes of the Genus Cambeva (Siluriformes, Trichomycteridae). Zoosystematics and Evolution. 96(2): 715-722. DOI: 10.3897/zse.96.56247
- ^ W. J. M. Costa, C. R. M. Feltrin and A. M. Katz. 2022. An Endangered New Catfish Species of the Genus Cambeva (Cambeva gamabelardense n. sp.) (Siluriformes, Trichomycteridae) from the Rio Chapecó drainage, southern Brazil. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. 45.1: 123-129. DOI: 10.32800/abc.2022.45.0123
- ^ lessio Datovo, Luz Ochoa, George Vita, Paulo Presti, William M. Ohara and Mario C. C. de Pinna. 2023. A New Genus and Species of miniature tridentine Catfish from the Amazon Basin (Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae). Neotrop. ichthyol. 21(3); www.ni.bio.br/1982-0224-2023-0076 DOI: 10.1590/1982-0224-2023-0076