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This file comes from the Scott Semans World Coins (CoinCoin.com) website and is copyrighted.
The copyright holder of this file, has released this file under a Creative Commons license. The license page of the source website reads (Internet Archive): "CREATIVE COMMONS LICENSE
Unles{s} bylined, everything at this site is by Scott Semans and is covered under a Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution license. Please use what you wish, but attribute to the author. For articles bylined by another or noted ©, please request permission before using and I will forward your request if possible."
姓名標示: Scott Semans World Coins (CoinCoin.com)
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| 日期/時間 | 縮圖 | 尺寸 | 使用者 | 備註 |
目前 | 2018年8月14日 (二) 21:42 |  | 1,497 × 739(182 KB) | Donald Trung | User created page with UploadWizard |
以下其他 wiki 使用了這個檔案:
- en.wikipedia.org 的使用狀況
- ja.wikipedia.org 的使用狀況
- ru.wikipedia.org 的使用狀況
- vi.wikipedia.org 的使用狀況