特征检测 |
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边缘检测 |
角检测 |
斑点检测 |
脊检测 |
霍夫变换 |
结构张量 |
仿射不变特征检测 |
特征描述 |
尺度空间 |
特征检测(英語:Feature detection)是计算机视觉和图像处理中的一个概念。它指的是使用计算机提取图像信息,决定每个图像的点是否属于一个图像特征。特征检测的结果是把图像上的点分为不同的子集,这些子集往往属于孤立的点、连续的曲线或者连续的区域。
[编辑]- Canny, J., A Computational Approach To Edge Detection, IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 8:679-714, 1986. (Canny edge detection)
- C. Harris and M. Stephens. A combined corner and edge detector (PDF). Proceedings of the 4th Alvey Vision Conference: 147–151. 1988年. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2007-09-16).(Harris/Plessey corner detection)
- S. M. Smith and J. M. Brady. SUSAN - a new approach to low level image processing.. International Journal of Computer Vision. 1997年5月, 23 (1): 45–78页 [2008-05-11]. (原始内容存档于2008-03-13).(The SUSAN corner detector)
- J. Shi and C. Tomasi. Good Features to Track,. 9th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Springer. 1994年6月 [2008-05-11]. (原始内容存档于2008-05-14).(The Shi and Tomasi corner detector)
- M. Trajkovic and M. Hedley. Fast corner detection. Image and Vision Computing. 1998年, 16 (2): 75–87.(The FAST corner detector)
- T. Lindeberg. Feature detection with automatic scale selection. International Journal of Computer Vision. 1998年, 30 (2): 77–116 [2008-05-11]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-07).(Laplacian and determinant of Hessian blob detection as well as automatic scale selection)
- D. Lowe. Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints. International Journal of Computer Vision. 2004年 [2008-05-11]. (原始内容存档于2008-05-10).(DOG blob detection with automatic scale selection)
- J. Matas, O. Chum, M. Urban and T. Pajdla. Robust wide baseline stereo from maximally stable extremum regions (PDF). British Machine Vision Conference: 384–393. 2002年 [2008-05-11]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2011-09-28).(The MSER blob detector)
- T. Lindeberg. Detecting Salient Blob-Like Image Structures and Their Scales with a Scale-Space Primal Sketch: A Method for Focus-of-Attention. International Journal of Computer Vision. 1993年, 11 (3): 283–318 [2008-05-11]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-04).(Grey-level blob detection and scale-space blobs)
- R. Haralick, "Ridges and Valleys on Digital Images," Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing vol. 22, no. 10, pp. 28-38, Apr. 1983. (Ridge detection using facet model)
- J. L. Crowley and A. C. Parker, "A Representation for Shape Based on Peaks and Ridges in the Difference of Low Pass Transform", IEEE Transactions on PAMI, PAMI 6 (2), pp 156-170, March 1984. (Ridge detection based on DOGs)
- D. Eberly , R. Gardner , B. Morse , S. Pizer , C. Scharlach, Ridges for image analysis, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, v.4 n.4, p.353-373, Dec. 1994. (Fixed scale ridge detection)
- T. Lindeberg. Edge detection and ridge detection with automatic scale selection. International Journal of Computer Vision. 1998年, 30 (2): 117–154 [2008-05-11]. (原始内容存档于2006-07-09).(Ridge detection with automatic scale selection)