


列文森圖書獎(Joseph Levenson Book Prize),是美國亚洲研究协会創辦的學術圖書獎項,以英年早逝的美國漢學家列文森命名,每年表揚以英語寫作的優秀中國研究著作,1987年開始頒發。獎分兩個領域:20世紀(1900年)以前的古代中國研究,和1900年以後的現代中國研究。通常每屆只獎勵兩個領域各一本書,但有時會再增加一本佳作獎(honorable mention)。


領域 作者 作品 出版社 中文版
1987 二十世紀以前 魏斐德(Frederic Wakeman Jr.) The Great Enterprise: The Manchu Reconstruction of Imperial Order in Seventeenth Century China University of California Press 1985 《洪業:清朝開國史》(江蘇人民出版社1992)
二十世紀以後 黎安友(Andrew J. Nathan) Chinese Democracy Alfred A. Knopf, 1985 《中國的民主》(臺灣五南圖書公司1994)
1988 二十世紀以前 韓明士(Robert P. Hymes) Statesmen and Gentlemen : the Elite of Fu-chou, Chiang-hsi, in Northern and Southern Sung Cambridge University Press 1986
二十世紀以後 魏昂德(Andrew G. Walder) Communist Neo-traditionalism: Work and Authority in Chinese Industry University of California Press 1986 《共產黨社會的新傳統主義:中國工業中的工作環境和權力結構》(香港牛津大學出版社1996)
1989 二十世紀以前 浦安迪(Andrew H. Plaks) The Four Masterworks of the Ming Novel = Ssu Ta Ch'i-shu Princeton University Press 1987 《明代小說四大奇書》(中國和平出版社1993)
盖博坚(R. Kent Guy) The Emperor's Four Treasuries: Scholars and the State in the Late Ch'ien-lung Era Harvard University Press 1987 《皇帝的四庫:乾隆朝晚期的學者與國家》(中國人民大學出版社2019)
二十世紀以後 周錫瑞(Joseph W. Esherick) The Origins of the Boxer Uprising University of California Press 1987 《义和团运动的起源》(江蘇人民出版社2005)
1990 二十世紀以前 韩南(Patrick Hanan) The Invention of Li yu Harvard University Press 1988 《創造李漁》(上海教育出版社2010)
罗杰瑞(Jerry Norman) Chinese Cambridge University Press 1988 《漢語概說》(語文出版社1995)
二十世紀以後 杜贊奇(Prasenjit Duara) Culture, Power, and the State: Rural North China, 1900-1942 Stanford University Press 1988 《文化、權力與國家:1900-1942年的華北農村》(江蘇人民出版社2003)
1991 二十世紀以前 巫鴻 The Wu Liang Shrine: the Ideology of Early Chinese Pictorial Art Stanford University Press 1989 武梁祠:中國古代畫像藝術的思想性》(三聯書店2006)
二十世紀以後 史謙德(David Strand) Rickshaw Beijing: City People and Politics in the 1920s University of California Press 1989 《北京的人力车夫:1920年代的市民与政治》(江蘇人民出版社2021)
梅爾文·戈爾茨坦(Melvyn C. Goldstein) A History of Modern Tibet, Volume 1: 1913-1951: The Demise of the Lamaist State University of California Press 1989 《喇嘛王國的覆滅》(時事出版社1994)
1992 二十世紀以前 孔飛力(Philip A. Kuhn) Soulstealers: the Chinese Sorcery Scare of 1768 Harvard University Press 1990 叫魂:1768年中國妖術大恐慌》(上海三聯書店1999)
二十世紀以後 黃宗智 The Peasant Family and Rural Development in the Yangzi Delta, 1350-1988 Stanford University Press 1990 《长江三角洲小农家庭与乡村发展》(新華書店1992)
1993 二十世紀以前 包華石(Martin J. Powers) Art & Political Expression in Early China Yale University Press 1991
二十世紀以後 弗里曼(Edward Friedman)、畢克偉(Paul G. Pickowicz)、賽爾登(Mark Selden) Chinese Village, Socialist State Yale University Press 1991 《中国乡村,社会主义国家》(社會科學文獻出版社2002)
1994 二十世紀以前 王瑾 The Story of Stone: Intertextuality, Ancient Chinese Stone Lore, and the Stone Symbolism in Dream of the Red Chamber, Water Margin, and the Journey to the West Duke University Press 1992 《石頭的故事:中國古代傳說與〈紅樓夢〉〈西遊記〉〈水滸傳〉》(上海文藝出版社2023)
張隆溪 The Tao and the Logos: Literary Hermeneutics, East and West Duke University Press 1992 《道與邏各斯》(四川人民出版社1998)
