土耳其新月(英語:Turkish crescent),又稱鈴鐺樹(德語:Schellenbaum)、中國帽(法語:Chapeau chinois)或中國涼亭(法語:pavillon chinois)、小鈴笠、土耳其月牙鈴,是使用於軍樂隊的一種打擊樂器。有一个饰以伞盖的杆及月牙形和其他样式的顶部,其上挂满小鈴和叮当响的金属片,常用马尾盖在顶上。它可能源于中亚细亚巫师的权杖,在某些情況下,它也可以作為戰爭的獎勵品或榮譽象徵。
[编辑]- 約瑟夫·海頓用於《交響曲第100號》(1794年)。
- 貝多芬據說曾用於《第9號交響曲》。[1][2]
- 埃克托·白遼士用於《葬禮與凱旋交響曲》(1840年)
- 約翰·菲利普·蘇沙的《神秘神殿的貴族》(Nobles of the Mystic Shrine,1923年)也有用到。[3]
[编辑]- ^ "TV review: QI Jingle Bells Christmas edition" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) by Sam Wollaston, The Guardian, 22 December 2012
- ^ Axworthy, Michael. The Sword of Persia: Nader Shah, from Tribal Warrior to Conquering Tyrant. I.B. Tauris. 2006: 96. ISBN 9781850437062.
- ^ Mellers, Wilfrid. Music in a New Found Land: Themes and Developments in the History of American Music. Oxford University Press, USA. 13 Aug 1987: 260 [2011-12-29]. ISBN 0-19-520526-X.
...a special part is written for Turkish Crescent, an arrangement of bells supported on a mace which was carried processionally, to accompany Very Important Persons. The mace had to be twirled by a highly skilled, as well as dignified, performer. Sousa saw a possible connection between this Oriental tradition and the drum-major's twirled baton. Characteristically, the Americans democratized the ritual instrument; they christened it "Jingling Johnnie"!