戴廷龍(英語:Tinglong Dai),美國約翰·霍普金斯大學商學院的伯納德·T·法拉利講席教授,以及運營管理與商業分析學教授[1][2][3][4],專精於管理科學,兴趣涉及美國醫療系統[5][6] [7][8][9][10] [11], 人工智能[12] [13] [14] [15] [16][17], 全球供應鏈[18][19] [20] [21] [22], 市場運營[23][24][25][26] ,以及線上平臺[27]。
[编辑]戴廷龍于2004年畢業於同濟大学自動化系。2006年於香港科技大學獲工業工程及工業管理學系(現名“工業工程及決策分析學系”)哲學碩士學位[28]。 2007年至2013年期間師從史泰佑及斯凱洛,获卡內基梅隆大學商學院及機器人研究所聯合授予哲學博士学位。2013年起,獲聘為約翰·霍普金斯大學[1]助理教授,之後於2018年晉升為副教授。2021年起戴廷龍成為終身正教授。2024年,他被任命為首任伯納德·T·法拉利講席教授[29]。商業教育網站Poets & Quants將他評為世界最佳 40 位 40 歲以下商學院教授[30][31]。
戴廷龍于2012年获美國運營管理學會 (POMS)最佳醫療管理論文獎[32]。 2012年獲國際運籌學與管理科學學會 (INFORMS)皮尔斯卡拉獎(Pierskalla Award)第二名[33]。 他于2015年及2020年兩度以精準醫學相關的跨学科研究獲約翰·霍普金斯大學發現獎(The Johns Hopkins Discovery Award)[34][35][36]。2017年戴廷龍獲國際運籌學與管理科學學會 (INFORMS)公共部門最佳論文獎[37]。
戴廷龍和史泰佑編著的Handbook of Healthcare Analytics: Theoretical Minimum for Conducting 21st Century Research on Healthcare Operations由約翰威立於2018年出版[38]。此書乃全世界第一部關於醫療運營分析的學術手冊。
[编辑]- ^ 1.0 1.1 Tinglong Dai, PhD, Johns Hopkins. carey.jhu.edu. June 2024 [November 25, 2024].
- ^ Rebecca Robbins. Walgreens Not Following U.S. Guidance on Pfizer Vaccine Spacing. The New York Times. April 5, 2021 [May 2, 2021]. (原始内容存档于2021-08-01).
- ^ Fenit Nirappil. Partners in pot: Maryland marijuana businesses seek novel collaborations. The Washington Post. December 26, 2015 [September 8, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-18).
- ^ McDaniels, Andrea K. Maryland insurers say Trump Administration to cut health payments destabilizes market. Baltimore Sun. 2018-07-09 [2018-07-11]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-15) (美国英语).
- ^ Dai, Tinglong; Tayur, Sridhar. OM Forum—Healthcare Operations Management: A Snapshot of Emerging Research. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 2020, 22 (5): 869–887. ISSN 1523-4614. doi:10.1287/msom.2019.0778.
- ^ Dai, Tinglong; Cho, Soo-Haeng; Zhang, Fuqiang. Contracting for On-Time Delivery in the U.S. Influenza Vaccine Supply Chain. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 2016, 18 (3): 332–346. ISSN 1523-4614. doi:10.1287/msom.2015.0574.
- ^ Dai, Tinglong; Zheng, Ronghuo; Sycara, Katia. Jumping the Line, Charitably: Analysis and Remedy of Donor-Priority Rule. Management Science. 2020, 66 (2): 622–641. ISSN 0025-1909. doi:10.1287/mnsc.2018.3266.
- ^ Wang, Guihua; Zheng, Ronghuo; Dai, Tinglong. Does Transportation Mean Transplantation? Impact of New Airline Routes on Sharing of Cadaveric Kidneys. Management Science. 2021-07-09 [2021-09-05]. ISSN 0025-1909. doi:10.1287/mnsc.2021.4103. (原始内容存档于2021-09-05).