二十世紀以後 班國瑞(Gregor Benton) Mountain Fires: the Red Army's Three-year War in South China, 1934-1938 University of California Press 1992
1995 二十世紀以前 伊佩霞(Patricia Buckley Ebrey) The Inner Quarters: Marriage and the Lives of Chinese Women in the Sung Period University of California Press 1993 《內閨:宋代婦女的婚姻和生活》(江蘇人民出版社2004)
二十世紀以後 Vaclav Smil China's Environmental Crisis: an Inquiry into the Limits of National Development M. E. Sharpe, 1993
1996 二十世紀以前 太史文(Stephen F. Teiser) Scripture on the Ten Kings and the Making of Purgatory in Medieval Chinese Buddhism University of Hawaii Press 1994 《〈十王经〉与中国中世纪佛教冥界的形成》(上海古籍出版社2016)
二十世紀以後 安雅蘭(Julia Frances Andrews) Painters and Politics in the People's Republic of China, 1949-1979 University of California Press 1994
1997 二十世紀以前 何偉亞(James L. Hevia) Cherishing Men from Afar: Qing Guest Ritual and the Macartney Embassy of 1793 Duke University Press 1995 《怀柔远人:马嘎尔尼使华的中英礼仪冲突》(社會科學文獻出版社2002)
二十世紀以後 蕭邦奇(R. Keith Schoppa) Blood Road: the Mystery of Shen Dingyi in Revolutionary China University of California Press 1995 《血路:革命中國中的沈定一(玄廬)傳奇》(江蘇人民出版社1996)
1998 二十世紀以前 畢嘉珍(Maggie Bickford) Ink Plum: the Making of a Chinese Scholar-painting Genre Cambridge University Press 1996 《墨梅:一種文人畫題材的形成》(江蘇人民出版社2012)
二十世紀以後 費約翰(John Fitzgerald) Awakening China: Politics, Culture, and Class in the Nationalist Revolution Stanford University Press 1996 《喚醒中國:國民革命中的政治、文化與階級》(三聯書店2004)
1999 二十世紀以前 曼素恩(Susan L. Mann) Precious Records: Women in China's Long Eighteenth Century Stanford University Press 1997 《綴珍錄:十八世纪及其前後的中國婦女》(江蘇人民出版社2005)
二十世紀以後 马若德(Roderick MacFarquhar) The Origins of the Cultural Revolution 3: the Coming of the Cataclysm 1961-1966 Columbia University Press 1997 文化大革命的起源 第三卷:浩劫的來臨 1961-1966年》(香港新世紀出版社2012)
2000 二十世紀以前 卜正民(Timothy Brook) The Confusions of Pleasure: Commerce and Culture in Ming China University of California Press 1998 《縱樂的困惑:明代的商業與文化》(三聯書店2004)
二十世紀以後 白霖(Lynn T. White, III) Unstately Power, Vol. II: Local Causes of China's Intellectual, Legal, and Governmental Reforms M. E. Sharpe, 1998
2001 二十世紀以前 柯嬌燕(Pamela Kyle Crossley) A Translucent Mirror: History and Identity in Qing Imperial Ideology University of California Press 1999 《半透明鏡:清帝國意識型態下的歷史與認同》(臺灣遠足文化2024)
二十世紀以後 蘇黛瑞(Dorothy J. Solinger) Contesting Citizenship in Urban China: Peasant Migrants, the State, and the Logic of the Market University of California Press 1999 《在中国城市中争取公民权》(浙江人民出版社2009)
2002 二十世紀以前 雷德侯(Lothar Ledderose) Ten Thousand Things: Module and Mass Production in Chinese Art Princeton University Press 2000 《萬物:中國藝術中的模件化和規模化生產》(三聯書店2005)
二十世紀以後 路康樂(Edward J. M. Rhoads) Manchus & Han: Ethnic Relations and Political Power in Late Qing and Early Republican China, 1861-1928 University of Washington Press 2000 《满与汉:清末民初的族群关系与政治权力(1861-1928)》(中國人民大學出版社2010)
