Balázs Trencsényi | |
出生 | 1973年(51—52歲) 布达佩斯 |
国籍 | 匈牙利 |
學術背景 | |
教育程度 | 博士 |
母校 | 罗兰大学 中欧大学 |
论文 | Discourses of Nationhood in Early Modern Europe(2004) |
博士導師 | László Kontler |
學術工作 | |
學科 | 历史学家 |
副學科 | 思想史 |
研究機構 | 中欧大学 |
特伦切尼·鲍拉日(匈牙利語:Trencsényi Balázs,1973年—)是一位匈牙利历史学家,专长东中欧政治和文化思想史。他是中欧大学历史学系教授,也是Pasts, Inc.历史研究中心的联席主任。[1]
[编辑]特伦切尼·鲍拉日出生于布达佩斯。1997年毕业于罗兰大学历史和哲学专业,获硕士学位。2004年毕业于中欧大学,获历史学博士学位。他的博士论文比较了近代早期匈牙利和英国的民族话语。[2]此后历任中欧大学历史系助理教授、副教授、教授、系主任。[1]他是公共领域史Erasmus Mundus文学硕士项目的学术主任。[3][4]
[编辑]- The Politics of "National Character": A Study in Interwar East European Thought (Routledge, 2012).[9]
- History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe. Volume I: Negotiating Modernity in the "Long Nineteenth Century" by Balázs Trencsényi, Maciej Janowski, Mónika Baár, Maria Falina, and Michal Kopeček (Oxford UP, 2016).[10]
- History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe. Volume II/1: Negotiating Modernity in the "Short Twentieth Century and Beyond" (1918-1968) by Balázs Trencsényi, Maciej Janowski, Mónika Baár, Maria Falina, Luka Lisjak-Gabrijelcic, and Michal Kopeček (Oxford UP, 2018)[11] and II/2: Negotiating Modernity in the "Short Twentieth Century and Beyond" (1968-2018) (Oxford UP, 2018).[12][13]
[编辑]- A politika nyelvei. Eszmetörténeti tanulmányok (The languages of politics. Studies in intellectual history) (Budapest: Argumentum, 2007).
- A nép lelke. Nemzetkarakterológiai viták Kelet-Európában (The spirit of the people. Debates on national characterology in Eastern Europe) (Budapest: Argumentum, 2011).
[编辑]- ^ 1.0 1.1 Balázs Trencsényi | CEU People. people.ceu.edu. [2023-02-19]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-02).
- ^ Balász Trencsènyi | Concepta. concepta-net.org. [2023-02-19]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-19).
- ^ Balazs Trencsenyi | CEU Democracy Institute. democracyinstitute.ceu.edu. [2023-02-19]. (原始内容存档于2023-05-27).
- ^ Essential Guide for Studying “History in the Public Sphere” | History in the Public Sphere (HIPS). www.tufs.ac.jp. [2023-06-18]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-18).
- ^ Balazs Trencsenyi. IWM WEBSITE. [2023-02-19]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-19) (英语).
- ^ Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin: Balázs Trencsényi, Ph.D.. Balázs Trencsényi, Ph.D. [2023-02-19] (美国英语).
- ^ Professor Balázs Trencsényi. www.imre-kertesz-kolleg.uni-jena.de. [2023-02-19]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-19) (英国英语).
- ^ Balazs Trencsenyi. Balazs Trencsenyi. [2023-02-19]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-19) (de-DE).
- ^ The Politics of National Character: A Study in Interwar East European Thought. Routledge & CRC Press. [2023-02-19]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-19) (英语).
- ^ Trencsényi, Balázs; Janowski, Maciej; Baar, Monika; Falina, Maria; Kopecek, Michal; Trencsényi, Balázs; Janowski, Maciej; Baar, Monika; Falina, Maria. A History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe: Volume I: Negotiating Modernity in the 'Long Nineteenth Century'. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press. 2016-02-25 [2023-06-18]. ISBN 978-0-19-873714-8. (原始内容存档于2023-02-20).
- ^ Trencsényi, Balázs; Kopeček, Michal; Gabrijelčič, Luka Lisjak; Falina, Maria; Baár, Mónika; Janowski, Maciej; Trencsényi, Balázs; Kopeček, Michal; Gabrijelčič, Luka Lisjak. A History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe: Volume II: Negotiating Modernity in the 'Short Twentieth Century' and Beyond, Part I: 1918-1968. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press. 2018-11-01 [2023-06-18]. ISBN 978-0-19-873715-5. (原始内容存档于2023-02-20).
- ^ Trencsenyi, Balázs; Kopeček, Michal; Gabrijelčič, Luka Lisjak; Falina, Maria; Baár, Mónika; Trencsenyi, Balázs; Kopeček, Michal; Gabrijelčič, Luka Lisjak; Falina, Maria. A History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe: Volume II: Negotiating Modernity in the 'Short Twentieth Century' and Beyond, Part II: 1968-2018. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press. 2018-11-01 [2023-06-18]. ISBN 978-0-19-882960-7. (原始内容存档于2023-02-20).
- ^ Trencsényi, Balázs. Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, v.v.i. [2023-06-18]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-20).