- ^ Dai, Tinglong; Song, Jing-Sheng. Transforming COVID-19 vaccines into vaccination. Health Care Management Science. 2021-09-01, 24 (3): 455–459. ISSN 1572-9389. PMC 8206869
. PMID 34132977. doi:10.1007/s10729-021-09563-3 (英语).
- ^ Dai, Tinglong; Singh, Shubhranshu. Conspicuous by Its Absence: Diagnostic Expert Testing Under Uncertainty. Marketing Science. 2020-01-23, 39 (3): 540–563 [2021-09-05]. ISSN 0732-2399. doi:10.1287/mksc.2019.1201. (原始内容存档于2021-09-05).
- ^ Dai, Tinglong; Akan, Mustafa; Tayur, Sridhar. Imaging Room and Beyond: The Underlying Economics Behind Physicians’ Test-Ordering Behavior in Outpatient Services. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 2017, 19 (1): 99–113. ISSN 1523-4614. doi:10.1287/msom.2016.0594.
- ^ Abramoff, Michael; Dai, Tinglong; Zou, James. Scaling Adoption of Medical Artificial Intelligence: Reimbursement from Value-Based Care and Fee-for-Service Perspectives. NEJM AI. 2024, 1 (5): AIpc2400083 [25 November 2024]. doi:10.1056/AIpc2400083.
- ^ Dai, Tinglong; Abramoff, Michael. Incorporating Artificial Intelligence into Healthcare Workflows: Models and Insights. INFORMS (编). INFORMS TutORials in Operations Research. 2023: 133–155 [25 November 2024].
- ^ Dai, Tinglong; Tayur, Sridhar. Designing AI-augmented Healthcare Delivery Systems for Physician Buy-in and Patient Acceptance. Production and Operations Management. 2022, 31 (12): 4443–4451 [25 November 2024]. doi:10.1111/poms.13850.
- ^ Abramoff, Michael D.; Whitestone, Noelle; Patnaik, Jennifer L.; Rich, Emily; Ahmed, Munir; Husain, Lutful; Hassan, Mohammad Yeadul; Tanjil, Md. Sajidul Huq; Weitzman, Dena; Dai, Tinglong; Wagner, Brandie D.; Cherwek, David H.; Congdon, Nathan; Islam, Khairul. Autonomous Artificial Intelligence Increases Real-World Specialist Clinic Productivity in a Cluster-Randomized Trial. npj Digital Medicine. 2023, 6: 184 [25 November 2024]. doi:10.1038/s41746-023-00931-7.
- ^ Dai, Tinglong; Singh, Shubhranshu. Conspicuous by Its Absence: Diagnostic Expert Testing Under Uncertainty. Marketing Science. 2020, 39 (3): 540–563 [25 November 2024]. doi:10.1287/mksc.2019.1201.
- ^ Zheng, Ronghuo; Dai, Tinglong; Sycara, Katia; Chakraborty, Nilanjan. Automated Multilateral Negotiation on Multiple Issues with Private Information. INFORMS Journal on Computing. 2016, 28 (4): 612–628. ISSN 1091-9856. doi:10.1287/ijoc.2016.0701.
- ^ Dai, Tinglong; Tang, Christopher S. De-risking Global Supply Chains: Looking Beyond Material Flows (PDF). Asia Policy. 2024, 19 (4): 153–176 [25 November 2024]. doi:10.1353/asp.2024.a942841.
- ^ Dai, Tinglong; Tang, Christopher S. Natural Hazards and Supply Chain. Benouar, D. (编). Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Natural Hazard Science. Oxford University Press. 2024 [25 November 2024]. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780199389407.013.512.
- ^ Dai, Tinglong; Lee, Hau L.; Tang, Christopher S. Toward Supply-Chain-Aware ESG Measures. Tang, Christopher S. (编). Responsible and Sustainable Operations. Springer. 2024: 235–252 [25 November 2024]. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-60867-4_15.
