Text Appearing Before Image: TROTTING HORSE HEROD. Color, black; foaled 1866; got by King Herod, son of ShermanBlack Hawk; dam by Green Mountain Boy, son of Vermont BlackHawk; 2d dam by Gifford Morgan. Bred by James Brooks, Ossian,la.; owned by M. T. Grattan, Preston, Minn. Engraved after asketch from life by Burk, taken when the horse was in his twentiethyear. This horse, when eighteen years old, made a public trottingrecord of 2:24^, and is undoubtedly one of the best, if not thevery best, living representatives of the Morgan trotting family. Asthe Sherman Morgan mentioned above was a son of Vermont BlackHawk, the most famous Morgan stallion of his day, and GreenMountain Boy was also by the same sire, and Herods second damby Gifford Morgan, it will be seen that he is strongly in-bred tothis popular and valuable family of trotting horses. Vermont BlackHawk and Gifford Morgan were both grandsons of Justin Morgan,the founder of the Morgan family of horses. (io4) Text Appearing After Image: TROTTING MARE TRINKET. Color, bay; foaled 1875; got by Princeps, son of Woodford Mam-brino; dam Ouida by Rysdyks Hambletonian; 2d dam MorningGlory by imp. Consternation. Bred by R. S. Veech, Louisville, Ky.;owned by J. W. Shaw, New York city. Engraved after a sketchfrom life by Burk, showing the mare at seven years old. Trinketas a four-year-old made a trotting record of a mile in 2:193^, whichup to that time had never been equaled by a horse of her age. (106)
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