2003 二十世紀以前 史嘉伯(David Schaberg) A Patterned Past: Form and Thought in Early Chinese Historiography Harvard University Asia Center 2001
二十世紀以後 畢仰高(Lucien Bianco) Peasants Without the Party: Grass-root Movements in 20th-century China M.E. Sharpe, 2001
2004 二十世紀以前 韓明士(Robert P. Hymes) Way and Byway: Taoism, Local Religion, and Models of Divinity in Sung and Modern China University of California Press 2002 《道与庶道:宋代以来的道教、民间信仰和神灵模式》(江蘇人民出版社2007)
二十世紀以後 白杰明(Geremie Barmé) An Artistic Exile: a Life of Feng Zikai (1898-1975) University of California Press 2002 《艺术的逃难:丰子恺传》(浙江人民出版社2015)
2005 二十世紀以前 梅約翰(John Makeham) Transmitters and Creators: Chinese Commentators and Commentaries on the Analects Harvard University Asia Center 2003
二十世紀以後 閻雲翔 Private Life under Socialism: Love, Intimacy, and Family Change in a Chinese Village, 1949-1999 Stanford University Press 2003 《私人生活的变革:一个中国村庄里的爱情、家庭与亲密关系,1949-1999》(上海書店出版社2006)
2006 二十世紀以前 安东篱(Antonia Finnane) Speaking of Yangzhou: a Chinese City, 1550-1850 Harvard University Asia Center 2004 《说扬州:1550—1850年的一座中国城市》(中华书局2007)
二十世紀以後 罗芙芸(Ruth Rogaski) Hygienic Modernity: Meanings of Health and Disease in Treaty-port China University of California Press 2004 《卫生的现代性:中国通商口岸卫生与疾病的含义》(江蘇人民出版社2007)
2007 二十世紀以前 濮德培(Peter C. Perdue) China Marches West: the Qing Conquest of Central Eurasia Harvard University Press 2005 《中國西征:大清征服中央歐亞與蒙古帝國的最後輓歌》(臺灣衛城出版2021)
二十世紀以後 杜登教(Michael Dutton) Policing Chinese Politics: a History Duke University Press 2005
2008 二十世紀以前 包華石(Martin J. Powers) Pattern and Person: Ornament, Society, and Self in Classical China Harvard University Asia Center 2006
二十世紀以後 高家龍(Sherman Cochran) Chinese Medicine Men: Consumer Culture in China and Southeast Asia Harvard University Press 2006 《中华药商:中国和东南亚的消费文化》(上海辞书出版社2013)
2009 二十世紀以前 李安敦(Anthony J. Barbieri-Low) Artisans in Early Imperial China University of Washington Press 2007
二十世紀以後 李海燕 Revolution of the Heart: a Genealogy of Love in China, 1900-1950 Stanford University Press 2007 《心靈革命:現代中國的愛情譜系》(北京大學出版社2018)
2010 二十世紀以前 韓文彬(Robert E. Harrist) The Landscape of Words: Stone Inscriptions in Early and Medieval China University of Washington Press 2008 《銘石為景:早期至中古中國的摩崖文字》(北京大學出版社2024)
二十世紀以後 葛蘇珊(Susan Greenhalgh) Just One Child: Science and Policy in Deng's China University of California Press 2008
2011 二十世紀以前 梅欧金(Eugenio Menegon) Ancestors, Virgins and Friars: Christianity as a Local Religion in Late Imperial China Harvard University Asia Center 2009
康儒博(Robert Ford Campany) Making Transcendents: Ascetics and Social Memory in Early Medieval China University of Hawaii Press 2009 《修仙:古代中國的修行與社會記憶》(江蘇人民出版社2019)
二十世紀以後 艾約博(Jacob Eyferth) Eating Rice from Bamboo Roots: the Social History of a Community of Artisans in Southwest China, 1920–2000 Harvard University Asia Center 2009 《以竹为生:一个四川手工造纸村的20世纪社会史》(江蘇人民出版社2016)
2012 二十世紀以前 倪健(Christopher M. B. Nugent) Manifest in Words, Written on Paper: Producing and Circulating Poetry in Tang Dynasty China Harvard University Asia Center 2010 《有詩自唐來:唐代詩歌及其有形世界》(上海人民出版社2021)