- ^ Dai, Tinglong; Tang, Christopher S. Everybody Talks About Made in America. But It Isn’t That Simple. Wall Street Journal. October 23 [25 November 2024].
- ^ Dai, Tinglong; Tang, Christopher S. Integrating ESG Measures and Supply Chain Management: Research Opportunities in the Post-Pandemic Era. Service Science. 2022, 14 (1): 1–12 [25 November 2024]. doi:10.1287/serv.2021.0295.
- ^ Dai, Tinglong; Ke, Rongzhu; Ryan, Christopher Thomas. Incentive Design for Operations-Marketing Multitasking. Management Science. 2020-08-04, 67 (4): 2211–2230 [2021-09-05]. ISSN 0025-1909. doi:10.1287/mnsc.2020.3651. (原始内容存档于2021-09-05).
- ^ Dai, Tinglong; Jerath, Kinshuk. Salesforce Compensation with Inventory Considerations. Management Science. 2013, 59 (11): 2490–2501. ISSN 0025-1909. doi:10.1287/mnsc.2013.1809.
- ^ Dai, Tinglong; Jerath, Kinshuk. Technical Note—Impact of Inventory on Quota-Bonus Contracts with Rent Sharing. Operations Research. 2016, 64 (1): 94–98. ISSN 0030-364X. doi:10.1287/opre.2015.1461.
- ^ Dai, Tinglong; Jerath, Kinshuk. Salesforce Contracting Under Uncertain Demand and Supply: Double Moral Hazard and Optimality of Smooth Contracts. Marketing Science. 2019, 38 (5): 852–870. ISSN 0732-2399. doi:10.1287/mksc.2019.1171.
- ^ Chen, Ying-Ju; Dai, Tinglong; Korpeoglu, C. Gizem; Körpeoğlu, Ersin; Sahin, Ozge; Tang, Christopher S.; Xiao, Shihong. OM Forum—Innovative Online Platforms: Research Opportunities. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 2020, 22 (3): 430–445. ISSN 1523-4614. doi:10.1287/msom.2018.0757.
- ^ Join IE/OM Seminar Incentive Contracting With Operational Considerations. June 2016 [September 8, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2017-01-11).
- ^ “Three marvels” shape a new named professorship in honor of a dean emeritus. Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. February 6, 2024 [November 23, 2024].
- ^ Allen, Nathan. Poets&Quants | Poets&Quants' Best 40-Under-40 Business School Professors Of 2021. Poets&Quants. 2021-05-03 [2021-09-05]. (原始内容存档于2021-09-05) (美国英语).
- ^ Allen, Nathan. Poets&Quants | 2021 Best 40-Under-40 Professors: Tinglong Dai, Johns Hopkins University (Carey). Poets&Quants. 2021-05-03 [2021-09-05]. (原始内容存档于2021-09-05) (美国英语).
- ^ Healthcare Operations Management Best Paper Award (PDF). POMS Chronicle 19 (1). 2012 [September 8, 2016]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2020-01-25).
- ^ Pierskalla Best Paper Award. informs.org. INFORMS. October 2012 [September 8, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2016年5月13日).
- ^ Johns Hopkins Discovery Award. Johns Hopkins University Office of the Provost. 2015 [September 8, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-30).
- ^ Marcia Zimmerman. University creates young faculty awards. The Johns Hopkins News-Letter. September 17, 2015 [September 8, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2017-01-11).
- ^ JHU Honors Three on Carey Faculty. carey.jhu.edu. [2021-09-05]. (原始内容存档于2021-09-05) (英语).
- ^ Public Sector OR Best Paper Competition. Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences. [2018-07-11]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-11) (美国英语).
- ^ Tinglong, Dai; Sridhar, Tayur. Handbook of Healthcare Analytics: Theoretical Minimum for Conducting 21st Century Research on Healthcare Operations. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2018: 464 [2018-07-11]. ISBN 9781119300946. OCLC 1023819244. (原始内容存档于2020-12-06).