二十世紀以後 柏右銘(Yomi Braester) Painting the City Red: Chinese Cinema and the Urban Contract Duke University Press 2010
2013 二十世紀以前 薛鳳(Dagmar Schäfer) The Crafting of 10,000 Things: Knowledge and Technology in Seventeenth Century China University of Chicago Press 2011 《工開萬物:17世纪中國的知識與技術》(江蘇人民出版社2015)
白瑞旭(K. E. Brashier) Ancestral Memory in Early China Harvard University Asia Center 2011
二十世紀以後 高萬桑(Vincent Goossaert)、宗樹人(David A. Palmer) The Religious Question in Modern China University of Chicago Press 2011
2014 二十世紀以前 郭安瑞(Andrea Goldman) Opera and the City: the Politics of Culture in Beijing, 1770-1900 Stanford University Press 2012 《文化中的政治:戲曲表演與清都社會》(社會科學文獻出版社2018)
二十世紀以後 周文龍(Joseph Allen) Taipei: City of Displacements University of Washington Press 2012 《錯置台北城》(臺灣麥田出版公司2018)
2015 二十世紀以前 何予明 Home and the World: Editing the “Glorious Ming” in Woodblock-Printed Books of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries Harvard University Asia Center 2013 《家園與天下:明代書文化與尋常閱讀》(中華書局2019)
李孟濤(Matthais L. Richter) The Embodied Text: Establishing Textual Identity in Early Chinese Manuscripts Brill 2013
二十世紀以後 黃韻然 Van Gogh on Demand: China and the Readymade University of Chicago Press 2013
2016 二十世紀以前 李惠儀 Women and National Trauma in Late Imperial Chinese Literature Harvard University Asia Center 2014 《明清文學中的女子與國難》(臺大出版中心2022)
秦大倫(Tamara Chin) Savage Exchange: Han Imperialism, Chinese Literary Style, and the Economic Imagination Harvard University Asia Center 2014
二十世紀以後 鄧利傑(Luigi Tomba) The Government Next Door: Neighborhood Politics in Urban China Cornell University Press 2014
2017 二十世紀以前 馮良冰 The Efficacious Landscape: On the Authorities of Painting at the Northern Song Court Harvard University Asia Center 2015
田安(Anna Shields) One Who Knows Me: Friendship and Literary Culture in Mid-Tang China Harvard University Asia Center 2015 《知我者:中唐時期的友誼與文學》(中西書局2020)
二十世紀以後 雷勤風(Christopher Rea) The Age of Irreverence: A New History of Laughter in China University of California Press 2015 《大不敬的年代:近代中國新笑史》(臺灣麥田出版公司2018)
2018 二十世紀以前 陈利 Chinese Law in Imperial Eyes: Sovereignty, Justice, and Transcultural Politics Columbia University Press 2016
二十世紀以後 舒喜乐(Sigrid Schmalzer) Red Revolution, Green Revolution: Scientific Farming in Socialist China University of Chicago Press 2016
2019 二十世紀以前 谢健(Jonathan Schlesinger) A World Trimmed with Fur: Wild Things, Pristine Places, and the Natural Fringes of Qing Rule Stanford University Press 2017 《帝国之裘:清朝的山珍、禁地以及自然边疆》(北京大學出版社2019)
柯律格(Craig Clunas) Chinese Painting and Its Audiences Princeton University Press 2017 《誰在看中國畫》(廣西師範大學出版社2020)
二十世紀以後 李靜君 The Specter of Global China: Politics, Labor, and Foreign Investment in Africa University of Chicago Press 2017
墨磊寧(Thomas Mullaney) The Chinese Typewriter: A History MIT Press 2017 《中文打字机:一个世纪的汉字突围史》(廣西師範大學出版社2023)
2020 二十世紀以前 魏嘉麗(Lara C.W. Blanchard) Song Dynasty Figures of Longing and Desire: Gender and Interiority in Chinese Painting and Poetry Brill 2018
石敖睿(Ori Sela) China's Philological Turn: Scholars, Textualism, and the Dao in the 18th Century Columbia University Press 2018
周文欣 Mount Wutai: Visions of a Sacred Buddhist Mountain Princeton University Press 2018
二十世紀以後 魏淑凌(Sasha Su-Ling Welland) Experimental Beijing: Gender and Globalization in Chinese Contemporary Art Duke University Press 2018
高華 How the Red Sun Rose: The Origin and Development of the Yan'an Rectification Movement, 1930–1945 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press 2018 紅太陽是怎樣升起的:延安整風運動的來龍去脈》(香港中文大學出版社2000)
2021 二十世紀以前 宇文所安(Stephen Owen) Just a Song: Chinese Lyrics from the Eleventh and Early Twelfth Centuries Harvard University Asia Center 2019 《只是一首歌:中国11世纪至12世纪初的词》(三聯書店2022)
克禮(Macabe Keliher) The Board of Rites and the Making of Qing China University of California Press 2019
陳力強(Charles Sanft) Literate Community in Early Imperial China: The Northwestern Frontier in Han Times State University of New York Press 2019
二十世紀以後 安舟(Joel Andreas) Disenfranchised: The Rise and Fall of Industrial Citizenship in China Oxford University Press 2019
鍾雨柔 Chinese Grammatology: Script Revolution and Literary Modernity, 1916–1958 Columbia University Press 2019
2022 二十世紀以前 康儒博(Robert Ford Campany) The Chinese Dreamscape 300BCE-800CE Harvard University Asia Center 2020 《中國夢境:公元前300年—公元800年》(東方出版中心2024)
邊和 Know Your Remedies: Pharmacy and Culture in Early Modern China Princeton University Press 2020
二十世紀以後 林雲雅(Silvia M. Lindtner) Prototype Nation: China and the Contested Promise of Innovation Princeton University Press 2020
2023 二十世紀以前 馬瑞詩(Ruth Mostern) The Yellow River: A Natural and Unnatural History Yale University Press 2021
蒋韬 Origins of Moral-Political Philosophy in Early China Oxford University Press 2021
二十世紀以後 Joshua Goldstein Remains of the Everyday: A Century of Recycling in Beijing University of California Press 2021
Nicole Willock Lineages of the Literary: Tibetan Buddhist Polymaths of Socialist China Columbia University Press 2021
2024 二十世紀以前 韓書瑞(Susan Naquin) Gods of Mount Tai: Familiarity and the Material Culture of North China, 1000-2000 Brill 2022
斐志昂(Christian de Pee) Urban Life and Intellectual Crisis in Middle-Period China, 800-1100 Amsterdam University Press 2022
張樂翔 Power for a Price: The Purchase of Official Appointments in Qing China Harvard University Asia Center 2022
二十世紀以後 孔誥烽 City on the Edge: Hong Kong Under Chinese Rule Cambridge University Press 2022 《邊際危城:資本、帝國與抵抗視野下的香港》(臺灣左岸文化2022)
周錫瑞(Joseph W. Esherick) Accidental Holy Land: The Communist Revolution in Northwest China University of California Press 2022 《意外的聖地:陝甘革命的起源》(香港中文大學出版社2021)


  • 曾兩度獲獎的學者:韓明士(1988、2004)、包華石(1993、2008)、周錫瑞(1989、2024)
  • 2020年,高華的《紅太陽是怎樣升起的:延安整風運動的來龍去脈》英譯本獲獎,是第一本非以英語寫作的得獎作品。






